Free Prosperity Course

12 Months To Prosperity Course
This course comes as a gift to everyone. Therefore it is a symbol of the
universe, which is always giving. As long as you copy it in its entirety, and do
not charge for it, we encourage you to make as many copies of this course as you
like, and to pass it on to as many people as you like. This is a workbook. You are
encouraged to write in the margins and between the lines any feelings or
memories that a belief may trigger. Notes to your subconscious mind are
perfectly appropriate! Keep an unmarked master copy to copy from. Change
words like ºuniverseº to ºGodº if that is more meaningful to you.
Please sit down, get comfortable, and prepare yourself for some emotionally
charged ideas. This course could be a turning point in which you can
dramatically increase prosperity for yourself and for those you love!
Have you ever wondered how some people seem to turn each situation into a
golden opportunity in which they build trusting and respectful relationships,
successful business ventures, and accomplish amazing things, and they seem to
be stress free, exuding health and enthusiasm? And how about the opposite?
How some people seem bent on destruction, are overwrought with negativity,
are in declining health and a burden to all those around them? Have you ever
considered what might be a fundamental difference between the successful
person and the failure? All the leaders on this subject apparently agree.
1. The difference between a prosperous person and a failure lies in his/her belief system.
2. All the truly prosperous people in this world share the same fundamental beliefs about
themselves, other people, and how the world works.
3. There are a set of habits that seem to put a person in the path of prosperity.
This course will teach you how to:
1. Examine and compare your belief system to the prosperity belief system.
2. Learn how to identify and transform negative beliefs.
3. Learn and acquire the habits of prosperity, the habit of asking the right questions.
Prosperity is a matter of choice. That is the prerequisite belief you need to
feel wholeheartedly, without any doubt, for this course to have its full effect.
Decide for yourself, which beliefs promote prosperity in your life, and which
promote scarcity and poverty. Decide for yourself which beliefs to encourage
and which ones to actively and aggressively transform.
These beliefs are generally not supported by Western culture, yet they are
presented here as true, prerequisites to total prosperity in life. They are written in
the first person to increase your identity with them. The beliefs may not be your
own, and that may be slightly distressing. You are not required to take the
action of incorporating these beliefs into your own belief system, and into
your behavior! That is generally regarded as not an easy thing to do! So you
really need to do this in a light and non judgmental way! Awareness and
acceptance of a negative belief is the prerequisite to changing that belief!
We want everyone to acknowledge that the universe is perfect, and
that the contribution each of us makes is needed and necessary for that
perfection to exist!
The end of each lesson gives you an exercise asking you to perform an
activity in your imagination. These exercises should also be regarded as the
habits of prosperous people! Most often they are more valuable the second or
third time you do them. Prosperity, like happiness, is not an object to possess,
rather it is an ever changing dynamic process, a sequence of actions and
responses. We have presented the major activities of prosperity in a lesson
format with the beliefs that enable those activities. If you feel you are weak in an
activity like receiving, you are advised to examine and try on the beliefs that
would allow you to participate more in receiving.
This course is in a newsletter format, with each topic given its own month.
Here is the monthly format of the course.
We will also present strategies for increasing prosperity in the eight
dimensions as presented in the first lesson of this course. We hope you enjoy this
course. The learning process, when pleasurable, is accelerated! Even though we
have all the time in the world, it is so much more fun to go fast! So enjoy and
you can go as fast as you want!
Most of us associate prosperity with money, but when we look deeper,
having more money is secondary to having a higher quality of life. How do you
rate the quality of your life? For simplicity, I put forth the following 8
dimensional model superimposed on a 2 dimensional sheet of paper.
This model does not exist in absolute terms, only in relative personal terms.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how do you rate your quality of life in each dimension? All
dimensions work synergistically, that is improve one and you improve others as
well. If there is one dimension that you have graded low, the chances are that
your quality of life would be most improved by improving that dimension.
While this model is in 8 dimensions, it also often manifests itself in 4
dimensions, each line being one dimension. We see the stereotypes like the
starving artist, the actor adored by millions undergoing another broken
marriage, the intellectual in poor health, the simple minded body builder, the
materialist with no spiritual awareness, or the yogi without a home. The point is
that by exercising prosperity consciousness you can have it all! You can be rich
and spiritual, an intellectual with a great body! Awareness itself is curative.
Simply focusing on a low scoring dimension will improve it.
