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had been sapped by the Watergate scandal and its military
self-confidence by the chaotic retreat from Vietnam. The
economy had suffered a decade of inflation, the oil shock of
"Śą, and two severe recessions. The most humiliating event
of all was what came to be known as the Iran hostage crisis"
the plundering in November "ŚŚ of the American embassy
in Teheran and the kidnapping of fifty-two American diplo-
mats, service members, and private citizens by Islamic funda-
mentalists allied with Iran’s theocratic regime. The hostages
were held captive for days"through the American presi-
dential campaign and election. The Iranian regime released
them almost exactly at the moment of Reagan’s inauguration
on January , "Ś".
Another mighty contribution to the Reagan landslide was
the rising hostility of many whites to completing the unfin-
ished work of the civil rights revolution of the "Śs. The
white conservative coalition of nonprofit legal foundations
and think tanks that arose in reaction to the civil rights victo-
ries of the "Śs had fashioned a deft campaign in the courts
of law and the court of public opinion to disparage affirma-
tive action in higher education and in government contract-
ing as śreverse discrimination.” They contended that laws
prohibiting discrimination were sufficient to erase the effects
of an entire century’s concentrated antiblack bigotry in both
public and private sectors of American society. In this area of
public policy, Reagan signaled he would reverse what had be-
come accepted government standards. His August "Ś ap-
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