Mongolia Shamanism Reappears from the Ashes photos & text by Donna Todd

Born during the stone age, around
40,000 years ago, shamanisn is a
belief in spirits in the sky ground and
Banished from Mongolia for centuries,
first by Buddhists then by the
communists. Shamanism reapears
from the ashes, thanks to the shamans
that hid their practises during the black
years. Today the old shamans leave
the shade and many young shamans
are being initiated.
Mongolia: Shamanism reapears from the ashes.
Photos and text ©Donna Todd/Lightmediation
Contact - Thierry Tinacci Lightmediation Photo Agency +33 (0)6 61 80 57 21
879-01: Ura is a shaman who came to her calling late in life at the age of 50; previously she had trained and practiced as a medical doctor for twenty years. Now 65 she is shown here whilst in trance during a shaman
ceremony at her home in Northern Mongolia.
Shamans of Mongolia / 879-01: Ura is a shaman who came to her calling late in life at the age of 50; Shamans of Mongolia / 879-02: Twenty seven year old shaman Tyaana is shown here in trance whilst
previously she had trained and practiced as a medical doctor for twenty years. Now 65 she is shown here spirits posses her body. A client has come to receive answers from the spirits and Tyaana's sister sits
Shamans of Mongolia / 879-03: Ura a 65 year old shaman from Khovsgol aimag in Northern Mongolia, Shamans of Mongolia / 879-04: Sukbaator is a black Shaman although black Shaman's are not
begins her ceremony initially by playing the jews harp. With this instrument she calls her spirit guides to necessarily bad, they deal with evil powers. These shamans are said to have power to bring illness and
879-02: Twenty seven year old shaman Tyaana is shown here in trance whilst spirits posses her body. A client has come to receive answers from the spirits and Tyaana's sister sits alongside and writes down what they
have to say. Tyaan's husband and father offer her protection from the ever present prowling evil spirits which always threaten to posses her. It would be too dangerous for her to go to the spirit world without such
protection along with the protection that her sacred costume, drum ect offer.
Shamans of Mongolia / 879-05: Shaman Ura, has the skill of reading the future of a person, to do so, she Shamans of Mongolia / 879-06: Soyun is the oldest shaman in Mongolia at 102, like her mother and her
"reads the bones" she has collected lamb knuckles and uses them to predict the future. Pictured here in grandmother before her she is a ninth generation shaman. She is a tiny woman, ancient, with bad knees,
Shamans of Mongolia / 879-07: Mungak is a shaman who lives amoung a tribe of nomadic people in the Shamans of Mongolia / 879-08: This Ovoo is a powerful site for ceremonies the local spirit's as well as
Siberian/Mongol mountains. He is one of three shamans in the tribe and must help anyone who enquires father heaven, mother earth and other shamanist spirits inhabit it The Ovoo is the equivalent of a
879-20: Sukbaator is a black Shaman although black Shaman's are not necessarily bad, they deal with evil 879-22: Tatianna a 27 year old shaman from Mongolia, respect for the spirits of nature, living things and life
powers. These shamans are said to have power to bring illness and death upon men. ethics that minimize negative impact on the earth shaped this religion
Shamans of Mongolia / 879-09: Dr Batzorig a shaman from Ulaan Baator Mongolia at the site of a sacred Shamans of Mongolia / 879-10: Dr Batzorig a shaman from Ulaan Baator Mongolia at the site of a sacred
Ovoo, calling forth the spirits of the weather, the Ovoo is a powerful site for ceremonies and equivalent of Ovoo, calling forth the spirits of the weather, the Ovoo is a powerful site for ceremonies and equivalent of
Shamans of Mongolia / 879-11: Dr Batzorig at a sacred Ovoo which is equivalent to a shamans shrine. Shamans of Mongolia / 879-12: Dr Batzorig who is a shaman who originates from Tuva, now living in the
Shamanism is once again forming a prominent place in the psyche and spirituality of the Modern Mongol city of Ulaan Baator he takes a walk high in the mountains close to the city. Contemplating the shamanic
879-29: Eighty five year old Dr Batzorig, who is a shaman walking high on the plateau of a sacred mountain being led along by his disabled grand daughter.
Shamans of Mongolia / 879-13: Dr Batzorig beating his blessed drum at the site of a sacred Ovoo which is Shamans of Mongolia / 879-14: Dr Batzorig, beats a patient with his sacred shamanic instrument, in order
the equivalent of a shrine to the Mongolian shaman. In the background we can see out skirts of the to scare away all the mans bad luck. / Mongolia / Ulaan Baatar
Shamans of Mongolia / 879-15: Shaman Dr Batzorig is an eighty five year old practicing shaman and Shamans of Mongolia / 879-16: Dr Batzorig an 85 year old Shaman, dressing into his Shamanic costume
professor of shamanism, employed at Ulaan Baator university. He lives in the capital and specializes in at his home in Ulaan Baator Mongolia. He checks himself in the mirror before presenting himself to a
879-09: Dr Batzorig a shaman from Ulaan Baator Mongolia at the site of a sacred Ovoo, calling forth the spirits of the weather, the Ovoo is a powerful site for ceremonies and equivalent of the Shamans shrine.
