Andrew Grey [To Have and To Hold] To Have, Hold, and Let Go (pdf)

To Have, Hold, and Let Go e& Andrew Grey
 BILL, I m nervous. I smiled as I looked at the man I loved,
taking Bill s arm to steady myself as we walked down the
airport concourse.  I know it sounds ridiculous, but I am.
 As least you ve done this before. This is my first time.
Bill s eyes shone as he looked at me.  What has you so
nerved up?
 I don t know, but it s like I forgot to do something. That
feeling is nagging at me, and I can t figure out why. I d been
having it a lot lately.
 Everything s going to be fine, Baby. Paula and your
brother have everything under control. It s going to be a
quiet ceremony with just family and close friends. You can
relax and just enjoy it. Bill put his arm around my waist
and guided us to the gate. But I still couldn t put my finger
on what I d forgotten, and the feeling wasn t going away.
Our flight was called, and we boarded the plane that
would take us to Baltimore, my family, and our wedding.
Our seats were together, me by the window and Bill right
next to me, his hand taking mine, trying to be reassuring. He
loved me very much. I could see it in his eyes; I knew it in
my heart. It wasn t Bill that made me nervous, and I wasn t
having doubts about him I love him with everything I have.
So I sat back, held Bill s hand, relaxed, and let my mind float
To Have, Hold, and Let Go e& Andrew Grey
and wander. My mind conjured up images and scenes I
hadn t thought about in a while, pushed aside first by grief
and then by joy and the return of love. Leaning back in my
seat, I let the scenes play out.
I FIRST saw Steve when he walked into Connor and Jamie s
dinner party. It was the coldest day of the year, and in
Milwaukee that s saying something. He was bundled to the
gills, but as he peeled off his hat, gloves, scarf, coat, and a
heavy sweater, the most incredible man emerged. He was a
little shorter than average, but broad and strong with dark
hair, piercing brown eyes, and a strong, handsome face.
Jamie took his things and put them in the hall closet.
 Steve Harper, this is Tom Carter. We shook hands and said
the usual polite things.  Would you excuse me a second? I
have to see if Connor needs help in the kitchen. Please have a
seat in the living room, and I ll be right back. Jamie skittered
off, and we entered the living room.
 Where are the other guests? Steve sat down in one of
the small, froufrou chairs while I sat in another.
 I don t think there are any.
Steve s face initially registered surprise, and then to my
delight, he smiled a big, bright smile.  So I take it we re being
fixed up by matchmaker Jamie.
To Have, Hold, and Let Go e& Andrew Grey
I couldn t help smiling as well.  Looks that way. Has he
tried to fix you up before?
Steve shook his head, his smile remaining.  No, but he s
infamous for playing matchmaker. He and Connor have been
happy for years, and he wants everyone else paired up in
happy little couples. His imitation of Jamie made me laugh
he was dead on.
 I d heard rumors, but I ve never experienced the full
Jamie effect until now. Steve laughed again as Jamie and
Connor joined us. The four of us talked until it was time for
dinner, and I found myself seated next to the attractive Steve
Harper. Sometimes things do work out. The rest of the evening
was a blur, albeit a pleasant blur, of laughter and wonderful
conversation that is, until it was time to leave. Connor and
Jamie saw us to the door, and we pulled on our heavy winter
gear, encasing ourselves in layers of down-filled warmth. I
gave Steve a card with my phone number on it, hoping to hell
he d call. I can still remember the butterflies in my stomach as
we said good-night, and I walked down the stairs and out to
my car.
Two days later, I d just gotten home from work and the
gym when the phone rang. It was Steve, inviting me to go out
for dessert the following evening. We met for frozen custard,
and after finishing our decadent treats, we went back to my
house and spent hours talking.
To Have, Hold, and Let Go e& Andrew Grey
 BABY, it s almost time for takeoff. Are you okay? You seem
so distracted. Bill stroked my arm, his face close to mine,
the words soft and intimate.
 Just thinking. I leaned against him and felt the plane
begin backing up, pulling away from the gate.  I guess I m
thinking about Steve. Bill s hand tightened reassuringly on
mine as the plane taxied and then turned onto the runway.
The engines revved, and the plane picked up speed, the
movement pressing me back into the seat. And then we were
 I M having a small dinner party on Saturday for Connor and
Jamie, and I was hoping you could come too. I know you said
you re leaving on a business trip the following day, but I hope
you can come. Steve sounded so unsure of himself, like he
was afraid I d say no.
