Main Product – Cash for Now Cash for Later

Cash for Now
Cash for Later
Building Fast and
Passive Income Streams
Tim Castleman
Copyright: All Rights Reserved Óð Tim Castleman, 2013
Disclaimer: Results one may see are based on action and best
practice. Proceed at your own risk. No earnings are expressed or
A Guide for Everyone ......................................................................................4
This Guide is For You ...................................................................................4
Cash for Now & Cash for Later .....................................................................4
The Importance of Mindset..............................................................................6
Why You Need an Income Plan for Now and the Future .................................6
How this Works ...........................................................................................7
Newbie Guide .................................................................................................8
Providing Services........................................................................................8
Pricing .....................................................................................................9
What if I Don t Want to Offer a Service? ..................................................... 10
Creating a Product Even if You re Not New .................................................. 11
Flipping sites ............................................................................................. 12
Selling to marketers? ................................................................................. 12
This is the Best Tip in the Book& ................................................................ 12
Building Passive Income as a Newbie ............................................................. 13
5 Bucks a Day ........................................................................................... 14
One Week Marketing ................................................................................. 14
Mini Product Creation................................................................................. 15
List Building  You Must Do This................................................................. 15
Confidence Low? ....................................................................................... 16
Blogging for Passive Income....................................................................... 16
Emulating Others for Passive Income .......................................................... 17
It s Not Always Easy& ................................................................................ 18
Established Marketer Guide ........................................................................... 19
What Do You Have to Work With? .............................................................. 20
Fast Product Creation................................................................................. 20
Run a Fire Sale .......................................................................................... 21
Run a Discount on a Popular Offer .............................................................. 22
Run a Service Offer.................................................................................... 22
Make the Best of What You ve Got.............................................................. 23
Building Passive Income as an Established Marketer ....................................... 24
Blogging for Passive Income....................................................................... 26
Active List Building..................................................................................... 26
Membership Sites ...................................................................................... 27
Upsells ...................................................................................................... 28
Cross Promotion ........................................................................................ 28
Passive Income as an Affiliate .................................................................... 29
Groundbreaking? ....................................................................................... 29
A Guide for Everyone
This guide is designed for two groups of people.
1. Those who are new to marketing and want an action plan for
fast and passive income
2. Those who are experienced in marketing and want an action
plan for fast and passive income
I ve written it this way because group 1 will soon be in group 2. Also,
no one starts on level playing field. We all bring different things to
the table. This way, you ll be able to use what will work for you and
leave what won t or what doesn t apply yet (or what no longer
This Guide is For You
It s far too easy to waste time learning instead of taking action.
That s part of the reason I ve made this guide as fluff free and
inexpensive as possible. I want anyone to be able to use it regardless
of experience level. I want everyone reading it to be able to figure
out a game plan to earn a wonderful living from home.
Cash for Now & Cash for Later
It s important to have a two-pronged approach to your income. You
have to have a plan for right now and a plan for the future. Think of
this as instant income (the kind you work for right now and get paid
for right now) and passive income (the kind you work for now and
are rewarded for down the road). The better you plan for the future,
the easier it will be for you to generate instant income whenever you
need to.
You re likely already familiar with these terms if you ve been in the
business for a while. But, it never hurts to have things freshly defined
before we move forward.
Instant Income - Income you can generate very quickly -- usually
in the form of offering a service or quickly leveraging an asset. If
you re new to marketing, you ll advertise on established platforms or
take advantage of networking. If you re established, you ll inventory
what you ve got to make an instant splash.
Passive Income - Income you earn by setting up streams that
generate for you on autopilot. For instance, setting up niche websites
that rank for chosen keywords in the search engines that contain
your affiliate links. Or having a free product attached to an opt-in list,
which is attached to a product-selling autoresponder sequence.
These will earn for you over time in a fairly hands-off way.
A Mix of Both - There are some things you can do that will earn
you income now and later. Product creation is a great example of
this. Your products can eventually turn into passive income  you ll
do the work and they ll earn for you as new people learn about your
work. But, you can also create products to generate instant income.
It s really healthy to dip your toes into both passive and instant
income. This is especially true if you re struggling to build those
passive income streams.
