041 045

Visual Basic 6 Black Book:The Visual Basic Development Environment
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Table of Contents

Chapter 2The Visual Basic Development Environment

If you need an immediate solution to:
Selecting IDE Colors, Fonts, And Font Sizes
Aligning, Sizing, And Spacing Multiple Controls
Setting A Startup Form Or Procedure
Using Visual Basic Predefined Forms, Menus, And Projects
Setting A Project’s Version Information
Setting An EXE File’s Name And Icon
Displaying The Debug, Edit, And Form Editor Toolbars
Turning Bounds Checking On Or Off
Checking For Pentium Errors
Managing Add-Ins
Adding ActiveX Controls And Insertable Objects To Projects
Customizing Menus And Toolbars
Setting Forms’ Initial Positions
Enabling Or Disabling Quick Info, Auto List Members, Data Tips, And Syntax Checking
Displaying Or Hiding IDE Windows
Searching An Entire Project For Specific Text Or A Variable’s Definition
Optimizing For Fast Code, Small Code, Or A Particular Processor
Adding And Removing Forms, Modules, And Class Modules
Using Bookmarks
Using The Object Browser

In Depth
In this chapter, we’re going to get started with Visual Basic at the logical place to start: the Visual Basic Integrated Development Environment (IDE). The IDE is where you do your programming work in Visual Basic—just as the name says, you develop your projects in the Integrated Development Environment.

Over the years, the IDE has become more powerful, and with that power has come complexity. The IDE used to be more or less invisible to the programmer, but now that there are all kinds of project options, ActiveX controls to add, version resource data to set, and so much more, the IDE has become a worthy object of study. In this chapter, we’ll cover IDE tasks so you don’t have to dig out that information when you have more important things to do. We’ll start with an overview of the IDE, and then go directly to the Practical Guide for the IDE, showing how to get things done.
Overview Of The Integrated Development Environment
The Visual Basic IDE appears in Figure 2.1, and as a Visual Basic programmer, this is where you’ll spend most of your programming time. If you’re not already familiar with the parts of the IDE, you will be in time.

Figure 2.1  The Visual Basic Integrated Development Environment.
The Visual Basic IDE has three distinct states: Design, Run, and Debug. The current state appears in Visual Basic’s title bar. This chapter concentrates on the Design state. We’ll cover the Debug state later in the book. (In the Run state, Visual Basic is in the background while your program runs.) It’s the Design state that’s become complex over the years, and we’ll lay it bare in this chapter.
The IDE is composed of these parts:

•  The menu bar
•  The toolbar
•  The Project Explorer
•  The Properties window
•  The Form Layout window
•  The toolbox
•  Form designers
•  Code windows

We’ll take a look at all of these parts in this overview.

The Menu Bar
The menu bar presents the Visual Basic menus. Here’s a list of those menus and what they do:

•  File—File handling and printing; also used to make EXE files
•  Edit—Standard editing functions, undo, searches
•  View—Displays or hides windows and toolbars
•  Project—Sets project properties, adds/removes forms and modules, and adds/removes references and components
•  Format—Aligns or sizes controls
•  Debug—Starts/stops debugging and stepping through programs
•  Run—Starts a program, or compiles and starts it
•  Tools—Adds procedures, starts the Menu Editor, sets IDE options
•  Add-Ins—Add-in manager, lists add-ins like Application Wizard and API Viewer
•  Window—Arranges or selects open windows
•  Help—Handles Help and the About box

TIP:  Note that one important job of the File menu is to create EXE files for your program. When you run a program from the Run menu, no EXE file is created; if you want to run the program outside of Visual Basic, you must create that EXE file, and you do that with the File menu’s Make ProjectName.exe item (where ProjectName is the name you’ve set for the project).

We’ll see a great deal more about these menus and the items they contain in the Immediate Solutions section of this chapter.

The Toolbar
The main Visual Basic toolbar appears in Figure 2.2. This toolbar contains buttons matching popular menu items, as you can see in Figure 2.2; clicking the button is the same as selecting a menu item and can save you some time.

Figure 2.2  The main Visual Basic toolbar.
Besides the main toolbar, you can also display other dockable toolbars in Visual Basic: the Debug, Edit, and Form Editor toolbars. To display one of these toolbars, just select it using the Toolbars item in the View menu; the toolbar appears free-floating at first, but you can dock it as you like in the IDE.

TIP:  If you’re unsure what a particular tool in the toolbar does, just rest the mouse over it. A tool tip (a small yellow window displaying text) will display the tool’s purpose.

Table of Contents

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