SO UI Tests Key JR

Quick Check Test 1A

1: 2 what the weather's like?

3 if you'd ever flown a plane before.

4 who he's working for?

5 asking who painted that wonderful picture?

6 to know how much you had to pay for it.

2: 2 loved / started

3 's never been / 's done

4 played / became

5 've learnt / did

6 watched / was

3: 2 early 3 weight 4 fisted 5 people

6 particular

4: 2 disappointed 3 embarrassing

4 exhaustion 5 satisfied 6 similarities

5: 2 generosity 3 awkwardness 4 anxiety 5 exhausted 6 embarrassed

6: 2e 3a 4c 5d 6f

Quick Check Test 1B

1: 2 asking who gave you that beautiful necklace?

3 how long it took you to make?

4 to know what their parents are like.

5 if you'd ever sung in public before.

6 who they've gone on holiday with?

2: 2 's studied / 's done

3 stopped / was

4 loved / has just opened

5 've never been / 've been

6 worked / became

3: 2 laugh 3 into 4 earth 5 pulls 6 tight

4: 2 generosity 3 nervousness

4 disappointed 5 awkwardness

6 anxiety

5: 2 exhaustion 3 similarity 4 satisfied

5 disappointed 6 embarrassment

6: 2c 3e 4a 5f 6d

Quick Check Test 2A

1: 2 raised 3 been decorating 4 Has he

5 broken 6 made

2: 2 was robbed / was taken

3 're being watched

4 be finished / won't be paid

5 have been injured

6 are followed / aren't allowed

7 being criticised

8 to be told

3: 2 Oo 3 oO 4 oO 5 Oo 6 Oo 7 Oo

8 oO 9 oO 10 Oo 11 oO

4: 2 lack / unjustifiable

3 violence / disturbing

4 outrageous / debt

5 pollution / illegal

6 homelessness / unethical

5: 2 street 3 Microchips

4 recognition / track 5 phone camera

6: 2 what 3 so 4 right 5 seems 6 enough 7 point 8 not 9 way 10 with 11 much

Quick Check Test 2B

1: 2 been shopping 3 borrowed 4 raised

5 written 6 been cooking

2: 2 aren't allowed / are photographed

3 being told

4 was robbed / were taken

5 's being followed

6 to be (being) advised

7 be delivered / will be cancelled

8 have been (were) killed

3: 2 oO 3 oO 4 oO 5 Oo 6 Oo 7 Oo

8 oO 9 Oo 10 Oo 11 oO

4: 2 Divorce / illegal

3 drunkenness / offensive

4 poverty / unjustifiable

5 domestic / disturbing

6 outrageous / drought

5: 2 citizens / surveillance

3 phone camera / handed

4 recognition

6: 2 mean 3 not 4 That's 5 to 6 Fair

7 take 8 convinced 9 it 10 agree

11 against

Quick Check Test 3A

1: 2e 3d 4f 5a 6c

2: 2 's likely / 'll

3 's going to

4 usually opens / closes

5 'm taking / get

6 'll definitely miss / leaves

7 'll

3: 2 neglect 3 give 4 stubborn / ignores

5 get

4: 2h 3a 4j 5b 6k 7c 8e 9g 10i 11f

5: 2 soap 3 It's 4 equipment 5 information

6: 2e 3b 4a 5f 6d

7: 2 works / roll

3 key / sprinkle

4 After / unplug

5 aim / stir

6 thing / double

Quick Check Test 3B

1: 2e 3f 4a 5d 6c

2: 2 'll probably miss / starts

3 'll play

4 're likely / will

5 's going to

6 usually opens / closes

7 'm taking / rains

3: 2 in 3 criticise / stubborn 4 on 5 care

4: 2h 3j 4b 5d 6k 7c 8a 9e 10g 11f

5: 2 luggage 3 remains 4 whereabouts

5 outskirts 6 scenery

6: 2a 3f 4c 5d 6b

7: 2 Basically / object

3 jams

4 main / sieve

5 After / press / unplug

6 way / stir

Quick Check Test 4A

1: 2 'd been / rang / hesitated / picked

3 were having / began / jumped

4 been reading / noticed / missed

2: 2d 3f 4a 5b 6e

3: 2 life / hope

3 cross / come

4 Rome / Romans

5 goes / comes

6 ventured / gained

4: 2 thoughts / down

3 up / missed

4 gutted / out

5 kick / off

6 up / took

5: 2 bought 3 grew 4 take 5 around

6 forum

6: 2 What / that 3 couldn't / it 4 The / about

5 keen 6 I'm / into / love

Quick Check Test 4B

1: 2 been studying / realised / missed

3 'd been / started / took / called

4 arrived / had set / was rising

2: 2f 3b 4a 5d 6e

3: 2 smoke / fire

3 goes / comes

4 ventured / gained

5 cross / come