1. Get quiet, relaxed, in touch with your breath, letting your mind relax as well.
2. Dwell on your life from the perspective of each dimension
3. If you were to assign a number from 1 to 10 (10 being the best) how would
you grade that aspect of life?
4. Draw your own model of your quality of life, roughly matching the distance
from the center with the grade you have given each dimension. Think of how all
the dimensions would be improved by improving the lowest dimension.
This daily 2 minute exercise will dramatically
increase the prosperity in your life!
1. On waking, reflect on the eight dimensions and identify your lowest scoring
2. Review your overall plan to improve the score of that dimension.
3. Schedule some time during the day in which you improve that dimension.
4. Make sure you follow through and do it!
What do you believe in?
Beliefs, like habits, are essential in that they allow us to focus on what we
choose while we go through the familiar, repetitive aspects of life. The drawback
is that our conclusions about life may not be true, that there is more to be
learned, and that we may be denying ourselves new experiences. We will ask
you to set aside some time and ask yourself the questions your beliefs keep you
from asking.
To experience more prosperity you must get in the habit of asking
thought provoking difficult personal questions!
Beliefs come in four categories, and each category requires its own strategy
when it comes to change. Here are the categories along with the question that
accompanies each one:
1. Beliefs of identity: Who am I?
2. Beliefs of the universe: What is this?
3. Beliefs of cause and effect: What is driving this?
4. Beliefs of meaning: What does this mean?
Beliefs of identity are subjective by definition, often have their origins in early
childhood, and are strongly linked to values and emotion. Beliefs of the universe
and beliefs of cause and effect are objective beliefs that are best met with reason
and logic. For the purpose of this course these two categories are lumped into the
one category, beliefs of the universe, and are dealt with in the same manner. In
all cases, discussing an old limiting belief with someone who supports your
prosperity is an excellent way to go through the process of changing a limiting
We are not addressing beliefs of meaning simply because they are profoundly
personal and really beyond the scope of this course. Beliefs of meaning can range
from the superstitious to the religious to the transcendental, transcending the
whole issue of prosperity, and at least need to be acknowledged. We realize that
this course may conflict with the religious beliefs of some people. We strongly
encourage you to rewrite the course so that it supports your religious beliefs, and
use the parts of the course that you are not in conflict with.
The beliefs are written in the first person throughout this course to increase
your identity with them. Take note of any old memories, emotions, or beliefs that
are triggered when you read them. Each belief should be felt. Listen to your
inner voice. Listen to it say  Yes, that is what I believe. Or,  I never think that
way! You may have a wide range of responses, from excitement to boredom to
strong anger! If you have a problem with a belief, if you strongly disagree with a
belief, we suggest you write down the belief that is true for you, and return to it
after completing the course.
Ten fundamental beliefs of the universe
1. My thoughts, feelings and attitude govern my behavior and dictate how I see
the world.
2. I create my experience, and thus my reality.
3. Prosperity Consciousness is my natural state of mind, and happens when I am
open to my creativity, when I am connected to my inner self, when I am
connected to humanity and the world.
4. I am prosperous because I am happy, not, I am happy because I am
5. There is enough money, food, love, sex, and material goods for everyone in the
6. Many cultures believe that man is inherently lazy, and must be forced to work
by fear. What is more truthful is that man chooses to work as an outward
expression of his individuality, creativity, and uniqueness.
7. The reality I create through my beliefs will reinforce and justify my beliefs.
Whether I believe the world is hostile or loving I will be right.
8. There is a fundamental order to the universe and I am part of that order.
9. The universe is perfect, with harmony and a higher consciousness.
10. Poverty consciousness is based on fear and the denial of ones unlimited
Ten fundamental beliefs of identity
1. I have a mind but I am not my mind. I have a body but I am not my body.
I have emotions but I am not my emotions. I am a point of awareness and
I can direct my mind. I am spirit.
2. I trust my intuition, my unlimited creativity, and my unique talents well
lead me to prosperity.
3. I can choose the thoughts I bring to my conscious mind.
4. I can at will contact the spiritual dimension, and receive inspiration and
5. I can control my emotions, my energy, and my thoughts; therefore I
control my state of mind.
6. I deserve prosperity as my birthright.
7. My increasing prosperity benefits others.
8. I am open to new experience, especially prosperity.
9. I have a purpose greater than my personal fulfillment.
10. I am exercising the beliefs and habits of prosperity more each day.
Five commonly held beliefs that promote poverty
If you agree with these, its time to take a closer look!
