Ultimate Roulette System Winning Strategy Make Money Online Big Money Casino

How does at least $500 being paid directly into your account every
week sound? For 15-45mins work /fun per day? Good? Fantastic?
Unbelievable? Then read on !
źð You could earn between $500 and $900 in a matter of days.
źð You could continue to earn $500 and $900 every week for the
rest of your life.
źð You can pay off your debts
źð You would be able to buy your dream car
źð You would be able to spend more time doing what YOU want to do
źð You would be able to afford that dream Holiday
źð You would have more money in your pocket
źð You will be AMAZED how easy it is!
Now on the following pages we are going to tell you how you can
join in on this amazing opportunity. We ask that you read all
instructions carefully and that you fully understand and have
practiced the system before trying it!
If you follow the instructions correctly you will make money.
Before giving you any instructions to follow, we would like you to
take a moment to read through the following information, so you can
get a better picture of what we are trying to achieve for you!
Please remember, you MUST follow these instructions to the letter
that is the whole point of this system and any deviation, no matter how
small or trivial can spell disaster! Do not even attempt anything in
this package unless you can click where we tell you and bet where we
tell you and that is how this system works. Please ensure that you read
ALL THE WAY THROUGH this text BEFORE attempting ANY
betting. It will not take long as is very important!
All of the odds on a Roulette table are based on the "law of averages"
minus one or two points. This way, the Casino can only gain money
from you playing the table. Until Now. We have blown away the
stupid "Law of Averages" and turned it to the players advantage.
Yes, surely the Casino will "Cotton on" eventually, but when is a
different matter. If you think about it, how many people are there
playing on on-line Casinos? You wouldn't believe me if I told you!
We are talking millions of people. Compare that to the number of
people using the following system and it'll be something like one in 3
million! Every Casino has an "Acceptable Loss", therefore giving us
all plenty of time to win some serious money before they change the
gaming rules!
Now for the details on our system.
Firstly, we have tried and tested numerous on-line Casinos, and come
to realize the same as other 'System Writers' have - All systems work
best in couple particular Casinos. For this reason, we seriously
recommend that you only play this system at these two Casinos. To
download the software for Monaco Gold and for Casino Tropez just click
images below.
Once downloaded, we suggest that you go to practice play and play
the system as we explain so you fully understand it and can see how
much money you are going to make. Only after you fully understand
the system will you will need to transfer money into your Casino
account. We advise that to make the most of their introductory offers
and transfer $200 to the Casino account. If this seems too
much, then we recommend that you transfer no less than $88.
Now, this system is based on betting on the Low/Middle/High fields
ONLY. You simply bet on the same one, with only a slight rise in
stake each time, until it wins. I know that some of you will be
thinking "oh no, that sounds dangerous..." but please, read on...
These fields have a 1 in 3 chance of winning according to the "Law of
Averages" and give a return of 2 to 1. By following our system, you
only need 1 in 14 to be a winner! (Depending on your balance) This
way, you have more than quadrupled the "Law of Averages" and
given yourself an unbelievable advantage!
First of all, you will need to understand what these bets are:
1) This is a bet on "Low". You win if any number from 1-12
(Inclusive) comes in.
2) This is a bet on "Middle". You win if any number from 13-24
(Inclusive) comes in.
3) This is a bet on "High". You win if any number from 25-36
(Inclusive) comes in.
If you follow our instructions, you will gain between $1 and $3 for
every winning number, regardless of how many losing ones you have
The idea with this is to keep a precise record of exactly how the table
you are betting on is "Running". There is no point to betting at
random, so please, be accurate with this. What you need to do is
every time you spin the wheel, record whether a "Low" (L) "Middle"
(M) or "High" (H) number drops in.
For example, if you are on a table and spin the wheel ten times, and
the following numbers drop in: 04, 11, 36, 14, 20, 25, 02, 33, 13, 16,
your table would look like this:
When you begin to play roulette, DO NOT place ANY bets at all.
Patience is the key now. Keep spinning the wheel and recording what
numbers drop in on your table. What you are waiting for is a
consecutive run where 1 of the sections of number has not come in
for 5 spins.
What I mean is this - say the following numbers now drop into the
above line: 32, 17. The table now looks like this:
A "Low" number (L) hasn't dropped in for five consecutive spins. It's
time to start betting!
Place bet number 1 on the "Low" section of
Bet the board (if unsure, check diagram above).
the board (if unsure, check diagram above).
Number Stake Gain Spin the wheel. If a low number drops in,
Congratulations! You are now in profit! If
1 $1 +$2 not, do not worry. Place bet number 2 on
"Low". Again, if you win, well done, you are
2 $2 +$3 in profit! If not, don't worry, place bet
number 3 on "Low". Keep placing the bets
3 $3 +$2 until you win. By doing this, and sticking to
the staking plan shown on the left, and you
4 $4 +$2 will never lose when your number drops in.
You must be precise though!
5 $6 +$2
I know that the gains do not appear to be a
6 $9 +$2 lot per bet, but as it is possible to lay up to
70 bets in an hour, your money will soon
7 $13 +$1 add up. Think about it. I bet $70 an
hour is a better wage than you are earning at
8 $20 +$2 the minute, and all it takes is a bit of time
and discipline!
9 $30 +$2
10 $45 +$2
11 $67 +$1
I realize that a few of you may be confused by this, but don't worry,
read through it again a few times and it will become clear.
That really is how simple this system is!
Now, when you will be wining money using system, and you will be wining,
don t try wining all at once. Set your goal for a day, like $100 or $200. Once
you reach your goal, don t play anymore in that casino. Move to other
casino. That s why you will need two casinos. Monaco Gold and Casino
Tropez are the best for this system. Download the software now, just click
the image below.
But that is not all! If you still don't believe how fantastic this system truly
is, then find out for your self for free! Read on to find out how!
Firstly download the software to play on-line roulette. Then, create a demo
play account and you will find that you have $2000 practice money to put
our system to the test!
Once you are satisfied that it works and you truly realize how much
money it is possible to make, then it is time to play for real! Click on
the "Real Money" play link in the Casino software, and deposit - but
guess what? The Casino will DOUBLE you first deposit up to $200!
So if you deposit $200 to your new Casino account, you will receive
If you are still not 100% sure about trying my system - how about
this?! If you deposit $200, you will receive $200 for free on top. Try the
system with the free $200, and if it fails, cash out your original
deposit! You truly have nothing to lose!


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