
Traveling Beyond The Body w/ Alan Guiden

Traveling Beyond The Body w/ Alan Guiden, Archive Article
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Email To Alan Guiden

Verification Proclamation In 3 Parts

There was a time, my friends, when ancient us's (okay, so that's
not a word, but it is P.C.) explored the very real notion of
gathering information, during the hours of sleep.

(Let's time-travel, shall we?:)

Picture a community where a wise-one among many is chosen as the
"seer". This seer would supply the townyfolk with spiritual
insight. The seer would make predictions based on the events
she/he has witnessed during the quiet hours of their meditation
and sleep.

And how does the seer supply the townyfolk with info? (Good
question.) It's done via remote viewing and nonphysical travel.
And do the townyfolk believe that this is possible? (Another
fine query.) You bet your sweet potato they do! The townyfolk
trust in the ability of their seer to provide guidance, for the
well being of the community. And as a result of this unwavering
trust, in the psi-ability of this wise-one, the townyfolk

Or do they? (Don't ya love when I do that?:)


Poof. We are actors:
I shall play the part of the seer (naturally, as I am the one
doing all the typing).
You shall play the part of all the townyfolk (you get the big

Scene: Early dawn. We are in a small, sleeping village. You
are still sleeping,
so stop talking so much. At the center of our village is a large
circle of stones, that surrounds a fire. A bunny
is hopping by.
Someone from one of the small huts shouts, "HEY, SHUTUP WITH

AlaGuid (me): Awaken townyfolk! It
is I, your wise-one. I have word of my night's travels! I bring
stuff and other things like that for you to kinda know about what
is happening and goings on and junk (hmm, I'm not very good at


You (as one of many): Knock it off
you old coot, the village is trying to sleep! Do you know how
late we stayed up plowing the fields? Just because you have the
luxury to lounge all day and night doesn't mean that we do! Wake
us in an hour you crazy town-crier!!!


An hour passes. I have used the time to practice my intro

AlaGuid: Awaken townyfolk! I have
word of my night's travels! At great distance, I have seen water
a'plenty and green pastures. There are abundant animals of field
and stream (I deserve a free magazine subscription for that one)
and forest.
I foresee the future of our village, in that land. We must go
to... (gotta come up with a name) ...Travelia!!!


All Of You: How fortuitous! Our
village is saved! We are most joyful! Let us dance and
celebrate and then dance some more and then celebrate again
and...(gee, you're not too good at this ancient us's stuff


AlaGuid: Yes townyfolk, there will
be much time for merriment. But now, go and prepare your oxen
for the travel. Oh...and your families. Yes, your families.
And pack an extra pair of socks.

You (collectively) go off to ready yourselves for the

Two days have passed. The huts have been broken down (like a
MASH unit) and carted up. You now wait by the roadside. I, as
usual, am sleeping.

All Together Now: HEY, YOU THERE IN


AlaGuid: What the? Who stole the
doughnut!?! Why I never heard of such a silly...ah...ooh...oops.
I must have dosed off. But I SWEAR it was for the good of the
village. Now, where was I? Oh yes, our travel. Let us begin.


Oh-so-happy marching
music (only 13405kb:) begins to play. (Yes, I do
suggest that you click first and wait for the tune to start
playing. It makes the wrap-up of this tale even more

Humm Hum Hummy Humm Humm Humm (me, waiting for you to click and
load that tune).


Seven days and seven nights we walk. We push and tug our
belongings. We struggle along the dusty trail. We exceed the
limits of exhaustion. Well, at least you do all of that. I am
too busy, relaxing in my comfy chair, high-atop one of your
bundles. It's no wonder that you think that darn thing is heavy.

At last, after these seven days of toil, you stop (all of you)
and look up to me on the bundle.


You: Hey, uhh...AlaGuid. We
can't help but notice that the terrain has become more harsh
along this route. And it's much colder than when we left. Is it
possible that the information you have given to the village was


AlaGuid: Hmm. Now that you mention does seem a tad nippy. And it is a lot more barren too.
Yes, you're right. I have made a mistake. I meant to say turn
left on the road, not right. You see, I was flying at the time I
first discovered Travelia and I must have mixed up my directions
and... Why are you looking at me like that? Eep. Keep away
from me you nasty townyfolk! Ahhhhhhhh!!! (bet ya never saw that
one coming:)


That night, in the center of the misplaced village, there was
another circle of stones and another fire burning.
And once again, the town was in need of a seer.

You can turn off the music now. It's time for the moral of this


And the moral is: "Travels are tricky" (yeah, so I'm no Aesop).

If you think that you have come back from a remarkably clear and
defined adventure beyond your physical body, think again. For
although you may be absolutely correct, and your awareness of the
travel is first-rate, you may still gloss over some key points of the
travel (like AlaGuid's poor grasp of compass-direction).

Additionally, you should attempt to remove those parts of your
travel that seem clouded by dreams (either within the physical or while nonphysical), so that you
may reveal only the true elements of the event.