6 Rome / Romans

4: 2 kick / up

3 up / took

4 second / on

5 hindsight / down

6 off / opportunity

5: 2 around 3 bought 4 grew 5 poetry

6 take

6: 2 that 3 don't / is 4 stand / quite / on

5 into / What 6 thing / about

Quick Check Test 5A

1: 2 -- / the

3 The / the / -- / the

4 -- / a / --

5 -- / the / the

6 the / the

7 The / -- / the / --

8 -- / --

2: 2 'll get

3 On condition that / will

4 would win

5 wouldn't

6 'd

7 wouldn't

8 went

9 As long as / did

3: 2 distort 3 revolutionised 4 damage

5 beneficial / detrimental

4: 2e 3f 4b 5a 6c

5: 2 promote 3 slogan 4 campaigns

5 influence 6 jingles

6: 2d 3e 4a 5f 6b

7: 2 brilliant 3 would 4 could 5 doesn't

6 of 7 that's 8 go 9 between 10 you

11 with

Quick Check Test 5B

1: 2 The / -- / the / --

3 the / the

4 -- / a

5 -- / the

6 a / the / a

7 -- / a / --

8 -- / the / the

2: 2 'd

3 wouldn't

4 went

5 couldn't

6 As long as / did

7 'll get

8 On condition / will

9 'd get

3: 2 damage 3 altered 4 revolutionised

5 enhanced 6 beneficial

4: 2a 3e 4b 5c 6d

5: 2 influence 3 jingles 4 promoting

5 slogan 6 make

6: 2c 3d 4f 5b 6a

7: 2 That's 3 be 4 grab 5 thinking 6 too

7 go 8 between 9 does 10 strike

11 Let's

Quick Check Test 6A

1: 2 aren't obliged to

3 were supposed to

4 won't be able to

5 managed to

6 ought to

2: 2 have found

3 have given

4 be seeing (see)

5 have left / be sailing

3: 2 practice 3 argument 4 interference

5 advice 6 preference 7 obligation

8 discussion 9 impression

10 involvement 11 encouragement

4: 2f 3e 4b 5c 6d

5: 2 ride 3 doing (got) 4 wear 5 has 6 get

6: 2 appreciation 3 reaction 4 optimism

5 immaturity 6 discrimination

7: 2 Anyone can

3 Don't you agree

4 Isn't it

5 Clearly

6 Don't you agree

Quick Check Test 6B

1: 2 to let 3 were supposed to

4 managed to 5 was obliged to

6 won't be able to

2: 2 be working

3 have read

4 have retired / be playing

5 be returning

3: 2 advice 3 appreciation 4 reaction

5 interference 6 judgement

7 preference 8 obligation 9 decision

10 impression 11 achievement

4: 2c 3d 4f 5e 6b

5: 2 stay 3 get 4 running 5 doing (getting) 6 wear

6: 2 allowed 3 encouragement

4 argument 5 involvement 6 supposed

7: 2 Doesn't 3 Don't you agree 4 Anyone 5 Shouldn't 6 Isn't it

Quick Check Test 7A

1: 2 Very few 3 number 4 lots of / a little

5 plenty of 6 a great deal of 7 All

8 many 9 little 10 neither

2: 2 Mike would help her if she asked him.

3 if they were going to watch TV then / at that time.

4 where he'd been today / that day.

5 whether / if he'd ask me out tomorrow / the next / following day.

6 if I / she / they could go shopping with him next week / the following week.

3: 2i 3g 4j 5k 6a 7c 8b 9f 10e 11h

4: 2 take 3 pulled 4 out 5 into 6 up with

5: 2 for hurting

3 (to) stealing

4 to take

5 going

6 on paying

6: 2e 3f 4b 5a 6d

7: 2 such a fantastic day.

3 on earth are you going?

4 do love a bit of scandal.

5 no way I'm jumping out of an airplane!

6 the one who wanted to come!

Quick Check Test 7B

1: 2 None 3 many 4 little 5 neither

6 A few 7 number 8 a little / plenty

9 hardly any 10 a great deal of

2: 2 whether / if she'd call him that night.

3 Jack whether / if he could play squash the following / next day.

4 Jane that Dad would help her if she asked him.

5 if the children were going to eat then / at that time.

6 what he'd done last weekend / the previous weekend / weekend before.

3: 2h 3g 4k 5j 6c 7d 8i 9e 10f 11a

4: 2 broken 3 across 4 him up 5 out

6 into

5: 2 going 3 on driving 4 telling 5 to call

6 to go

6: 2e 3f 4b 5a 6d

7: 2 such a big sandal.

3 no way I'm going bungee jumping!

4 the one who wanted to buy it.

5 extraordinary thing is the music.

6 on earth don't you phone him?

