MAIN GUIDE Cut Copy Cash

Cut Copy Cash
How To Make $2414/Week With 20
Minute Cookie Cutter Websites!
By Tony Wang
Notice: You do not have the right to resell or reprint this book
No part of this consumer report may be reproduced or transmitted in any
form without the express written permission of the author
©2011. Copy Cut Cash. All Rights Reserved.
Thanks for purchasing my WSO!
I ve spent countless hours BRAIN-DUMPING everything I did to make
$2414 (after Paypal fees) in 2 weeks with less than 15 total hours of work
by selling cookie cutter sites on Flippa.
I m going to show you how to create one of these sites quickly (I will even
GIVE you one for free), how to sell it on Flippa, and how to transfer the site
and follow up.
This guide is going to contain NO FLUFF. I know a lot of products SAY
that. But I m really not going to waste my time or your time going super
deep into concepts unless they will help you make money.
Be completely assured that I know and do 100% of what I m teaching you. I
know that it works because last month, I have sold 7 of these sites on
Flippa for a considerable amount of money each time.
The coolest part is that it took me less than an hour to make most of these
sites as you ve probably seen in the proof video.
Here s my recent Flippa history:
The whole process is very simple. It won t involve much thinking on your
end because I ll be laying everything out for you in this guide, step by step.
If you take action, I guarantee you ll be making money by the end of this
Excited? Let s get started!
Table of Contents
Before we start& . . . . . . . . . 4
Chapter 1: The Cut Copy Cash Method . . . . . . . 5
Chapter 2: Creating a Reseller Website . . . . . . . 9
Chapter 3: Cutting and Copying Sites . . . . . . . 11
Chapter 4: How to Get Quick Sales . . . . . . . 20
Chapter 5: Flippa Shortcuts . . . . . . . . 21
Chapter 6: Completing the Sale . . . . . . . . 28
Chapter 7: Boosting Your Sales With Coaching . . . . . . 30
Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . 33
Before We Start&
Here s an internet marketing secret: In the IM niche, as with any niche,
there are those that produce (sellers) and those that consume (buyers). If
you want to make money, you need to sell something. Sure, being an
affiliate is cool and all, but the real money is made at the very top level -
actually creating the product yourself and having YOUR OWN affiliates.
This boils down to: take action, create value and sell that. Stop trying to
 figure it out by purchasing more products on how to sell stuff on the
internet. Create something NOW and start selling it.
You re going to be creating and selling  business in a box websites to
those looking to own their own online businesses and you will be rewarded
A quote I like is  A good decision today is better than a perfect
decision tomorrow.
After you finish this guide, you will have EVERYTHING you need to start
making money right away. I ve done everything in my power to make it as
easy as possible for you to start selling these cookie cutter websites on
Flippa and raking in cash. Hell, I ll even be GIVING you a completed
website that you can copy over and over again so you don t have to spend
an entire day creating the  seed website like I did.
I included a step by step plan/ checklist so you can keep yourself on track
in the README FIRST document.
There is no excuse not to take action. You ve probably heard this a million
times. But I can t over-emphasize the importance of it.
Okay end Tony Robbins rant. Let s get started.
Chapter 1: The Cut Copy Cash Method
You re going to be selling  business in a box websites to potential online
business owners.
These businesses are going to be reseller services. This means you re
going to act as the  middleman between your client and supplier. If a client
wants to buy Facebook fans, you take their order and forward (outsource) it
to your supplier who will actually fulfill the order. You charge your client $80
(for example) and pay your supplier $40 and end up with a nice $40 in
Other services your website can sell include: backlinks, SEO, article
writing, Yahoo Answers, video creation. Pretty much anything you can find
on Fiverr or the Warriors for Hire forum, you can create a service website
This is a really easy business to run, which is why a lot of people on Flippa
will be interested in buying them. (Flippa is full of people of all ages who
want to make money online, but don t know how or don t want to spend the
time to create the actual website and get it off the ground).
So you re going to create the website and get some quick sales for them to
prove that it s a viable business and sell it to them at a high price point.
These are not going to be worthless turnkey websites that have a lot of
 potential but no actual revenue proof to back it up.
These are sites that have been proven over and over again to make money
quickly. You can make one of these sites in a 20 minutes (with the help of a
simple Wordpress plugin I will be sharing with you), get some quick sales,
and sell it on Flippa for $500+.
