Idiomatic uses of Hacer, Tener, Deber & Dar
1. Hacer
me hizo entrar |
he showed me in |
haz venir a todos tus amigos |
tell all your friends to come |
le hice entender que |
I made him realise that |
se había hecho |
he had made himself |
se hizo mucho daño |
he hurt himself badly |
se hacía tarde |
it was getting late |
hace veinte minutos |
20 minutes ago |
me hizo ir |
I was told to go |
tuvo mucho que hacer |
I had a lot to do |
haré por venir |
I'll try to come |
Tuve que hacer cola |
I had to queue up |
me hicieron muchas preguntas |
they asked me a lot of questions |
No le hice caso |
I didn't take any notice of him |
Yo le hacía mucho más viejo |
I imagined him to be a lot older |
2. Tener
tendrá lugar mañana |
it will take place tomorrow |
tuve ganas de ir a la playa |
I felt like going to the beach |
hay que tener en cuenta |
one has to take into account |
tenía dolor de cabeza |
I had a headache |
tuvo mucho miedo |
he was very scared |
tengo la costumbre de |
I'm used to |
como tenía mucho sueño |
as I was very tired |
la película tenía mucha gracia |
the film was very funny |
cuando tenga tiempo libre |
when I've got some free time |
tengo la intención de |
I'm intending on |
tuvo mucha prisa |
he was in a hurry |
no tiene nada que ver con |
it's got nothing to do with |
me hermana tiene celos |
my sister is jealous |
tuve que tener cuidado |
I had to be careful |
mi padre tuvo razón |
my father was right |
3. Deber
debe de estar enfermo |
he must be ill |
debía haberlo hecho |
I should have done it |
no debe de ser verdad |
it can't be true |
decidió que debía ir al hospital |
he decided that he ought to go to hospital |
debes haber estado contento |
you must have been happy |
debo hacerlo antes de salir |
I have to do it before going out |
debíamos ir pero |
we were meant to be going but |
4. Dar
mi habitación daba al lago |
my room looked on to the lake |
me dio un beso al marcharse |
he gave me a kiss when he left |
di de comer a los gatos |
I fed the cats |
dimos una vuelta por el pueblo |
we went for a walk around the town |
me dio los buenos días |
he said good morning to me |
tengo que darme prisa |
I have to hurry |
el reloj dio las ocho |
the clock struck eight |
me di cuenta de que |
I realised that |
dimos con Eva en el mercado |
we bumped into Eva in the market |
le mismo me da |
it's all the same to me |
no me da la gana ir |
I don't feel like going |