Czasy gramatyczne

Listen & Learn
Angielski na mp3
Spis treści Strona Ście\ka
Lesson 1 PRESENT SIMPLE 2 j& 1-10
Lesson 2 PRESENT CONTINUOUS 4 j& 11-20
Lesson 3 SIMPLE PAST 6 j& 21-30
Lesson 4 PRESENT PERFECT 9 j& 31-40
Lesson 5 FUTURE FORMS  plany i decyzje 11 j& 41-50
przewidywanie, prośby, obietnice 13 j& 51-58
Lesson 7 PAST CONTINUOUS 15 j& 59-68
Lesson 8 PAST PERFECT 17 j& 69-78
Lesson 10 PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS 22 j& 90-99
Irregular verbs - Elementary Level 24 j& 1-5
Irregular verbs - Intermediate Level 26 j& 6-10
DIM  Nauka i Multimedia
ul. Milskiego 1 80-809 Gdańsk
tel. (58) 324-91-51
PRESENT SIMPLE  czas u\ywany, gdy opisujemy czynności zwyczajowe, powtarzające
się regularnie lub trwające stale w naszym \yciu.
Ćwiczenie pierwsze. Słuchaj dialogu. j& 2
- Mary, tell me about your typical day&
- Well. I usually get up at 7&
- Do you like getting up early in the morning?
usually  zwykle
- No, I don t. I hate it. Then I go to the bathroom and have a shower.
a part-time job  praca na
- Yes. What then?
pół etatu
- Then I get dressed and have breakfast with my parents.
to drive  jezdzić
- Does your mother work?
samochodem, odwiezć
- Yes, she does. kogoś
always  zawsze
- What does she do?
to chat  plotkować,
- She is a nurse. She has a part-time job in the hospital.
- What time do you go to school?
- I usually leave at about 7.40.
- How do you get to school?
- My father drives me to school every day.
- What do you do after school?
- I do my homework after lunch and sometimes I help Mum with the shopping or something.
- Do you meet your friends in the evenings?
- We don t meet every day but we always chat on the computer.
j& 3
ZDANIA TWIERDZCE w czasie Present Simple tworzymy u\ywając czasownika w formie
podstawowej, np.  I get dressed and have breakfast. W zdaniach w 3 osobie liczby
pojedynczej do czasownika dodajemy końcówkę   s lub   es , np.  He works in the
Ćwiczenie drugie. Powtarzaj zdania twierdzące. j& 4
- I usually get up at 7. - My mother has a part-time job.
- I go to the bathroom and have a - My father drives me to school every
shower. day.
- I enjoy listening to music. - We always chat on the computer.
j& 5
ZDANIA PRZECZCE w czasie Present Simple tworzymy dodając przed czasownikiem w
formie podstawowej  don t , np.  We don t meet every day. W zdaniach w 3 osobie
liczby pojedynczej wstawiamy  doesn't , np.  She doesn t work in the afternoon.
Ćwiczenie trzecie. Powtarzaj zdania przeczące. j& 6
- I don t like getting up early.
- We don t meet every day.
- My mother doesn t work at school.
- He doesn t stay at home in the morning.
- They don t go to school by bus.
Ćwiczenie czwarte. Powiedz, jak twoja rodzina spędza weekendy. Po ka\dym przykładzie
usłyszysz mo\liwą, poprawną odpowiedz. Słuchaj instrukcji. j& 7
1. Say if you get up early at the weekend. 4. Say if your parents often go out in the
... evenings.
I don t get up early at the weekend. ...
They often go out in the evenings.
2. Say what you usually have for
breakfast. 5. Say if your grandmother visits you
... every Sunday.
I usually have toast and coffee for ...
breakfast. My grandmother doesn t visit us every
3. Say if you and your family go to the
swimming pool every Saturday. 6. Say if she often watches TV in the
... evenings.
We don t go to the swimming pool ...
every Saturday. She often watches TV in the evenings.
j& 8
PYTANIA ogólne w czasie Present Simple tłumaczone w języku polskim  czy...? tworzymy
zaczynając zdanie od słowa:  do , a w 3 osobie liczby pojedynczej od  does , np.
 Does she work in the centre? Na tak postawione pytanie najczęściej udzielamy
krótkiej odpowiedzi.
Je\eli chcemy uzyskać szczegółową informację, pytanie zaczynamy od zaimka
pytającego, np.  Where does he work?
Ćwiczenie piąte. Powtarzaj pytania i krótkie odpowiedzi. j& 9
- Do you like playing computer games? - Does your father stay at home?
- Yes, I do. - No, he doesn t.
- Do you like getting up early? - What time do you go to school?
- No, I don t. - How do you get to school?
- Does your mother work? - What does your mother do?
- Yes, she does. - Where does your father work?
Ćwiczenie szóste. Zapytaj przyjaciela o codzienne czynności. Po ka\dym przykładzie
usłyszysz poprawne pytanie. Słuchaj instrukcji. j& 10
1. Ask what time they get up. 4. Ask if their friend works in the same
& office.
What time do you get up? &
Does your friend work in the same
2. Ask if they have breakfast at home. office?
Do you have breakfast at home? 5. Ask where their friend does the
3. Ask when they start work? &
& Where does your friend do the
When do you start work? shopping?
PRESENT CONTINUOUS  Czas terazniejszy u\ywany, gdy mówimy o czynnościach, które
wykonywane są w chwili mówienia, dzieją się obecnie lub są zaplanowane w
najbli\szej przyszłości.
Ćwiczenie pierwsze. Słuchaj dialogu. j& 12
- Hello. This is Ann. Can I speak to John?
- Speaking. Hi Ann.
- John, what are you doing now?
- I m waiting for Betty and Susan. They re doing the shopping in the supermarket.
- What time are they coming back?
- In an hour, I think. Why are you asking?
- I need your advice. I m trying to mend my bicycle but I ve got some problems&
- OK. But I can only help you in the evening. Now we re preparing
for tomorrow s party.
- Are you doing anything special?
Speaking.  Przy telefonie.
- Not really.
advice  rada
- Is Tom helping you?
to mend  naprawić
- Yes, he is.
anything  coś, cokolwiek
- What is he doing? to tidy up  sprzątać
yet  jeszcze
- He is tidying up the flat.
to call  dzwonić
- Oh! How many people are coming?
to check  sprawdzić
- I don t know yet. Jane is calling everybody and checking.
to see  tu: rozumieć
- I see. Tell me if I can help you with anything.
to look somebody up 
- OK. See you in the evening. I ll look you up at 7.00. Is that OK?
wpaść do kogoś
- Perfect. See you, then.
j& 13
ZDANIA TWIERDZCE w czasie Present Continuous tworzymy dodając do czasownika
 to be w odpowiedniej formie czasownik główny z końcówką  -ing , np.  She is
doing shopping now.