Quick Check Test 8A

1: 2a 3f 4d 5e 6c

2: 2 setting up / to find

3 stay / read

4 arrive

5 going / asking

6 to study / making

7 to buy

3: 2 arrive at 3 sensitive to 4 weighs up

5 goes against 6 puts off

4: 2 lowest ebb

3 sense / dread

4 fussed about

5 spring / step

6 wide awake.

5: 2 biding 3 pressed 4 once 5 feet

6 time

6: 2 despise 3 diplomatic 4 direct

5 confrontational 6 assess

7 collaborative 8 assertive 9 sensitive 10 focussed 11 supportive

7: 2f 3d 4e 5a 6c

Quick Check Test 8B

1: 2e 3c 4a 5f 6d

2: 2 go

3 worrying

4 Eating

5 to have / to join

6 looking / to wait

7 ordering / drinking

8 meet

3: 2 goes against 3 put off 4 weigh up

5 arrives at 6 come to

4: 2 on / ball

3 despise / passion

4 breezy / groggy

5 your sharpest

6 fussed about

5: 2 his 3 being 4 biding 5 after 6 up

6: 2 focussed 3 supportive 4 situation

5 sensible 6 aggressive 7 collaborative 8 assess 9 confrontational 10 despise 11 diplomatic

7: 2e 3c 4a 5d 6f

Quick Check Test 9A

1: 2 to make

3 to become

4 waking / shouting

5 to tell

2: 2 been working

3 can't

4 have been

5 couldn't have

6 been

3: 2 arsonist 3 stalking 4 vandal 5 hacking 6 pickpocket 7 kidnapping 8 tax evader 9 identity thief 10 counterfeiting

11 shoplifter

4: 2 blame / for

3 thanked / for, saving / from

4 charged with

5 cleared of

5: 2 stuck up

3 fell off / knocked out

4 on fire

5 locking / out

6: 2 pose 3 swap 4 arson 5 divert 6 bribe

7: 2 realised 3 happened 4 catch 5 plate

6 mind 7 blank 8 like 9 reminded

10 attention 11 fooled

Quick Check Test 9B

1: 2 to open 3 making 4 working 5 to put 6 to cancel

2: 2 might've 3 been 4 working 5 can't

6 have been

3: 2 stalker 3 arsonist 4 vandalism

5 hacking 6 kidnapper 7 pickpocket

8 tax evasion 9 identity theft

10 counterfeiter 11 shoplifting

4: 2 charged with

3 cleared of

4 blame / for

5 thanked / for, saving / from

5: 2 locking / out

3 broke into

4 fell off / got knocked

5 running over

6: 2 divert 3 arson 4 pose 5 swap

6 counterfeit

7: 2 Before 3 happening 4 grabbed

5 catch 6 number 7 quickly 8 reminded

9 looked 10 cross 11 mind

Quick Check Test 10A

1: 2 - (that / which) / who

3 whose

4 - (that / which)

5 who

6 when

2: 2 involved / realising

3 Worried / thinking

4 lying / surrounded

5 Having / memorising

6 fearing

3: 2 predictable / flop

3 rave reviews

4 mainstream / alternative

5 created / stir

6 hype / must-see

4: 2f 3h 4j 5i 6a 7k 8c 9b 10e 11g

5: 2c 3d 4f 5b 6a

6: 2 Supposedly 3 worth 4 Founded

5 believe 6 know 7 Interestingly

8 Apparently 9 Shall 10 head 11 steps

Quick Check Test 10B

1: 2 whose

3 when

4 which / that

5 - (that / which) / where

2: 2 forgotten / wondering

3 sitting / wearing

4 Surprised / frightened

5 hoping / suspecting

6 hearing / putting

3: 2 created / stir

3 hype / must-see

4 predictable / letdown

5 rave reviews

6 mainstream / alternative

4: 2f 3h 4g 5j 6b 7k 8c 9e 10d 11a

5: 2e 3f 4b 5d 6a

6: 2 well 3 seeing 4 Supposedly

5 founded 6 believe 7 know

8 Interestingly 9 Apparently 10 over

11 retrace

Progress Test Units 1-2A

1: 2b 3b 4c 5a 6b

2: Ooo: drunkenness, homelessness

oOo: outrageous, illegal, disturbance, surveillance

oOoo: anxiety, refundable

ooOo: satisfaction, disappointing

3: 2 exhaustion 3 nervousness 4 justifiable 5 recognition / invasion

4: 2 about 3 drought 4 Obesity 5 illegal

6 over

5: 2 woman people person / keep it herself to herself

3 I've seen saw / disappointed disappointing

4 down-to-the-earth / morning early

5 being been reported / been be looking

6 to in knowing (to knowing know)/ where do they work

6: 2 seen them since last year.

3 must be finished by Friday.

4 you mind telling me where you've been?

5 I've been painting the room since 8.30 this morning.

6 was wondering if you could help me with this.