The Importance of Mindset
I can tell pretty much right away who is going to succeed online and
who is not. Those who succeed know how to take control. They don t
let a lack of knowledge stop them. If they don t know an answer,
they look it up. If they aren t sure of a technical step, they look it up
on YouTube. They know when to turn to others for help (you can
make your path much smoother if you follow the path of those who
have been before you). They don t whine or complain that it s too
hard or that they don t know how to do it. They know in their heart
and their mind that they can and will succeed.
It s true  those who succeed online are self-starters. That s not just
a random attribute people put on resumes when trying to get a job.
There is a reason people think it s desirable to be that way. Don t let
the term intimidate you if you ve never thought of yourself that way,
though. It s just time for you to realize that you are in charge of your
Take a minute to evaluate your mindset before we go any further. Do
you feel positive that you can earn money pretty much right away?
Are you confident that you can build up passive income streams? If
not, why not?
It s time to realize that you can and should do these things. It s time
to change your life.
Why You Need an Income Plan for Now and the Future
Everyone is different, but I think most will do best with an income
plan for now and the future. Now, there are some who plan to run
services to the end of days and are perfectly happy doing that.
However, I submit that you will be much happier if you plan for
passive, future income to take a little bit of the pressure off. It s so
easy to become overwhelmed as a service provider. You can get
burned out which can cause a huge drop in income. Having passive
income streams removes part of that burden.
Think if it as an insurance plan, if nothing else. You re going to be
setting things up in a way that protects you no matter what happens.
You ll be able to generate income instantly if you have done a good
job networking, building a list, and building a reputation. You ll earn
income on autopilot if you ve done a good job of setting up those
passive income streams.
This guide is meant to help you feel incredibly confident about your
business. It s designed to help you feel like you truly do have access
to an ATM machine for whatever you need or want.
How this Works
I suggest you read the guide that relates to your experience level to
get a feel for it  either newbie or established marketer. You can
then refer to different sections when you need to. Use what you read
here to spark your own creativity. You can build up a wonderful
income online before you know it. You can have cash coming in on
autopilot and you canhave cash coming in almost instantly whenever
you need it.
Newbie Guide
What s a newbie? It s those who consider themselves to be new to
marketing. You don t have your own products or sites right now  but
you re ready to dive right in for cash for now and cash for later.
Providing Services
I was lost when I was a newbie! I didn t know what I was going to
do to generate. I started out thinking I d build affiliate websites, but
it quickly because clear that method wasn t going to be fast enough
for me. Luckily, I came across someone s marketing forum signature
file where she was offering her services. I knew right away that was
something I could do, too. I ve loved to write since I was a little girl.
I ve always been told I m a good writer. It was a match made in
I looked into what other web writers were doing, modeled my
website and services after theirs, and set up shop. My business took
off right away. In fact, I had orders the same day. I was hooked.
There was no secret to how I did this& other than networking! You
absolutely can offer services online for instant income for now (it
doesn t have to be writing) as long as you re willing to network. You
need to hang out where the business owners are hanging out. It
doesn t take forever to build up a relationship  it can happen quite
quickly, actually. You just have to set things up in a way that gets
people to trust you.
Warrior is a wonderful place to get some early clients.
There are dozens of other marketer forums where you can connect
with business owners. You can connect with other writers and offer
to grab their overflow work. There is a lot of work available online if
you are willing to work to find it.
Steps to getting this done:
1. Set up a website  you need a home base where people can learn
more to feel confident about hiring you
2. Put up samples or your work. Use elements of copywriting (I ve
included some as a bonus in this package) to entice people and
create a great offer
3. Advertise your site where you can - forums (where they accept
signature files and allow people to run offers) to get your name out
There is a lot of debate about what service providers should charge.
What you charge depends on your skill level and how badly you need
the money. Don t undervalue yourself, of course  but there is no
shame in offering a special rate people will have a hard time passing
You don t have to be a writer, of course. There are dozens of
different services you can offer online. Writing, design, virtual
assistant services, and so on. There are some services so highly in
demand that you can do as long as you re skilled enough to send an
I m always an advocate for setting up your own business and offering
services from your own site (or at least on a site where you don t
have to bid for services or share what you earn).