I had no such reservations,  I d love to come. Is there
anything I need to bring?
Steve had laughed softly, obviously relieved.  It s all
taken care of. Just bring your appetite. Oh, that sounded
promising. He gave me directions to his apartment, and I hung
up the phone, already planning what I would wear.
On Saturday, I arrived at Steve s apartment at the
appointed time carrying flowers, my hands shaking with
excitement. My knock was answered by Steve, dressed in
To Have, Hold, and Let Go e& Andrew Grey
khaki pants and a handsome blue shirt, just tight enough to
hint at what was beneath. I handed Steve the flowers.  Thank
you. He smiled beautifully, and I wondered if it were okay to
kiss him, to taste those beautifully full lips. I was just about to
lean in when I heard familiar voices in the hall. Turning, I saw
Connor and Jamie getting off the elevator. Steve invited me
inside, and I entered, followed by the other two guests. Steve
took our coats and hung them in the closet. Then he went into
the kitchen to finish dinner while the three of us sat in the
living room. Steve joined us a few minutes later, sitting next to
me on the sofa. God, I just wanted to lean against him and
see what it would feel like to hold him.
The conversation, fun and lighthearted, continued until a
timer went off in the kitchen and Steve got up take care of the
food. I couldn t help sneaking a peek at the way his butt filled
out those pants. A few minutes later, he called all of us to the
table, and what a table it was. Steve worked as a chef, so the
food, the dishes, the centerpiece everything looked like a
work of art. The food was splendid: a terrine of pâté, artisan
cheeses, handmade bread, antipasti, fruit, and wine. It was a
gourmet banquet. For dessert, there were crępes filled with
bananas and cream. Steve had really outdone himself.
After dinner, we moved back to the living room to talk.
Jamie and Connor stayed just a short while and then excused
themselves, saying they had early services in the morning.
They both worked as church organists and had to be up early.
Steve and I talked for hours, completely losing track of
time. When I checked my watch, it was one in the morning. I
To Have, Hold, and Let Go e& Andrew Grey
got up to leave, but Steve extended his hand and led me to his
bedroom. I followed, completely in awe of this handsome man
who seemed to want me.
I watched as he stripped off his shirt, shoes, and pants,
leaving on only his boxers. He climbed into bed, beckoning me.
I followed suit and nervously climbed in beside him. Steve felt
incredible next to me. I d had very little experience prior to
this, and for him to take his time, holding me in the dark, was
the sweetest thing anyone had ever done. Steve snuggled
close, holding me to his body, his lips kissing my neck softly.
 Night, Tom.
I said good-night to him and proceeded to lay there the
rest of the night, listening to him breathe, relishing the feel of
his touch on my skin.
Steve was still holding me when the alarm went off at
six. I will never forget the way he kissed me good morning,
sweetly with just a hint of excitement. I got up, dressing
quickly, and Steve walked me to the door.  I m sorry I have to
leave so early, but my plane leaves in a few hours. I hugged
and kissed him good-bye and then walked to the elevator.
Just before getting on the elevator, I turned and saw him
standing in his doorway. That image is forever pressed into
my memory: Steve wearing a pair of olive green boxers,
standing in the partially open doorway, looking all sleepy&
talk about bedroom eyes. I really hated to go, but I had a
business trip to Mexico City that couldn t be rescheduled, so I
got into the elevator and watched him until the doors closed.
To Have, Hold, and Let Go e& Andrew Grey
I HEARD activity in the cabin, and it pulled me away from my
thoughts.  Baby, did you want anything to drink? I nodded,
and Bill got me a Diet Coke.  I was thinking about Steve.
Bill nodded softly, his expression warm and caring.  I
thought so. I told him what I d been remembering, and
when I got to the dinner menu, he began laughing.  He
served you pâté, cheese, and creamy custard with bananas
for dinner.
 I know. It was a standing joke for years. He served me
everything I couldn t eat. He always said that he must really
have been something special, because I m lactose intolerant
and won t touch liver or bananas with a ten-foot pole, and I
didn t run screaming for the hills. Steve would always laugh
at this point whenever he told the story and say that I must
have eaten a lot of bread.
The flight attendant brought the drinks, and I sat back,
sipped my soda, and relaxed into my thoughts once again.
THE next weekend, Steve and I had plans to have dinner.
This time I made sure there were no surprises. I d called him
from Mexico City and invited him for dinner on Friday night as
well as for breakfast on Saturday morning. Steve arrived a
little before five, looking sexy, and I felt the butterflies start in
my stomach.