A few examples (as I always have those laying around:).

*** Note the compass-direction of your travel: N-S-E-W (does it
correspond with the events and locations that you have witnessed?).

*** Note the events and individuals (physical or non) that you

*** Note any "sensations": Light and color variance; temperature change; scents.

*** Note any thoughts that you recall from during the travel.

Utilizing a breakdown of ideas like these, can help you to
pinpoint the true aspects of your travel.

If, for instance, you are new to traveling (you've done it once or
twice under a veil of uncertainty:), you would wish to
focus upon each and every detail of even your most innocent

How did you get into the flight? How high up were you? What did
you see? Were you foolishly flapping your arms like a duck? (I
amuse me.) Does your memory of the travel seem at all jaded by
dream elements, and if so, what are they?

If you can pull apart the accurate aspects of your travel, you
will retain the knowledge, and increase your chances for success.


The Next Related Topic (My Fanciest Title Yet:)

When I say that I travel beyond my physical body, to explore
familiar and strange environments, you have a choice of either
believing me or not believing me.

And regardless of what you believe, I can still do it, whatever
the heck it is, that you don't believe I'm doing. So there. The
experience speaks for itself.

And I'm not alone in this experience. In my estimation (which means nothing), I would say that easily
one out of every three people on the streets (well, that explains
it:) has experienced an unintentional travel beyond the physical
body. And if ya don't like my guesstimate, you can dang well do
your own poll, smarty-pants.

Oops. Where was I? Oh yeah. If so many folks are traveling out
of their bodies, why don't more of them pursue the goal of
intentionally traveling?

How the heck should I know? (grin) There be a ton o' reasons, why a
body might shun the notion o' travelin'. (Hick-Speak kickin'
in...please run for cover.)

But I do knows them other type o' folk. Them the folk, that done
return to them their beds and says, "My my, that be a fine
and dandy travel." (Okay, I'll stop.)

They take a step beyond the rational of being stuck in their
physical bodies. They allow the possibilities to exist, and
therefore, the possibilities do exist.
They decode the flood of their night-time information, and decide
for themselves whether the evening was spent beyond the physical.

And are these travelin'- folks always right? Nope. As I have
just covered in the previous section, sometimes, a travel is
misinterpreted. The information, that is found while
nonphysical, does not always translate properly upon a return to
the physical.


From the book:

A clean memory of the nonphysical event requires that it be imprinted upon the
physical brain. A simple,
conscious effort by the individual to recall the nonphysical
event after returning to the physical is enough to
imprint the travel. If the return to physical is immediately
followed by falling directly to sleep and not
committing the event from nonphysical knowledge to physical
knowledge, there's a good chance of a muddled
memory later or none at all of the event.


Bottom line and recap, my friends:

If you want to travel, you need an open mind. That's it. Accept
the possibilities. You may then return each night from the
graces of sleep, and decide whether it was all just a dream. The
verification of the event, is found through the possibility of
the event.

It is up to you to separate the fact from the fiction. The
fiction aspects of your night may be either dream-states within
the physical, or beyond the physical. Dreams can cloud the
factual aspects of your travel with symbols and sub-conscious

One last example:

If you strip away the dream-aspects of riding an elevator to the
top of a building...

...You may recall yourself looking into your office, from outside
on the 22nd floor.


The Last Related Topic (Gum-Shoe Guiden)

A'ways back, there was yet another pointless and cowardly murder
of a taxi driver. This type of crime really gets me steamed. I
watched the news. The murder had no suspects and no motives
except robbery.

I began to draw a mental picture of the killer. It all popped
clearly to my mind. It was an urban-dweller-junkie that needed
cash for a fix!

I went to bed. I traveled (hey, that's what I do). I was gonna
track that murdering so and so right to his home. I already knew
all about him
because, as I say, it had all popped into my head. So now, it
would be a simple
matter of focusing on the "feelings" and "connection" of that
person, and I'd be there.

Sounds great in cyber-text, doesn't it?

Let's side-track a second.

If I tell you that I have witnessed a crime, while I was
nonphysical, would you allow this evidence to be admissible in
I doubt that you would.

How about if I nonphysically track to a criminal, after the crime
has been
committed, so that police may gather other evidence to seal the
Would that be considered a lead, or an invasion of privacy?

And can we be sure, that I have tracked to the correct solution
of the crime? Unlike a psychic, who may rely on a physical piece
of already confirmed "hard" evidence to reveal further clues, a
traveling-witness would be relying solely upon nonphysical

Which brings me back to:

I found the murderer! And he was.................

NOTHING LIKE I EXPECTED! Yes, I tracked him, but
it was not the nut-job that I had envisioned. This was some
nut-job, who was not an urban dweller or junkie. In short
(too late:), he was not anything like I had created in my

I did find him despite my preconceived notions (due to the
nature of traveling, it is not always necessary to know the
"where" --- to get
there), but does this really constitute more than a whim of


As always, please write
regarding your questions, attempts and successes.

Alan Guiden


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