But I will say that I often hire people from bidding sites like You can join that site as a provider and find jobs you
know you could do a good job with. The money can come in quite
quickly as long as you deliver fast and do a good job. Make sure you
do work for providers with a good reputation.
The bottom line for services  you can do it, just don t over-think it.
Email me if you re totally lost and need help getting started
What if I Don t Want to Offer a Service?
There are other ways you can generate cash quickly as a newbie, of
course. If you don t provide a service, you ll need to create
something upfront. It does not have to take a long time. You can
earn a great income by creating quick reports people will love (there
is a mini report on how I do this in this package).
You can leverage the assets of those who are more established to
get sales, or take advantage of special forum offers where you can
list your product for sale (such as the Warrior Special Offers section
of Warrior Forum). This is another place where networking comes in
handy  the more marketers you know and become friendly with, the
more people will be willing to look at your product and promote it as
an affiliate.
Creating a Product Even if You re Not New
You never want to create a report or product on something you re
not intimately familiar with. That  rule sometimes leaves newbies
confused  how can they possibly create a product if they are new?
No worries at all. There are two options here. You can create a
product based on research, based on a case study, or based on
something else in your experience.
Figure out where you can provide value in an area where people are
spending money. In the Internet marketing niche, that might mean
putting together niche research packets, investigating and reverse
engineering others success (reporting on it as if you were a
newspaper reporter), and so on. If you can do some research that
will make marketers lives easier, you ll be golden.
Another method is to create a product based on your personal
experience. There is a very strong chance you ve done something in
your life that is marketable. I ll use a personal example. I used to be
a teacher. As a teacher, I was well versed in creating learning
material accessible to a variety of learning styles. I could have
created a product on how to reach more people in a niche - those
who learn visually, those who learn by doing, and so on. There was a
different product on this a while ago that is probably still on the
market  Teaching That Sells.
The spin you put on the product is very important. In this case, I
would have to spin it in a way that would entice marketers looking to
make more sales by reaching more of their audience. As a marketer,
you have to think quickly on your feet  what does the person you
are trying to sell to need or want?
Flipping sites
This is something else I used to do as a new marketer. I didn t have
time to create my own sites to wait for passive income, but I did
have time to sell them to other marketers for instant income.
Sites like Warrior Forum and Flippa have Sites for Sale sections
where you can sell websites to those who are looking for them 
even websites that don t currently have any income. It s targeted
traffic, so you have a good chance of making a sale. However, you ll
have to do some digging to figure out which topics are so hot you
can sell fresh sites related to them.
Selling to marketers?
You ll notice that my suggestions to this point all have to do with
selling to other marketers. That s because this is absolutely the
easiest way for you to make money very quickly. There are other
niches where you can make money fairly fast, but none as fast as
selling services or products (or anything else marketers need).
It doesn t matter how new you are, I highly suggest you study up on
copywriting. If you know how to touch on others emotions and get
to the heart of what they want (you re not selling the shovel, you re
selling the hole people need to dig), you will be way ahead of others.
This is the Best Tip in the Book&
Half of the battle is reverse engineering what others have done and
figuring out what you can do for instant income, too.
Seriously  think about it. Do it.
Building Passive Income as a Newbie
Building passive income as a new marketer can be intimidating once
you really look at what it takes. It s why so many new people get into
marketing in the first place. They are sold on the idea that they can
do the work once to make money lounging on the beach for all of
eternity. It, unfortunately, soon becomes clear that it takes a little
more elbow grease than originally anticipated.
This might surprise you -- but I urge you to keep at it. In fact, some
of my biggest regrets in my 5 years of online marketing are that I
gave up too soon on what could have been some awesome passive
income streams. I remember feeling frustrated back then that things
weren t happening.
I smartened up down the road and life was so much easier when that
passive income became a reality. In fact, it s something I freely admit
that I need to do more of even today.
It should be no secret that  passive income streams need to be
tended to or many of them will dwindle down to nothing. Let this be
my warning to you set up passive income streams as a newbie and
tend to them as the gold they are.
Keep going no matter what. Find a great passive income project and
work it, work it, work it.