To Have, Hold, and Let Go e& Andrew Grey
I ushered Steve into the living room, and we snacked on
simple appetizers. I lit the grill, and Steve helped me with the
steaks. When they were done, we sat at my small kitchen
table, eating and talking. I was so nervous that I can t
remember what we talked about, but I can remember his
brilliant smile shining from across the table.
I d prepared a bowl of fresh fruit for dessert and brought
it to the table. To my surprise, before I could sit down, Steve
took my hand and softly brought our lips together.  I know
you re nervous, Tom. Have you done this before? I shook my
head, afraid that Steve would back away, but he didn t.
Instead he smiled and spoke softly,  It s nothing to be
ashamed of. In fact, I m honored to be your first. Steve then
led me by the hand toward the bedroom, carrying the bowl of
fruit with him.  Relax, Tom, we re going to take things slow
and easy. He set the bowl on the dresser and then kissed me
again, his lips guiding me toward the bed. I felt his hands tug
on my shirttail, pulling it up. Steve only broke the kiss long
enough to get my shirt off, and then he was kissing me again
as he slipped off his own shirt.
The first touch of Steve s chest to mine, the first time my
skin had touched another man intimately, is forever etched in
my senses. His chest hair felt rough and so perfect against my
smooth skin.  I& . It felt like my legs were going to give out.
Carefully, he guided me back onto the bed.  Lie on your
back. I complied, looking up at Steve, watching as he took a
small bottle from his pants pocket and set it on the
nightstand. Then he opened my pants and slid them off my
To Have, Hold, and Let Go e& Andrew Grey
legs before dropping his own pants and stepping out of them.
 Just relax and enjoy. Steve straddled my legs and poured
some of the oil from the bottle on his hands and then started
massaging my chest. His hands felt so good, so hot, as they
traveled over my skin. Beneath his hands, the muscles of my
chest and arms began to melt, and I could feel the butterflies
relaxing away. As his hands continued moving, I felt myself
becoming less self-conscious. As those feelings faded, my
arousal increased. Then I felt Steve s hand slide beneath the
elastic of my briefs.
 Steve& . His hand brushed lightly against me, and I
arched slightly on the bed as Steve s fingers slowly pulled the
fabric off my legs. Steve then slipped off his briefs and
straddled my legs again, leaning forward to kiss me. This
time there was no doubt. His kiss was dripping with heat and
passion. I could feel his arousal sliding against mine, his
hands stroking my skin.  Steve, I m& . I came right there, the
excitement and arousal overwhelming my body. I felt Steve
smile against my lips as he kissed me. A few seconds later
Steve cried out softly, and I felt a warm wetness against my
Once he d caught his breath, Steve went to the bathroom
and got a towel, cleaning up both of us before picking up the
bowl of fruit and joining me on the bed. Feeding each other
fruit progressed to eating it off each other, which progressed
to kissing and eventually putting the bowl aside in favor of
more carnal delights.
To Have, Hold, and Let Go e& Andrew Grey
I FELT Bill shift next to me as he read his book. I opened my
eyes and watched him for a few minutes. His head turned.
 Oh, you re awake. I thought you d dozed off.
 I may have for a few minutes. I really wasn t sure. I
lifted the armrest between us and curled closer to his
warmth, closing my eyes again as he went back to his book.
STEVE and I spent the night together, and after waking early
for some more fun, we got up, and I made breakfast. Steve
had to go into work, so he kissed me good-bye and left, telling
me he d call me the following day. I cleaned up from breakfast
and the previous night s meal. Early in the afternoon, I started
feeling funny. By evening I was outright sick. By Monday I
was so weak I could barely get out of bed. Somehow I
managed to get myself to the doctor, who diagnosed me with
Montezuma s Revenge, gave me antibiotics, and sent me home
to bed. Steve called every day to see how I was feeling, and
on Wednesday, he called me from work.  Are you able to eat?
 A little. My stomach s still upset, but food stays down. I
was still really tired and had only moved from my bed to the
 Do you think you can drive to the apartment? I ll make
you some soup. I agreed, figuring after sleeping for a few
To Have, Hold, and Let Go e& Andrew Grey
hours, I d be able to drive.  Good, I ll see you at four. Steve
hung up, and I fell back to sleep.
I woke up around three and got dressed, which was no
small feat, and managed to get to Steve s a little before four.