Ćwiczenie drugie. Powtarzaj zdania twierdzące. j& 14
- I m waiting for Betty and Susan. - We are preparing for tomorrow s
- He is tidying up the flat. party.
- She is calling everybody.
- They re doing the shopping in the
j& 15
ZDANIA PRZECZCE w czasie Present Continuous tworzymy przy u\yciu przeczącej
formy czasownika  to be , np.  He isn t cleaning the car.
Ćwiczenie trzecie. Powtarzaj zdania przeczące. j& 16
- I m not doing anything special. - We aren t doing the shopping.
- She isn t working now.
- They aren t coming to the party.
- John isn t helping Ann now.
Ćwiczenie czwarte. Powiedz, co ty i twoi przyjaciele robicie w tej chwili. Po ka\dym
przykładzie usłyszysz mo\liwą poprawną odpowiedz. Słuchaj instrukcji. j& 17
1. You are doing exercises at the moment. Say what you are learning.
I m learning English at the moment.
2. Say if you are attending classes at school.
I m not attending classes at school.
3. Your friend is at work. Say if she is playing on the computer now.
She isn t playing on the computer now.
4. She is very busy in the office. Say what she is doing.
She is working.
5. Your friends are on holiday in the capital of England. Say which town they are visiting.
They are visiting London.
j& 18
PYTANIA  czy& ? w czasie Present Continuous tworzymy przestawiając na początek
zdania czasownik posiłkowy  to be w odpowiedniej formie, np.  Are you
cleaning the flat now? . Na tak postawione pytanie najczęściej udzielamy krótkiej
odpowiedzi. Gdy chcemy zadać szczegółowe pytanie, zdanie zaczynamy od
odpowiedniego zaimka pytającego, np.  What are you doing?
Ćwiczenie piąte. Powtarzaj pytania i krótkie odpowiedzi. j& 19
- Are you doing anything special? - Are they doing the shopping?
- No, I m not. - Yes, they are.
- Is Tom helping you? - Why are you asking?
- Yes, he is. - What is he doing?
- Is Ann helping them? - When is she visiting her parents?
- No, she isn t. - What time are they coming back?
Ćwiczenie szóste. Zapytaj przyjaciółkę, co robi w tej chwili. Po ka\dym przykładzie usłyszysz
poprawne pytanie. Słuchaj instrukcji. j& 20
1. Ask your friend what she s doing. Is anybody helping you?
What are you doing? 4. Ask what time the guests are coming.
& .
2. Ask her if she is preparing dinner. What time are the guests coming?
Are you preparing dinner? 5. Ask if the guests are staying for the
3. Ask her if somebody is helping her. &
& Are they staying for the weekend?
SIMPLE PAST  czas u\ywany, gdy mówimy o czynnościach, które zostały zakończone w
przeszłości i często znany jest czas ich wykonania.
Ćwiczenie pierwsze. Słuchaj dialogu. j& 22
- John, how did you spend your holiday last year?
- I went to Greece with Robert.
- Did you travel by plane?
- No, we didn t. We travelled by car and the journey was very tiring.
- Did you have a break?
- Yes, we did. We spent a night at a campsite.
- Where was it? Glossary
- In the south of Austria.
to have a break  mieć
- Was it very expensive?
- Yes, it was. But they had discounts for students.
discounts  zni\ki
- What about Greece? Where did you stay?
to book a room 
- We booked a room at the seaside.
zarezerwować pokój
- How far was it from the beach?
to go diving  nurkować
- Not very. About 100 metres.
to prefer  woleć
- Great. Did Robert go diving with you in the sea?
bored  znudzony
- No, he didn t. He preferred windsurfing.
then  w takim razie
- You weren t bored, then.
- We didn t have time to be bored. We met two fantastic girls.
- Were they Greek?
- Yes, they were.
- Were they also on holiday there?
- Yes, they were. We spent a great time together.
j& 23
ZDANIA TWIERDZCE w czasie Simple Past tworzymy dodając do czasowników
regularnych końcówkę  -ed , np.  They travelled by car. W przypadku
czasowników nieregularnych nale\y u\yć odpowiedniej formy tego czasownika w
czasie przeszłym, np.  I had a great time during my holidays.
Czasownik  to be w czasie Simple Past odmienia się przez osoby.
Ćwiczenie drugie. Powtarzaj zdania twierdzące. j& 24
- The journey was very tiring. - He travelled by car.
- She was Greek. - I booked a room at the seaside.
- They were very friendly. - They had discounts for students.
- We went to Greece with Robert.
j& 25
ZDANIA PRZECZCE w czasie Simple Past tworzymy poprzedzając czasownik w formie
podstawowej przeczeniem  didn t , np.  I didn t have time to be bored. Zdania
przeczące z czasownikiem  to be w czasie przeszłym tworzymy dodając  not do
odpowiedniej dla danej osoby formy czasownika  was lub  were , np.  It wasn t
far from the beach.
Ćwiczenie trzecie. Powtarzaj zdania przeczące. j& 26
- I wasn t bored.
- It wasn t far from the beach.
- They weren t at work.
- I didn t have time to be bored.
- He didn t go diving.
- We didn t stay in a hotel.
Ćwiczenie czwarte. Opowiedz o swoich ostatnich wakacjach. Po ka\dym przykładzie
usłyszysz mo\liwą poprawną odpowiedz. Słuchaj instrukcji. j& 27
1. You went to Italy by plane and the journey was pleasant. Say if you were tired.
I wasn t tired.
2. You booked a room through the Internet. Say where.
I booked a room in a hotel.
3. The weather was very hot. Say if it rained.
It didn t rain.
4. You met some fantastic people from Rome. Say if they were Italian.
They were Italian.
5. You like water sports. Say if you went windsurfing together.
We went windsurfing together.
j& 28
PYTANIA ogólne  czy w czasie Simple Past tworzymy wstawiając czasownik  did na
początku zdania, np.  Did you travel by car? Natomiast czasownik główny w zdaniu
pytającym u\ywany jest w formie bezokolicznika.
Pytania szczegółowe wymagają u\ycia zaimka pytającego na początku pytania, np.
 Where did you spend the night? W pytaniach z czasownikiem  to be w czasie
Simple Past czasownik  was ,  were przestawiany jest na początek zdania, np.
