Final Test A

Language Leader Intermediate Final Test A

1 Complete the text with one word for each gap.

My brother always told me 0_to_ be more careful but I wasn't and now, 1__________ I can pay the fine, I am going to prison. How 2__________ this happen? I 3__________ staying with my brother in his flat in 4__________ Netherlands, when I received a call. The man on the phone 5__________ me he lived downstairs and he 6__________ closed the door of his flat and left the key inside. He asked me 7__________ I could help him get back into his house. My brother's balcony is just above his so I saw that if I climbed down from my brother's balcony I 8__________ be able to get into flat. These apartments, 9__________ were built fifty years ago, are very strong and I have 10__________ of experience of climbing so it was very easy. I was inside the flat in five minutes. I told the man he was lucky 11__________ I was such a good climber. He just laughed.

The next morning I 12__________ arrested for helping a burglary. The man 13__________ have been a thief. I thought I 14__________ helping someone into their flat, not stealing everything from a policeman's flat. My brother was right. I 15__________ to be more careful.

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2 Make sentences using these words and the correct form of the verb.

0 I be able have the meeting at 7 p.m.

I will be able to have the meeting at 7 p.m.

1 He say he do it the week before.


2 By the end of this week the experiments must finish.


3 Unless the trend change, we make a lot of money.


4 Sarah present the morning programmes for the last three years.


5 I probably have the packages by Friday.


6 If I be you, I tell him now.


7 I advise him take the plane but he prefer travel by train.


8 The local council not discuss the issue yet.


9 It must be David that phone Angela last night.


10 I write the project all day yesterday.


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3 Choose the best answer a), b), c) or d) to complete the sentences.

0 He's a very moody person. One day he's happy. The next day he's sad.

a) moody b) assertive c) talkative d) energetic

1 They couldn't charge him because there wasn't enough _____.

a) witness b) offender c) ransom d) evidence

2 At the moment it doesn't work. We need to make a few _____ to the design.

a) simulations b) prototypes c) modifications d) collisions

3 Because of _____, there are a lot of factories causing pollution in our town.

a) industrialisation b) consumerism c) modernity d) efficiency

4 The film was so _____. I couldn't stop laughing.

a) breathtaking b) moving c) hilarious d) gripping

5 In some countries, children start _____ at the age of seven.

a) elementary school b) lifelong learning c) secondary school d) home schooling

6 The news is disappointing. After a steady _____ over the last few years, this year has seen a decline.

a) decrease b) fall c) increase d) drop

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4 Put these words in the correct column in the table.

invent incomparable production useable artistic stabilise innovative retailer elegant misbehave underrated





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5 Fill the gaps with nouns or prepositions to make word combinations or phrasal verbs.

Last weekend, businessmen from Amonko Corp were looking 0around the offices of MixMax Fruit Juice Company. It looks like they are planning to take 1_________ MixMax. This is a risky move. MixMax has failed to make a 2_________ every year since it began producing fruit juice. It is a surprise that they didn't 3_________ bankrupt. One reason for their failure is that they couldn't find a persuasive 4_________ that attracted customers. Secondly, they didn't keep 5_________ with the trends in the fruit juice industry. So, what is Amonko up to? They have no experience 6_________ the fruit juice industry. They will have to spend vast 7_________ of money on development and will certainly have to 8_________ new products on the market and hope they catch 9_________. The prospects 10_________ success do not look good. In next week's article we hope to find 11_________ the truth about Amonko's plans.

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6 Correct the underlined mistakes in these sentences.

0 I don't have seen him since your birthday. __haven't seen____________

1 Feel you happier about your job now? ________________________

2 That's the man who car I bought. ________________________

3 I should be home by six but I was late. ________________________

4 No of the students knew the answer, only me. ________________________

5 I'm not as taller than you. You are taller. ________________________

6 They wanted to know what experience did I have. ________________________

7 I promised David giving him the answers. ________________________

8 Books will return to the library on time by students. ________________________

9 The Cornish dialect, that was spoken by my grandmother, is now nearly extinct. ________________________

10 It mustn't be Emilia. She's in Brazil! ________________________

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7 Complete the text with one word in each gap.