He ushered me inside and sat me on the sofa, covering me
with a blanket.
 The soup s simmering. Where does it hurt?
 My stomach s still trying to figure out what happened to
it. Steve sat against my legs and slid his hand beneath the
blanket and under my shirt. Slowly, gently, his hand rubbed
my stomach, soothing the aching muscles, and finally the pain
began to subside. I swear, if I were a cat, I d have been
purring. That sweet man rubbed my stomach until a timer
went off in the kitchen.  I ll be right back. Steve s hand
slipped away, and he got up, returning in a few minutes with
a bowl of homemade chicken soup. He helped me sit up, and I
The soup tasted really good warm and soothing
sliding down my throat. When I was done, he finished his and
took my bowl. Then he laid me back on the sofa and started
rubbing my stomach again. I dozed off, and when I woke,
Steve was still stroking my skin.
It was at that moment I fell in love. For some people it s a
process, for some a gradual awakening, but for me, it was like
a lightning bolt. I fell in love with Steve because of a bowl of
chicken soup and a belly rub.
To Have, Hold, and Let Go e& Andrew Grey
I FELT Bill moving against me, beginning to fidget, and my
ears began to pop. Sitting up, I realized we were preparing to
land. I got up and used the facilities, returning as the  fasten
seatbelt light came on. Bill was awake.  Still reminiscing?
I nodded.  Sorry I ve been so preoccupied. I don t know
why I m thinking about this all of a sudden.
Bill, being Bill, leaned close, kissing me gently on the
neck,  You and Steve were together for ten years before he
died, and now you re moving on. We re getting married, and I
think you re remembering so you can say good-bye. At least
that s what I hope.
I leaned close, returning his kiss, getting a few looks
from other passengers, but I ignored them.  I m not having
second thoughts of any kind. I m guess I m feeling
sentimental. Bill patted my knee reassuringly as landing
announcements were made and we prepared for arrival.
Our plane pulled up to the gate, and we disembarked,
heading right to baggage claim. As we walked Bill pulled me
into the restroom, into the last stall, pressing me against the
door. He kissed me hard, possessively, as his hand slipped
beneath my shirt, fingers tweaking the bars in my nipples.
Bill didn t say anything, just pummeled my mouth with his
until I whimpered softly. Then he pulled back and opened
the door. Exiting the restroom, we continued on our way. I
got the luggage while Bill rented a car, and soon we were on
To Have, Hold, and Let Go e& Andrew Grey
our way. Bill drove as I sat in the passenger seat, my hand
slipping under my shirt.
 I LOVE this time of year: the colors, the crispness of the air,
the coming holidays. Steve had just picked me up, and we
were on our way to Lake Park for a walk.  I know winter is
just around the corner, but I can t help it.
 I have to tell you, Steve, I like spring much better than
fall. Spring meant warm weather was on the way. I hated
the cold weather.
 I know you do, but it s a wonderful day. There was no
arguing with that. Steve stopped the car near the park, and
we got out, walking together along the path that wound
deeper into the park. We walked across expansive lawns and
through wooded glens, crossing bridges guarded by stone
lions until we reached the lake overlook.  Today s our eight-
month anniversary. I smiled only Steve would remember
things like that.  And I have something I d like to ask you.
Steve got down on his knees and reached into his pocket.
 Tom, I was wondering if you d do me the honor of becoming
my husband? He opened the box; inside were three small
gold loops.
I was speechless with joy.  Yes, I love you, and I ll marry
you. But what are these for? I looked at the delicate gold
rings, turning one over in my hand.
To Have, Hold, and Let Go e& Andrew Grey
 You asked Thad once what it was like to have your
nipples pierced, and I thought you should find out. Actually, I
thought we d both find out. Steve arched his eyebrows.  You
game? Steve got off his knees and pulled me into a kiss.
The thought of having my nipples pierced was intriguing,
and I d asked our friend Thad about it some time ago, but
finding myself at the put-up-or-shut-up moment, I jumped in
with both feet.  I m game if you are.
 That s why I got three: two for you and one for me.
Steve hugged me close, and we walked back to the car to
drive to a piercing parlor. I don t remember much about the
process other than the fact that it didn t hurt as much as I
thought it would, but I do remember Steve s arms around my
stomach and his head resting on my shoulders when it was
done.  You look so hot with those gold bars. I can t wait till
they heal so I can lick them, twist them, use them to drive you
I turned in his arms.  Look who s talking, I m ready to
suck on yours until you scream. I could feel Steve s arousal
just as he could feel mine.  Let s go. Steve looked at me
questioningly, so I leaned very close, all subtlety gone.  I m
taking you home so I can fuck you until you can t see
straight. That was all it took. Steve paid, and we were
outside and in the car so fast, I got whiplash.
