x 087 2 nntp interact

nntpd Interaction with C NewsLinux Network Administrators GuidePrevChapter 22. NNTP and thenntpd DaemonNextnntpd Interaction with C News When nntpd receives an article, it has to deliver it to the news subsystem. Depending on whether it was received as a result of an IHAVE or POST command, the article is handed to rnews or inews, respectively. Instead of invoking rnews, you may also configure it (at compile time), to batch the incoming articles and move the resulting batches to /var/spool/news/in.coming, where they are left for relaynews to pick them up at the next queue run. nntpd has to have access to the history file to be able to properly perform the ihave/sendme protocol. At compile time, you have to make sure the path to that file is set correctly. If you use C News, make sure that C News and nntpd agree on the format of your history file. C News uses dbm hashing functions to access it; however, there are quite a number of different and slightly incompatible implementations of the dbm library. If C News has been linked with a different dbm library than you have in your standard libc, you have to link nntpd with this library, too. nntpd and C news disagreement sometimes produces error messages in the system log that nntpd can not open it properly, or you might see duplicate articles being received via NNTP. A good test of a malfunctioning news transfer is to pick an article from your spool area, telnet to the nntp port, and offer it to nntpd as shown in the next example. Of course, you have to replace msg@id with the message ID of the article you want to feed to nntpd:$ telnet localhost nntp Trying Connected to localhost Escape characters is '^ ]'. 201 vstout NNTP[auth] server version 1.5.11t (16 November 1991) ready at Sun Feb 6 16:02:32 1194 (no posting) IHAVE msg@id 435 Got it. QUITThis conversation shows nntpd's proper reaction; the message Got it tells you that it already has this article. If you get a message of 335 Ok instead, the lookup in the history file failed for some reason. Terminate the conversation by typing Ctrl-D. You can check what has gone wrong by checking the system log; nntpd logs all kinds of messages to the daemon facility of syslog. An incompatible dbm library usually manifests itself in a message complaining that dbminit failed.PrevHomeNextNNTP AuthorizationUpInternet News


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