7: 2c 3a 4d 5c 6a 7d 8c 9b 10c 11d

8: 2d 3f 4e 5a 6c

9: 2 tell me 3 be any 4 on a 5 to me

6 take your 7 so 8 appreciate

9 you mind 10 enough 11 explaining

10: 2e 3g 4f 5a 6c

11: 2 waited waiting

3 already have have already

4 no comma after engineer

5 get in touch with contact

6 atention attention

12: (sample answer)

Hi Rob,

Hope all's well with you. Thanks for your email and glad things are working out with the new job. You sound a lot happier now.

On the subject of jobs, I'm not enjoying mine very much at the moment. We've got a new boss - and I can't stand him! He treats me as if I don't know what I'm doing. It's extremely irritating, as you can imagine. No doubt he's jealous of my experience …

But it makes it hard to feel motivated. I've actually been thinking of giving it all up and finding something else. I could try talking to him, I suppose, though he'd probably see that as a sign of weakness.

What do you think? If you have any suggestions, I'd be happy to hear them! I know you had a pretty hard time in your last job.

Anyway, that's enough of my problems. I'll give you a ring at the weekend. Maybe we could fix up a game of squash on Sunday?



[170 words]

Progress Test Units 1-2B

1: 2a 3c 4b 5c 6b

2: Ooo: drunkenness, homelessness

oOo: outrageous, illegal, disturbance, surveillance

oOoo: anxiety, refundable

ooOo: satisfaction, disappointing

3: 2 exhausting

3 disappointment

4 inoffensive

5 deterrent / disturbing

4: 2 track 3 fisted 4 sensitive 5 drought

6 into

5: 2 were being reported / were have been looking

3 interested for in finding / did write wrote

4 push pull / particular for about leaving

5 I've seen saw / disappointing disappointed

6 a law-obeying abiding / be been arrested

6: 2 's been renovating that car for three years and he hasn't finished it yet.

3 I was wondering if you could help me.

4 I haven't heard from him since last week.

5 of spam emails are being sent every day.

6 you mind telling me who did it?

7: 2b 3c 4a 5d 6c 7c 8a 9d 10b 11b

8: 2f 3b 4a 5d 6e

9: 2 you tell 3 there be 4 hold on

5 seems to 6 I take 7 suppose 8 I'd

9 me 10 Fair 11 mind

10: 2f 3e 4g 5a 6d

11: 2 Shortly Briefly the problem is

3 have been advised

4 put things right resolve the matter

5 telefone telephone

6 comma, not full stop, after faithfully

12: See sample answer in Test A.

Progress Test Units 3-4A

1: 2g 3a 4b 5c 6f extra answer = d

2: 2 shouldn't have

3 hadn't been

4 wish he wouldn't

5 get used to

6 's unlikely to

3: 2f 3i 4a 5h 6j 7b 8k 9d 10e 11g

4: 2 out 3 to 4 up 5 from / up 6 off

7 up / on 8 in 9 down

5: 2 to study studying / wouldn't hadn't gone

3 laid lying / was starting started

4 shouldn't had have bought / won't probably probably won't

5 remain remains / sceneries scenery

6 hadn't went gone out / should've staying stayed

6: 2 I wish I'd been brought up by the sea.

3 as soon as they / they'd left.

4 they might want to buy some sweets.

5 'd been working in the bank

6 the job difficult, but I'm getting used to it

7: 2d 3b 4a 5c 6d 7a 8b 9d 10b 11c

8: 2 the what? 3 in where? 4 of who?

5 does what? 6 my what?

9: 2f 3h 4b 5j 6a 7c 8k 9g 10i 11e

10: 2C 3A 4C 5B 6C 7A 8C 9B 10A 11B

11: 2 however 3 with 4 unfortunately

5 Furthermore 6 In addition to this

7 Unsurprisingly 8 At 9 conclude

10 hopefully 11 eventually

12: (sample answer)

When I was made redundant from my job as a sales manager last year, I thought it was the end of the world. I'd worked for the company since I left school. I'll never forget seeing the letter on my desk telling me to clear my things and leave the building immediately. I was totally shocked.

Fortunately, I had savings in the bank so didn't have to worry about not being able to paying the bills for a while. However, I'm really into sailing and had been saving for years to buy a new boat and sail around the world. I didn't want to give up my dream. I searched for other jobs online and sent off about two hundred application letters. Two weeks later, I'd had ten rejection letters. Determined not to give up, I phoned my friends and asked for advice. One of them suggested setting up my own business. That was the turning point. Now I have a successful boat hire business. As the saying goes: Every cloud has a silver lining.