 Was it very expensive?
Ćwiczenie piąte. Powtarzaj pytania i krótkie odpowiedzi. j& 29
- Was it very expensive? - Did Robert go diving with you?
- Yes, it was. - No, he didn t.
- Were you bored? - How long were you on holiday?
- No, I wasn t. - Where did they stay?
- Did you travel by car? - How far was it from the beach?
- Yes, we did. - What did you do?
Ćwiczenie szóste. Zapytaj przyjaciela o szkolną wycieczkę. Po ka\dym przykładzie usłyszysz
poprawne pytanie. Słuchaj instrukcji. j& 30
1. Ask if they went on a school trip last year.
Did you go on a school trip last year?
2. Ask if they travelled by train.
Did you travel by train?
3. Ask where they stayed.
Where did you stay?
4. Ask if it was far away from the station.
Was it far from the station?
5. Ask how long they were there.
How long were you there?
PRESENT PERFECT  czas u\ywany, gdy mówimy o czynnościach wykonanych, których
efekt widoczny jest obecnie, bądz mają związek z przedmiotem rozmowy. Nie mówimy,
kiedy czynność miała miejsce, mo\emy jedynie podać, jak długo trwa.
Ćwiczenie pierwsze. Słuchaj dialogu. j& 32
- Susan. What about our preparations for the conference?
- We have already sent the invitations to the clients.
an invitation 
- Have you printed the brochures?
- No, I haven t. Chris hasn t finished the article yet.
a brochure  broszura
- OK. Has the secretary booked the hotel for the guests?
to receive  otrzymać
- Yes, she has. We have received 158 replies so far, so I have
a reply  odpowiedz
decided to book 180 rooms.
to take on  zatrudnić
- Where have you booked the rooms?
the catering firm 
- In the Ibis Hotel. It s not far from the conference centre.
firma cateringowa
- OK. What about food and drink? to look after  zając się
everything  wszystko
- The Marketing Department has taken on the catering firm, so they
on the market  na
will look after everything.
- How long have they been on the market?
- For two years. They have already been checked. I think it was
during a Christmas party.
- OK. See you later.
j& 33
ZDANIA TWIERDZCE w czasie Present Perfect tworzymy dodając do czasownika
posiłkowego  have w odpowiedniej formie czasownik regularny z końcówką  -ed ,
np.  We have received 158 replies so far. W przypadku czasowników
nieregularnych, nale\y u\yć tzw.  trzeciej formy czasownika, czyli Past Participle,
np.  We have already sent the invitations.
Ćwiczenie drugie. Powtarzaj zdania twierdzące. j& 34
- I have already sent the invitations. - The Marketing Department has taken
- We have received a lot of replies so on the catering firm.
far. - They have already been checked.
- She has booked the hotel.
j& 35
ZDANIA PRZECZCE w czasie Present Perfect tworzymy u\ywając przeczącej formy
czasownika posiłkowego  have przed czasownikiem regularnym z końcówką  -ed
lub  trzecią formą czasownika nieregularnego, np.  We haven t chosen the hotel
Ćwiczenie trzecie. Powtarzaj zdania przeczące. j& 36
- I haven t printed the brochures yet.
- We haven t received all the replies.
- He hasn t finished the article yet.
- They haven t chosen the menu yet.
- He hasn t decided yet.
Ćwiczenie czwarte. U\ywając podanych czasowników, opowiedz o przygotowaniach
Państwa Brown do rocznicy ślubu. Po ka\dym przykładzie usłyszysz poprawną odpowiedz.
Słuchaj instrukcji. j& 37
1. Talk about the guests. 4. Talk about the flowers for Mrs.
(to invite) Brown.
& (to order)
They have invited the guests. &
Mr Brown has ordered the flowers
2. Talk about the restaurant.
for Mrs Brown.
(to book)
& 5. Talk about a dress for Mrs Brown.
They have booked the restaurant. (to buy)
3. Talk about the menu.
Mrs Brown has bought a long dress.
(to choose)
They have chosen the menu.
j& 38
PYTANIA ogólne  czy& ? w czasie Present Perfect tworzymy przestawiając na
początek zdania czasownik posiłkowy  have w odpowiedniej formie, np.  Have
you printed the brochures?
Gdy chcemy zadać szczegółowe pytanie, zdanie zaczynamy od odpowiedniego zaimka
pytającego, np.  Where have you booked the rooms?
Ćwiczenie piąte. Powtarzaj pytania i krótkie odpowiedzi. j& 39
- Have you decided yet? - No, he hasn t.
- Yes, we have. - How many replies have you received
- Have you printed the brochures? so far?
- No, we haven t. - Where has the secretary booked the
- Has the secretary booked the hotel for rooms?
the guests?
- How long have they been on the
- Yes, she has.
- Has Chris finished the article?
Ćwiczenie szóste. Zapytaj przyjaciela o przygotowania do urodzin. Po ka\dym przykładzie
usłyszysz poprawne pytanie. Słuchaj instrukcji. j& 40
1. Ask how many people he has invited. 4. Ask where he has ordered the food and
& drink.
How many people have you invited? &
Where have you ordered the food and
2. Ask if he has sent the invitations.
Have you sent the invitations? 5. Ask if he has taken on a band to play
live music.
3. Ask if he has already chosen the club.
Have you taken on a band to play live
Have you chosen the club yet?
LESSON FIVE FUTURE FORMS  plany i decyzje j& 41
FUTURE FORMS  formy wyra\ania przyszłości:
 to be going to  konstrukcja u\ywana, gdy mówimy o czynnościach zaplanowanych
Future Simple ( will z bezokolicznikiem)  czas u\ywany, gdy decyzja o wykonaniu
czynności podjęta zostaje nagle, w trakcie rozmowy.
Ćwiczenie pierwsze. Słuchaj dialogu. j& 42
- Robert, I m going to do the shopping. What do we need?
- We haven t got enough cheese and milk.
- Yes, I know. I m going to buy cheese, milk, cornflakes and tea. Have we got enough sugar?
- Wait. I ll check& Yes, that s OK. Are you going to buy any fruit and vegetables?
- Yes, I am. But I m not going to buy any sweets this time.
- Pity. What about mineral water?
- I completely forgot about it. Right, I ll get several bottles of water.
I m going to  zamierzam
Is that all? to need  potrzebować
cornflakes płatki
- I think so.
