jangielski 2 etap 2011 zadania

Konkursy w województwie podkarpackim w roku szkolnym 2011/2012
Kod ucznia
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Drogi Uczniu!
Witaj na II etapie konkursu z języka angielskiego. Przeczytaj uważnie instrukcję
i postaraj się prawidłowo odpowiedzieć na wszystkie pytania.
Arkusz liczy 8 stron i zawiera 8 zadań.
Czas pracy:
Przed rozpoczęciem pracy sprawdz czy Twój test jest
kompletny. Jeżeli zauważysz usterki, zgłoś ten fakt Komisji
90 minut
Zadania czytaj uważnie i ze zrozumieniem.
Odpowiedzi wpisuj czarnym lub niebieskim długopisem
bądz piórem.
Dbaj o czytelność pisma i precyzję odpowiedzi.
W przypadku testu wyboru prawidłową odpowiedz zaznacz
Liczba punktów
stawiając znak X na literze poprzedzającej treść wybranej
do uzyskania:
Nie używaj korektora. Jeżeli pomylisz się, błędne
zaznaczenie otocz kółkiem i zaznacz znakiem X inną
Oceniane będą tylko odpowiedzi, które zostały umieszczone
w miejscu do tego przeznaczonym.
Brudnopis nie będzie oceniany.
Pracuj samodzielnie.
Konkursy w województwie podkarpackim w roku szkolnym 2011/2012
Zadanie 1. Przeczytaj uważnie tekst. Zaznacz jedną, poprawną odpowiedz. (0-9 punktów).
The world ought to be a quieter place. Anti-noise has hit the marketplace. It means, for
example, that refrigerators will no longer whine, vacuum cleaners no longer roar, and
washing machines no longer rumble. It may even soon be possible to cancel out the low-
frequency throb of the teenage stereo blasting its bass through the wall from the flat next
door. Already Toshiba has introduced a silent refrigerator. Built into the fridge is a system
that silences the hum of the motor by firing anti-noise at it.
What is anti-noise? It is the exact opposite of a particular sound. It peaks when the other
sound dips, and dips when the other sound wave peaks. The anti-sound is fired at the
unwanted sound through a loudspeaker. The two waves cancel each other out, like ripples
meeting each other on a pond. The rest is silence.
There must, however, be a perfect match, otherwise you end up with double the din. Thus
anti-noise has had to wait for the microprocessor in order to be effective. The
microprocessor can monitor the unwanted sound and respond in milliseconds.
A typical active noise cancellation system has been sold to a railway company in the United
States. The company unloads grain from trains by using giant vacuum tubes. These tubes
produce as much noise a jet taking off. After installing the system, the noise was reduced to
the level of an air-conditioner's hum. Forty were installed, to the relief of Americans living
near railway unloading points.
In the aircraft industry, active noise cancellation is contributing to a revival in propeller-driven
passenger aircraft, which passengers disliked because of their noise. The first test flight with
an anti-noise system took off in 1989. The system has now move on from research to
commercial development, with passengers likely to hear the benefits in a year or two.
In the car industry, conventional mufflers generate back-pressure, which forces the engine to
work harder. An active noise canceller removes the need for sound-absorbing chambers,
and improves fuel consumption by as much as six per cent. From the point of view of saving
fuel, car makers are keen to install the technology.
It won't be long before silent washing machines, fridges and vacuum cleaners are in the High
Street shops. Electrolux has signed an agreement to manufacture the technology which
should be on the market by 1994.
The trouble is, once you remove one noise, you become more aware of all the others. How
will we be able to shut up the sparrows at five in the morning?
