lama gangchen

Lama Gangchen Rinpoche was born in 1941 in
Tibet. He is the holder of a long uninterrupted lineage
of lama healers and tantric masters. In exile since
1963, he has since become an Italian citizen and lives
in Italy. Aside from spreading the NgalSo tantric Self-
Healing method of body, speech, mind and the
environnment, he teaches how to cultivate inner
peace, which is the very basis for world peace and
which expresses the essence of every religion and
every spiritual tradition. He is responsible for many
peace study centres around the world and founded
the Lama Gangchen World Peace Foundation in 1992,
a non governmental organisation affiliated to the
United Nations, with its headquarters in Albagnano
di Bée. He actively promotes the creation of a
permanent spiritual forum for world peace at the
United Nations, made up of representatives of all
major and minor spiritual and religious traditions.
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Kalachakra Festival
Lama Gangchen wishes to dedicate the year 2006 to
the celebration of the Kalachakra Tantra for world
peace; also known as the Wheel of Time Tantra, this
practice was taught by Buddha Shakyamuni some
2500 years ago and was His last great teaching:
requested by Suchandra, the King of Shambala (a
kingdom believed to be situated near lake Baikal in
Mongolia), who was searching for a healing method
to extend enlightenment to himself and his kingdom,
and to create thus a peaceful and ideal society. This
practice offers the very key to understanding and
harmonizing the energies of body and mind with that
of the universe, by using them to develop inner peace,
world peace, healing and to transform our ordinary
lives into transcendental lives. There are different
Kalachakra practices: in relation with the external,
inner and alternative Kalachakra. The Kalachakra
Tantra is vast, and includes the principles of astrology,
astronomy and cosmology, as well as the Tibetan
medical system and the secret yoga tantra methods.
Sat 11th & Sun 12th The preliminary practice of the six preparation dharmas on the
From 15-18 graduated path to enlightenment, according to the text of the great
Lama Michel Rinpoche master Phabongkha Rinpoche Dechen Nyngpo
(Guru Puja at 10)
This course is based on a classic text of the Tibetan spiritual tradition, to
introduce those interested in a spiritual practice and its meanings, from the
very basis of the graduated path towards increasingly higher pure and peaceful
mental states, until reaching enlightenment. It is advisable to follow the full
course, although one may also take part in single lessons.
First weekend: preparation of the altar; accurate preparation of the offerings.
Sat 18th & Sun 19th Art therapy - Painting the Buddha
From 10.30-13 & 15-18 A course in drawing according to the sacred Tibetan thangka painting tradition.
Leonardo Ceglie The importance of this course is to learn about the preciousness, the meaning
and the way in which subjects are depicted on Tibetan thangkas together
with the visualisation symbols of NgalSo tantric Self-Healing, as well as to
reach a process of psycho-physical healing with this form of highly spiritual
art. No particular artistic skills are required. The course will take place during
five weekends; however, you may also attend single lessons.
First weekend: introduction  the method; the inner mandala
Leonardo Ceglie website:
Sat 25th & Sun 26th Yoga School - First weekend
From 10-13 & 15-18 1º level: Continuing the Trulkor of the Shaoling tradition- Bodidharma
Lama Tsultrim & exercises and breathing exercises.
Lama Thubten 2º level: Transmission of the Trulkor Nangpa Ngeljor  dynamic meditation
on the cyclic existence of samsara - part 1: teachings on Gom Rim (gradual
meditation) meditation and description of the Tibetan and Chinese lineages.
Sat 1st & Sun 2nd Spices: elements of health in Western and Tibetan medicine
From 15-18 A seminar to learn about the therapeutic properties of some of the most
Dr Luciano Zambotti common spices and aromas, by rediscovering their pleasure, both in the
kitchen and to make infusions, tisanes and aromatic oils for balancing our
physical and subtle energies.
Sat 1st - From 15-18 & Music Therapy and Voice Technique Seminar
after dinner session Taking care of our vital energy with sound vibrations, the development of
Sun 2nd - From 10-13 creativity and one's own potentials. Singing as an expression of awareness
Mariarosa Bersanetti in reciting the mantra as a vehicle for inner and environmental purification.
Sat 8th & Sun 9th The preliminary practice of the six preparation Dharmas
From 15-18 Second week-end: correct physical posture for meditation; taking refuge;
Lama Michel Rinpoche generating the mind of enlightenment; visualising the field of merits and
(Guru Puja at 10) blessing of the offering and the place.
Sat 8th & Sun 9th Art Therapy - Painting the Buddha - Course in drawing
From 10.30-13 & 15-18 Second week-end: Purification - the five elements.
Leonardo Ceglie Generation - the lotus flower and the seed syllables.