To Have, Hold, and Let Go e& Andrew Grey
WE arrived at my brother s and pulled in the driveway. My
niece, Sarah, bounded out of the house almost as soon as
the car stopped moving.  Uncle Bill! Uncle Bill! She threw
herself around his legs. He lifted her up, and she squeezed
him tight. After a big return hug, he put her down, and she
ran to me, hugging me with equal enthusiasm. Then she led
us into the house, and after greetings, Bill was dragged off
by Sarah to play Barbies. Somehow, on our previous visits,
she d glommed onto him to play Barbies with her, and that
was all there was to it.
We spent the day and evening as a family with my
parents, brother, sister-in-law, and sister, along with Sarah,
all talking and laughing. Eventually even I got dragged into
playing Barbie Cruise Ship.
That night, after going to bed, Bill and I made slow,
sweet love, with him sliding into me while he kissed me so
deeply I thought his tongue and cock were going to meet in
the middle. Just thinking about it was enough for me to grab
Bill and beg for a re-creation.
In the morning we had breakfast and a rehearsal for the
ceremony. A dear family friend had agreed to preside at the
ceremony, and she led us through the words Bill and I had
written. Afterward I sat on the bench in my brother George s
garden, looking at the yard filled with flowers and color. Bill
sat next to me, his arm around my waist as I leaned against
To Have, Hold, and Let Go e& Andrew Grey
THE ceremony Steve and I had was also outside in the
backyard of what was to be our home. The neighbors had a
beautiful patio with a fountain, and they let us use their yard
as well. We set up chairs on our lawn and took our vows in
front of the fountain.
Every chair in the yard was filled with our family and
friends. Music played, and I watched as Steve walked down
the aisle toward me. He looked resplendent in an afternoon
tuxedo with its white coat and green cummerbund. As soon as
he joined me, the rest of the guests, hell, the rest of the world,
faded away. He was there, and nothing else existed. I looked
into his eyes and watched as they danced with the same joy I
was feeling. We said our vows, each of us trying not to mess
up, like it would matter anyway nothing could mess up our
love. We exchanged rings, simple gold bands for our fingers,
and I saw Steve wink at me. I knew he was thinking about
the gold loops that rested against my chest. He d get his later.
The yard filled with music as the ceremony concluded, and we
greeted our guests. It wasn t fancy, but it was special because
it was ours, and that s all that mattered.
I remember, after the greetings, after the food, drink,
cake, and toasts, lying in our bed and holding Steve close,
telling him,  I ll love you forever.
 I know, and I love you too. Always will, you can count
on it. Unfortunately, we were both so tired after all the
preparations and celebrating, we just fell asleep, holding one
another close.
To Have, Hold, and Let Go e& Andrew Grey
WHAT I hadn t counted on was cancer taking Steve only
eight years later. A tear ran down my face, and I couldn t
stop it. I hadn t cried for Steve in almost two years. I turned
to Bill, burying my face in his shirt so no one would see me
blubbering.  You okay, Baby? I nodded against his skin.
 Are you crying? I nodded softly but didn t lift my head, and
I felt Bill s fingers card through my hair as he cradled my
head. Bill knew I loved him, and his support and
understanding filled my heart even more. My life had been
blessed twice: first with Steve and now with Bill.  We should
get some lunch and then get dressed.
 I know. I just want to sit with you for a while. I wiped
my eyes on his shirt and lifted my face, receiving a hot kiss
in return.
 Ooooh, they re kissing, Sarah called from the deck,
and we both laughed. Bill got up and started chasing her
around the yard, breaking me out of my mood instantly, and
I joined Bill in the fun.
Once we d caught her and received a year s supply of
squeals and giggles, Paula called from inside the house, and
we went in for a quick lunch. We then went upstairs to get
dressed.  Baby, I was wondering& . I let my shirt fall off my
shoulders.  Why you only wear the stainless bars and not
the gold ones.
To Have, Hold, and Let Go e& Andrew Grey
I shrugged and turned to face him.  I took them out
when Steve died, and I haven t worn them since. At the time,
the memories were too painful. I put my arms around Bill s
neck.  I m done with my trip down memory lane. It s time to
move forward once and for all, and I m moving ahead with
you for the rest of my life. I smiled and kissed Bill hard as
his arms pulled me close, our bare chests pressing together.