1. Which title best suits the passage?
A. Towards a Quieter World
B. The Noise-Busters
C. A Better Life
D. Anti-Noise
Strona 2 z 8
Konkursy w województwie podkarpackim w roku szkolnym 2011/2012
2. Next year, silent devices will be
A. sold.
B. installed.
C. available.
D. consumed.
3. On a pop recording, the bass emits a loud low-frequency
A. beat.
B. blast.
C. boom.
D. bang.
4. What anti-noise does is
A. compensate for noise.
B. react with noise.
C. camouflage noise.
D. neutralise noise.
5. Anti-noise works by being on
A. the same wavelength.
B. a completely different wavelength.
C. a higher-frequency wavelength.
D. a diametrically opposed wavelength.
6. What does the microprocessor do?
A. It checks the sound.
B. It records the sound.
C. It responds to sound.
D. It reacts to low frequencies.
7. After the anti-noise devices were installed, the life of the people living near the railway was
A. comforted.
B. consoled.
C. enlivened.
D. eased.
8. Because of anti-noise, propeller-driven aircraft are
A. making a come-back.
B. cropping up.
C. being renovated.
D. becoming fashionable.
Strona 3 z 8
Konkursy w województwie podkarpackim w roku szkolnym 2011/2012
9. Cars will have anti-noise devices because they
A. make the streets quieter.
B. reduce back-pressure.
C. improve fuel consumption.
D. remove the need for sound-absorbing chambers.
[adapted from http://www.englishspeaker.com]
Zadanie 2. Uzupełnij podane zdania wyrazami z ramki. (0-10 punktów)
pollution, ozone layer, acid rain, endangered, recycle,greenhouse effect, extinct, fumes,bottle bank,
global warming
1. ______________falling on forests has killed a lot of trees in the last 30 years.
2. The council is encouraging us to___________more household rubbish.
3. Factories and vehicles produce a lot of dangerous _______________.
4. ___________of the atmosphere has increased over the last 70 years, making
the environment very dirty.
5. The effect of gases in the earth's atmosphere is preventing the earth from losing
heat; this is called the ___________________.
6. The hole in the ______________is getting larger every year.
7. If ______________continues, there is a danger that the polar ice-cap will start to
8. We take all our empty bottles to the _______________ for recycling.
9. Tigers, whales and panda bears are all ________________species.
10. People are worried that soon whales will become_______________.
Strona 4 z 8
Konkursy w województwie podkarpackim w roku szkolnym 2011/2012
Zadanie 3. Odgadnij brakujące słowa. Dla ułatwienia podane są niektóre litery. (0-12
The day was (0) bright and sunny. Our local postman was (1) d_l_v_ _ i_g a parcel to
our next-door (2) n_ _ g_ _ _u_ when suddenly he smelt gas and a moment later heard
a loud (3) _ xp_ _s_ _ n in another flat. The door flew open.(4) I_m_d_ _ _ _ l_ many
other doors opened and a crowd (5) g_ _h _ _e _ in the corridor. However, no one was
(6) c_ _ r _g _ _ _ s enough to go and check what had happened. It was the postman
who went inside. For a moment he (7) d_s_ _p_ _ _ _d in a cloud of dust, and when he
(8) r_ _ur _ _ d he was helping an elderly lady, who was in shock. (9) L_c _ _l _ she
wasn't hurt. In her hands she was holding a (10) v_lu _ _l _ gold watch and a box of
matches. She kept repeating that the gas really didn't want to (11) l_g_t easily that
morning. We were (12) d_s_ _p_ _n _ _ d when the postman did not receive a medal
for saving her life.
Zadanie 4. Przetłumacz wyrażenia w nawiasach. (0-10 punktów)
1. John________________(nie był) very happy about the results of the test.
2. _________________(Czy oni są ) your friends?
3. She_________________(nie ma) a dog.
4. I________________(miałem) a bad dream last week.
5. _________________(Są) 32 letters in Polish alphabet.
6. _________________(Był) a hurricane in California a month ago.
7. I ____________________(odwiedziłem) my grandmother in hospital yesterday.
8. ____________________(Czy oglądałeś) the film yesterday?
