Final test units 1 20 (2)

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FINAL test (Units 1-20)

Section 1: Listening (Tapescript 44)

Listen and complete the sentences.

(1) Pete loves ____________.

(2) He sometimes goes _____________.

(3) Shanaz can't ___________.

(4) Nacho doesn't often go _________.

(5) He loves _____________.

Section 2: Grammar and Vocabulary

Put the word in bold in an appropriate place on the same line of the text. Indicate where it should go with a (^). Look at example (0).


I had ^ embarrassing experience yesterday.


Too busy to be good


My best friend's name is Simon. He's ten months older than me.



We go to school together. He's best student in our class and he



usually has good results in exams. He's a serious person and ever



has problems. This year, his report wasn't good as usual. But he's



not worried about it. He had eight grade As and one grade B!



I would like to have Simon's problems. I haven't got As or Bs



on my school report. My problem is I don't have time to study.


Circle True (T) or False (F) for each sentence.

(13) You wear a coat under a jacket. T / F

(14) You put your feet inside your trainers. T / F

(15) Your heart is inside your chest. T / F

(16) Your knees are under your hips. T / F

(17) Your waist is above your chin. T / F

(18) You put your socks on your hands. T / F

Add a word from the box to complete each sentence.

report phone property concert hour wrestler assistant ache

(19) I'd like to go to a rock __________ one day.

(20) Tina has got a job as a sales __________.

(21) Give me a call on my mobile __________.

(22) Eric got stuck in traffic during the rush __________.

(23) Did you hear the weather __________ for today?

(24) I've got a terrible stomach __________.

(25) I went to the lost __________ office this morning.

(26) Musashimaru is a famous Sumo __________.

Circle the correct word.

(27) I saw / have seen Mark Lawson yesterday morning.

(28) Where do / did you buy that bag?

(29) Are / Have you come to see Mr Jones?

(30) At this time last year, I lived / was living in Korea.

(31) I'm sure it might / will rain this afternoon.

(32) Phillip is working/works late this evening.

(33) English is speak / spoken in many different countries.

(34) My shoes were making / made in Italy.

(35) What are / were you doing two weeks ago?

Section 3: Reading

Read the text about Lynne Cox, the long-distance swimmer. Answer questions 36 to 40 True (T) or False (F).

In December 2002, Lynne Cox became the first person to swim a mile in the Antarctic. She then wrote a book about it: Swimming to Antarctica, which has become a best seller in the States. She did it in 25 minutes in 32-degree water, wearing only a swim suit and a cap for her head.

In 1972, at the age of 15, she broke the records for both the youngest and the fastest person to swim across the English Channel. Her book tells the story of those swims and others over 30 years.

She has swum along the River Nile and around the Cape of Good Hope. When she swam across the Cook Strait in New Zealand, she was accompanied for a while by dolphins. She has also swum from Denmark to Sweden, from Morocco to Gibraltar and across the Bering Strait from the America to Russia.

For reasons which remain a scientific mystery, her body can cope very well with cold water. Even when she was a teenager, she realised `there weren't any races long enough for me in a swimming pool'. But her body is not her only advantage. She's also very hard-working and ambitious.

Cox's book is interesting, but not perfect. It's longer than it should be, mostly because Cox discusses in great detail the dangers of her various swims, most of which involve death from freezing. We don't learn enough about her parents either. They are always there to help her, but I wanted to know more about them.

The best bits of the book are where she explains her motivation. She writes: `It is amazing how incredible the human body is, that it can do so much, that it can go beyond the everydayness of life, that it can be extraordinary and powerful, and harbour a spirit of hope and pure will.'

(36) Lynne Cox's book is very popular in the USA. T / F

(37) She needed a wetsuit in Antarctica. T / F

(38) Scientists would like to know why Lynne does it. T / F

(39) Some parts of her book are too long. T / F

(40) Her book doesn't talk much about her family life. T / F


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