A3 USA Brochure 2009

Water and Wastewater Membranes
Membrane modules are produced in
Gelsenkirchen, Germany while complete
plants are manufactured and assembled in
Pittsburgh, PA
A3-USA is a privately held company located in
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania that engineers, constructs,
Innovative Environmental Technology
delivers, and commissions membrane plants in the
A3-USA offers the latest technology combined with the advantages that a small company
United States for the US market. A3-USA is the sole
provides  personalized service, attention to detail, and low cost.
licensee of A3-GmbH located in Gelsenkirchen,
We supply plants and equipment that apply membrane technology to water and wastewater
treatment processes. We offer a full range of consulting services for our projects. Our serv-
A3-GmbH originally was part of the Hese Group of
ices and products include, but are not limited to:
companies. A3/Hese have more than 15 years
experience in the manufacture of water, wastewater,
Membrane Bioreactors (MBR) - Plate Ultrafiltration Membranes
Design and supply of complete new MBR wastewater treatment plants using both modu- waste treatment & recycling plants. A3 now
lar container construction for small municipal and industrial applications, and large scale collaborates with Hese to offer one of the most
comprehensive lines of membrane and biogas treating
wastewater treatment plants
equipment in the world. A3-GmbH has constructed
Design and supply of equipment to optimize existing treatment facilities to increase
capacity and improve effluent quality reliable membrane modules and plants to municipal,
commercial and industrial customers since 1999.
Ultrafiltration & Reverse Osmosis Plants
Design and supply of equipment for filtration of highly contaminated effluents from
A3 maintains a relationship with Aachen University
industries including textile, food and chemical manufacturers with integrated recycle
that assures that the product line is continuously
streams, landfill leachate treatment plants, drinking water treatment plants, and de-
improved. Aachen University maintains a world-class
salination plants
membrane research department.
organic molecules yeasts hair
aqueous salts viruses bacteria
organic compounds
reverse osmosis
0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100
Particle and Molecule Size d [祄]
Classification of Membrane Processes
Ultra-and Microfiltration membranes are pressure driven membranes where separation is based on differences in pore size.
Nanofiltration & Reverse Osmosis membrane performance relies on solution-diffusion processes. Nanofiltration performance is also
dependent upon charge effects.
Transmembrane Pressure "p [psi]
Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) Plants
Membrane Bioreactors combine conventional biological activated sludge
treatment with membrane filtration and are used to treat municipal and
industrial wastewater. Membrane modules are directly immersed in the
activated sludge. The activated sludge is separated from the liquid as it
passes through the membrane modules. Conventional sedimentation
processes are not required as the small pores of an ultrafiltration mem-
brane separate suspended matter, bacteria, and viruses (pathogens) from
the process liquid.
A3 s plate ultrafiltration modules use Polyethersulfone (PES) mem-
branes having a pore size of less than 0.1 祄. They are manufactured in
discrete sizes that allow for flexible plant design:
72 ft2
241 ft2
754 ft2
Customized modules may be provided depending on order size and cus-
tomer preference.
Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) Plants
Operation at higher MLSS concentration resulting in a more robust process
Compact footprint
Lower waste sludge production
Ease of operation and less operator attention
Sludge generated from the process requires less dewatering due to the high solid content
Disinfection is reduced or eliminated
Provides consistent, superior effluent quality
Effluent is reusable / recyclable
Applications & Clients
On-lot treatment systems for single or multi family homes
Compact containerized package plants
Parameters Achievable Values
Larger scale MBR plants using onsite concrete basins
Water reuse and recycling
< 5 mg/l
Military camps - mobile package units
Commercial users such as hotels and casinos
TSS < 1 mg/l
Industrial users such as steel plants, glass factories, etc
Real estate developers
TKN < 3 mg/l
Small municipal communities
NH < 0.5 mg/l
Areas that have enacted stringent wastewater effluent regulations
Industries that are forced to update they current treatment facilities TP < 0.1 mg/l
Emphasis on areas with dwindling water resources
MLSS 8,000 - 25,000 mg/l
Cleaning of pond water
Landfill leachate pre-treatment for reverse osmosis
Turbidity < 0.2 NTU
Fecal Coliform < 2 mpn/100ml
Ultrafiltration (UF) & Reverse Osmosis (RO)
UF is the most widely used membrane process for industrial wastewater
treatment. UF can treat wastewater comprised of suspended solids (silt,
clay, organic matter), microorganisms and marine organisms, dissolved
organic matter (oil, fatty acid, polysaccharides, lipids, colloids), and dissolved
inorganic matter. The UF process offers a compact design compared to
conventional pretreatment processes without the need of chemical
additives. The most common use for A3 UF membranes is pretreatment for
reverse osmosis membranes.
RO membranes are well-known for their use for drinking water treatment,
however, RO systems are frequently applied to wastewater and process
water. For some projects, A3 also uses its immersed UF membranes for
drinking water applications. A3 is the European market leader for the
treatment of wastewater generated by Biogas plants.
In contrast to A3's flat sheet membrane modules, UF tubular membranes
and spiral wound RO membranes are arranged in a side stream
configuration with the membrane located in a pressurized external loop as
Process Water treatment
Water reuse and recycling
Pre-treatment for reverse osmosis (UF)
Industrial user such as textile plants, biogas plants, etc.
Treatment of surface water
Drinking water treatment
Process water treatment with water recycling
Desalination up to 99% (RO)
Barrier against bacteria, viruses and pesticides (RO)
Water softening with simultaneous nitrate reduction
Landfill leachate treatment
2521 Hunting Ridge Trail
Bridgeville, PA
Phone 412.221.7520
Fax 888.525.9458


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