9. I have already_______________(widziałam) this movie.
10. Look at the sky, it is ____________(będzie padać).
Strona 5 z 8
Konkursy w województwie podkarpackim w roku szkolnym 2011/2012
Zadanie 5. Wybierz odpowiednie słowo z podanych poniżej i uzupełnij luki w tekście.(0-
12 punktów)
Justin Bieber gives advice on makeup
Teen heartthrob Justin Bieber (1) ____ hundreds of his loyal fans on Thursday when he
appeared at a party hosted by the fashion brand Dolce and Gabbana (D&G). He also gave
his fans some advice on makeup. (2) ____ of young woman showed up outside D&G s
trendy boutique in New York s Upper East Side. He disappointed many by (3) ____ in
through the back door. The party was the prelaunch of D&G s new lipstick, called  Passion
Duo . (4) ____ the  passionate duos theme of the evening, Bieber came alone, without his
other (5) ____ Selena Gomez. His makeup advice for women was: "A little's fine, but at the
end of the day, you have to be yourself. If there's more makeup on your face than your face,
then that's kind of (6) ____," he said.
In other Bieber news, the young singer and actor is now officially a major brand. The young
Canadian has become a merchandising (7) ____ since hitting the big (8) ____ in 2008.
Amazon has a huge list of back-to-school products that feature Bieber on them. Schoolgirls
around the world have been buying (9) ____ backpacks, pencil cases, rulers, erasers and
any other stationery they can get (10) ____ of with Bieber s image on it. He even has a
fragrance for men named (11) ____ him. Bieber has been nominated for and received
numerous awards over the past few years. In 2010, he won Artist of the Year at the American
Music Awards. He was also nominated for Best New Artist and Best Pop Vocal Album. It is
likely his looks and clean-(12) ____ image will continue to bring in the big bucks for
(adapted from Breaking News English)
1. (a) delightful (b) delightfully (c) delight (d) delighted
2. (a) Weirdoes (b) Hordes (c) Padres (d) Hairdos
3. (a) slipping (b) slapping (c) swapping (d) shipping
4. (a) Spiteful (b) Spite (c) Despite (d) In spite
5. (a) third (b) quarter (c) half (d) whole
6. (a) bizarrely (b) weird (c) strangest (d) supernatural
7. (a) sensation (b) senses (c) senseless (d) sensitive
8. (a) watch (b) second (c) clock (d) time
9. (a) in (b) up (c) on (d) of
10. (a) would (b) mould (c) told (d) hold
11. (a) following (b) later (c) after (d) post
12. (a) cut (b) slice (c) chop (d) saw
Strona 6 z 8
Konkursy w województwie podkarpackim w roku szkolnym 2011/2012
Zadanie 6. Przekształć wyrazy podane obok, tak aby można było uzupełnić zdania. (0-
6 punktów)
1) Chilli is a new music club where teenagers go __________at weekends. DANCE
2) I always take two pairs of _______________ when I go on holiday. TRAIN
3) In my family my sister does the ______________when the flat needs cleaning.
4) Pupils who do homework everyday are more _____________at school.
5) Sorry, I forgot about our__________________on Saturday. MEET
6) I ____________in bed till midday last Sunday. LIE
Zadanie 7. Znajdz błędy w zdaniach i popraw je (0-6 punktów)
1. I always drink milk on breakfast.
2. Mark's sister is elder than his brother.
3. He had left an hour ago.
4. The news are very good.
5. I went there by my car
6. You are late, as usually.
Strona 7 z 8
Konkursy w województwie podkarpackim w roku szkolnym 2011/2012
Zadanie 8 . Napisz do swojego angielskiego kolegi notatkę informującą go, że:
1. jutro nie możesz się z nim spotkać,
2. gdyż bierzesz udział w konkursie języka angielskiego,
3. konkurs odbywa się w Gimnazjum nr 5,
4. prosisz, aby trzymał za ciebie kciuki,
5. proponujesz spotkanie w niedzielę po południu.
Pamiętaj, abyś w swojej notatce zawarł/a wszystkie wymienione wyżej informacje. Notatka
ma być krótka -od 30 do 50 słów maksymalnie - (0-5 punktów)
Strona 8 z 8


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