age calculator

JavaScript Source Code 3000: Calculators: Age Calculator

Age Calculator

Just enter the birthday you wish to track and JavaScript will display the person's age, down to the second. Displays your age along with the day you were born. Cool!

Enter your date of birth



You have been living for:

In months:

In weeks:

In days:

In hours:

In minutes:

In seconds:

In Milliseconds:

Your next birthday will be in:

JavaScript Source Code 3000: Calculators: Age Calculator
Simply click inside the window below, use your cursor to highlight the script, and copy (type Control-c or Apple-c) the script into a new file in your text editor (such as Note Pad or Simple Text) and save (Control-s or Command-s). The script is yours!!!



1. Copy the coding into the HEAD of your HTML document
2. Add the onLoad event handler into the BODY tag
3. Put the last coding into the BODY of your HTML document -->

<!-- STEP ONE: Paste this code into the HEAD of your HTML document -->


<!-- Original: Dev Pragad ( -->
<!-- Web Site: -->

<! >
<! >

<!-- Begin
function start() { = "";
document.form1.month.value = "";
document.form1.year.value = "";
document.form1.age.value = "";
document.form1.months.value = "";
document.form1.weeks.value = "";
document.form1.answer.value = "";
document.form1.hours.value = "";
document.form1.min.value = "";
document.form1.sec.value = "";
document.form1.bday.value = "";
document.form1.milli.value = "";
function run() {
var ap;
dd =;
mm = document.form1.month.value;
yy = document.form1.year.value;
with(document.form1) {
ap = parseInt(ampm.selectedIndex);
hr = parseInt(hrs.value);
if(hr <= 0 && hr >= 13) {
ap = null;
if ((mm < 1) || (mm > 12) || (dd < 1) || (dd > 31) || (yy < 1) ||(mm == "") || (dd == "") || (yy == ""))
main = "Invalid";
if (((mm == 4) || (mm == 6) || (mm == 9) || (mm == 11)) && (dd > 30))
main = "Invalid";
if (mm == 2) {
if (dd > 29)
main = "Invalid";
else if((dd > 28) && (!lyear(yy)))
if((yy > 9999)||(yy < 0))
main = "Invalid";
main = main;
if(main == "valid") {
function leapyear(a) {
if(((a % 4 == 0) && (a % 100 != 0)) || (a % 400 == 0))
return true;
return false;
days = new Date();
gdate = days.getDate();
gmonth = days.getMonth();
gyear = days.getYear();
age = gyear - yy;
if((mm == (gmonth + 1)) && (dd <= parseInt(gdate))) {
age = age;
else {
if(mm <= (gmonth)) {
age = age;
else {
age = age - 1;
if(age == 0)
age = age;
document.form1.age.value=" You are " + age+ " years old & ";
if(mm <= (gmonth + 1))
age = age - 1;
if((mm == (gmonth + 1)) && (dd > parseInt(gdate)))
age = age + 1;
var m;
var n;
if (mm == 12) { n = 31 - dd; }
if (mm == 11) { n = 61 - dd; }
if (mm == 10) { n = 92 - dd; }
if (mm == 9) { n = 122 - dd; }
if (mm == 8) { n = 153 - dd; }
if (mm == 7) { n = 184 - dd; }
if (mm == 6) { n = 214 - dd; }
if (mm == 5) { n = 245 - dd; }
if (mm == 4) { n = 275 - dd; }
if (mm == 3) { n = 306 - dd; }
if (mm == 2) { n = 334 - dd; if(leapyear(yy)) n = n + 1; }
if (mm == 1) { n = 365 - dd; if (leapyear(yy)) n = n + 1; }
if (gmonth == 1) m = 31;
if (gmonth == 2) { m = 59; if (leapyear(gyear)) m = m + 1; }
if (gmonth == 3) { m = 90; if (leapyear(gyear)) m = m + 1; }
if (gmonth == 4) { m = 120; if (leapyear(gyear)) m = m + 1; }
if (gmonth == 5) { m = 151; if (leapyear(gyear)) m = m + 1; }
if (gmonth == 6) { m = 181; if (leapyear(gyear)) m = m + 1; }
if (gmonth == 7) { m = 212; if (leapyear(gyear)) m = m + 1; }
if (gmonth == 8) { m = 243; if (leapyear(gyear)) m = m + 1; }
if (gmonth == 9) { m = 273; if (leapyear(gyear)) m = m + 1; }
if (gmonth == 10) { m = 304; if (leapyear(gyear)) m = m + 1; }
if (gmonth == 11) { m = 334; if (leapyear(gyear)) m = m + 1; }
if (gmonth == 12) { m = 365; if (leapyear(gyear)) m = m + 1; }
totdays = (parseInt(age) * 365);
totdays += age / 4;
totdays = parseInt(totdays) + gdate + m + n;
document.form1.answer.value = "" + totdays +" days ";
months = age * 12;
months += 12 - parseInt(mm);
months += gmonth;
document.form1.months.value = months + " Months";
if (gmonth == 1) p = 31 + gdate;
if (gmonth == 2) { p = 59 + gdate; if (leapyear(gyear)) m = m + 1; }
if (gmonth == 3) { p = 90 + gdate; if (leapyear(gyear)) p = p + 1; }
if (gmonth == 4) { p = 120 + gdate; if (leapyear(gyear)) p = p + 1; }
if (gmonth == 5) { p = 151 + gdate; if (leapyear(gyear)) p = p + 1; }
if (gmonth == 6) { p = 181 + gdate; if (leapyear(gyear)) p = p + 1; }
if (gmonth == 7) { p = 212 + gdate; if (leapyear(gyear)) p = p + 1; }
if (gmonth == 8) { p = 243 + gdate; if (leapyear(gyear)) p = p + 1; }