Then rinse and repeat : )
If you search Flippa, you can find a few people employing this business
model and making a killing. For example, check out this guy s listings: (I just found out today that he literally
*stole* my sales letter and coaching idea& I don t really mind though :b)
He s made almost $14K purely by selling cookie cutter reseller sites!
How can you sell a turnkey/cookie cutter site for so much?
You re going to be doing 3 things that will drive the value of the sites
waaaay up.
1. Offer proof of revenue
2. Offer your suppliers list
3. Offer coaching
This is what makes this strategy different than all the other  business in a
box websites on Flippa that were created quickly, but sell for less than
Websites on Flippa can sell for 8-10x their monthly revenue. This means if
you can make $100 revenue in the first month (I will show you how to do
this in the first WEEK), you can sell the site for a nice $1K. If you can
provide proof of revenue, you re site is much more valuable than most
other sites on there and is pretty much guaranteed to sell.
Later in this guide, I m going to teach you how to get quick sales so you
can offer proof of revenue and how to leverage that so you can offer
coaching, which also skyrockets the selling price.
Chapter 2: Creating a Reseller Website
You re going to be creating these sites on Wordpress because it s super
easy to work with (requires little knowledge of HTML/programming).
Wordpress also has plugins that allow you to duplicate an existing site.
Meaning you can make unlimited copies of one site and keep reselling
them under different business names.
You might be thinking,  Won t people catch on and not want to buy from
The answer is  It doesn t matter. A lot of people will KNOW that you are
duplicating your sites and rebranding them with different names and logos.
But they don t care. They just want a site that can make them money.
In fact, I ve had many people message me, telling me they really like the
design of my site and want me to sell them one JUST like it.
I m going to assume you have some experience with Wordpress. If not,
there are lots of free tutorial out there that will teach you the basics.
Bonus Guide 1 teaches you how to create your first reseller websites in
Wordpress from scratch. After you ve created your first one, you can easily
replicate the site using 2 plugins I will explain later.
Or if you re really lazy, you can steal one of mine for free. See the next
chapter for more info.
Cool Bonus: Until Halloween, is having a $0.99 domain
sales on UNLIMITED domains. Domains are usually ~$9 each, so this is a
pretty crazy deal. You get private registration and free whois too!
The only downside is& 1and1 can be a real pain when it comes to
transferring domains, which may become an issue when you try to sell
these site.
Most of the work you ll have to do is creating the initial  seed website. After
that you can literally create a new, similar website in 20 minutes that s just
as valuable.
Chapter 3: Cutting and Copying Sites
After you have an initial reseller site created, you can keep duplicating it
and rebranding it to create more sites and sales. You can do this rather
quickly with the help of a few plugins.
You ll use BackupBuddy, a Wordpress plugin, to duplicate your site. Then,
you ll use another plugin called SearchReg to instantly change all the
occurrences of the old business name to the new one. Finally, you upload a
new logo you designed yourself or had outsourced.
Let s look at 2 Ways to Copy Our Sites:
Option 1: Backup Buddy
There is a Wordpress plugin by iThemes called BackupBuddy that allows
you to backup and restore Wordpress websites with the click of a button.
I highly recommend you buying this plugin, as it will make your job a whole
lot easier. The BackupBuddy license costs $100 for 10 sites or $150 for
unlimited sites. It seems a bit pricy, but considering that you re going to
make $500 in 20 minutes with this plugin, the unlimited license is definitely
worth it.
Cool Bonus: I created a  ready to go seed website for buyers of this
WSO. This means you won t have to spend hours creating your seed
website and will be ready to earn money right away!
Here s what your seed website will look like:
Live demo here:
All you have to do is change the logo and domain and you can start selling
it on Flippa!
Note: I created this site SOLEY to give to buyers of my WSO and
BackupBuddy. It has not been sold on Flippa yet nor do I plan to sell it (The
domain hasn t even been registered yet!)
You can download the backup file here:
If you don t have BB already, please consider getting it through my affiliate
Here s the tutorial video (the proof video at regular speed) that shows me
duplicating a site and explaining the steps:
Backing up Sites with BackupBuddy
1. Click  Backup & Restore on the left side of your Wordpress
dashboard under  BackupBuddy
2. Click  Full Backup
3. Download the Zipped file
Restoring Sites with BackupBuddy
1. Register another domain name and point your name servers to your
hosting account
2. Log into cPanel and under  Domains , select Addon Domains
3. Create the new addon domain
4. Go back to your cPanel home and under Databases, select MySQL
Database Wizard
5. Create a new database name, user, and password. Check  all
privileges and save. Remember the database name, user, password.