(175 words)

Progress Test Units 3-4B

1: 2f 3g 4a 5c 6d extra answer = e

2: 2 shouldn't have

3 hadn't been

4 wish he wouldn't

5 get used to

6 's unlikely to

3: 2g 3f 4i 5k 6b 7j 8d 9a 10c 11e

4: 2 up / on 3 in 4 down 5 out 6 to 7 up 8 down / up 9 off

5: 2 outskirt outskirts / a work job

3 Does Is she thinking / playing going to play tennis

4 ate were eating / was starting started to rain

5 hadn't went gone / should've staying stayed

6 used to train training / wouldn't hadn't joined

6: 2 some money in case they want an ice cream.

3 'd been living in Italy for five years when

4 but I'm getting used to it.

5 wish we hadn't sold

6 may well win the match.

7: 2b 3a 4b 5d 6c 7b 8a 9d 10b 11c

8: 2 does what? 3 my what? 4 the what? 5 in where? 6 of who?

9: 2k 3d 4f 5h 6j 7g 8i 9a 10e 11c

10: 2C 3B 4A 5C 6A 7C 8A 9B 10C 11B

11: 2 seems 3 however 4 In

5 unfortunately 6 Moreover

7 Furthermore 8 Unsurprisingly

9 contrast 10 conclusion 11 eventually

12: See sample answer in Test A.

Progress Test Units 5-6A

1: 2 been infecting 3 almost automatically 4 highly resistant 5 go abroad

6 very profitable 7 makes antibiotics

8 scientist who 9 coughs and 10 get on 11 It's worldwide

2: 2 preference d 3 detrimental a

4 predictable c 5 discrimination f

6 immaturity e

3: 2 predictable 3 discrimination

4 downside 5 endorse 6 obscure

7 brand 8 running 9 life 10 breakdown 11 bright

4: 2 have be sleeping / should phoned phone

3 the last bus / were able to get

4 to paying pay / we be allowed

5 you'll you get up / see the sun

6 Come and have the lunch / have prepare prepared

5: 2 wasn't supposed to tell her.

3 managed to get it through the door.

4 'll be working at home.

5 isn't allowed to stay up late.

6 to travel unless she gets a visa.

6: 2c 3b 4d 5a 6d 7a 8b 9c 10b 11a

7: 2b 3c 4a 5c 6b

8: 2d 3h 4c 5j 6a 7k 8b 9i 10g 11e

9: 2T 3F 4T 5T 6F 7F 8T 9F 10T 11T

10: 2 equally 3 in 4 far 5 order to

6 Furthermore 7 because 8 On

9 Although 10 as to 11 as

11: (sample answer)

In 2030, I think most people will be working at home and many more will be self-employed, possibly with internet businesses. There will be far fewer shops as people will order food and clothes online and have them delivered. This will create more jobs for packers and drivers although there will be a lot more unemployment, generally speaking.

As for the environment, most homes will be green and we'll be driving electric cars or motor cycles to reduce pollution. Energy in our homes will be provided by wind, wave and water power, but they'll also be building new nuclear power stations as our energy needs will have increased enormously.

Finally, we'll be in touch with our families and friends even more. There'll be huge screens on the walls of our homes, where we'll be able to talk to everybody via videophone. We will spend more time alone in our homes as we will communicate with people indirectly.

[157 words]

Progress Test Units 5-6B

1: 2 a result 3 the discovery

4 international travel 5 surgery and

6 short periods 7 very carefully

8 useless against 9 key thing

10 stop taking 11 these superbugs

2: 2 preference d 3 detrimental f

4 predictable b 5 discrimination a

6 immaturity e

3: 2 ridden 3 endorse 4 weird 5 life

6 outlook 7 predictable 8 a distorted

9 dreadful 10 make 11 run

4: 2 we'll we meet / we'll can be able to

3 have the dinner / will have prepare prepared

4 pay a deposit / we to move in

5 She forgot left / she could was able to pay

6 I'll be arrived arriving / will take takes off

5: 2 'm not allowed to drive until I'm 18.

3 won't be able to travel unless they have a visa.

4 wasn't supposed to tell her.

5 managed to pass it.

6 should be going soon. I'll call a taxi.

6: 2a 3c 4d 5b 6a 7d 8c 9c 10a 11d

7: 2a 3b 4b 5c 6a

8: 2e 3h 4j 5c 6i 7a 8f 9k 10d 11g

9: 2T 3T 4F 5F 6T 7T 8T 9F 10F 11F

10: 2 or 3 however 4 of 5 For 6 order to

7 Moreover 8 because 9 the other

10 Although 11 to

11: See sample answer in Test A.

Progress Test Units 7-8A

1: 2T 3T 4F 5F 6T

2: 2 could have gone / you'd been

3 you'd told / wouldn't have

4 wouldn't have / he'd had

5 have done / 'd been

6 can't have been / had been

3: 2 readership 3 reality 4 supplements

5 series 6 sitcom

4: 2 apologise on for / to put come

3 refused denied borrowing / without to ask asking

4 had would have lent / have had asked

5 put Martin down up / so much many times

6 light bright / many most

5: 2 negotiations have broken down once again.

