Exercise set 2 languageúmilies

Exercise set 2


1.     Go to the Ethnologue and suggest improvements/corrections to be made in the classification of Polish and the languages spoken in present-day Poland (please do this before the class).

2.     Classify the following languages:


a)     Polabian:        group ________________            division ________________

b)     Irish:               group ________________            division ________________

c)     Italian:            group ________________            division ________________

d)     Turkish:          family ________________

e)     Manx:             group ________________            division ________________

f)      Dutch:             group ________________            division ________________

g)     Maltese:          family ________________

h)     Sorbian:          group ________________            division ________________


3.     Give the names of five non-Indo-European languages spoken in Europe.

4.     Go to the Ethnologue and check the classification of the Algonquian family. Make note of the following:

a)      the areal distribution of the family

b)     whether the languages are in active use, extinct or endangered

c)      the number of speakers as 1st or 2nd language

d)     whether any revitalization efforts are being made to promote the languages

5.     What are the differences between a genetic and typological classification of languages? Classify Polish and English using the two types of classification.

6.     Research on language universals presents us with a problem concerning the definition of `dialect'. Why is it difficult to define clearly the difference between language and dialect although there is a criterion of mutual intelligibility?

7.     What is the present status of Kashubian? Use the following criteria: linguistic classification of Polish and Kashubian, and use of Kashubian in the area west and north-west of Trójmiasto.

8.     Complete the quizzes:


a)      “The classification of Serbian and Croatian as either separate languages or dialects of the same language illustrates the fact that the criterion of __________________________ has to be supplemented with social and historical criteria.”

b)     “Let's name some other important languages spoken in the Balkans: here we have, e.g., a South Slavonic language (_____________), a Romance language (_____________) ...”

c)      “... and two languages which are Indo-European, but neither Slavonic nor Romance: (_____________ and _____________).”

d)      “Incidentally, one other language is spoken in the Balkans which is not even Indo-European. This is _____________ which belongs to the _______________ family of languages.”

            “How on earth do you know it's not Indo-European?”

e)      “We can easily check how close these languages are related using the __________________ method, which focusses on words of similar form and meaning, or __________________ .”


a)      1.         “Let's have another look at the languages spoken in Europe. In Northern Europe, e.g., we have the mainland Scandinavian languages (_____________, _____________, _____________).”

b)     2.         “Right, but here you've forgotten about two languages which are not Scandinavian, and not even Indo-European: _____________, _____________.”

c)      3.         “Yes, they both belong to the _____________ family of languages, as well as _____________ .”

d)     4.         “Which brings us to a question concerning Balto-Slavic languages. Here we have a West Slavonic language (_____________), an East Slavonic language (_____________) and a South Slavonic one (_____________).”

e)      5.         “On a historical note, let's add that the earliest records of a Slavic language come from the _____________ language.”


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