1. Money is scarce, evil, anti spiritual, and corrupting.
2. I do not deserve large amounts of money for my work.
3. I will lose the love of friends and family if I become too successful or rich.
4. I will be scorned and rejected when I express my creativity.
5. The world is a dangerous and hostile place.
1. What are the emotional experiences I had that helped form this belief? In
particular, how did my old belief keep me from experiencing emotional pain?
How does it now keep me from experiencing prosperity?
2. What group was I with? Was that group prosperous and did it promote
prosperity for all its members?
3. If I, as an adult, re examine the evidence, can I see the error of my old belief?
4. Can I give myself experiences that will prove the old limiting belief wrong?
5. Am I open to the new experiences that will come from dropping the old belief?
Getting clear and free from conflict is a daily lifelong process, yet so few
people realize its importance. If you donÄ…t know what your values are, you
have no purpose, and you are reacting, not acting, to the forces that enter
your life. Your future is unlikely to be any different from your present.
Fundamental beliefs of cause
My purpose depends on my values.
My behavior and my results depend on what my values are, how
consistent they are, how synergistic they are, how free from conflict they
Fundamental beliefs of identity
My values are well defined and prioritized and I am without conflict.
I know what I stand for, and what my purpose is.
Getting clear on what I stand for, and creating a passion and excitement
about supporting my values is one of my highest priorities.
I enjoy the feeling of being clear. I enjoy the power of being clear.
The following are the most common values that people stand for. In each
column check off the two that are most important to you. Add any that
you can think of that have been missed. After you have gone through
each column, determine what your top three values are.
Love Utopia Making a Integrity Fame Courage
Success of Environment Expressing Marriage Respect Happiness
children myself
Health Business Traveling Family Security Longevity
Sports Personal Creativity Confidence Money Friends
Intellect Sexuality Independence Honesty Books Power
Adventure Wisdom Career Integrity Freedom Spirituality
With your top 3 values, answer the following questions.
Why is this value so important?
What makes it so important?
Is it really mine, or is it some value I ºshouldº have?
How would my life be if I had more of it, or less of it?
What do I do now that is proof that I value this?
How much time do I devote to this value?
How crucial is this value to my happiness?
How can I use this value to bring prosperity into my life?
The most common cause of stress in life comes when we behave in a way,
which violates one of our core values. These core values must be
supporting each other; otherwise there will be an inconsistent behavior,
and a lack of intensity of purpose, and a mental state of confusion conflict.
Any goals are unlikely to be set. Can they be prioritized and modified to
work together? Can the time spent actualizing one be redirected to the
higher priority? Can some of your lower priority values be modified to
support your higher priority values? Write a personal mission statement,
defining what your purpose is.
To achieve the future you want, you must have goals that are in line with
your high priority values. Otherwise they are destined to fail. Ultimately,
it is not the goal, but the process of achieving the goal that gives the goal
its prosperity value. Actualizing the goal gives the experience of
Fundamental beliefs of cause
My conscious goals direct my subconscious mind to actualize them.
My intuitive awareness is the bridge between the mental and physical
My goals stimulate my creativity, give me clarity, give me the powerful
feeling of being on purpose.
Fundamental beliefs of identity
I know what I want, what I want to bring to my life, and how that will
make me feel.
When I work toward my goals I feel connected with the universe, I feel
loved and love others, I feel free because I am doing what I want to do.
My goals are aligned to my values and my purpose.
When I achieve my goals, I help others achieve their goals.
Deep down, it is totally OK for me to have this goal.
My goals are specific; they enhance the quality of my life and others, and I
have a plan implemented that will allow me to achieve them.
When my goal is fulfilled I will be able to more fully express myself, and
be of even more service to others.
I know I am on the right path.
Because I want to achieve my goal, my mind is charged and energized.
I am willing to do what it takes to achieve my goal, and I will enjoy doing
I am focused, my energy is channeled, and I need goals to feel this way. I
have a purpose.
I am already important, unique and valuable, whether I achieve my goals
or not.
My goal is a concentrated mental action, energy directed outward, and
like a magnet, I will be drawn to that energy.
I deserve to achieve my goals.
I love, not fear, success and prosperity.
I know that the process of achieving my goals is the real value of having
The process brings inspiration, focus, and the feeling of being on purpose.
