Linux PPP HOWTO: Getting Help when totally stuck
19. Getting Help when totally stuckIf you can't get your PPP link to work, go back through this document and
check everything - in conjunction with the output created by "chat-v..."
and "pppd -d" in you system log.Also consult the PPP documentation and FAQ plus the other documents
mention herein!If you are still stuck, try the comp.os.linux.misc and
comp.os.linux.networking newsgroups are reasonably regularly scanned by
people that can help you with PPP as is comp.protocols.pppYou can try sending me personal email, but I do have a day job (and a
life) and I do not guarantee to respond quickly (if at all) as this
depends on my current work load and the state of my private life!In particular - DO NOT POST REAMS OF DEBUGGING OUTPUT TO THE NEWS GROUPS
NOR SEND IT TO ME BY EMAIL - the former wastes huge amounts of network
bandwidth and the latter will be consigned to /dev/null (unless I have
specifically requested it).