if (gmonth == 9) { p = 273 + gdate; if (leapyear(gyear)) p = p + 1; }
if (gmonth == 10) { p = 304 + gdate; if (leapyear(gyear)) p = p + 1; }
if (gmonth == 11) { p = 334 + gdate; if (leapyear(gyear)) p = p + 1; }
if (gmonth == 12) { p = 365 + gdate; if (leapyear(gyear)) p = p + 1; }
weeks = totdays / 7;
weeks += " weeks";
weeks = parseInt(weeks);
document.form1.weeks.value = weeks + " Weeks";
var time = new Date();
ghour = time.getHours();
gmin = time.getMinutes();
gsec = time.getSeconds();
hour = ((age * 365) + n + p) * 24;
hour += (parseInt(age / 4) * 24);
if(ap == 0)
hour = hour - hr;
else {
if(ap == 1) {
hour = hour - (11 + hr)
document.form1.hours.value = hour + " Hours";
var min;
min = (hour * 60) + gmin;
document.form1.min.value = min + " Minutes";
sec = (min * 60) + gsec;
document.form1.sec.value = sec + " Seconds";
var millisec;
var gmil;
gmil = days.getMilliseconds();
millisec = (sec * 1000) + gmil;
document.form1.milli.value = millisec + " Milliseconds";
mm = mm - 1;
var r;
if(mm == 0) r = 1;
if(mm == 1) r = 31;
if(mm == 2) { r = 59; if (leapyear(gyear)) m = m + 1; }
if(mm == 3) { r = 90; if (leapyear(gyear)) r = r + 1; }
if(mm == 4) { r = 120; if (leapyear(gyear)) r = r + 1; }
if(mm == 5) { r = 151; if (leapyear(gyear)) r = r + 1; }
if(mm == 6) { r = 181; if (leapyear(gyear)) r = r + 1; }
if(mm == 7) { r = 212; if (leapyear(gyear)) r = r + 1; }
if(mm == 8) { r = 243; if (leapyear(gyear)) r = r + 1; }
if(mm == 9) { r = 273; if (leapyear(gyear)) r = r + 1; }
if(mm == 10) { r = 304; if (leapyear(gyear)) r = r + 1; }
if(mm == 11) { r = 334; if (leapyear(gyear)) r = r + 1; }
if(mm == 12) { r = 365; if (leapyear(gyear)) r = r + 1; }
mm = mm + 1;
r = parseInt(r) + parseInt(dd);
if( mm > (gmonth + 1)) {
bday = r - m - gdate;
else {
if(mm == (gmonth + 1) && (gdate < dd)) {
bday = (r - m - gdate);
else {
if((leapyear(gyear)) && ((mm > 2) && (dd < 29))) {
a = 366;
else {
a = 365;
bday = a + (r - m - gdate);
nhour = 24-parseInt(ghour);
nmin = 60 - parseInt(gmin);
nsec = 60 - parseInt(gsec);
if(((bday == 366) && (leapyear(yy))) || ((bday == 365) && (!leapyear(yy)))) {
document.form1.bday.value = "today is your birthday";
alert("Happy Birthday");
} else {
document.form1.bday.value = bday + " days " + nhour + " hours " + nmin + " minutes " + nsec + " seconds";
setTimeout("run()", 1);
function go() {
function lyear(a) {
if(((a % 4 == 0) && (a % 100 != 0)) || (a % 400 == 0)) return true;
else return false;
mm = parseInt(mm);
dd = parseInt(dd);
yy = parseInt(yy);
if ((mm < 1) || (mm > 12) || (dd < 1) || (dd > 31) || (yy < 1) ||(mm == " ") || (dd == " ") || (yy == " ")) main="Invalid";
if (((mm == 4) || (mm == 6) || (mm == 9) || (mm == 11)) && (dd > 30)) main = "Invalid";
if (mm == 2) {
if (dd > 29)
main = "Invalid";
if(( dd > 28) && (!lyear(yy)))
main = "Invalid";
else main = main;
if(main == "valid") {
var m;
if (mm == 1) n = 31;
if (mm == 2) n = 59 + 1;
if (mm == 3) n = 90 + 1;
if (mm == 4) n = 120 + 1;
if (mm == 5) n = 151 + 1;
if (mm == 6) n = 181 + 1;
if (mm == 7) n = 212 + 1;
if (mm == 8) n = 243 + 1;
if (mm == 9) n = 273 + 1;
if (mm == 10) n = 304 + 1;
if (mm == 11) n = 334 + 1;
if (mm == 12) n = 365 + 1;
if((mm == 1)||(mm == 3)||(mm == 5)||(mm == 7)||(mm == 8)||(mm == 10)||(mm == 12))
n += 31 + dd;
else if((mm == 4)||(mm == 6)||(mm == 9)||(mm == 11))
n += 31 + dd + 1;
else if(mm == 2) {
if(lyear(yy)) n += 29 + dd - 3;
else if(!lyear(yy)) n += 28 + dd - 1;
fours = yy / 4;
hunds = yy / 100;
fhunds = yy / 400;
var day;
day = (yy + n + fours - hunds + fhunds) % 7;
day = parseInt(day)
case 1 : document.form1.age.value +=" you were born on a Sunday"
case 2 : document.form1.age.value +=" you were born on a Monday"
case 3 : document.form1.age.value +=" you were born on a Tuesday"
case 4 : document.form1.age.value +=" you were born on a Wednesday"
case 5 : document.form1.age.value +=" you were born on a Thursday"
case 6 : document.form1.age.value +=" you were born on a Friday"
case 7 : document.form1.age.value +=" you were born on a Saturday"
case 0 : document.form1.age.value +=" you were born on a Saturday"
else {
document.form1.age.value += main + " Date";
else {
document.form1.age.value = main + " Date";
document.form1.months.value = "";
document.form1.weeks.value = "";
document.form1.answer.value = "";
document.form1.hours.value = "";
document.form1.min.value = "";
document.form1.sec.value = "";
document.form1.bday.value = "";
document.form1.milli.value = "";
// End -->