From Fri 14th Kalachakra Festival
to Mon 17th Body, Speech, Mind and Great Bliss Mandala. The Kalachakra Tantra is vast,
From 10.30-13 & 15-18 it includes the principles of astrology, astronomy and cosmology; the Tibetan
Lama Caroline medical system as well as the secret yoga Tantra methods.
From Fri 14th Yoga School - Second weekend - Easter retreat
to Mon 17th 1º level: Shaoling Trulkor course - exercises on stretching the inner channels;
From 10-13 & 15-18 description of the Tibetan yoga known as Trulkor Ngeljor.
Lama Tsultrim & 2º level: Continuing the Trulkor Nangpa Ngeljor transmission - dynamic
Lama Thubten meditation on the cyclic existence of Samsara - part 2; exercises on the
liberation from Samsara - part 1 and description of Tibetan Yoga.
From Sat 22nd to Mon 1st May Kalachakra Festival
From 10.30-13 & 15-18 Body, Speech, Mind and Great Bliss Mandala. The Kalachakra Tantra is vast,
Lama Gangchen Rinpoche it includes the principles of astrology, astronomy and cosmology; the Tibetan
& Lama Caroline medical system as well as the secret yoga Tantra methods.
Sat 6th & Sun 7th Art Therapy - Painting the Buddha - Course in drawing
From 10.30-13 & 15-18 Third weekend: Transformation - The seed syllables become symbols, the
Leonardo Ceglie symbols become Buddha.
Sat 6th - From 15-18 & Music Therapy and Voice Technique Seminar
after dinner session Taking care of our vital energy with sound vibrations, the development of
Sun 2nd - From 10-13 creativity and one's own potentials. Singing as an expression of awareness
Mariarosa Bersanetti in reciting the mantra as a vehicle for inner and environmental purification.
Sat 13th & Sun 14th Celebrating Vesak - Buddha Shakyamuni initiation
From 10.30-13 & 15-18 This year, the Vesak celebrations - the Buddhist festival of Buddha Shakyamuni's
Lama Gangchen Rinpoche birth, enlightenment and paravnirvana - coincides with the very day when
& Lama Caroline the Kalachakra Tantra teachings were transmitted.
Sat 20th & Sun 21st Dreams: path of knowledge and integration - learning from our dreams
From 10-13 & 14.30-18 Dreams show us our potentials and our inner resources; if they are well understood,
Dr Luciano Zambotti they can indicate problems and conflicts we have to resolve, and at the same time
they give us creative and innovative solutions, new ways to live, interpret reality;
they help us to understand and integrate parts of us, which are often refused or
removed. During these seminars, we will learn to understand the world of dreams
with the help of ancient shamanic techniques and modern schools of psycho-
therapy. This is meant as an experiential seminar in which each participant can
find their personal interpretation and the meaning of their own dream.
Sat 27th & Sun 28th Yoga School - Third weekend
From 10-13 & 15-18 1º level: Shaoling Trulkor course - the 12 palms of Buddha; trasmission of
Lama Tsultrim & the Li Kuang Kung (Lotus flower) technique.
Lama Thubten 2º level: Continuing with the transmission of Trulkor Nangpa Ngeljor -
exercises on the liberation from Samsara - part 2 ; meditation and purification
exercises; dynamic meditation on the twelve interdependent links (Nidana).
Sun 28th First level Reiki initiation
From 10-13 & 15-18 with Giuseppe Bordina, Davide Pinella, Massimiliano Cervo
From Fri 2nd to Sun 4th Kalachakra Festival
From 10.30-13 & 15-18 Body, Speech, Mind and Great Bliss Mandala. The Kalachakra Tantra is vast,
Lama Gangchen Rinpoche it includes the principles of astrology, astronomy and cosmology; the Tibetan
& Lama Caroline medical system as well as the secret yoga Tantra methods.
From Thu 8th to Sun 11th IV World Congress  Verbania 2006
Sat 17th & Sun 18th The preliminary practice of the six preparation Dharmas
From 15-18 Third weekend: offering of the seven limbs and mandala offering; praying
Lama Michel Rinpoche according to instructions, ensuring their integration with the mental continuum.
(Guru Puja at 10)
Sat 17th & Sun 18th Yoga School - Fourth weekend
From 10-13 & 15-18 1º level: Shaoling Trulkor - exercises of the Jade Flower, with teachings and
Lama Tsultrim & explanations on the five healing sounds.
Lama Thubten 2º level: Continuing with the Trulkor Nangpa Ngeljor transmission - yogic self-
massage; ShinÅ and Lakton meditation, specific Vajrayana techniques; Ton Len.
Sat 24th & Sun 25th Kalachakra Festival
From 10.30-13 & 15-18 Body, Speech, Mind and Great Bliss Mandala. The Kalachakra Tantra is vast,
Lama Gangchen Rinpoche it includes the principles of astrology, astronomy and cosmology; the Tibetan
& Lama Caroline medical system as well as the secret yoga Tantra methods.