6. Using file manager (Cpanel home > Files >file manager>document
root for ) or FTP, upload the zip backup file and
importbuddy.php in your new addon domain s root folder.
7. Go to your web browser and type in For database settings, type
everything out fully. So the name and user should be in the format of
data_base as an example. The prefix is the stuff before the
underscore (In this example, the prefix is data). Test your settings,
then continue to the next step.
8. Everything s all set! You can now log into your Wordpress dashboard
by going to
Option 2: cPanel
With BackupBuddy, you can copy Wordpress blogs in 5-10 minutes.
However, you can still duplicate sites without it through cPanel. The
process will take a lot longer and will require more steps. However, this
method is completely free if you don t want to spend the money on the BB
1. In file manager in cPanel, go into the document root of your domain
2. Select all files in the folder (check the  select all button)
3. Select  Compress at the top
4. Choose  Zipped and rename the file
5. Click  Compress Files
6. Hit  Reload . You should now have a file called
Download the file and save it to your computer.
7. Next, go to your cPanel home and click  PHPMyAdmin under
8. On the left, select the database of the site you want to back up
9. On the top, select  Export and  Go
Save the file to your computer and you re all set!
Restoring Sites through cPanel
To restore your site with cPanel, you need to register a new domain and
create new addon domain and database (Steps 1-5 in the above  Restoring
Sites with Backup Buddy section).
1. Once you ve done that, go into your file manager and your new
domain s home folder.
2. Upload the file
3. Go back to file manager and hit reload. The backup file should now
4. Select the file and click  Extract on the top menu bar
5. Click  Extract files and cPanel will automatically extract the backup
6. Find the file in your root folder called  wp-config.php . Right click and
choose code edit
7. You should see a page full of code. Change the DB_Name, user, and
password information to the one you just created. Click  Save
Change when done.
8. Go back to your cPanel home and select  phpMyAdmin once again
9. Select the new database you created on the left
10. Click  Import on the top and  Browse to find the .sql file you
exported previously
11. Click  Go to import the database
Your site should now be completely restored on your new domain. You can
log into Wordpress by typing in
As you can see, the second method is a lot more work than clicking a few
button with BackupBuddy. If you re are going to be replicating sites left and
right, I really recommend getting BackupBuddy because it will save you a
ton of time.
Changing the Site Name with Search Regex
Okay cool. Now you have successfully copied your site to a new domain!
Search Regex is a helpful plugin that allows you to do mass search and
replaces. Remember that after restoring your previous website, you have
an EXACT copy of your old site. You ll need to replace all instances of the
old business name with the new one. It would be too tedious to do these
one by one, so having this plugin is invaluable.
You can download this plugin by going to Plugins > Add New on your
Wordpress Dashboard. Then search and install Search Regex.
Once it s activated, you ll want to run it twice.
1. Run 1: Replace all instances of the old business name with the new
one. Press  Replace and Save.
2. Run 2: Next, you ll want to replace all instances of the old domain
with the new one. Hit  Replace and Save again.
3. Now, you ll want to go back and examine the new site for instances of
the old business name that Search Regex didn t replace. The plugin
misses words in title tags and widgets. Write down a list of these
specific places for future reference.
Creating a New Logo
You ll need a new logo for your new site. You ll want to either create a new
on with Photoshop or GiMP (free Photoshop alternative) or outsource this.
Bonus Guide 1 covers this process in detail.
If you re using Wufoo for your payment processing, you ll need to log in to
your Wufoo account, find the form you re using and click  Duplicate .
Rename the new form and change occurrences of the old business name
to the new name. Be sure to also update the email and payment settings.
Replace the old Wufoo code on your site with the new one.
When you have sold a few of these sites, you may want to upgrade your
account to the Carpe Diem account which lets you have 20 users.
You can manage users in the  users tab . Add new users by pressing the
green plus, giving them a profile and a password, then giving them access
to the form you just duplicated by clicking  Access permissions
Note: If you re using my bonus seed site, you need to replace my WuFoo
codes with your own (unless you want me to get all of your sales ;) )
If you aren t using Wufoo and are using Paypal instead, you need to tell the
buyer to create new payment buttons.