5 Bucks a Day
Take a look at Dennis Becker s 5 Bucks a Day method if you have not
already. It s not as if you have to set up income streams that will
make you thousands of dollars right away. What if you could set up
an income stream today that would earn you $5 every day? And then
you keep building those income streams, $5 on top of $5, until
you ve built them to the income level you want to get to? In my
opinion, this is a great way to dip your toes into many business
models while still finishing projects through to completion. This is a
much smarter method than many people follow. That s one reason
Dennis methods have helped so many people, including me, become
One Week Marketing
There are some truly great passive income plans out there, such as
PotPieGirl's One Week Marketing. She uses free methods and
websites like Squidoo to develop free, passive income streams that
can really earn a lot more than you think  provided you actually
follow through with them.
It takes a lot of work and elbow grease, but it really does work. As I
write this, I have just bought the new version of her course and I
intend to follow through with it, just as I did as a newbie in 2008.
You can never have too many passive streams of income! You ll find
my review of that on my blog very soon (or already, if you re reading
this soon after launch).
There are a variety of things you can do to build up passive income
even if you are very new, and the sky truly is the limit as long as you
are choosing workable action plans.
Mini Product Creation
You can create mini products that earn for you over time  I ve
included a little guide in this package on how I do that. What is a
mini product? It s a product that focuses on one problem and offers
one solution. It should be a topic people spend money on and
actively search for answers to.
This is one of those combination methods because it earns for you
now and later (a very smart method!). People will find your products
through affiliates, the search engines, your autorsponder list (you
need to set one of these up, no matter what) and more to earn you
money. You do the work once, tend to it now and then, and you ll
have a passive income stream.
You can set up these mini products up in your free time, without
experience, and without it taking a lot of time and energy. It doesn t
matter how new to marketing you are, there is bound to be
something in your background that will make a great product. You
can even do a research-based product or a case study product where
you report on the results others have had. This is very valuable when
done the right way. The important thing is that you never pretend to
be something you re not.
List Building  You Must Do This
You should also work on building a list. It is absolutely crucial to your
success as an online marketer. It doesn t matter whether you are a
service provider, niche website builder, or whatever  just get it
done. You ll save yourself a lot of time and energy and make much
more money in the long run.
Build your list now and you ll enjoy a wonderful relationship that will
last for years and earn you a lot of money.
Sign up for aWeber or GetResponse to get a head start. I ve included
a mini guide on list building to get you started on the right foot.
Creating your own products goes hand-in-hand with building a list.
You will set things up so that people instantly get put on your email
list when they buy. This kills two birds with one stone. Start small
and build your way up until you become a well-known product
creator and have many raving fans with a big list.
Confidence Low?
Here s a blog post by Seth God and that I find very helpful to you as
a new marketer:
On Behalf of Yes
Blogging for Passive Income
One of the best moves I made when I was new was starting a blog.
I ll admit I m not the best at keeping my blog,, up-to-date. Nevertheless, it consistently
gets me new sign-ups, ranks for some good terms in the search
engines, and provides a convenient home base where people can find
You can start a blog now with the goal of having it generate some
nice income for you. Write helpful content, promote products (as an
affiliate and for your own products), and build your list. This isn t a
comprehensive blogging guide, but there are certainly some good
ones out there. My best advice is to make it your own, built a list,
write a mixture of SEO inspired content and more personal content,
and network with other bloggers.
Emulating Others for Passive Income
As I look back on my time as a marketer, one of the best moves I ve
made is emulating and being inspired by those who started and
found success before me. For instance, if I hadn t seen that Tiffany
Dow had made her way from being a popular ghostwriter to
becoming a product creator and blogger, I may not have made the
move as early as I did.
If I hadn t emulated those who were successful building niche
affiliate sites, such as my forever-favorite Info Product Killer, I may
not have found the success I did.
There is no need to reinvent the wheel. If there s someone out there
you admire, follow in their footsteps. Buy their product, subscribe to
their list, and put a spin on what they do. It s not copying them  it s
about emulating someone you admire so you can shorten your own
path to success.
You have to be careful, though, not to follow too many people and
buy too many products. Buy one business model and follow it
through to completion. I think just about everyone in Internet
marketing has a hard drive full of products they ve never
implemented. Make it your mission to end that for yourself, starting
today. Only buy things that directly relate to your current chosen
business model or that will substantially decrease your learning curve
or the time it will take you to do something.
