Blutengel Beauty of Suffering

Artist : Blutengel
Song Titel : Beauty of Suffering
Album : Child of Glass

ist der Eintritt ins Reich des Bösen.
Es ist Zeit die Pforten
zum Reich des Bösen zu öffnen.

you and i - forever in darkness.
you are my queen of forbidden pleasures.
i need your body - your blood and bones.
i want your fear - i trink your tears.

i am the master of darkness.
i'll take you to my kingdom of flesh
you can trust me 'cause i will show you
the beauty of suffering

come into my kingdom - come into my world.

your pale sweet body put's fire in my vains.
i can smell your blood - i can smell your lust.
tonight is my night - the night without shadows.
we have nothing to hide. we celebrate our pleasures


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