 Let s get dressed, or we ll be late for our own wedding.
Bill patted my butt and we went back to dressing. Bill looked
good really good in his light grey tuxedo. When we d
picked them out, I hadn t been sure, but now they looked
 You look so good in a tuxedo. I slipped my arms
around his waist, grinding against his butt.  Let s get
married so we can stop living in sin. I imitated one of those
television preachers, and we both chuckled as we finished
getting dressed. A few minutes later, we heard music and
came downstairs together, going through the house and out
into the backyard. My parents and family had gathered along
with a few friends in the back yard. Together Bill and I
walked to join the group.
 Family and friends, we come together to witness the
joyful expression of love between Bill and Tom. Sue was
doing a great job.  Love is wonderful, and it brings happiness
to everyone it touches. Today, we celebrate love. As I
listened to Sue say the words Bill and I had written, I looked
out over our friends, and for a moment, I could have sworn I
saw Steve among them. When I looked again, there was
To Have, Hold, and Let Go e& Andrew Grey
nothing.  Bill and Tom have written their own vows. She
stepped back, and I listened as Bill said his vows, expressing
his love.
I heard Bill put his love into words so beautifully that I
felt tears form in my eyes.  Tom, I d given up on ever finding
anyone who d love me for who I am, and then I met you.
From the start, you made me feel special. I promise to make
you feel just as special. I promise to love you for as long as I
live and support you in every way I can. I love you, Tom, and
I promise to show it each and every day. I had to turn away
from him for a second, and I swear I saw Steve standing next
to my brother and he was smiling.
Sue spoke again,  Tom will now express his love to Bill.
I took Bill s hands in mine,  Bill, after I lost Steve, I
never expected to find love again, and I never expected to
find someone who made me happy again. Then I found you
in a most unlikely place, and I got a second chance at love.
Not just any love, but a second once-in-a-lifetime love. You
make me feel whole, loved, and unbelievably happy. I just
hope that I can make you as happy as you do me, and I
promise to try my best to do just that each and every day.
When I d finished saying my vow to Bill, I turned to look at
my family through tear-filled eyes, and this time I knew
without a doubt that Steve was there. I saw him stepping
away, smiling, and as I watched, he blew me a kiss, waving
slowly. I knew he was pleased, giving me his blessing,
making sure I was happy and in good hands. Then he
vanished, and I heard Sue saying the final words of the
To Have, Hold, and Let Go e& Andrew Grey
ceremony. We exchanged our rings and Bill kissed me, then I
took him in my arms and kissed him hard.  Love you, Bill.
 I love you too, Baby. I heard champagne corks pop and
then a glass was pressed into my hand.
My brother was about to offer a toast when a small,
high-pitched voice beat him to the punch.  Here s to Uncle
Tommy, thank you for finding Uncle Bill. He plays Barbies
To Have, Hold, and Let Go e& Andrew Grey
ANDREW GREY grew up in western Michigan with a father
who loved to tell stories and a mother who loved to read
them. Since then he has lived throughout the country and
traveled throughout the world. He has a master s degree
from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and works in
information systems for a large corporation. Andrew's
hobbies include collecting antiques, gardening, and leaving
his dirty dishes anywhere but in the sink (particularly when
writing) He considers himself blessed with an accepting
family, fantastic friends, and the world s most supportive
and loving partner. Andrew currently lives in beautiful,
historic Carlisle, Pennsylvania.
To Have, Hold, and Let Go e& Andrew Grey
To Have, Hold, and Let Go e& Andrew Grey
To Have, Hold, and Let Go ©Copyright Andrew Grey, 2009
Published by
Dreamspinner Press
4760 Preston Road
Suite 244-149
Frisco, TX 75034
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the
authors imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead,
business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.
Cover Design by Mara McKennen
This book is licensed to the original purchaser only. Duplication or distribution via any means is
illegal and a violation of International Copyright Law, subject to criminal prosecution and upon
conviction, fines and/or imprisonment. This eBook cannot be legally loaned or given to others. No
part of this eBook can be shared or reproduced without the express permission of the publisher. To
request permission and all other inquiries, contact Dreamspinner Press at: 4760 Preston Road, Suite
244-149, Frisco, TX 75034
Released in the United States of America
June, 2009


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