Sat 1st & Sun 2nd Tai Chi retreat - Shao Yang Lineage, descendent of Shaoling
From 10-13 & 15-18 The movements here are characterised by their non-aggressiveness, the
Lama Tsultrim & search for balance and fluidity, with particular attention given to breathing.
Lama Thubten A method to develop health and wellbeing.
Sat 1st & Sun 2nd Art Therapy - Painting the Buddha - Course in drawing
From 10.30-13 & 15-18 Fourth weekend: Buddha Shakyamuni - Drawing the cage, the Usnisha, the
Leonardo Ceglie head and face, the body, the ornaments, the throne, the clothes, the offerings.
From Fri 7th to Sun 23rd Kalachakra Festival & 84 Mahasiddha Initiation
From 10.30-13 & 15-18 Body, Speech, Mind and Great Bliss Mandala.
Lama Gangchen Rinpoche Sunday 16th - at 10.00 am
& Lama Caroline Reiki Chagwang NgalSo Initiation - (by prior booking only)
From Thu 3rd to Sun 6th Tara NgalSo Tchulen: Spirituality and health
From 10-13 & 15-18 A week to cleanse our body and mind, abstaining from gross food for a few
Claudio Cipullo days and nourishing ourselves with its "essence" in the form of pills made
from flower petals and Himalayan minerals, with a high protein contents,
which have the function to regenerate the body cells, together with natural
seasonal fruit juices. By cleansing physically, our mind liberates itself from
impure energy, and as a result, all our negative and uncontrollable energies
become peaceful and we experience a state of wellbeing and bliss.
From Sat 12th Wellness week
to Sun 20th Throughout this week we will show how to work with the inner and outer
From 10-13 & 15-18 elements based upon the Wu Shin practice, known as the Five Therapeutic
Lama Tsultrim & Animals. We will practise dynamic meditation and the use healing sounds.
Lama Thubten Advice will be given on diet and energy, as well as teachings on massage and
self-massage techniques, Chi Kung Fa, Tai Chi and Tibetan Reiki, NgalSo
Trulkor Tibetan yoga exercises, NgalSo tantric self-healing, breathing meditation,
purification of the elements in contact with nature, walks along the mountain
paths and excursions to the lake.
From Wed 16th to Thu 24th  Burn-out Yoga course
From 10-13 & 15-18 Authentic Himalayan revitalising Yoga for daily life.
Romy V. D. Pool A method by Mandaleswhara Shri Swami - Veda Bharat.
Sat 19th & Sun 20th Didgeridoo - workshop
From 10-13 & 15-18 The didgeridoo is the traditional Australian Aborigine instrument, with a
RenÅ Stahn meditative and fascinating sound that reaches the heart. Playing this
instrument puts us in contact with Mother Earth and helps us to balance
our breathing.
Sat 26th & Sun 27th Art Therapy - Painting the Buddha - Course in drawing
From 10.30-13 & 15-18 Fifth weekend: Layout and setting - the landscape elements; the Pureland.
Leonardo Ceglie
Mantra, protection and remedies according to the ancient Tibetan tradition
The Tibetan medical tradition, one of the most ancient methods used to alleviate physical and mental
suffering, is composed of natural remedies. These are made up of roots, stems, leaves, flowers and seeds,
and therefore contain the energy of the five elements in their pure state. The Tibetan tradition also places
great importance on diet, seasonal influences, behavioural and mental attitudes, in order to stay in good
physical and mental health. The Healing Lama traditionally offers a protection cord and a mantra for self-
healing and spiritual company. Appointments with the Healing Lama can be made in the secretariat
for individual consultations, pulse reading and advice on a correct diet.
Dakini Daka Protector New Full
Day Day Day Moon Moon
March Fri 24th Thu 9th Tue 28th Wed 29th Tue 14th
April Sun 23rd Sat 8th Wed 26th Thu 27th Thu 13th
May Mon 22nd Sun 7th Fri 26th Sat 27th Sat 13th
June Tue 20th Tue 6th Sat 24th Sun 25th Sun 11th
July Thu 20th Thu 6th Mon 24th Tue 25th Tue 11th
August Fri 18th Fri 4th Tue 22nd Wed 23rd Wed 9th
Tue 14th March Eclipse of the shadow moon at 23.49 GMT - Buddha Shakyamuni Miracle Day
Wed 29th March Total eclipse of the sun at 10.11 GMT
Sat 13th May Buddha revealed the Kalachakra Tantra - Vesak for the Theravada tradition
Sun 11th June Vesak for the Tibetan tradition (birth, enlightenment and parinirvana of Buddha)
Sun 2nd July Lama Michel Rinpoche's birthday
Fri 7th July Lama Gangchen Rinpoche's birthday
Sat 29th July Chokor Duchen - First teaching given by Buddha Shakyamuni
Please book with the Secretariat
30 Ź monthly with the possibility to take part in all evening programmes
Monday & Thursday
19 to 20 Tai Chi Chuang and Chi Kung with Lama Tsultrim and Lama Thubten
Tai Chi Chuang is a soft gymnastic that relaxes and tones the body and calms the mind. The
relaxation and breathing techniques used during the sequence of movements help to develop
the "Chi": the inner force. Chi Kung, an ancient Chinese movement technique, is a well known
method to improve health and strengthen the body. These methods are considered effective
to improve health and slow down the ageing process.