That s it! You ve successfully duplicated your first site. It should have taken
you less than an hour (Maybe longer if you spent a lot of time designing the
new logo yourself). With practice and experience you can get this entire
process down to 20-30 minutes.
Now, let s talk about how to earn some quick cash with these sites so that
you can sell them for a few hundred on Flippa.
Chapter 4: How to Get Quick Sales
The quickest way to get sales for your reseller website is with Google
Google offers $50-$140 vouchers for new Adwords customers. So if you
use a $100 voucher, you have $100 in advertising credit.
Refer to Bonus Guide 2 on how to use multiple vouchers without raising
red flags. I also go over 2 other quick client getting methods.
Apply these aggressively for the first week or two and get as many sales as
you can.
You Only Have to Do This Once!
The coolest part of the Cut Copy Cash method is you only have to do this
once. Your proof of revenue (PayPal screenshots) from the first site can
also be used for subsequent sites (explained in next chapter).
Once you re happy with the number of sales you made, you can start
selling your website on Flippa!
Note: you don t HAVE to make sales with the reseller website you just
created. You CAN list them as brand new on Flippa. However, sites
with some past revenue sell for 5-15 times as much as those that are
brand new.
Chapter 5: Flippa Shortcuts
Flippa is an online auction site for websites. It s the most popular place to
buy or sell websites and you will be listing your reseller website here.
Like I mentioned before, most sites with income sell for 8-12 times their
monthly revenue if there s proof of traffic and revenue.
This is why you want to implement the sales strategies I talk about in
Bonus Guide 2. If you can provide revenue proof (Paypal screenshots),
you can guarantee your website selling.
Setting Up Your Flippa Account
I won t go into too much detail on how to set up a Flippa account because
it s pretty intuitive.
It s important to use your real information and maintain a good record on
Flippa since users can easily see your history and feedback.
Listing Your Site
To list your site, click the big green  Sell your website button on the top
First, enter your URL in the box and click  sell
Edit Listing
Click  edit listing on the right sidebar.
For the title of your site, enter something along the lines of  $1K/mo.
Potential  Social Fans Reseller Site  Great for Newbies!
You want to include how much the site has already made (if you got some
sales already) or how much it could potentially make. So if you used my
 Gangster Client Attraction techniques and got a few sales, you may want
to title your listing,  $565 in 7days  Social Fans Reseller Site  Great For
Flippa doesn t allow you to claim revenue that you haven t made so be sure
to include the word  potential if the site hasn t made any money yet. You re
going to have to do this for your subsequent sites. Note that you CAN get
away with not listing  potential in your title if you have a brand new site, but
Flippa might message you to change it.
Listing Length
I like to keep all my auctions short  3-5 days. This may seem a little
counter intuitive.
I used to think that the longer my auction is, the more people will know
about it and the more bidders I ll get.
However, the reality is, people pay the most attention to auctions that are
ending soon. By only giving people 3 days to make a decision about your
website, you are forcing them to focus on it more. It also allows to you to
churn out more websites in a given time span, which means more profit.
I like having my auctions run over weekends so more people can see them,
since people have more time to play around on the internet over the
weekend. Ideally, you ll want to set up your auctions on Thursdays and
have them end on Sundays.
URL For sale
If you haven t made any money with your site, choose new website.
Otherwise, choose established website.
Private Sale
Choose Auction.
Bidding Options
Set the reserve price and starting bid to $1. Check automatically accept all
bids form all bidders.
This is another counterintuitive practice that attracts more bidders.
I used to think that setting a reserve price (a bare minimum) was the way to
go. However, I quickly found that not many people would place bids
because they feared the reserve price was too high.
By setting a lower price, you ll get more bids, which generates more
attention (since many users filter auctions by the  Most Active tab on the
menu bar). This is always a good thing because when someone places a
bid (even a low one), they have invested their time into your website. When
they get beat, they re more likely to raise their bid than if they hadn t bid at
all because there was a hidden reserve price. I ve been involved in  bidding
wars in auctions that I didn t even really care to win!
Buy it Now Price
The Buy it Now (BIN) price is what someone would pay you if they want the
site immediately. I ve sold brand new websites for as high as $799. Most of
the time, I set the BIN to $499 or $599 and almost always get someone to
buy through that.
If you used the Adwords method and got some sales initially, you should
definitely price your site towards the higher end.
It s also good to see what prices people are selling similar sites for and add
a few hundred to that because we re going to be offering coaching (we ll
talk about this later).