My goals bring a sense of order to my life.
I welcome the changes that come when my goals have been achieved.
1. Relax, close your eyes, get in touch with your breathing
2. Focus on something you want deeply. Take time. Remember what you
value. What your purpose is.
3. Select a goal that is aligned with your purpose, that supports your purpose.
4. Is there any value that might suffer if you accomplished your goal?
5. Is there any belief about yourself that would be proven wrong if you
accomplished your goal?
6. Write your goal down in a specific positive statement with a time statement.
Ex. ºI want to finish this project by Friday the 15thº.
7. Write down a time based plan. Answer the following questions:
When can I start?
What do I need?
What stops me from starting now?
What will achieving the goal do for my purpose?
How will I know I am on schedule?
What evidence do I have that I am on schedule?
What keeps me from my goal now?
What resources do I have that will overcome the roadblocks?
How can I enjoy the process?
Visualize your goal as having come to pass, being as specific
as you can.
Enjoy the fulfillment of your goal. Note your feelings and who
you are with.
Note any anxiety, or negativity associated with your fulfillment.
See if there is a way to transform the negativity in your mind.
Affirm to yourself that you are doing everything necessary to
achieve your goal, and that everyone will benefit when it comes to
Creative people may simply be valuing their thoughts and insights and
following through with them through expression and exploration. They
believe they are creative; therefore they are creative! We all have a wealth
of creative talent; we need to acknowledge it!
Fundamental beliefs of cause and identity
I am an unlimited source of ideas and talent.
I am a channel for the creativity of the universe to come through.
If I listen to my intuition, I will be inspired by it.
My creativity serves myself and others.
By releasing resentment, fear, and judgment, I become empty and then
I am willing to experience my creative energy.
I listen to my intuition rather than do what is expected.
I do not fear judgment and rejection when sharing my creativity.
I look for opportunities for growth, learning, and new ways of doing
It is not the path of least resistance that brings prosperity, it is the path of
purpose, focus, inspiration, creativity, and direction that brings
Creativity flows through me, not from me
Creativity flows through me in my natural state.
As I release negativity and fear, I create space for creativity and love.
I am a microcosm of the universe, and I hold all of its creativity inside me.
An Exercise
1.Set aside 15 minutes when you can relax, and be free of distractions.
2. Close your eyes, get in touch with your breathing.
3. Visualize and feel creative energy flowing through you.
4. Affirm that your subconscious mind can use that energy without
5. Affirm the belief that simply by focusing on your creativity you will
increase it.
6. Affirm that creativity, like prosperity, is your birth right.
Your beliefs will not change unless you do something about them.
Learning what
is true should be a higher priority than holding on to a belief. If you want
to change an erroneous belief, you will change it. The time may vary,
there may need to be an emotional release, but with persistence, change is
Fundamental beliefs of cause and identity
Even my subconscious core beliefs can be changed.
The first step is in changing a belief is becoming aware that a negative,
limiting belief is running my life!
The following is a rough outline on transforming our identified
undesirable beliefs:
1. Focus on how the counter productive belief is running your life,
keeping you from prosperity.
2. Check to see if you are wholeheartedly motivated to change the belief.
3. Can you identify the resources that will help you change the belief?
Examples of resources are repeating affirmations, visualizing yourself and
your life with the new belief, using reason and logic to reinforce the new
4. Exercise these resources, and give yourself time to change.
5. If you notice any resistance or interference to change see if you can
identify resources to deal with the resistance.
An Exercise
1. When reading the prosperity beliefs in the fundamental section of this
course, how do you feel when you say, ºYes, that is my belief.º
2. If you have found a belief in this course that is not yours, how can you
restate it so that it is true for you?
3. If your belief does not stand up to logic and reason, but you still hold
on to it strongly, look to emotions associated with it.
4. What are the emotional rewards for holding on to this belief?
5. See if there is any pain, resentment or fear that you can release.
6. One way to release an emotion is to breathe deeply and regularly,
breathe in the opposite positive emotion, breathe out the negative
emotion. For example, I breathe in love, I breathe out fear. Do this for at
least 10 minutes.
7. After you feel you have released the negative emotion, test your belief
with reason again. Most likely it does not ring true anymore.
8. You may or may not have to repeat this process. It depends more on
whether you believe you do or not more than anything else!.