I personally enjoy having different streams of income. I recommend
the same for you, in the long run. But you have to make some
choices. You may not want to be a service provider, so don t be. Or,
you may not want to create niche sites, so don t. Piece your online
business together the way you see fit. The important thing is that
you have several passive income streams going that you enjoy and
that build your income to the level you desire.
It s Not Always Easy&
It s not always easy being a new marketer. It can be extremely
frustrating  so frustrating that many people give up before they ever
really get started. Don t let that happen to you. Push through the
 pain with a solid business model that will change your life.
Established Marketer Guide
Newbies might think established marketers have an easier time of it.
In some ways, that s true. In other ways, it s definitely not. If you ve
been spinning your wheels for a while in IM, you might feel ready to
throw in the towel. Maybe you look back over the years you spent
and wonder why you wasted so much time. You probably know a
heck of a lot about marketing but haven t quite hit your stride yet.
The good news is that you re still here. You re still in the game and
you re still ready and raring to change your life.
I put myself in this category. I ve had a lot of success with IM, but
not where I d like to be. I d like to make it so that my family didn t
ever have to worry about money again. For that to happen, I need to
work through my fear of success  it s easy to get complacent and to
just let things happen to you.
Join me in taking things to the next level  building passive and
instant income so you can make your own path in life.
Generating Fast Cash as an Established Marketer
You have some advantages as an established marketer. You have
assets built up that you can use whenever you need some quick
cash. Surprise bills happen, school tuition happens, and life in general
happens. You never know when your life situation will change.
In my case, it was a recent switch for us when my husband started a
second career with a dramatic decrease in pay. He followed his
dream and we were sure my business could make up the difference 
it has, but that doesn t mean it s always super-easy. I ve had to
restructure things, stay focused, and utilize the assets I d already
built up so that we could stay on top of everything. I m so thankful
that my business flexible  if I work harder and smarter I make more
money whenever I want to. There aren t many businesses like that
out there.
It can also be fun to generate cash quickly instead of out of
necessity. Maybe you ve decided you would like a new gadget or toy.
Put one of these plans into action and you ll get the new toy you
want. I ve done this a few times myself  it s very motivating.
What Do You Have to Work With?
Not all established marketers have the same assets built up. You may
have a large list or none at all. You may have built up a large arsenal
of products, or perhaps you do not have any to speak of. You may
already have a reputation as a high-quality service provider, or you
may be completely new to providing services. As I present these
ideas, think about what applies to you and what speaks to you at this
moment as you work to generate cash quickly as an established
Fast Product Creation
I absolutely love creating products  and I can do so pretty quickly. I
try to create them regularly for a couple of reasons. For one thing,
many have told me my products really help them. It goes without
saying that they can bring in some nice cash relatively quickly. It s a
winning situation all the way around.
I ve included a guide on quick product creation to take away some of
the fear you might have. You can easily run with this idea for fast
cash and have a product created today. It s not about creating the
next mega course it s about creating a product that solves a specific
problem. Take this product, for example. This product is geared
towards those who want to know how to generate cash quickly no
matter what their circumstance, while also building passive income. It
calls out to a specific market, is inexpensive, and is high quality.
Think about what you could create in the same vein.
You re all set if you have a list. Just mail your list with your new offer
and you will make sales. You can also set things up on a platform
that attracts affiliates, such as JVZoo.
You can leverage the assets of others if you don t have your own list.
Many people run special offers on the Warrior Forum. You can also
reach out to those you know have a list and work out joint venture
deal they can t say no to. Think outside the box  what will make
marketers want to mail for you?
Run a Fire Sale
Consider bundling your past products into a fire sale if you do not
have time to create a brand-new product. People love fire sales
because they get a great deal on good products.
Those who run fire sales tend to specify the reason they re hosting
the sale, which gets people even more excited. In some cases, it is to
pay off medical bills. In other cases, it s to celebrate retiring the
products included or to celebrate something like a birthday. No
matter what the reason you have, define it in the sales letter so
people feel part of something big.
You can even get other people to contribute to the fire sale,
depending on the reason for running one. You ll tend to attract those
who have wanted to try your products in the past and are thrilled to
get the chance with a special offer. You ll also attract longtime
followers who will appreciate getting a great deal on several of your
products at a time.