Also check the box  Require BIN bidders.. . Getting paid through PayPal is
super fast and easy. I always recommend checking this box for auctions
under $1,000.
Site Age
Enter the date you finished the site (not the date the domain was
Edit Description
Here, you want to describe your site. This is the listing I used that I spend
hours writing, editing and tweaking. Feel free to use a modified version of
Notice I say upfront that the revenue proof is not from this site, but a similar
site. This allows you to make a little bit of money with your first site and
leverage that revenue proof on subsequent sites. It s important to be
completely transparent about this.
Like I mentioned earlier, what s going to make this website sell for over
$500 is offering coaching. If you re really not comfortable doing this, then
you don t have to. You can still get $100-300 per website. But if you
actually took the time to run this business, you ll have the experience to
coach others. We ll be talking about this a lot more in the next chapter.
I also offer to give them my list of suppliers for the business. These are the
people you contacted on Freelancer who fulfill the orders. I attached a list
of tested Social Fans suppliers in Bonus Guide 3 that you are welcome
to give to buyers.
I ve sold 7 of these reseller websites in under a month and used this  sales
letter every time. All of them sold for the BIN price except for one.
Payment Options
For sites selling under $1K, there s no need to use, the 3rd
party escrow service.
I only check PayPal. If you don t mind taking Credit Cards or Checks, feel
free to choose those.
Traffic Details
If it s an established site, enter your traffic data. Otherwise just enter  Flippa
Traffic in the box.
Financial Details
If this site was making you money, be sure to say so!
Sites that claim revenue sell way better than sites that don t. Even if you
only made a tiny bit, say so!
Again, notice how I claim financial data from a similar site, not the site I m
selling since it s brand new. Just stress that you can guarantee that this
business model works and provide proof.
Revenue Sources
Check  Sales of Products or Services
Add or Change Listing Tags:
Enter the following details:
Niche: enter your niche here (Facebook, Twitter, SEO, Backlinks, Articles,
Type of site:  blog
Monetization:  services
Implementation:  Wordpress
Edit Site uniqueness:
Since you re going to be duplicating these sites, be sure to check the 2nd
option for both.
Click save changes and you re almost there.
Verify Site Ownership
I like to verify site ownership by putting the metatag in my header or footer.
I know it says you need to put it in the but I ve stuck it in the footer
with my Google analytics code and still successfully verified my sites.
If that s not working, use the  upload a file method.
Attachment Management
Here, you want to add screenshots of revenue proof. As long as you have
some revenue proof, you can upload that and Title it  Paypal screenshot for
nearly identical site .
If you have Google analytics installed on your site, you can automatically
upload your analytics by clicking  Add Analytics Stats from the  Manage
Listings menu.
Once you ve filled out your description, verified your site and added
attachments, you can go ahead and click  Start my Listing
Paying For Your Listing
Flippa charges a $19 fee for listing in their marketplace. They also take a
5% success fee if your site sells.
From the upgrades options, I like to check  Listing row highlighted for an
extra $5. This is the cheapest way to get more people to view your listing.
So that comes out to a total of $24 for your listing. Not bad considering
you ll be getting a few hundred for the site.
Misc. Flippa Tips
Here are some quick tips for dealing with people on Flippa who are
interested in your site:
" Always be polite, respectful and positive in your responses
" Offer to chat with those who are interested over Skype or phone. If
you don t have a Skype account already, I highly recommend you set
one up. If someone is messaging you with questions, tell them you re
available on Skype and give them your account name. I ve found that
whenever you talk to someone outside of Flippa, they are a lot more
likely to buy. You don t even have to do any selling. Just simply
answering their questions helps them to trust you more and increase
their likelihood of buying.
" If you don t think your site will sell for the BIN price, upgrade to a
featured listing during the last 4 hours of the auction. This costs $40
places your listing on the  featured page of Flippa, where more
people will see it and bid on it.
Chapter 6: Completing the Sale
Once someone has successfully purchased your site and you receive the
payment, it s time to transfer the site. I like to send a message like the
Getting the Files Ready for Transfer
First, you need to backup your website files. You can do this through
BackupBuddy again or cPanel. Follow the exact procedure as you did
when duplicating your sites.
If you re using BackupBuddy, you ll have to get their hosting info and do
this for them. Be sure to delete the plugin once you re finished.