Our ºself talkº, what we say to ourselves, has a great deal to do with our
experience of prosperity. Affirmations are a conscious way to break old
negative thought patterns. They generally are identity statements of ideal
behavior. They are not necessarily beliefs or even true statements, but
rather attempts to convince oneself that a certain behavior is possible or as
a conscious reminder to keep one on purpose. By redirecting thoughts,
affirmations can effectively reprogram ones belief system.
If you consider yourself a kinesthetic dominant person, write down each
affirmation as much as 10 times. If you are a visual person repeat the
following affirmations in front of a mirror. If you are a strong auditory
person, repeat the affirmation out loud and put it on a cassette tape and
play it back.
I deserve to be prosperous.
I forgive myself, my parents and others for past errors.
Prosperity is my natural state of being.
Prosperity enables me to fully express my creative potential.
Fully expressing my creative potential allows me to be prosperous.
I am the master of money.
Money serves my growth, happiness and creative expression.
There is enough for everyone, including me.
The world is an abundant place, flowing with love.
My work challenges me to access my enthusiasm and creativity.
My work leads me to increasing health, happiness and wealth.
I know what I value, and what my purpose is.
My state of mind is my most valuable asset, worth more than all other
assets combined.
Because it is so valuable, I choose to develop it and nurture it daily.
My beliefs are positive and enable me to achieve all my goals.
My environment is positive cheerful and nourishing.
My prosperity prospers others and their prosperity prospers me.
The more I give, the more I receive.
I am willing to receive all that I need.
I am in service and am improving the quality of life in people.
I am motivated out of a genuine internal desire to bring about more peace
and harmony to people.
Whatever position I find myself in, what I am doing, is helping to improve
the quality of life for others.
Everything I need is available from the infinite source of all.
I am willing to receive money abundantly as an expression of peopleÄ…s
love and support.
I express and experience my love and creativity in my work.
I enjoy making money doing what I enjoy.
I easily attract money and prosperity by my self acceptance and self
My creative imagination and my connection with the universal mind is an
unlimited source of money making ideas.
I am willing to receive money for pleasuring myself and letting my life be
The only difference between me and a billionaire is that while he is
working on his second billion& I m working on my first.
Create your own Prosperity Affirmations from your unlimited creative
imagination. Affirmations can have the effect of bringing to our
consciousness whatever resistant feelings and limiting beliefs are blocking
the affirmationÄ…s effectiveness. To become fully aware of just what those
resistant thoughts may be, you should use a response column when you
write affirmations. Then acknowledge the feelings without judgment and
examine the beliefs; then release them, knowing that we are replacing
them with affirmations of self acceptance, honoring the abundant life
force which flows through us.
The best way to free yourself from feelings of hostility, depression,
sadness, hopelessness and helplessness is by breathing. Pull a deep inhale
high into your chest and then clear to the top of your head and relax on
the exhale, letting gravity do your exhale for you. Breathing is the
simplest and most powerful technique of spiritual purification. It always
has been and it always will be.º
Getting clear on what money is, is the first step toward being its master.
First realization is that money is a result not a cause. Focus your thoughts
on the causative forces of money, rather than money itself and you will
create all the money you want!
Fundamental beliefs about cause
Money is what I receive in exchange for my services to others. It is neither
good nor evil, neither spiritual nor anti spiritual.
The four major energetic processes of money are earnings, savings,
spending, and investing.
To experience the prosperity of money, I must participate more in saving,
spending, earning and investing.
The fastest way to money prosperity is appreciate what I have and
diminish my wants.
The only limit on my income is me.
Money is not causative, it is a result of a cause.
My ideas and my creative mind are connected to an infinite intelligence,
which is the source of my ability to earn money.
Money exists as a tool to serve people, yet most people serve money.
As a master of money, I respect its laws and am open to learning more
about business, negotiating, and the four dynamics of money. I deserve to
win in the money game, as an affirmation of my humanity and divinity.
Money is not evil, rather it is a tool of prosperity, allowing a greater
exchange of ideas, goods and services.
To earn more money I must be in a mental and emotional state of well
being such that I can direct my surplus energy to others, and increase their
well being. I must also have the self esteem to negotiate a fair price for my
goods and services.
My earnings will increase when there is a greater demand for my services,
I increase my productivity, or I do something that is unique or difficult to
To save money I must have the self esteem necessary to accept more
affluence, and become more valuable in societyÄ…s eyes.
