Recognizing 16 bit CPUs and checking for 32 bit ones

Recognizing 16-bit CPUs and checking for 32-bit ones

Recognizing 16-bit CPUs and checking for 32-bit ones
Copyright 1996 by Grzegorz Mazur
All the brand names used here belong to their owners.
The page was updated on 1996-05-20.

Revision history:
1996-05-20 - 8086/8 vs. 80C86/8 added 1996-02-26 -initial version

This part of article describes the routines for recognizing 8086/88, V20/V30,
80186/188 and 80286 CPUs. Finally the test for 386 or better CPU is

Some background
8086 was the first CPU in 80x86 family. Shortly it was followed by 8088,
which had 8-bit data bus and slightly changed Bus Interface Unit.
80C86 and 80C88 are CMOS versions of 8086 and 8088. They have some bugs
80186 and 80188 have enhanced execution unit, capable of executing several
new instruction for HLL support. The CPU is faster than 8086/88. There are also
some peripheral devices on chip: DMA, interrupt controller and system
NEC V-20 (8-bit bus) and V-30 (16-bit bus) are very smart chips: they can
replace 8088 or 8086 CPU (have the same pinout). They execute all the
instructions of 80186/188, but in some instruction details resemble rather
8086/88. They also introduce several new instructions (no practical use, since
their opcodes overlap the opcodes for 80286 and above). They also have some
other interesting property: they can execute 8080 binary code in so-called
emulation mode.
80286 is the first CPU in x86 family providing OS support (protection

8086/88, V20/V30 vs. 80186+
80186 and newer CPUs mask the shift/rotate amount with 1f hex to ensure that
it is not greater than 32. This masking does not occur on 8086/8, V20 and V30.
The test is simple: load any non-zero value to AX, load 32 to CL and shift AX by
CL. The result will be zero on old CPUs, the original value on 80186 and newer

8086/88 vs. V20/V30
V20 and V30 execute all the 80186 instructions. We can test the PUSHA (push
all registers) instruction. This is single byte instruction on V20/V30, but
8086/88 executes it as two-byte NOP. The right sequence is PUSHA followed by
NOP. After executing it we can check if SP value has changed. If so - we
have V20/V30 and we shall execute POPA. Otherwise we have 8086/88.

8086/88 vs. 80C86/88
CMOS vesions do not loose multiple prefixes during interrupt service.
Practically the only situation in which it is important is MOVS prefixed with
REP and segment override (segment override changes source segment and does not
affect ES as destination segment). If the instruction is coded as REP + ES: +
MOVS, REP prefix will be lost when the instruction is interrupted. On a PC, try
to perform long block move (32KB or more) several times in a row, checking the
value of CX after each pass. If CX != 0, REP was lost, and we have NMOS

80186/188 vs. 80286+
The useful quirk is the behavior of PUSH SP instruction. On 186 and earlier
machines SP value pushed on stack is the value after PUSH (decremented). On 286
and above, value PUSHed is the original value of SP. If we PUSH SP, then POP it
to another register and compare the value against SP, they will be equal on
286+, different on earlier chips.

8086, V30, 80186 vs. 8088, V20, 80188
16-bit chips differ from their 8-bit bus versions in their Bus Interface Unit
design. The instruction queue on 16-bit chips is 6 bytes long, while on 8-bit
versions it is 4-bytes long. To test the length of instruction queue, we shall
write a routine that modifies the instruction 5 bytes away from the current one
(the one that actually modifies another one). The modified instruction can be
NOP and it can be changed to INC register. If the instruction was executed as
NOP, we have 6-byte queue (16-bit chip). If it was executed as INC, we have
4-bye queue (8-bit chip). Interrupts must be disabled while performing the

80286 vs. 32-bit CPUs
We can distinguish 286 from 32-bit chips by observing the behavior of CPU
while trying to set bits 12..14 of FLAGS register. We do so by loading the value
7000 hex into FLAGS using PUSH and POPF instructions. Then we PUSHFlags, POP the
value and check if bits 14..12 are all ones. If so, we have 32-bit CPU.
Otherwise we have 286.

Copyright 1996 by Grzegorz


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