to evict /tu i'vikt/[verb] - to force somebody to leave the house/land where she/he is living - eksmitować
to have a finger in every pie - wtrącać się we wszystko
comma /'koma/[noun] - the punctuation mark [,] that is used for separating parts of a sentence or items in a list - przecinek
at first sight - na pierwszy rzut oka
despair /di'sper/[noun] - the state of having lost all hope - rozpacz
to put one's foot down - sprzeciwić się
to mesmerise /tu mesmeraiz/ [verb] - to have someone's attention completely so that they cannot think of anything else - hipnotyzować
to be in force - obowiązywać
to slurp /tu sle:rp/[verb]-to drink noisily- siorbać, chlipać
(to be) a wet blanket - psuć nastrój
to learn sth by heart - nauczyć się na pamięć
doable /duabl/[adjective] - that can be achieved or performed-możliwy do zrobienia
by all means - wszelkimi sposobami, za wszelka cenę
doomed /du:md/[adj] - certain to fail, suffer sth unpleasant or be destroyed-skazany na niepowodzenie
to be out of order - nie działać