3 did the film turn out?

4 apologised for forgetting / having forgotten

5 accused Phil of taking / having taken her mobile phone

6 can't stand staying at home all day when the weather's good.

6: 2 short 3 go 4 up 5 out 6 promise

7: 2d 3b 4c 5c 6b 7d 8a 9c 10a 11d

8: 2 There's something I've been meaning

3 What's up

4 I don't want you to get the wrong idea

5 It's just that

6 I didn't think it would be

9: 2 remind 3 really 4 That's 5 one 6 on 7 so 8 did 9 thing 10 way 11 really

10: 2c 3f 4d 5b 6g extra answer = e

11: 2 While 3 Although 4 However

5 despite 6 although

12: (sample answer)

Do you find yourself running through the day with never enough time to finish all the things on your to-do list? Are you the kind of person who stresses at the least sign of pressure? Well, here are some tips to help you relax and calm down.

First of all, when you wake up, take a few deep breaths and try to clear your mind. Make a list of the things that you need to do during the day - in other words, prioritise. And don't forget that a healthy mind needs a healthy body so make sure that you eat regular meals and drink lots of water throughout the day.

One of the most important lessons I learned was that it's ok to say `no' so when you feel that you're being asked to do too much, just practise saying `no'.

Start making these small changes and I'm sure you'll soon notice the difference. So, what are you waiting for? Take a deep breath …

(165 words)

Progress Test Units 7-8B

1: 2T 3T 4T 5F 6F

2: 2 could have gone / you'd been

3 you'd told / wouldn't have

4 wouldn't have / he'd had

5 have done / 'd been

6 can't have been / had been

3: 2 soap operas 3 supplements

4 readerships 5 quiz 6 costume

4: 2 agree apologise / taking putting

3 little few / windy breezy

4 hadn't wouldn't have/ would have had

5 plenty much / few little

6 take put / many much

5: 2 can't stand being separated.

3 apologised for being late.

4 broke down in the middle of a busy junction.

5 turned out

6 accused David of driving / having driven his car without asking.

6: 2 to sleep 3 after 4 to 5 back

6 suggested

7: 2a 3c 4b 5d 6d 7a 8b 9b 10c 11a

8: 2 I've been meaning to talk to you about

3 What's up

4 you to get the wrong idea

5 Do you know what I mean

6 I didn't think it would be

9: 2 did 3 helpful 4 absolutely 5 the

6 earth 7 sorry 8 send 9 good 10 no 11 that's

10: 2g 3d 4b 5e 6f extra answer = c

11: 2 Despite 3 although 4 While 5 While 6 However

12: See sample answer in Test A.

Progress Test Units 9-10A

1: 2c 3a 4b 5b 6c

2: Oo: creepy, awesome, touching

oO: suspense, review

oOo: director, horrific, creating

oOoo: emotional, predictable, alternative

3: 2 arson 3 identity 4 Vandals 5 hack

6 shoplifting

4: 2 of 3 from 4 of 5 for 6 on

5: 2 can't must / calm quiet

3 tough rough / helping to help

4 get give / what which

5 from of / invasion evasion

6 what whose / over on

6: 2 height 3 shorten 4 widen 5 depth

6 breadth

7: 2c 3a 4b 5d 6c 7d 8a 9c 10b 11d

8: 2 worth 3 built 4 As 5 apparently

6 back

9: 2g 3b 4i 5j 6h 7a 8k 9c 10e 11f

10: 2T 3T 4F 5F 6T 7T 8F 9F 10F 11F

11: 2 sensitively 3 heavily 4 Widely

5 convincingly 6 highly

12: (sample answer)

Based on the real diary accounts of several teenagers following the race riots in Los Angeles in 1992, Freedom Writers is the story of an idealistic teacher's attempts to make a difference to the lives of her students. Woodrow Wilson High School, in Long Beach California, is attended by students from different ethnic backgrounds which leads to all kinds of problems as the kids don't want to integrate and instead turn to violence and aggression. New teacher Erin Gruwell (sensitively played by Oscar-winner Hilary Swank) refuses to give up even though her class seems to be out of control. In an effort to understand her students (mainly young unknown actors) she encourages them to keep daily journals so they have a chance to express who they really are and what they really feel. Writer/director Richard LaGravenese manages to avoid too much sentimentality although there is the predictable Hollywood happy ending. The message, despite some clichés, is inspiring and I would certainly recommend this film to anyone who is interested in social issues.