Wednesday & Friday
19 to 20 Hatha Yoga, body and mind discipline with Enrico Calligaris
free entrance for members
17.00 From Monday to Friday
09.00 Saturdays, Sundays and during courses
NgalSo Tantric Self-Healing is a meditation for body, speech and mind, based upon the ancient
Tibetan tantric tradition. With the use of mantra, mudras, visualisations of symbols, colours and
breathing, the practice helps us to free our chakras blocked with negative emotions such as fear,
jealousy, pride, anger, anxiety, and thus regenerate our physical and mental energies.
Shin Kham Jong So Making Peace with the Environment is to balance and regenerate
the five elements: earth, water, fire, wind and space.
The Crystal Massage heals physical and emotional disturbances by re-energizing and purifying
certain points on the body through touch, sound and the visualisation of coloured lights, according
to the different deities of the Buddhist tradition, such as Guyusamaja, Vajrayogini, Heruka.
Tara Chittamani is the pure female energy, she helps us overcome fear and realise our wishes.
White Tara: Long life and healing meditation, also dedicated to the sick or dying
18.00 Daily
Invocation and offering ritual for the pacifying of negative energies and the increase of all qualities.
A pratice that is dedicated to inner and world peace.
IVth Sunday of the month
Introductory meetings on Buddhism, meditation techniques and NgalSo Tantric Self-healing, and
the centre's activities in general. Ideal for newcomers.
26th March 25th June
10.30 Green Tara practice with Carla Faiella 10.30 Dukkar practice with Carla Faiella
15.00 Teachings with Francesco Prevosti 15.00 Teachings with Lama Tsultrim
23rd April 23rd July
10.30 Dukkar practice with Carla Faiella 10.30 Green Tara practice with Carla Faiella
15.00 Teachings with Lama Thubten 15.00 Teachings with con Lama Tsultrim
28th May 27th August
10.30 Green Tara practice with Carla Faiella 10.30 Dukkar practice with Carla Faiella
15.00 Teachings with Francesco Prevosti 15.00 Teachings with Lama Thubten
Group or individual lessons in Tibetan Language with Thubten Sherab
To receive basic notions in written Tibetan language, to learn the alphabet and learn to read.
is a meeting point for all those interested in developing their own human
potential. Founded by Lama Gangchen, spiritual master and Tibetan lama
healer, the centre runs under the management of the Lama Gangchen
World Peace Service, a Non-Profit social organisation part of the Lama
Gangchen World Peace Foundation, a United Nations affiliated Non-
Governmental Organisation. It organises meetings, courses and seminars
on meditation methods, Buddhist philosophy and psychology, ancient
Himalayan medical traditions and non-formal peace culture education.
Through its various activities it aspires to contribute to the revitalisation
of Alpine cultures and village life.
The Centre Offers
NgalSo Tantric Self-Healing Courses on Buddhist philosophy
and psychology Meditation techniques Self-Healing, blessing
and protection ceremonies Non formal peace culture education
Tibetan Astrology Ancient Himalayan medical traditions
Chagwang NgalSo Reiki Tai Chi Chi Kung Hatha Yoga
Naturopathy Iridology Shiatsu massage Relaxation massage
Crystal Therapy Art-terapy courses (music, painting, ceramics,
Tsa tsa making in terracotta, dance) Educational and
recreational activities for children Permaculture and kitchen
garden mandala Activities to contribute to the revitalization
of villages and alpine cultures Vegetarian kitchen Personalised
relaxation sessions General consultations with Lamas
Individual, study or contact with nature retreats
IV World Congress  Verbania 2006
8th-11th June
Lama Gangchen Verbania
World Peace Foundation Municipality
Yearly membership card Ź 30
also valid at Kunpen Lama Gangchen in Milan
Please book all courses with the Secretariat
Via Campo dell Eva, 5 Albagnano di BÅe 28813 Verbania - Italy
Tel +39 0323 569601 Fax +39 0323 569921 -
All programmes are subject to possible changes without prior notice. Please call our office for confirmation from 10h to 13h and from 15h to 18h daily


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