- But I m afraid I haven t got enough money.
enough  dość
- Don t worry. I ll give you some. How much do you need?
pity  szkoda
- About Ł30.
forgot  the Past form of
- OK. Is Rebecca going to visit us?
forget  zapomnieć
- Yes, she is. She is going to tell us about her new project at work.
to get  tu: wziąć
- But, I m quite busy today.
several  kilka
- OK. I ll phone her and tell her not to come today.
to worry  martwić się
j& 43
ZDANIA TWIERDZCE z konstrukcją  to be going to tworzymy wstawiając na początku
czasownik posiłkowy  to be w odpowiedniej formie, a po  going to czasownik w
formie podstawowej, np.  She is going to visit her mother.
W czasie Future Simple we wszystkich osobach po  will stosujemy czasownik w
formie podstawowej, np.  I ll give you some money.
Ćwiczenie drugie. Powtarzaj zdania twierdzące. j& 44
- I m going to do the shopping. - I ll check.
- He is going to buy cheese and milk. - I ll phone her.
- She is going to tell us about her new - We ll give you the money.
project at work.
j& 45
ZDANIA PRZECZCE w konstrukcji  to be going to tworzymy przy u\yciu przeczącej
formy czasownika  to be , np.  He isn t going to clean the car.
W czasie Future Simple u\ywamy formy przeczącej  won t przed czasownikiem w
formie podstawowej, np.  I won t lend you any money.
Ćwiczenie trzecie. Powtarzaj zdania przeczące. j& 46
- I m not going to buy any sweets this - They aren t going to spend the
time. weekend in the mountains.
- She isn t going to visit us today. - I won t come.
- She won t answer your questions.
Ćwiczenie czwarte. Jutro zamierzasz posprzątać mieszkanie. U\ywając podanych
czasowników, powiedz o swoich planach. Po ka\dym przykładzie usłyszysz poprawną
odpowiedz. Słuchaj instrukcji. j& 47
1. The windows are very dirty. I m going to throw away the
(to clean) newspapers.
I m going to clean the windows. 4. There are a lot of dirty dishes in the
kitchen. (to wash up)
2. The clothes need ironing. &
(to iron) I m going to wash up.
I m going to iron the clothes. 5. The books are in a mess on the
bookshelves. (to tidy)
3. There are plenty of old newspapers on &
the floor. (to throw away) I m going to tidy the books on the
& bookshelves.
j& 48
PYTANIA ogólne  czy& ? w konstrukcji  to be going to tworzymy przestawiając na
początek zdania czasownik posiłkowy  to be w odpowiedniej formie, np.  Are you
going to clean the flat?
Gdy chcemy zadać szczegółowe pytanie, zdanie zaczynamy od odpowiedniego zaimka
pytającego, np.  What are you going to do in the evening?
Ćwiczenie piąte. Powtarzaj pytania i krótkie odpowiedzi z konstrukcją  to be going to j& 49
- Are you going to buy any fruit or - No, they aren t.
vegetables? - What are you going to do tomorrow?
- Yes, I am. - What time is she going to come?
- Is Rebecca going to visit us? - When are they going to do the
- Yes, she is. shopping?
- Are they going to spend the evening
Ćwiczenie szóste. Zapytaj przyjaciela o plany na weekend. Po ka\dym przykładzie usłyszysz
poprawne pytanie. Słuchaj instrukcji. j& 50
1. Ask what he is going to do on &
Saturday. Are you going to have a birthday
... party?
What are you going to do on
4. Ask if his friends are going to organise
a day-trip to the seaside.
2. Ask who he is going to visit in the &
afternoon. Are your friends going to organise a
& day-trip to the seaside?
Who are you going to visit in the
5. Ask where they are going to spend
3. Ask if he is going to have a birthday ...
Where are they going to spend Sunday?
LESSON SIX FUTURE FORMS  przewidywanie, prośby, obietnice
j& 51
FUTURE FORMS  formy wyra\ania przyszłości:
 to be going to  konstrukcja u\ywana, gdy mówimy o czymś, co na pewno zdarzy
się w bliskiej przyszłości.
Future Simple ( will z bezokolicznikiem)  czas u\ywany, gdy przewidujemy, \e coś
wydarzy się w przyszłości, gdy coś obiecujemy lub zwracamy się z prośbą.
Ćwiczenie pierwsze. Słuchaj dialogu. j& 52
- Mary, you are finishing University soon. What are you thinking of doing?
- I have almost finished my Master s Thesis so it s going to be ready soon.
- What about the final examination?
- I don t know yet. Maybe I ll take it at the end of June. It depends on the Professor.
- What then? Are you planning a holiday?
- Well, I ve received a job offer as a guide from a travel agency.
It s going to be a two-week trip to Italy.
Master Thesis  praca
- A good way of spending time. Will you send me a postcard? magisterska
to depend on zale\eć od
- I promise, I will.
a job offer oferta pracy
- What about your career plans?
a two-week trip 
- I hope I ll find an interesting job in advertising. I m afraid
wycieczka 2 tygodniowa
I won t earn much money at the beginning but perhaps it will
to promise  obiecywać
change later.
advertising reklama
- Good idea. Have you sent the applications yet?
sent  the Past form of
- A few. I m having an interview tomorrow so it s going to be
send - wysyłać
a difficult day.
an application  podanie
- Good luck, then!
an interview  rozmowa,
tu: w sprawie pracy
Ćwiczenie drugie. Powtarzaj zdania twierdzące i przeczące. j& 53
- It s going to be ready soon. - Maybe I ll take the exam at the end of
- It s going to be a two-week trip to June.
Italy. - I hope I ll find an interesting job.
- It s not going to be an easy day. - I won t earn much money.
- It won t change later.
Ćwiczenie trzecie. U\ywając podanych czasowników powiedz, co na pewno zdarzy się w
najbli\szej przyszłości. Po ka\dym przykładzie usłyszysz poprawną odpowiedz. Słuchaj
instrukcji. j& 54
1. Look at the sky. It s very dark and &
cloudy. (to rain) It s going to be a hot day.
4. Look at this car. It s speeding up.
It s going to rain.
(to crash)
2. Look at that small boy sitting on the &
high fence. (to fall down) It s going to crash.
5. Look at Mary. She is pregnant.
He s going to fall down.
(to have a baby)
3. Look at the weather forecast for today. &
30 C all over the country. She is going to have a baby.
(to be a hot day)
Ćwiczenie czwarte. U\ywając podanych informacji powiedz, co według ciebie wydarzy się w
przyszłości. Po ka\dym przykładzie usłyszysz mo\liwą poprawną odpowiedz. Słuchaj
instrukcji. j& 55
1. Sandra likes dancing a lot. Do you think she will have a party or go to a restaurant tomorrow?
I think she will have a party.