To spend more money I must have the confidence in my ability to earn
more, realizing that spending consciously is a way to reward and recharge
myself so that I can participate more in life.
To invest consciously, I must be willing to give up control to others, allow
others to do their work, and trust that they will succeed and return my
money with dividends.
I enjoy money, and all it brings. I expect prosperity and I am thankful for
what I have.
Money spent with love will return with love.
Fundamental beliefs about identity
Every day, I am wealthier and wealthier. I am growing more and more
My earnings are unlimited.
I have more than I need.
I invest my money wisely.
My investments create prosperity and abundance.
I save in order to invest wisely.
That which I want will come to me joyously and freely.
I deserve to win in the money game, as an affirmation of my humanity
and divinity.
I enjoy money, and all it brings.
I expect prosperity and I am thankful for what I have.
I use the tools of money. The tools donÄ…t use me!
I keep a record of all my expenditures because that is a way to master
I enjoy money, and all it brings.
I expect prosperity and I am thankful for what I have.
1.Dwell on the areas of earning, spending saving and investing.
2. Which area is a weakness for you right now.
3. Review the emotional and energetic requirements to master each aspect:
4. Allow the emotional and energetic requirement to enter your being. Affirm your
ability to master these energetic prerequisites.
Practice the experience of child like wonder, and share what you learn
freely! Now, more than ever before, our mind is our most valuable asset,
and it must be exercised, excited and challenged to be maintained! Take
delight in lighting up another mind. One of the most exciting of
communications is teaching a new concept!
Fundamental beliefs of identity
Prosperity comes through me, rather than to me.
I am always learning and observing, and learning more by teaching
When I am feeling stuck, or lacking something, I stop and think: What can
I learn from this situation?
I share my knowledge, my talents, my ideas with anyone who can benefit
from them.
Learning and teaching are a form of giving and receiving.
I learn through teaching others.
I am learning what I want to receive.
I am learning what I want to release.
I am learning how to freely give.
I am learning about the patterns of my relationships.
I am learning about experiencing more freedom.
I am learning more about other people.
I am learning more how love is exchanged.
1. The next time you read a rather complicated article, explain the subject to
2. Note if you feel that the act of teaching itself has made you feel as if you
now know more about the subject.
This is the experience of prosperity: being able to let go (releasing),
thereby creating the space to receive, and then to share with love (giving)
thereby letting go (releasing) to keep on experiencing prosperity!
Fundamental beliefs about identity
With a feeling of reverence, gratefulness, and trust, I ask the universe to
supply my wants and needs.
I ask for what I need and I give thanks that it will be given to me.
I am releasing doubts and fears that my needs will not be met.
I am more and more faithful that all my wants and needs will be met.
I project my wants to the universe and I release them, knowing the
universe will provide.
I can receive more if I release more.
An ordered life welcomes more prosperity. A disorganized life has no
room for prosperity.
Everything I have is a loan from the universe to be used.
When I am done using something, I can give it to those who can use it.
The more I give freely with love the more I will receive freely with love.
I am releasing all painful memories.
I am releasing old resentments.
I am releasing old beliefs of limitation.
I release the past, it does not exist.
I can tolerate and enjoy the emptiness following the release.
I will trust the universe will fill the emptiness.
I welcome the change that comes from releasing.
1. Use the above statements as affirmations.
2. Repeat them slowly with conviction.
3. Note any memories, positive or negative, associated with giving and
4. Create a positive fantasy that counters the negative memory, and
release both.
The real cosmic joke is that everyone wastes so much time being serious
and worrying, when they could be having much more fun instead. Part of
the experience of prosperity is resting, relaxing, and recharging and
rewarding oneself.
Fundamental beliefs about cause
Me and my ego and my concerns are really not that important to be so
gloomy about.
My natural energy has a cycle of rest, recharge, create, direct outward,
evaluate, and rest.
Fundamental beliefs about identity
I can relax and fully recharge myself in seconds simply by letting go of
worry, seeing the big picture, realizing my place in the world, and
knowing we are all going to pass on to the other side some time.
When I know I have done a good day work, I can relax and forget my
When I need to relax, I can release my purpose, my goals, my seriousness,
my exercises, and let things happen in their own way.
I trust that letting go is a necessary part of adding prosperity to my life.
My relaxation and my recharging allow me to do more and be of greater
When I relax I help others relax.
I will know when I have recharged myself and I will want to return to my
I love my work and I love it even more after taking time off.
