G72 Stock Removal in Facing

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\viewkind4\uc1\pard\qc\cf1\lang2057\b\f0\fs24 G72 Stock Removal in Facing\cf0
\par \pard
\par \b0\fs20 The G72 code commands a multiple repetitive cycle, sometimes referred to as a canned cycle. The G72 cycle is similar to the G71 cycle except that the cut is applied in the Z axis.
\par Canned cycles are used within a CNC program to simplify programming, since only the dimensions describing the required component profile are required. The CNC control will then generate the roughing cuts needed to make this component profile, from within its own memory.
\par \b\fs24
\par \fs20 G7\f1 2\f0 W (1) R ;
\par G7\f1 2\f0 P ns Q nf U (2) W F ;
\par where,
\par W (1) is the depth of cut in the Z axis (Radius value).
\par R is the escaping amount (Retract).
\par ns is the sequence number of the first block of the programmed finished shape.
\par nf is the sequence number of the last block of the programmed finished shape.
\par U (2) is the distance and direction of the finishing allowance in the X axis (Diameter value).
\par W is the distance and direction of the finishing allowance in the Z axis.
\par F is the feedrate for Roughing.\cf1\b0\fs24
\par \b
\par }


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