2. Martha isn t a good student. She doesn t learn enough. Do you think she will pass the exams?
I don t think she will pass the exams.
3. The Browns are having a wonderful holiday in the mountains. Do you think they will return
tomorrow or next week?
I think they will return next week.
4. We have very little petrol in the car. Do you think we will manage to get to the station? It s
quite far away.
I don t think you will get to the station.
5. Michael s bedroom is in a complete mess. Do you think he ll get into trouble when his parents
I think he will.
j& 56
PYTANIA ogólne  czy& ? w czasie Future Simple tworzymy przestawiając na początek
zdania czasownik posiłkowy  will , np.  Will you check it? .
Gdy chcemy zadać szczegółowe pytanie, zdanie zaczynamy od odpowiedniego zaimka
pytającego, np.  When will you check it?
Ćwiczenie piąte. Powtarzaj pytania i krótkie odpowiedzi w czasie Future Simple. j& 57
- Will you send me a postcard? - When will they return?
- Yes, I will. - Where will he work?
- Will she pass the exams? - How much will she earn?
- No, she won t. - What will they do?
Ćwiczenie szóste. Zadawaj pytania dotyczące przyszłości. Po ka\dym przykładzie usłyszysz
poprawne pytanie. Słuchaj instrukcji. j& 58
1. Tom is often late from work. Ask Where will she go for her next
about tomorrow. holiday?
4. Ann and Peter want to get married.
Will he be late tomorrow?
Ask when?
2. This summer is very rainy. Ask about &
next weekend. When will they get married?
5. The Smiths want to buy a new house.
Will it rain next weekend?
Ask about the location.
3. Mary usually spends her holiday ...
abroad. Ask about her next holiday. Where will they buy the house?
PAST CONTINUOUS  czas przeszły u\ywany, gdy mówimy o czynności, która trwała
nieprzerwanie w określonym momencie w przeszłości oraz o czynności, która trwała
w przeszłości a\ do momentu, gdy inna czynność ją przerwała.
Ćwiczenie pierwsze. Słuchaj dialogu. j& 60
- Ann, what were you doing yesterday at 3? I phoned you and you didn t answer.
- Oh! I was at the school picnic at the seaside.
- What was the weather like?
- The sun was shining, a warm wind was blowing and it was really nice.
to blow wiać
- What was the programme of the picnic? Did you play any sports
to sunbathe opalać się
or just swim in the sea and sunbathe?
a headmaster dyrektor
- We did a lot of things. While one group was windsurfing with the
won the Past form of win
instructor, others were playing beach volleyball. And our team won
- wygrać
the final match. It was great!
to take part brać udział
- Congratulations! Was the headmaster with you?
a poster plakat
- Yes. We were sitting at the fire when he came and started the
the arts teacher
School Festival of Sea Songs.
nauczyciel plastyki
- Did you take part?
- No, of course not. When they were singing I was painting a big poster with the arts teacher.
We were still working on it when it suddenly started to rain and so we had to leave quickly.
j& 61
ZDANIA TWIERDZCE w czasie Past Continuous tworzymy za pomocą czasownika
posiłkowego  to be w odpowiedniej formie w czasie przeszłym i czasownika
głównego z końcówką  -ing , np.  I was sleeping yesterday at 7.
Ćwiczenie drugie. Powtarzaj zdania twierdzące. j& 62
- The sun was shining. - We were windsurfing with the
- The wind was blowing. instructor.
- I was painting a big poster. - Others were playing beach volleyball.
- They were singing.
j& 63
ZDANIE PRZECZCE w czasie Past Continuous tworzymy przy u\yciu przeczącej
formy czasownika  to be w czasie przeszłym, np.  I wasn t singing.
Ćwiczenie trzecie. Powtarzaj zdania przeczące. j& 64
- It wasn t raining. - We weren t reading books.
- I wasn t singing during the Festival. - They weren t playing tennis.
- The instructor wasn t sailing.
Ćwiczenie czwarte. U\ywając podanych czasowników, opowiedz o ostatniej sobocie. Po
ka\dym przykładzie usłyszysz mo\liwą poprawną odpowiedz. Słuchaj instrukcji. j& 65
1. Talk about the weather. It was a cold day. (to snow)
It was snowing all day.
2. At 10 in the morning you were at home. Say what you were doing.
(to clean up)
I was cleaning up the flat.
3. Then you went out and met your cousin. Say what you were doing then.
(to do the shopping)
We were doing the shopping.
4. You like science fiction films. Say what you were doing with your friend all afternoon.
(to watch)
We were watching science fiction films.
5. In the evening your parents invited some guests. Say what they were doing when the door bell
(to lay the table)
They were laying the table.
j& 66
PYTANIA ogólne w czasie Past Continuous tłumaczone w języku polskim  czy...?
tworzymy przestawiając czasownik  was lub  were na początek zdania, np.  Were
you watching TV?
Je\eli chcemy uzyskać szczegółową informację, pytanie zaczynamy od zaimka
pytającego, np.  What were you watching all afternoon?
Ćwiczenie piąte. Powtarzaj pytania i krótkie odpowiedzi. j& 67
- Was the sun shining? - Were they singing at the fire?
- Yes, it was. - No, they weren t.
- Were you playing football? - What were you doing at 2 o clock?
- No, I wasn t.
- Where were they sitting?
- Were you windsurfing?
- Yes, we were.
Ćwiczenie szóste. Zapytaj przyjaciela, co robili, gdy zaczęła się burza. Po ka\dym
przykładzie usłyszysz poprawne pytanie. Słuchaj instrukcji. j& 68
1. Ask if they were swimming in the sea.
& 4. Ask what the headmaster was doing.
Were you swimming in the sea? &
What was the headmaster doing?
2. Ask if they were sitting on the beach.
& 5. Ask where they were windsurfing.
Were you sitting on the beach? &
Where were you windsurfing?
3. Ask if the teacher was playing
volleyball with them.
Was the teacher playing volleyball?
PAST PERFECT  czas przeszły u\ywany, gdy dana czynność w przeszłości odbyła się
przed konkretnym momentem w przeszłości lub zanim rozpoczęła się inna czynność.
Czas Past Perfect u\ywany jest dla wyra\enia czynności wcześniejszej a czas Past
Simple dla określenia czynności pózniejszej.