Run a Discount on a Popular Offer
You can also run a discount on a popular offer of yours to generate
cash quickly. If you have a popular course or products, consider
dropping the price of either a special offer for a very short period of
time. Think about how Groupon does it. Companies all over are into
running very short, limited sales that generate a lot of buzz and
interest. Scarcity (in the form of a time limit) will almost always boost
your sales.
Run a Service Offer
Established marketers often run service offers for things they have
become known for. I absolutely love running service offers whether I
need to generate cash quickly or not. I love working for people in
producing a product that puts a smile on their face and money in
their pocket. Yes, I love creating my own products, but there s
something really special about freelancing and using your talent to
produce wonderful things for other people.
Are people always raving about the affiliate websites you build? Why
not build affiliate websites for others? Or, let s say you are known for
creating wonderful products people wish they could create
themselves. You ll no doubt have some takers if you run a service
offer for product creation. You ll get cash quickly and make other
people very happy.
Make the Best of What You ve Got
The bottom line here is that you need to make the best of what
you ve got. Take a look at your business  what can you use or be
creative with to generate cash now? This works whether you re in a
pinch or you just want to generate fast cash as part of growing your
monthly income.
Building Passive Income as an Established Marketer
As an established marketer, you re very likely to have things you can
plug in right away to get more passive cash over time. It s just a
matter of putting the pieces of the puzzle together in a way that
The first step is to take stock of what you have. What products do
you have? What websites or domain names do you have available?
What are your skills and what kind of Internet marketing experience
have you built up? We sometimes become so complacent with what
we have that we ignore our potential. I know I ve done it many
Sometimes I ll look through my list of products and say,  hey! I only
promoted that once or twice and it s really great. I then find ways to
give new life to old products. I might put it on its own domain,
generate affiliate interest, reuse the content in a new place, and so
on. It was a Jimmy D. Brown coaching product that taught me to get
everything you can out of what you write  use it everywhere you
can to make as much from it as you can.
That s actually what I want you to do as a first step. Go through what
you have and think of ways you can turn it into a passive income
stream  or to ramp up what it s earning you passively right now.
One mistake I see many Internet marketers making is only putting
their products up for sale at the Warrior Forum. That only gets you
so far. People really won t see your product anymore after a while
(unless it so happens to rank in the search engines for a key term,
which does work). Put that thing on its own domain. Give it new life,
a new promotion, and a new chance to passively earn for you.
In some cases, you can take products you ve created and use them
as list builders. This is something I intend to do right now, actually.
Put my older (yet still valuable) products up as a freebie in exchange
for people s email address. This will then turn into a passive income
earner where it wasn t before.
Take a look at the sales letters you have running as well. Are they as
good as they can be? Sometimes, sprucing your sales letter up can
have dramatic benefits (contact me if you need a spruce-up - I
have low rates on sales letter rewrites and I can usually help
with conversions).
Consider where you have your products for sale. If it s just with a
standard PayPal button, you re losing out. Most products will do
much better with affiliate support behind them. Put them up through
JVZoo or a payment gateway like that and you ll have a much better
chance of getting affiliates to sign up to promote your product.
It goes without saying that networking is a huge part of the game.
It s much easier to get affiliates out there earning for you if people
know you and the quality of your work. If you re not getting enough
affiliates, it s time to work on your approach. This is definitely
something I need to do  I have wonderful affiliates but could use
many more for a better passive income.
Along with selling more products comes building a bigger list. If
you re not building a list as you sell products, you re really missing
out. It makes me cringe when I think of how long it took me to link
the two. I ve even heard of people getting massive promotions done
for them as Warrior Product of the Day but they didn t do any list
building along with it  that s thousands of opt-ins, gone.
Do what I mentioned above as well - use older products as freebies
to get more people to sign up for your list. It all works together to
help you earn more money.
Blogging for Passive Income
I signed up for a blogging challenge run by John and Matt Rhodes in
2008. I am glad I did! While I ve never done enough with my blog to turn it into a huge earner on its
own, it s been responsible for many wonderful sign ups to my list.
People have come to know and trust me through my blog.
Many marketers have a blog as home base, and you should as well.