If they know how to restore a website, download the mysql file and
directory backup to your computer and email it to the winner. If the files
are too big, use a file sharing service such as or Amazon
If they have no clue how to restore the website from the backup files, I
always offer to do it for them. It takes only a few minutes. Ask for their
hosting information (username, password and nameservers) and restore it
the same way you did when you were copying websites.
Sometimes, you ll also have to change the nameserver info for them. In this
case, also get their domain registrar username and password.
Pushing the Domain Over
You need to push or transfer the domain over to the new owner. A  push is
transferring between the same register and  transfer is transferring
between different ones.
Most of the time, the buyer will already have an account with your registar.
If not, ask them to make one for free.
In NameCheap, you simply log into your account and select the domain
you want to push. On the left sidebar, choose push domain to user. You ll
need the NameCheap username of the person you re pushing the domain
to. Also, tell them to go into their push settings and accept all pushes.
If you re using GoDaddy, go into Domains>Management and select the
domain you want to push overtransfer. Click  Account Change and enter in
their customer # and email address.
Remind them to change their nameservers to their new host s.
Chapter 7: Boosting Your Sales With Coaching
You might be a little nervous about coaching someone else how to run this
business. I was too when I first started, but I realized how easy it was and
was excited that my students actually saw results (made sales).
Sites that don t offer coaching sell for about $100-300. If you do offer
coaching, you can sell sites for $500-800.
Taking the time to learn how to run the business is worth it. If you follow
Bonus Guide 2 and test out this reseller business model for yourself, you ll
quickly understand how everything works. If you make a few sales with this
business, you re completely qualified to teach others how to run this
If you look at my Flippa listing, you ll notice that I offered 4 weekly coaching
sessions over Skype. The surprising thing is, only 3 people have actually
followed up and attend their sessions. Out of those 3, only 1 person has
scheduled more than 2 coaching sessions. The rest just bought the site
at a higher price without taking full advantage of this offer.
I don t want to make it seem like you re going to be getting paid more for
less work. My point is that you should not be intimidated by having to coach
After the site is transferred, find a good time to meet on Skype.
I usually do these sessions over instant messaging because I find that the
clients are more comfortable doing that. I m also more comfortable doing
them over IM, although I have done calls over voice chat.
Each call is about 15-30 minutes and is usually me answering questions
that the client asks. If you have tested this reseller business, you should
have no problem answering their questions. Just share your personal
experience with this business. You ll also know exactly what to do because
I described everything in great detail in the bonus guide (it s perfectly cool
to give share Bonus Guides 2 and 3 with the buyer).
If you don t know the answer to any questions, tell the buyer you ll get back
to them. Simply do some research or point them in the direction of
resources that will help them out.
Bonus Sales
As you run more and more auctions, you re going to have people
messaging you telling you they like your site and are interested. Some of
them will want it for a lower price and try to work out a deal with you. Flippa
doesn t like this, so if you want to give someone a special deal, be sure to
do it through Skype or email.
When selling outside of Flippa, be sure to ask for the money first, THEN
transfer the domain and website files.
You ll also probably have people asking you to set similar sites up for them
without the coaching. I made a good amount of money on the side by doing
this. Again, communicate through Skype and always ask for payment first
before giving them the site.
It s also to keep a list of people who placed serious bids on your listing or
messaged you with questions.
You can follow up with each of these people individually and work out
special deals with them. For example, a sample message you can send
them would be something like this:
 Hey John,
Just wanted to give you a heads up on a new fan reseller website I m
creating. I ll be listing it in the marketplace soon with a BIN of $699 but
since you were interested in my last one, I thought I d let you know about it
first : )
I can sell it to you for $599, and that includes everything plus 4 weeks of
Let me know if you re interested!
- Tony
Send this to a bunch of people and if they re interested, great, if not, list the
site on the marketplace like you would normally.
I ve actually sold 3 of these sites through private deals, including 1 not
listed in my Flippa history.
Odds and Ends
" Remember to pay your 5% success fee on Flippa by the deadline
" Always be professional and respectful when dealing with buyers
Again, thanks for purchasing this WSO.
I really appreciate you taking the time to read this and apply this strategy. I
know it s a lot of stuff
If you have any questions, feel free to shoot me a PM or email
( I will be sending updates along with other cool
bonuses and tips, so be sure to stay subscribed to the newsletter!
If you enjoyed this WSO, I would really appreciate you leaving an honest
review or testimonial on my thread!
To your success,
Tony Wang


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