Ćwiczenie pierwsze. Słuchaj tekstu. j& 70
before the early afternoon but luckily we
Last weekend we visited London. We spent
managed to get some at the last moment.
only three days in the town so we had planned
Our weekend in London was really fascinating.
everything carefully before the trip. My friend
had booked two rooms in a hotel in
Kensington, near the Underground station. I
had bought the plane tickets and checked the
The Underground  metro
communication service from Gatwick Airport
communication sernice 
to the centre. Before we reached the hotel we
połączenia komunikacyjne
had already travelled by a Southern Line train
to reach  dotrzeć
to Victoria Station and then taken the
worth  warte
Underground to West Brompton.
go sightseeing  zwiedzać
There are a lot of places worth visiting in
a guide  przewodnik
London so before we went sightseeing we had
nearly  prawie
already studied the guides and travel
luckily  na szczescie
brochures. In the evening we went to the to manage  zdołać
at the last moment  w
theatre in Leicester Square to see a famous
ostatniej chwili
musical. They had sold nearly all the tickets
j& 71
ZDANIA TWIERDZCE w czasie Past Perfect tworzymy dodając do czasownika
posiłkowego  had czasownik regularny z końcówką  -ed , np.  We had already
studied the guides. W przypadku czasowników nieregularnych nale\y u\yć tzw.
 trzeciej formy czasownika, czyli Past Participle, np.  I had taken the
Ćwiczenie drugie. Powtarzaj zdania twierdzące. j& 72
- We had planned everything before the - I had bought the plane tickets.
trip. - We had travelled by train to Victoria
- My friend had booked two rooms in Station.
the hotel. - They had sold nearly all the tickets.
j& 73
ZADANIA PRZECZCE w czasie Past Perfect tworzymy stosując przeczącą formę
czasownika posiłkowego  had przed czasownikiem regularnym z końcówką  -ed
lub  trzecią formą czasownika nieregularnego, np.  I hadn t checked the timetable
before the trip.
Ćwiczenie trzecie. Powtarzaj zdania przeczące. j& 74
- We hadn t booked the apartment. - She hadn t read a book.
- I hadn t rented a car. - They hadn t bought the tickets for the
- We hadn t travelled by bus. cinema.
Ćwiczenie czwarte. Opowiedz o przygotowaniach przed wyjazdem na weekend do Pary\a.
Po ka\dym przykładzie usłyszysz mo\liwą poprawną odpowiedz. Słuchaj instrukcji. j& 75
1. You travelled by car with your friends. Say if you had booked the plane tickets.
We hadn t booked the plane tickets.
2. You rented an apartment through the Internet. Say if you had checked the prices.
We had checked the prices on the Internet.
3. You went sightseeing in Paris. Say if you had bought a guide book.
I had bought a guide book.
4. You went on a boat trip along the River Seine. Say if they had sold all the tickets before.
They hadn t sold all the tickets before.
5. This was your friends first visit in France. Say if they had ever seen Paris before.
They hadn t seen Paris before.
j& 76
PYTANIA ogólne w czasie Past Perfect tłumaczone w języku polskim  czy...? tworzymy
przestawiając czasownik  had na początek zdania, np.  Had you booked the
Je\eli chcemy uzyskać szczegółową informację, pytanie zaczynamy od zaimka
pytającego, np.  What rooms had they booked before the trip?
Ćwiczenie piąte. Powtarzaj pytania i krótkie odpowiedzi. j& 77
- Had you planned your trip? - Yes, they had.
- Yes, I had. - Had they seen Paris before?
- Had she booked the hotel? - No, they hadn t.
- No, she hadn t. - Which places had they visited?
- Had they sold the tickets? - Where had they booked the room?
Ćwiczenie szóste. Zadawaj pytania, u\ywając podanych określeń czasu, typowych dla Past
Perfect. Po ka\dym przykładzie usłyszysz poprawne pytanie. Słuchaj instrukcji. j& 78
1. Julie came back home very late. &
(by midnight) Had she finished by the time the
& film started?
Had she come back home by
4. Tom visited Australia last month.
2. Tom didn t study much last year. &
(before the exams) Had he been to Australia before?
5. Mary wrote many articles for our
Had he studied before the exams?
local newspaper.
3. Ann did her homework in the (by 2005)
afternoon but she wanted to watch &
a film on TV. How many articles had she written
(by the time the film started) by 2005?
PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS  czas u\ywany, gdy dana czynność rozpoczęła się w
przeszłości, nadal trwa, gdy o niej mówimy lub jeśli się zakończyła, to jej skutki
widoczne są w chwili obecnej. Czas u\ywany jest równie\, gdy czynność rozpoczęta w
przeszłości wielokrotnie się powtarzała.
Ćwiczenie pierwsze. Słuchaj dialogu. j& 80
- Great idea! Who has been supporting
- John, I ve heard that you have been
working on interesting projects at your
- The town authorities have been
organising meetings with famous
- That s right. Depending on the class
people from the town. The students
you attend, the students have been
have been interviewing them and
learning new things in the field. You
filming the significant places in the
know, practical knowledge is the best!
- What have you been doing then?
- Sounds interesting&
- The students in the science class have
- Yes. They ve even been working
been growing plants in the school
during the weekends to finish it this
- Has the science teacher been helping
to depend on  zale\eć od
- Yes, a little. She has been assisting
to attend  uczestniczyć
them and checking if everything is
in the field  w praktyce
to grow  uprawiać
- What about the others?
a greenhouse  szklarnia
- The history class has been making a
a little  trochę
film about the history of our little
to assist  wspierać, pomagać
the town authorities  władze
significant znaczące
j& 81
ZDANIA TWIERDZCE w czasie Present Perfect Continuous tworzymy dodając do
czasownika posiłkowego  have w odpowiedniej formie czasownik  been oraz
czasownik główny z końcówką  -ing , np.  We have been learning English for
Ćwiczenie drugie. Powtarzaj zdania twierdzące. j& 82
- I have been working on an interesting project.
- The history class has been making a film.
- The teacher has been assisting them.
- We have been painting the school corridors.
- They have been working during the weekends.
j& 83
ZDANIA PRZECZCE w czasie Present Perfect Continuous tworzymy stosując przeczącą
formę czasownika posiłkowego  have w odpowiedniej formie, np.  He hasn t been
running for weeks.
Ćwiczenie trzecie. Powtarzaj zdania przeczące. j& 84
- We haven t been growing plants. - He hasn t been learning .all holiday.
- I haven t been cleaning the flat today. - They haven t been living in the
- She hasn t been working all day. country all their lives.
Ćwiczenie czwarte. U\ywając podanych czasowników, opowiedz o przygotowaniach do
szkolonej imprezy, jakie miały miejsce przez ostatni tydzień. Po ka\dym przykładzie
usłyszysz poprawną odpowiedz. Słuchaj instrukcji. j& 85
1. The school hall is very old and ugly. (to decorate)
The pupils have been decorating the hall.
