3B2 Version 7.51a/W (May 2 2001) {Jobsin}M10163/01OUP Polish G-M.3d Date: 28/2/02 Time 14:24pm Page 461 of 504
461 lovely
lottery /"lQt@ri/ noun [C] (pl. lotteries) a way of love1 /lVv/ noun 1 [U] a very strong feeling of
raising money by selling tickets with numbers affection for sb/sth: The deep love and under-
on them and giving prizes to the people who standing between them lasted throughout their
have bought certain numbers which are chosen lives. It was love at first sight. I don t think
by chance loteria she s marrying him for love! How s your love
loud /laUd/ adj. 1 making a lot of noise; not life (życie intymne)? J Antonim: hate lub hat-
quiet: He s got such a loud laugh you can hear it red. miłość 2 [U, sing.] a strong feeling of
next door! Can you turn the television down, interest in or enjoyment of sth: a love of adven-
it s a bit loud. głośny, hałaśliwy ture zamiłowanie 3 [C] a thing in which you
are very interested: Computers are the love of
Przymiotnika loud zwykle używa się do opi-
his life at the moment. miłość (do czegoś)
sania samego dzwięku lub przedmiotu wyda-
4 [C] a person who is loved: Of course, my love.
jącego dzwięk: a loud noise, a loud bang,
C Por. darling. kochan-y/a, kochanie 5 [C]
loud music. Noisy oznacza osobę, zwierzę,
(Brit., informal) (used as a friendly way of speak-
miejsce, wydarzenie itp., które jest bardzo
ing to sb, often sb you do not know): Hello,
głośne lub zbyt głośne: a noisy road/party/
love. What can I do for you? J Często spotyka
noisy neighbours/children
się pisownię luv. kochanie 6 [U] (used in ten-
nis) a score of zero: 15-love (piętnaście do zera),
2 (used about clothes, colours, behaviour) too
called the umpire. zero 7 [U] (informal) (a way
bright or noticeable: Isn t that shirt a bit loud
of ending a letter to a friend or a member of
for a formal dinner? krzykliwy
your family): Love, Peter. Lots of love from us
K loud adv. making a lot of noise: Could you
all, Denise. pozdrowienia, serdeczne uści-
speak a bit louder the people at the back can t
hear. głośno
E be in love (with sb) to have a strong feel-
D %out "loud so that people can hear it: Shall
ing of affection and sexual attraction (for sb):
I read this bit out loud to you? głośno, na głos
They re very much in love (with each other).
loudly adv. in a loud way głośno F loudness
B być zakochanym F fall in love (with sb) to
noun [U] głośność; krzykliwość
start to feel a strong affection and attraction for
2%loud"speaker noun [C] 1 an apparatus for
sb: They fell in love and were married within two
making sounds, voices, etc. louder: The winner
months. zakochać się F give/send sb your
of the competition was announced over the loud-
love to give/send sb a friendly greeting: I
speaker. głośnik 2 (also speaker) the part of
haven t seen Mary for ages give her my love,
a radio, record player, etc. from which the
will you? pozdrawiać, przesyłać pozdro-
sound comes out głośnik
wienia F make love (to sb) to have sex ko-
lounge /laUndZ/ noun [C] 1 a room in a house or
chać się (z kimś)
hotel where you can sit comfortably: Let s go
2"love affair noun [C] 1 a (usually sexual) rela-
and have coffee in the lounge. salon, hol 2 a
tionship between two people who love each
room at an airport where passengers wait: the
other but are not married romans 2 a great
departure lounge hala odlotów
enthusiasm for sth: the English love affair with
lounge verb [I] 1 to sit or stand in a lazy way;
gardening zamiłowanie F "love story noun
to relax: That looks a very comfortable sofa to
[C] (pl. love stories) a story or novel that is
lounge on. rozwalać się, stać w niedbałej
mainly about love romans (powieść), histo-
pozie, rozpierać się 2 lounge about/around
ria miłosna
to spend your time in a lazy way, not doing very
much: I wish Ann wouldn t lounge around in
love2 /lVv/ verb [T] 1 to have a strong feeling of
her room all day reading magazines. obijać
affection for sb/sth: I love you. It s wonderful
się, wałęsać się
to be loved. kochać 2 to like or enjoy sth very
2"lounge bar (also sa"loon bar) noun [C] a
much: I love the summer! I really love swim-
smart, comfortable bar in a pub or hotel
ming. The cat loves you stroking her just here.
(where the drinks may be more expensive)
B lubić, uwielbiać 3 (used to say that you
C Zob. uwagi przy bar i pub. sala klubowa,
would very much like sth/to do sth): We d love
bar hotelowy
you to come and stay with us. Would you like to
louse /laUs/ noun [C] (pl. lice /laIs/) a small
come? I d love to (z przyjemnością). What
insect that lives on the bodies of animals and
about a drink? I d love one (chętnie).
people wesz
B (bardzo) chcieć
lousy /"laUzi/ adj. (lousier; lousiest) (informal)
very bad: We had lousy weather on holiday. A
lovely /"lVvli/ adj. (lovelier; loveliest) 1 beauti-
You ll feel lousy tomorrow if you drink too H
ful or attractive: a lovely room You look lovely
much. parszywy, wstrętny
with your hair short. uroczy, śliczny 2 very
lout /laUt/ noun [C] a young man who behaves in
nice, enjoyable or pleasant: We had a lovely
a rude, rough or stupid way: The train was full H
holiday in Wales. It s lovely to see you again.
of louts returning from the football match.
B wspaniały, świetny
C Por. hooligan. Ma podobne znaczenie.
D lovely and warm, peaceful, fresh, etc.
B gbur
(used for emphasizing how good sth is because
K loutish adj. gburowaty
of the quality mentioned): These blankets are
lovely and soft. rozkosznie (np. ciepły),
lovable /"lVv@bl/ adj. having a personality or
doskonale (np. spokojny)
appearance that is easy to love: a lovable child
H B loveliness noun [U] urok
a lovable rogue kochany; sympatyczny
D then | s so | z zoo | S she | Z vision | h how | m man | n no | N sing | l leg | r red | j yes | w wet
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