x 087 2 nntp authorize

NNTP AuthorizationLinux Network Administrators GuidePrevChapter 22. NNTP and thenntpd DaemonNextNNTP Authorization The nntpd daemon provides a simple authorization scheme. If you capitalize any of the access tokens in the nntp_access file, nntpd requires authorization from the client for the respective operation. For instance, when specifying a permission of Xfer or XFER, (as opposed to xfer), nntpd will not let the client transfer articles to your site unless it passes authorization.The authorization procedure is implemented by means of a new NNTP command named AUTHINFO. Using this command, the client transmits a username and a password to the NNTP server. nntpd validates them by checking them against the /etc/passwd database and verifies that the user belongs to the nntp group.The current implementation of NNTP authorization is only experimental and has therefore not been implemented very portably. The result of this is that it works only with plain-style password databases; shadow passwords are not recognized. If you are compiling from source and have the PAM package installed, the password check is fairly simple to change.PrevHomeNextRestricting NNTP AccessUpnntpd Interaction with C News


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