People hesitate to create a marketing blog because they feel it s so
saturated. But, that doesn t matter to me at all. No one else has my
exact set of experiences to share or my unique insight. I think it s
great to have a blog no matter how many others do on a similar
topic. If nothing else, it acts as a sort of therapy for you to get your
thoughts and feelings on marketing out there.
It can help you sell your products, build your list, build trust in you as
an authority, and so on. It s not something you have to spend a ton
of time doing  just think about it.
Active List Building
Along with letting some of my passive income streams die down, I
also deeply regret not being more active about my list building.
Selling to and building a relationship with those on your list is so
satisfying. It can be a great passive income earner if you set up an
autoresponder sequence that works hands-off once people sign up to
your list. Most of my own list members have come from sales of my
products and through blogs  but there is so much more I could
have done over the years. Heed my warning, and make list building a
priority for passive income.
Membership Sites
Membership sites are another great passive income earner 
depending on how you look at it. Despite those marketers who try to
sell you on these as being totally passive and easy, they aren t
always. They take a lot of tender love and care to keep going.
With that said, they are wonderful because you don t always have to
go out to find new buyers. The buyers are there as long as they
subscribe. As long as you provide value, they ll be satisfied.
Consider putting some of your past products into a membership site.
Think about a topic people will want to hear from you monthly on.
My current membership site is called Writing That Rocks  I provide
two monthly issues on topics related to writing. It s not something
I ve promoted very much outside of my own list, but it s a great little
membership people love, and it has turned into passive income for
me (if you do not count the time spent writing the new issues!). In
this case,  passive means I m not finding new buyers for new
products all the time  membership renews on autopilot. This is true
for most membership sites. Its not a hands-off passive earner.
I ve talked a lot about things I wish I d done different along the way
as a marketer. One of those things is that I shied away from using
upsells for way too long. I always felt like I d annoy people if I had
them. Well, some might be annoyed but I think many more are
thankful - at least with the way I do them. I tend to offer upsells that
are very useful and on-topic. They aren t overly pricey and they
aren t just there to get people s money - they are there to be helpful.
When someone buys a product of mine these days, there is generally
an upsell. It s not something people are pressured to buy and it
generates additional income, hands-off.
If you haven t added upsells or set up a true sales funnel at this
point, give it a try. You might be surprised by how much your income
Cross Promotion
By that same token, I ve often been very shy when it comes to cross
promoting my stuff. I should not have been! There is no shame in
letting people know about my other, very valuable, products and
services. In fact, people often thank me for letting them know those
other things are available.
Take a look at the things you sell  do you just sell them to people
as a one-off, or do you give them a chance to know that you sell
other things they might like? You can even see this amongst popular
authors on Amazon - the smart ones let people know that they have
other books for sale as well. This can dramatically increase your
passive income.
You can even create a hub for your products so people can stay up
to date on them.
Passive Income as an Affiliate
You re an experienced marketer, so you ve probably dabbled in
affiliate marketing at this point. If you re like me, you got frustrated
with Google changes and all of that and may have let things dwindle
a little. Get back into the game! As long as you are doing things the
right way (the way Google has liked all along) it s still possible. I m
currently revamping all passive affiliate income after scrapping a lot
of what I had out of frustration.
There are some things that have always worked and that I believe
always will. The first is having very high quality content. Google
wants to serve content that is exactly what their searchers want to
see. So, you just have to provide that for them.
Another thing that has always worked is staying on top of trends -
including  launch jacking as it has become known. It s pretty easy to
hop onto mid-mega launches as an affiliate, making sales through
your blog or other web properties. Give it a try for passive income.
My goal here is not to give you groundbreaking information. Those
who are newer or less experienced probably did find new things. But,
I ask you to not put this product aside even if you didn t  learn
anything new. The idea is  do you do these things? Do you have
the current and future income you want to have? If not, it s time to
put these things into place. It s funny - as I was writing this I started
to find the holes in my own business. I hope it s helped you find the
holes in your business, too. Sometimes, even small changes can
make a huge difference.
As I m writing this, it s close to the New Year. I have accomplished a
lot in the past few years but there is so much more I d like to
accomplish. I want more passive income, better sales funnels, and
more products out there. I want to be smarter about every aspect of
my business. I hope this product has helped you think about the


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