(174 words)

Progress Test Units 9-10B

1: 2b 3c 4b 5c 6b

2: Oo: creepy, awesome, touching

oO: suspense, review

oOo: director, horrific, creating

oOoo: emotional, predictable, alternative

3: 2 hackers 3 shoplifting 4 arson

5 Vandals 6 mugged

4: 2 of 3 for 4 from 5 of 6 on

5: 2 get take / that which

3 couldn't must / calm peace

4 red ready / helping to help

5 what whose / over on

6 innocent guilty / invasion evasion

6: 2 enlarge 3 height 4 lengthen 5 widen

6 depth

7: 2c 3d 4a 5d 6b 7c 8b 9a 10c 11c

8: 2 visiting 3 was 4 know 5 interestingly

6 dating

9: 2c 3k 4g 5f 6a 7d 8i 9j 10h 11b

10: 2F 3F 4T 5F 6F 7T 8T 9F 10T 11T

11: 2 highly 3 sensitively 4 heavily 5 widely

6 poignantly

12: See sample answer in Test A.

Mid-course Test A

1: 2T 3T 4F 5T 6F

2: 2c 3c 4a 5b 6b

3: 2 What've you been doing? You look exhausted!

3 Their photos might be sent to the newspapers.

4 Dan was feeling sad because his holiday was coming to an end.

5 If only I hadn't refused to help.

6 I'm not a big fan of autobiographies.

4: 2 into 3 up 4 over 5 of 6 up 7 off 8 on 9 on 10 With 11 to

5: 2 outrageous 3 homelessness

4 disappointment 5 revolutionised

6 Satisfaction

6: 2 the 3 bit 4 taken 5 much / any

6 hours 7 spending 8 myself 9 a 10 up 11 suppose / guess

7: 2 were was, disturbed disturbing

3 was has, heaviness weight

4 build cross, get come

5 would will, often long

6 had has, biography autobiography

8: 2a 3d 4c 5b 6a 7d 8c 9b 10a 11d

9: 2 started working / work five years ago.

3 will the current director step down?

4 keeps herself to herself.

5 run out of milk.

6 get over the death of my dog.

10: 2 crow 3 biographies 4 second 5 hope 6 lyrics 7 densely 8 manual 9 drawback 10 pity 11 drought

11: 2g 3d 4f 5a 6e extra sentence = b

12: 2 Would you mind helping me with my luggage?

3 I'd be grateful if you would/could send me another copy of the contract.

4 I'd like to enquire about the council's plans for the city centre.

5 Can you tell me when the new language course started?

6 I was wondering if it would be possible to make a reservation for this evening.

13: 2 sure 3 point 4 suppose 5 way

6 convinced

14: 2 I'm a big fan of short stories.

3 I couldn't stand the lack of punctuation.

4 The thing I love about his writing is the humour.

5 What I liked about the main characters was their relationship.

6 I just couldn't get into the right mood.

15: 2 comma missing after late

3 get this cold over get over this cold

4 interested interesting

5 We have / 've lived

6 drive driving

16 (sample answer)

Hi everyone

I hope you're all well and enjoying the summer. It doesn't seem possible that it's August already.

I moved to Brighton a month ago and I'm renting a small flat near the sea. It's quite expensive but I didn't want to share with anyone because of the last experience I had - you remember that guy from Brazil who just wanted to sleep all day long! I'm on the second floor and I can actually see the sea from my bedroom window, which is fantastic.

The job, however, is another thing! I guess it's too early to tell but I'm finding it quite hard to settle in. My colleagues haven't been very friendly but I don't think they realise how hard it can be to move to another country and do everything in a foreign language. Luckily my boss is quite patient and he can speak German so that helps when there's something I don't understand.

I miss you all and send my love.

Please write back.

Brigitte x

(170 words)

Mid-course Test B

1: 2T 3F 4T 5F 6F

2: 2b 3a 4b 5c 6a

3: 2 What've you been doing? You look exhausted!

3 Their photos might be sent to the newspapers.

4 Dan was feeling sad because his holiday was coming to an end.

5 If only I hadn't refused to help.

6 I'm not a big fan of autobiographies.

4: 2 into 3 up 4 for 5 after 6 off 7 on

8 With 9 to 10 up 11 on

5: 2 disappointment 3 awkwardness

4 homelessness 5 satisfaction

6 revolutionised

6: 2 the 3 a 4 has 5 take 6 on 7 get 8 on 9 for 10 up 11 say

7: 2 would used to / at in

3 build cross / get come

4 was has / heaviness weight

5 wont `ll / will / often long

6 has been / biography autobiography

8: 2b 3b 4b 5a 6d 7a 8c 9d 10d 11c

9: 2 is likely to be late because it's rush hour now.

3 keeps herself to herself.

4 will the current director step down?

5 unless you go to her party.

6 run out of sugar.

10: 2 pollution 3 thoughts 4 drought

5 biography 6 life 7 lyrics 8 geek

9 manual 10 track 11 pity

11: 2a 3g 4d 5b 6f extra sentence = e

12: 2 Can you tell me when the new course started?