Because I am on purpose, because I know I am on the right path, I have
peace of mind.
I do not have to be exhausted or stressed out before I take time off.
I do not have to go anywhere to go on vacation.
In my mind I can create a place such that all my weariness and all my
worries, can disappear.
In my mind I can return to the peaceful places in my past, to places and
times when I was happy and loved.
I can go to the most beautiful spots on the planet, and if I bring my
ºshoulds,º my seriousness, and my stress consciousness with me, I will not
1. Schedule some time , at least 15 minutes when you can be alone, quiet,
and undisturbed.
2. Relax, getting in touch with your breath.
3. Dwell on what you need to be totally happy right now. If it is a 15
minute nap, take it!
4. Here is a fantasy in which your mind can create your ideal mini
vacation, giving you all the benefits without any of the problems! Create
an imaginary world!
5. My imaginary world is rich and prosperous beyond what I believe
possible on earth!
6. I have a family, just like my real family, only everyone is behaving
exactly like I want them to behave!
7. I can even have a secret lover, but because my spouse is so wonderfully
understanding, that doesnÄ…t even cross my mind!
8. My world has a beach with perfect waves, a cool pool with a waterfall
coming into it, lush plant growth, people when I want, and no people
when I want to be alone.
9. A world of delight and pleasure and fun.
10. And you should see how good I am in my favorite sport!
11. How great my body looks and feels!
12. In my vacation land, there is no limit to fun, pleasure and fulfillment.
13. When I am tired of all this fun and pleasure, I take my leave to the real
world, but I always bring a little of my imaginary world with me!
What you visualize and focus on manifests itself. When you do this with
specificity, and an intense desire, you hasten the process. If you visualize a
prosperity that is not in the present, and you visualize it as having
occurred, and you behave as if it were real, thoroughly enjoying it, you are
turning yourself into a magnet, a tool that will bring that event into your
Fundamental beliefs about cause
Using my mind to visualize the future I want will help immensely in
bringing it to pass.
When I project a future outcome with my mind, I am drawn to it like a
Everything man made first originated with a thought.
If I visualize and dwell upon prosperity, it will manifest itself.
When I add conviction, passion, desire, and emotion to my thoughts, I am
even more effective in manifesting the prosperity I want.
My visualizing is even more effective when I focus very specifically on the
experience I want.
When I visualize a prosperity experience as having already happened,
allowing feelings and physiology associated with the happening to
emerge, I am putting my whole being on the track of that future
1.Select a time and place that you can relax without distraction.
2. Choose a dimension of your life that you would like to become more
3. Specifically visualize an event or object that you would like to manifest.
4. Increase your desire for his event or object. Helpful thoughts are:
I deserve this.
I need this to achieve my purpose.
This is good for everyone.
I must have this!
5. Visualize yourself in the present with the desired outcome as having
Feel the pleasure of it.
Any anxieties or negativity now this is achieved? Note them.
6. Return to your surroundings, knowing what you have visualized will
come to pass.
You have just completed the course. CONGRATULATIONS! Now you can
begin! Do it over and over again! Through repetition alone, it will become a part
of your thinking, and you will manifest whatever you think! That is the age old
truth common to every major religion. Enjoy your imagination, enjoy exercising
your visualization skills, using your mind, and seeing the results!
1. Schedule 15 minutes where you can be quiet and undisturbed.
2. Close your eyes, get in touch with your breathing, relax all muscles on exhale.
3. Create an imaginary person, the most prosperous person in the world! Give
that person a name, clothes, great body, an estate, and possessions. Be as specific
as possible.
4. Review the eight dimensions of Lesson 1: spiritual development, environment,
intimate relationships, professional relationships, optimal health, intellectual
development, creative expression, and financial independence. What is each
like for this person?
5. How does this person spend his/her day?
6. How does this person perform the major dynamics of prosperity as seen in
lessons 3 12?
7. Now get real close to that person, and look into his/her eyes; be ready for a
It seems that the condition of scarcity is really caused by the collective irrational
fears that we have inherited either genetically or through our programming. To
help a person replace fear, greed, and resentment with love, caring, sharing, and
forgiving is profoundly meaningful and joyful! It seems possible that the change
in one person could release a creative energy that would ripple through the
universe causing more change, creating more prosperity than ever dreamed
possible! There is very meaningful work here at a time when a lot of work needs
to be done!


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