2. The school area was very dirty. (to clean)
The pupils have been cleaning the school area.
3. They want some extra costumes for the party. (to prepare)
They have been preparing the costumes.
4. Mark is a disc jockey. (to choose the music)
He has been choosing the music.
5. The school theatre has to prepare a performance. (to write sketches)
They have been writing sketches.
j& 86
PYTANIA ogólne w czasie Present Perfect Continuous tłumaczone w języku polskim
 czy...? tworzymy przestawiając czasownik posiłkowy  have na początek zdania,
np.  Have they been preparing the food? Je\eli chcemy uzyskać szczegółową
informację, pytanie zaczynamy od zaimka pytającego, np.  What music has he been
Ćwiczenie piąte. Powtarzaj pytania i krótkie odpowiedzi. j& 87
- Have you been working on a history - Have they been preparing the
project? costumes?
- Yes, I have. - No, they haven t.
- Has the teacher been helping them? - What have you been doing?
- No, she hasn t. - How long have you been working on
- Has he been choosing the music? this?
- Yes, he has.
j& 88
Porównując czasy Present Perfect i Present Perfect Continuous nale\y zwrócić uwagę na
ró\nicę w ich zastosowaniu. Czasu Present Perfect Continuous u\ywamy, aby
podkreślić trwanie czynności przez pewien okres czasu, natomiast u\ywając czasu
Present Perfect zwracamy uwagę na rezultat danej czynności.
Ćwiczenie szóste. Porównaj czasy Present Perfect i Present Perfect Continuous. Zadawaj
pytania dotyczące pracy poszczególnych osób. Po ka\dym przykładzie usłyszysz poprawne
pytanie. Słuchaj instrukcji. j& 89
1. John is a writer.
Ask how long& ? Ask how many books& ?
& &
How long has he been writing books? How many books has he written?
2. Barbara is an actress.
Ask how long& ? Ask how many films& ?
& &
How long has she been appearing in How many films has she appeared in?
3. Rebecca and Tom are computer
programmers. Ask how many programs& ?
Ask how long& ? &
& How many programs have they
How long have they been writing written?
4. Jerry is a painter.
Ask how long& ? Ask how many pictures& ?
& &
How long has he been painting? How many pictures has he painted?
PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS  czas przeszły u\ywany, gdy dana czynność trwała
nieprzerwanie przed inną czynnością w przeszłości, równie\ gdy jej skutki dało się
odczuć w pózniejszym momencie w przeszłości.
Ćwiczenie pierwsze. Słuchaj tekstu. j& 91
Yesterday had been a terrible day for Peter. He
was very tired as he had been working hard all
teriible  okropny
day. In the evening he had had another meeting
to remember przypomnieć
with his clients so he had had to drive to the
a briefcase  teczka
centre again. He had only been driving for 10
to turn around  zawrócić
minutes when he remembered that he had left
to collect  zbierać, zabrać
his briefcase at home. He turned his car around
to appear  pojawić się
and went home again to collect it. When he
yet  jeszcze
finally appeared at the meeting he was five
for half an hour  od godz.
minutes late but the clients hadn t come yet.
after all  jednak
He had been waiting for half an hour when
to make somebody furious 
they phoned to say they couldn t come after
rozwścieczyć kogoś
all. That made him really furious as it was far
too much for one day.
j& 92
ZDANIA TWIERDZCE w czasie Past Perfect Continuous tworzymy dodając do
czasownika posiłkowego  had czasownik  been oraz czasownik główny z końcówką
 -ing , np.  I had been working all morning.
Ćwiczenie drugie. Powtarzaj zdania twierdzące. j& 93
- I had been waiting for half an hour.
- He had been driving for 10 minutes.
- She had been working hard all day.
- We had been living in England for 10 years.
- They had been watching TV all evening.
j& 94
ZDANIA PRZECZCE w czasie Past Perfect Continuous tworzymy stosując przeczącą
formę czasownika posiłkowego  had , np.  I hadn t been studying before the exam
last year.
Ćwiczenie trzecie. Powtarzaj zdania przeczące. j& 95
- I hadn t been driving long when the car broke down.
- He hadn t been working all day.
- They hadn t been waiting long before the departure.
Ćwiczenie czwarte. U\ywając podanych czasowników, powiedz, co robili państwo Smith
przed wizytą gości. Po ka\dym przykładzie usłyszysz poprawną odpowiedz. Słuchaj
instrukcji. j& 96
1. Mrs Smith was in the kitchen preparing dinner. (to cook)
She had been cooking dinner.
2. Mr Smith was busy doing the housework. (to clean)
He had been cleaning the house.
3. The children were in their bedroom in front of the TV. (to watch)
They had been watching TV.
4. Grandma was in the garden looking after the flowers. (to water)
She had been watering the flowers.
5. Grandfather was in the garage. (to repair a motorbike)
He had been repairing a motorbike.
j& 97
PYTANIA ogólne w czasie Past Perfect Continuous tłumaczone w języku polskim  czy...?
tworzymy przestawiając czasownik posiłkowy  had na początek zdania, np.  Had he
been repairing his car?
Je\eli chcemy uzyskać szczegółową informację, pytanie zaczynamy od zaimka
pytającego, np.  How long had you been working there?
Ćwiczenie piąte. Powtarzaj pytania i krótkie odpowiedzi. j& 98
- Had you been watching films on TV? - What had you been reading?
- Yes, I had. - Where had you been looking around?
- Had he been cooking? - How long had you been talking on the
- No, he hadn t. phone?
- How long had you been waiting before
the flight?
Ćwiczenie szóste. Po wielu latach mieszkania w Anglii rodzina państwa Brown
przeprowadziła się do Francji. Zapytaj o ich \ycie w Brighton przed przeprowadzką. Po
ka\dym przykładzie usłyszysz poprawne pytanie. Słuchaj instrukcji. j& 99
1. Ask about the period of time they &
spent in Brighton. What had she been studying?
How long had they been living in 4. Ask about the children s school.
Brighton? &
Which school had they been going to?
2. Ask about Mr Brown s work.
& 5. Ask about learning French.
Where had he been working? &
Had they been learning French before.
3. Ask about Mrs Brown s studies.
Irregular verbs - Elementary Level j& 1
Listen to the verb forms and repeat them after the speaker.