Thank you everyone for your 0comments. There seem to be arguments for and 1__________ re-opening the Internet café. Peter suggested that students need it. Peter, I 2__________ you're right but if we do 3__________ we may have the same problems we had before. For the university, that's just not 4__________. I'm sure you 5__________ that. Sarah has suggested students should pay a membership fee to use the Internet café and this money could pay for any damages. This idea is definitely worth 6__________. To 7__________ up, let me suggest this to the university, and we can meet up again next week.

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8 Put the sentences in the correct places in the text below.

a) Last week the Booker Prize award ceremony took place and another writer received a prize for his or her successful novel.

b) These five books have made over £3.4 million.

c) The publisher will probably then decide whether the book can be a success.

d) Today publishers don't decide on a book because they like it.

e) What else is important for a book before it is published?

f) The last novel he published `How to be a dancer in five days' sold 500,000 copies.

The Truth about Book Writing

0__a__ This is a time when journalists use such phrases as `groundbreaking', `classic', `incomparable', `moving' and `outstanding' to describe books and the people who write them. Everyone seems to forget however, the armies of other hard-working people behind a book who make it the success it becomes.

Sometimes even the writer doesn't think of the idea behind a book. A publisher may think of an idea and then suggest it to an author who will then usually send the publisher a plan or small part of the book. 1_____.

Let's be clear on this. 2_____. In this world of consumerism, they decide to publish a book if they think it can make a profit. Only last week a publisher told me that in the last five years he had decided not to publish five books he loved. During the same time, he had also published twelve books which he thought were rubbish. Why? Because he knew people would buy them. 90% of the time he is right. 3_____.

If the publisher buys into the idea, they will agree to publish the book and then the author will write the whole book. This is not the end of the story, though. Once the writer has finished the book, the publisher, `readers' and editors will read it and ask for changes to be made. Not everyone knows this but most of the time the book that is published is not only the work of the writer. It is also the work of the publishers, readers and editors. Yet, it is only the author that people hear about.

4_____. The cover and design of the book need to be carefully considered. Some books are bought by people simply because they love the cover or the pictures inside. It may be a terrible book, but unless they read a few pages, they won't realise this. Also the `blurb' has to be written. This is the description of the book that you find on the back cover. This is usually written by someone in the marketing department of a publishing company. Not the author. Again, a `blurb' can be the reason why someone buys a book. Sometimes though, the blurb and the book are two completely different things. Do you believe every advert you see on TV? No? Then don't believe a blurb.

As you can see it is not only the author who makes a book but it is only the author who receives prizes. Last week, I was invited to the National Publishing Dinner in Nottingham. Here, I had the chance to meet the people who are really responsible for the success of a book. Sue Parmenter, publisher at Acorn Books has published five books in three years. 5_____. Some people might say that this is a bigger success than winning the Booker Prize.

So, next time you buy a book and enjoy it, don't only think of the author. Think of all the underrated nameless people who made it possible for you to enjoy that page turner.

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9 Answer the questions about the text above.

0 Who do journalists talk about at the Booker Prize?

People who write books.

1 At first, what does a publisher want from a writer?


2 Why do people publish books?


3 Which THREE people ask for changes to be made?




4 What TWO reasons are given for people choosing a book before reading it?



5 Where do you find a `blurb'?


6 Which TWO pieces of advice does the writer of the article give?



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10 Listen to the talk. Put the information in the order you hear it.

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a) What he will be remembered for. _____

b) The subject of the talk. _1___

c) When he won an Oscar. _____

d) The books he published. _____

e) Where he studied. _____

f) What idea he wanted to prove. _____

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11 Listen to the talk again. Are these sentences true or false?

0 The speaker will talk about Heyerdahl's personality. _false_____

1 He was born in Polynesia. __________

2 His first expedition lasted a year. __________

3 He believed the first Polynesians arrived from the west. __________

4 He travelled with six companions. __________

5 He proved that sailors sailed oceans in ancient times. __________

6 He travelled to Easter Island in 1952. __________

7 He crossed the Atlantic twice in 1969 and 1970. __________

8 He wrote three books. __________

9 He was a member of the American Academy of Science. __________

10 He died at home. __________

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