cultural and interdisciplinary competence marta rosinska

Cultural and interdisciplinary competence  a luxury or a necessity?
Marta Rosińska for Macmillan
English is no longer a foreign language. It s the learner s second language.
Knowing English is no longer about having expert knowledge of grammar and lexis.
It s about successful/effective communication.
It s no longer about looking for what the learner doesn t know. It s about finding out
what the learner knows.
L to L
3 Zadania szkoły
Zadaniem szkoły jest rozwijanie ciekawości w poznawaniu otaczającego świata oraz
kształtowanie postawy gotowości do uczestnictwa w kulturze.
Edukacja wczesnoszkolna realizowana jest w formie kształcenia zintegrowanego, z
należytą troską o korelacje treści wszystkich obszarów edukacyjnych.
4 The Big C and The Little c
Values (The  psyche of the country, what people think is important, it includes
things like family, hospitality, patriotism, fairness etc.)
Behaviour (The knowledge of daily routines and behaviour)
Skills (The development of intercultural sensitivity and awareness, using the English
language as the medium of interaction.)
5 The fifth skill
What the fifth language skill teaches you is the mindset and techniques to adapt your
use of English to learn about, understand and appreciate the values, ways of doing things
and unique qualities of other cultures. It involves understanding how to use language to
accept difference, to be flexible and tolerant of ways of doing things which might be
different to yours. It is an attitudinal change that is expressed through the use of
Barry Tomalin,
6 Food rhymes
I eat apples
crunch, crunch, crunch
I eat sandwiches
munch, munch, munch
I eat lollipops
lick, lick, lick
But I eat ice cream
quick, quick, quick!
Food in your tummy,
Food in your tummy,
Lick your lips.
Mmmm, mmmm, mmmm,
Yum, yum, yummy!
Pat a cake , pat a cake,
Baker's man!
So do I master,
As fast as I can,
Pat it, and prick it,
And mark it with a T,
And put it in the oven,
For Tommy and me.
Beans, Beans, Beans
Baked beans,
Butter beans,
Big fat lima beans,
Long thin string beans
Those are just a few.
Green beans,
Black beans,
Big fat kidney beans,
Red hot chili beans,
Jumping beans too.
Pea beans,
Pinto beans,
Don't forget shelly beans.
Last of all,
Best of all,
I like jelly beans!
7 The Food Chant
Apples on a tree,
Apples on a tree,
Pick them off,
Eat them up,
Apples on a tree.
Carrots in the ground,
Carrots in the ground,
Pull them up,
Wash them off,
Carrots in the ground.
Tuna on a bun,
Tuna on a bun,
Take a bite,
Chew it up,
Tuna on a bun.
Sausage in a pan,
Sausage in a pan,
Sizzle, sizzle,
Sizzle, sizzle,
Sausage in a pan.
Cereal in a bowl,
Cereal in a bowl,
Pour on milk,
Eat it up,
Cereal in a bowl.
Milk in a glass,
Milk in a glass,
Lift it up ,
Drink it all,
Milk in a glass.
Jelly in a bowl,
Jelly in a bowl,
Wibble, wobble,
Wibble, wobble,
Jelly in a bowl.
Candies in a jar,
Candies in a jar,
Pick them out,
Eat them up,
Candies in a jar.
Ice cream in the pail,
Ice cream in the pail,
Take it out,
Scoop it up,
Ice cream in a pail.
Food in your tummy,
Food in your tummy,
Lick your lips.
Mmmm, mmmm, mmmm,
Yum, yum, yummy!
8 Caterpillar rhyme
Fuzzy, wuzzy, creepy crawly
Caterpillar funny
You will be a butterfly
When the days are sunny.
Wiggling, flinging, dancing, springing
Butterfly so yellow,
You were once a caterpillar,
Wriggly, wiggly, fellow.


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