Language in culture exercises

Language in culture- exercises.
1. How would you define the following notions:

  1. A speech community;

  2. Idiolect

  3. A linguistic determinism;

2. What is wrong in the following constructions?
1) We ain’t got none;

2) He just lazy;

3. Complete the blanks:

1) …………………….. deals with interrelationships between language and society. It has strong connections to anthropology, psychology and sociology.

2) Social dialects are defined according to education, …………………………, ……………………., ………………………………… and ………………………………………………………………………….

3) ……………………………………… the hidden type, non-standard forms and expressions used by certain subgroups. For example, schoolboys may use a bad language because of the 'tough' words and swearing.

4) ………………………………………. made a study about the language used in three New York department stores: Saks (high status), Macy's (middle status), Klein's (low status).

5)The speech of many Afro-Americans is technically known as ……………………..

6) Types of register are: ………………………., ……………………………., ………………………………….

3. Explain the following notions:
1) Jargon-

2) Saphir-Whorf hypothesis-

3) Language universals-

4) European structuralism vs. the American structuralism-

5) Generative-transformational grammar-

4. What was Ferdinand de Saussure attitude to language? …………………………………………………………………

The exercises were prepared with reference to Yule (1998) and Widdowson (ed.) (2012).

deals with interrelationships between language and society.It has strong connections to anthropology, psychology and sociology.


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