3 Would you mind helping me fill in this application form?

4 I'd be grateful if you would/could send me another copy of your travel brochure.

5 I was wondering if it would be possible to make a reservation for this evening.

6 I'd like to enquire about the council's plans for the industrial estate.

13: 2 sure 3 point 4 suppose 5 way

6 convinced

14: 2 I'm not a big fan of the classics.

3 I just couldn't stand the poor spelling.

4 The thing I enjoy most about the writing is the humour.

5 What I liked about the main characters was their relationship.

6 I just couldn't get into the right mood.

15: 2 comma missing after well

3 get your first great love over get over your first great love

4 already yet.

5 Jeff has worked / has been working.

6 to speak speaking

16 See sample answer in Test A.

End of Course Test A

1: 2T 3T 4F 5T 6F

2: 2c 3c 4a 5b 6a

3: 2 obligation 3 advice

4 oblige 5 prefer 6 interference

7 appreciation 8 practise

9 encouragement 10 achievement

11 preference

4: 2 on 3 of 4 for 5 from 6 for 7 for 8 on 9 on 10 across 11 into

5: 2 editorial 3 maturity 4 readership

5 obligation 6 preference

6: 2 arresting to arrest / what which

3 be leaving have left / are reading read

4 whose who's / raving rave

5 let allowed / on in

6 live be living / had hadn't

7: 2 can't have seen John yesterday because

3 if I hadn't stayed up

4 apologised to Maria for letting

5 don't let her watch

6 put me up

8: 2 many 3 turn / put / switch 4 a 5 for

6 take 7 for 8 inside 9 in 10 forward

11 like

9: 2c 3d 4a 5d 6a 7b 8c 9d 10b 11a

10: 2j 3g 4a 5b 6d 7k 8c 9e 10h 11f

11: 2T 3F 4F 5T 6T 7T 8F 9F 10F 11T

12: 2 But surely

3 Anyone can see that

4 But shouldn't

5 So what you're saying is that

6 But isn't it obvious that

13: 2 the 3 so 4 they 5 very 6 the

14: 2 occurred 3 went 4 happened

5 reminded 6 realised

15: 2 Max started going to the gym every day in order to impress his colleagues.

3 Although my brother is very ambitious, he doesn't work hard.

4 Julia wrote out a new CV because she wanted to apply for another job.

5 Despite being exhausted (her exhaustion), Sally still went to Jodie's wedding.

6 Ben took a week off for his sister's wedding (in Canada).

16 (sample answer)

(London) has an excellent network of buses and underground trains (also known as the Tube) so you will easily be able to travel around the whole city. Ask at the hotel reception for a bus / Tube map.


If you are visiting London for the day, it's worth buying a travel card. These can be bought at any Tube station and at some shops and newsagents (just look for the sign) and they will allow you unlimited travel for the day.

If you are staying for longer, you should get an Oyster Card which acts like a credit card. You put money on the card in advance and you swipe it when you go into and come out of the Underground (or bus).


Taxis are very expensive but if you do need to take one, make sure that you only use `black cabs', the licensed London taxis, unless your hotel organises a minicab for you.

(157 words)

End of Course Test B

1: 2T 3T 4T 5F 6F

2: 2b 3a 4b 5c 6a

3: 1 appreciate 2 obligation 3 advice

4 oblige 5 prefer 6 interference

7 appreciation 8 practise

9 encouragement 10 achievement

11 preference

4: 2 down 3 of 4 for 5 for 6 from 7 for

8 on 9 on 10 across 11 into

5: 2 interference 3 immature 4 height

5 obligation 6 enlarged

6: 2 to see seeing / for of

3 whose who's / critics reviews

4 allowed let / green blue

5 live be living / had hadn't

6 mustn't can't / of from

7: 2 in order to lose weight.

3 If I hadn't stayed up late last night

4 apologised for letting

5 put me up (in your spare room)

6 despite being very intelligent / despite her intelligence.

8: 2 are 3 on 4 you 5 for 6 take 7 age

8 outside 9 up 10 getting 11 doing

9: 2c 3c 4d 5a 6c 7b 8c 9d 10a 11a

10: 2k 3g 4a 5h 6d 7e 8c 9j 10b 11f

11: 2T 3T 4F 5T 6T 7T 8F 9F 10F 11F

12: 2 But surely

3 Any one can see that

4 But shouldn't

5 So what you're saying is that

6 But isn't it obvious that

13: 2 the 3 so 4 they 5 very 6 the

14: 2 occurred 3 happened 4 reminded

5 realised 6 went

15: 2 Max started going to the gym last month to impress his children.

3 Although my brother doesn't work hard, he's very ambitious.

4 Julia sent out lots of CVs because she wanted to find a new job.

5 Despite being exhausted, Sally went to Jodie's party.

6 Ben took a break for his sister's wedding.

16 See sample answer in Test A.

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