
Lesson plan

The class

Size & composition: 21 children

Level: beginners the third year of learning English 2x45 min per week

Subject: Let's celebrate

Coursebook: Eko and friends 3


Language content:

Personal aims:

Anticipated problems








Checking the register to note down who is present and who's absent

1 min

Whole class

Class register


Simon says game . the teacher firstly demonstrates children following actions - touch your toes, touch the ground, jump three times etc. these actions they will find in the song during the lesson

2-3 min

Whole class


The teacher asks children to enumerate names of months

The teacher presents them the poster with months and objects connected with birthday ( cake, presents, balloons, candles etc.) . They have a conversation about their own birthdays

The teacher asks the question “when's your birthday” to some pupils.

The teacher presents the song - when's your birthday. Firstly they listen to it, then they read loudly all together the text of it, and after that they sing the song with the cassette.

Children are to choose a friend from the class and asks him/her a question about birthday - it's like a chain.

The teacher asks some questions about different celebrations:

  • who has got his birthday in January….

  • when is Christmas

  • when is Halloween

  • when is holiday etc.

the teacher asks children to open the books and look at the pictures to describe them. Ask: what can you see? What do they celebrate? What is their favourite month? Etc. Then they are to read quietly and match pictures with descriptions. After that the teacher plays the cassette and they check their answers.

1 min

3 min

1 min

5 min

2 min

3 min

5 min

whole class

Poster with names of months and birthday's objects

The coursebook

The coursebook


They read the text loudly all together, then individually.

The children are to do a survey - they move around the classroom and ask their friends when their birthday is and in response they get name of season and month

Children sing the song with doing actions

3 min

7 min

2 min

Whole class

In pairs

Whole class


Activity book


Children write about they favourite month and explanation why drawing pictures as an illustration

5 min


The aims of the lesson were achieved; the class reacted properly and nicely. As I supposed, children didn't have enough time for all the activities - the last one was started in the lesson but they had to finish it at home.


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