Shamans of Mongolia / 879-17: Dr Batzorig a shaman from Ulaan Baator Mongolia at the site of a sacred Shamans of Mongolia / 879-18: Twenty seven year old shaman Tatianna is shown here in trance whilst
Ovoo, calling forth the spirits of the weather, the Ovoo is a powerful site for ceremonies and equivalent of spirits posses her body. A client has come to receive answers from the spirits and Tyaana's sister sits
Shamans of Mongolia / 879-19: Shaman Ura, who lives in the remote region of khovsgol aimag in Shamans of Mongolia / 879-20: Sukbaator is a black Shaman although black Shaman's are not
northern Mongolia. She is shown here during a ceremony right at the moment that the spirits enter her necessarily bad, they deal with evil powers. These shamans are said to have power to bring illness and
879-08: This Ovoo is a powerful site for ceremonies the local spirit's as well as father heaven, mother earth and other shamanist spirits inhabit it The Ovoo is the equivalent of a shamanists shrine, in Mongolia when
passing by an ovoo travelers are required to walk around it three times and place a rock, coin or bone on it. In doing this they add to its power symbolically and themselves receive "windhorse", which is good luck for his
Shamans of Mongolia / 879-21: Sukbaator a black Shaman from Mongolia, Shamans tackle a wide range Shamans of Mongolia / 879-22: Tatianna a 27 year old shaman from Mongolia, respect for the spirits of
of illnesses, principally psychological conditions including mental illness and schizophrenia, epilepsy, nature, living things and life ethics that minimize negative impact on the earth shaped this religion /
Shamans of Mongolia / 879-23: Twenty Seven year old Tatianna a Shaman from Mongolia shown here in Shamans of Mongolia / 879-24: Shamanism has managed to survive against enormous odds, centuries of
trance. Shamanism is once again forming a prominent place in the psyche and spirituality of the Modern persecution by Buddhists and Stalinist efforts to eradicate this ancient tradition. / Mongolia /
879-36: Mongolian shamans are no slouches when it comes to falling into trances and flying away on spirit journeys, however there are fascinating elements to their religion. Shown here is Mongolia's most famous
Shaman Byambadorj Dondog who is pictured beating his shaman drum in order to induce trance and convers with his spirit guides.
Shamans of Mongolia / 879-25: Mongolian and Siberian drums are generally large in diameter and have a Shamans of Mongolia / 879-26: The Shaman trance entails travel on the spiritual plane of existence. /
deep resonating sound that will vibrate through the shaman's body. The drum is frequently held near the Mongolia /
Shamans of Mongolia / 879-27: Most shamanic rituals employ several techniques together in order to Shamans of Mongolia / 879-28: Eighty five year old Dr Batzorig, who is a shaman, climbs to the top of a
bring the shaman to the trance state. The beating of the shaman drum is the most powerful way to induce high mountain in the outskirts of a sacred mountain in the capiltal city of Ulaan Baator, the city is
879-19: Shaman Ura, who lives in the remote region of khovsgol aimag in northern Mongolia. She is shown here during a ceremony right at the moment that the spirits enter her body. Her daughter stands to her left for
protection and a patient stands behind her, he has come for her help.
Shamans of Mongolia / 879-29: Eighty five year old Dr Batzorig, who is a shaman walking high on the Shamans of Mongolia / 879-30: A Mongolian Shamanic drum, which is the main instrument used by
plateau of a sacred mountain being led along by his disabled grand daughter. / Mongolia / Mongolian Shaman's in order to induce trance. / Mongolia /
Shamans of Mongolia / 879-31: Shaman Sukbaator is a kind of a priest or medium who acts as a conduit Shamans of Mongolia / 879-32: Shaman Sukbaator is a Mongolian Shaman, sometimes called medicine
between the human world and the realm of the gods, demons and spirits of ancestors. / Mongolia / men and witch doctors by Westerners. They are the keepers of a remarkable body of ancient techniques
879-05: Shaman Ura, has the skill of reading the future of a person, to do so, she "reads the bones" she has collected lamb knuckles and uses them to predict the future. Pictured here in plain clothes with her grandson
and a patient who has come to have questions about her future answered.
Shamans of Mongolia / 879-33: Tatianna a twenty seven year old Shaman shown here in a trance like Shamans of Mongolia / 879-34: Shaman Byambadorj Dondog works with seven shamanic spirits passed
state communing with her spirit guides. / Mongolia / down from his ancestors, and does shamanic work at sacred sites. / Mongolia /
Shamans of Mongolia / 879-35: Shaman Byambadorj Dondog, the spirits of his shamanic lineage started Shamans of Mongolia / 879-36: Mongolian shamans are no slouches when it comes to falling into trances
calling him in 1967, and he suffered much illness until his shaman uncle empowered a jews harp and and flying away on spirit journeys, however there are fascinating elements to their religion. Shown here is
879-16: Dr Batzorig an 85 year old Shaman, dressing into his Shamanic costume at his home in Ulaan Baator Mongolia. He checks himself in the mirror before presenting himself to a patient.
Shamans of Mongolia / 879-37: Mongolias most famous and honored shaman is Zaarin Byambadorj Shamans of Mongolia / 879-38: Ura a shaman, is dressed by her husband, he helps her to dress into her
Dondog. Byambadorj was born in 1947, high in the Altai Mountains in western Mongolia. He is descended spectacular shaman costume and headdress, places her shaman boots on her, which are all an important
Shamans of Mongolia / 879-39: Byanjadorj Dondog, Mongolia's most revered Shaman takes a moment Shamans of Mongolia / 879-40: Soyun is the oldest shaman in Mongolia at 102, shown here in her
for himself to have a smoke, and to contemplate nature. / Mongolia / Shamanic costume, she has had it since the beginning of her shamanic career. / Mongolia /
879-41: Mongolia's oldest shaman is 102, her name is Soyun, they say that when Soyun performs her full shamanic ritual, those long nights, when she pounds the drum until the trance begins and the 'ongots' or spirits
enter her body, they say then she leaps and dances like a child.


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