1. sleep slept slept spać
& & &
2. wake woke woken o/budzić się
& & &
3. get got got dost-ać/awać, przyn-ieść/osić, stawać się
& & &
4. have had had mieć, posiadać
& & &
5. eat ate eaten z/jeść, z/jadać
& & &
6. drink drank drunk wy/pić, napić się
& & &
7. leave left left zostawi-ć/ać, opu-ścić/szczać, wy-jść/chodzić
& & &
8. come came come przy-jść/chodzić, przyje-chać/\d\ać, itd.;
& & & pochodzić
9. meet met met spot-kać/ykać (się), pozna-ć/wać
& & &
10. go went gone chodzić, pójść/iść, po/jechać
& & &
j& 2
11. spend spent spent spędz-ić/ać; wyda-ć/awać (pieniądze)
& & &
12. fly flew flown po/lecieć
& & &
13. drive drove driven prowadzić samochód, zaw-iezć/ozić
& & &
14. take took taken wziąć/brać, zająć/zabrać (o czasie)
& & &
15. feel felt felt po/czuć (się)
& & &
16. put put put poło\yć/kłaść
& & &
17. sit sat sat usiąść/siadać, siedzieć
& & &
18. sing sang sung za/śpiewać
& & &
19. swim swam swum pły-nąć/wać, przepłynąć
& & &
20. send sent sent pos-łać/yłać, wys-łać/yłać
& & &
j& 3
21. do did done z/robić
& & &
22. give gave given da-ć/wać
& & &
23. lose lost lost s/tracić, z/gubić
& & &
24. forget forgot forgotten zapom-nieć/inać
& & &
25. find found found zna-lezć/jdować, odkry-ć/wać
& & &
26. cost cost cost kosztować
& & &
27. think thought thought po/myśleć; sądzić, uwa\ać
& & &
28. be was/were been być
& & &
29. buy bought bought kup-ić/ować
& & &
30. pay paid paid za/płacić
& & &
j& 4
31. build built built z/budować
& & &
32. begin began begun zacz-ąć/ynać
& & &
33. wear wore worn nosić (ubranie)
& & &
34. make made made z/robić
& & &
35. run ran run biegać, po/biec
& & &
36. break broke broken z/łamać
& & &
37. win won won wygr-ać/ywać
& & &
38. become became become sta-ć/awać się, zosta-ć/awać
& & &
39. sell sold sold sprzeda-ć/awać
& & &
40. say said said powiedzieć, mówić
& & &
j& 5
51. read read read prze/czytać
& & &
52. fall fell fallen spa-ść/dać
& & &
53. see saw seen zobaczyć, widzieć, z/rozumieć
& & &
54. hear heard heard u/słyszeć
& & &
55. write wrote written na/pisać
& & &
56. speak spoke spoken mówić, rozmawiać
& & &
57. tell told told powi-edzieć/adać, mówić
& & &
58. bring brought brought przyni-eść/osić; s/powodować
& & &
59. know knew known wiedzieć, znać
& & &
60. lend lent lent po\ycz-yć/ać
& & &
Irregular verbs - Intermediate Level j& 6
Listen to the verb forms and repeat them after the speaker.
1. dream dreamt/ dreamt/ śnić, marzyć
dreamed dreamed
& & &
2. catch caught caught z/łapać
& & &
3. draw drew drawn wyciąg-nąć/ać, na/rysować
& & &
4. keep kept kept za/trzymać, przestrzegać
& & &
5. stick stuck stuck wbi-ć/jać, przy/kleić
& & &
6. feed fed fed na/karmić
& & &
7. bite bit bitten u/gryzć
& & &
8. grow grew grown rosnąć, uprawiać, hodować
& & &
9. smell smelt/ smelt/ pachnieć, po/czuć zapach
smelled smelled
& & &
10. throw threw thrown rzu-cić/cać, wyrzu-cić/cać
& & &
j& 7
11. hide hid hidden u/kry-ć/wać, s/chować
& & &
12. rise rose risen podn-ieść/osić, wsta-ć/wać,
& & & wschodzić(o słońcu)
13. set set set poło\yć/kłaść, ustawi-ć/ać, ustal-ić/ać,
& & &
14. stand stood stood stać
& & &
15. blow blew blown wiać, dmuchać
& & &
16. spread spread spread rozciąg-nąć/ać (się)
& & &
17. lie lay lain le\eć
& & &
18. shine shone shone za/świecić (się)
& & &
19. hit hit hit uderz-yć/ać
& & &
20. hurt hurt hurt z/ranić, s/kaleczyć; sprawiać ból
& & &
j& 8
21. hold held held u/trzymać (się), powstrzymać, obchodzić
& & & (np. święto)
22. hang hung hung powiesić, zawiesić
hang hanged hanged powiesić (kogoś na szubiennicy)
& & &
23. let let let pozw-olić/ać
& & &
24. lead led led po/prowadzić
& & &
25. ride rode ridden po/jechać (np. konno, na rowerze)
& & &
26. wind wound wound nawi-nąć/jać, nakrę-cić/cać, wić się
& & &
27. show showed shown pokaz-ać/ywać
& & &
28. choose chose chosen wyb-rać/ierać
& & &
29. light lit lit zapal-ić/ać
& & &
30. burn burnt/ burnt/ s/palić (się), po/parzyć
burned burned
& & &
j& 9
31. strike struck struck uderz-yć/ać
& & &
32. burst burst burst wysadz-ić/ać, wybuchnąć, pęknąć
& & &
33. fight fought fought walczyć
& & &
34. ring rang rung za/dzwonić
& & &
35. deal dealt dealt rozd-ać/awać, zająć się
& & &
36. sink sank sunk za/tonąć, zat-opić/apiać
& & &
37. seek sought sought szukać, poszukiwać
& & &
38. can could been able to móc, zdołać, potrafić, umieć
& & &
39. freeze froze frozen za/marznąć, zamr-ozić/a\ać
& & &
40. spill spilt spilt rozl-ać/ewać (się)
& & &
j& 10
41. swear swore sworn przeklinać, przysi-ąc/ęgać
& & &
42. learn learnt/ learnt/ na/uczyć się
learned learned
& & &
43. steal stole stolen u/kraść
& & &
44. lay laid laid poło\yć/kłaść
& & &
45. understand understood understood z/rozumieć
& & &
46. teach taught taught na/uczyć (kogoś), nauczać
& & &
47. tear tore torn po/drzeć, po/rwać
& & &
48. forgive forgave forgiven wybacz-yć/ać
& & &
49. cut cut cut po/ciąć, obci-ąć/nać
& & &
50. forbid forbade forbidden zakaz-ać/ywać
& & &


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