<!-- STEP TWO: Insert the onLoad event handler into your BODY tag -->

<BODY onLoad="start()">

<!-- STEP THREE: Copy this code into the BODY of your HTML document -->

Enter your date of birth
<FORM name=form1>
Month<INPUT name=month size=3>
Date<INPUT name=day size=3>
Year<INPUT name=year size=6>
Hours<INPUT name=hrs value=00 size=6>
<select size="1" name="ampm">
<option selected>AM</option>
<INPUT name=start onclick=run() type=button value="Calculate">
<INPUT name=age size=55 value="Your age will be displayed here">
You have been living for:
<TABLE border = 0>
<TD>In months:</TD>
<TD><INPUT name=months size=30></TD>
<TD>In weeks:</TD>
<TD><INPUT name=weeks size=30></TD>
<TD>In days:</TD>
<TD><INPUT name=answer size=30></TD>
<TD>In hours:</TD>
<TD><INPUT name=hours size=30></TD>
<TD>In minutes:</TD>
<TD><INPUT name=min size=30></TD>
<TD>In seconds:</TD>
<TD><INPUT name=sec size=30></TD>
<TD>In Milliseconds:</TD>
<TD><INPUT name=milli size=30></TD>
Your next birthday will be in:
<INPUT name=bday size=40>

<!-- Script Size: 10.86 KB -->


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