Final test units 1 20

Name ___________________________________ Date __________________________


Section 1: Listening (Tapescript 28)

Listen to the conversation between Russell and a shop assistant and complete sentences 1 to 7 with a word or phrase from the text.

(1) Russell wants to buy something for ______________.

(2) The shop assistant thinks that ______________ is the best colour.

(3) The shop assistant thinks he's looking for a ______________ size.

(4) The shop assistant suggests an evening top made of ______________.

(5) The price is ______________.

(6) Russell pays by ______________.

(7) Russell almost forgets to take the ______________.

Section 2: Vocabulary

For questions 8 to 17, read the text and decide which answer (a, b, c or d) fills the blank.

Although doctors have been warning about the dangers of cigarettes (8) _____ over fifty years, the number of people who smoke is still disturbingly high. These people are not (9) _____; they do worry (10) _____ their health; they know the risks they are (11) _____ with their lives. They also realise how much money they are (12) _____ on cigarettes, yet they still find it almost impossible to give them (13) _____.

Smoking is also much more socially unacceptable now. A lot of people (14) _____ to others smoking in public places - I personally can't (15) _____ sitting next to a smoker in a restaurant, and I just don't go into (16) _____ bars anymore because I know what the air will be like. But we have to remember that most smokers do want to stop. Instead of criticising them, perhaps we should give them a (17) _____.

(8) a) from b) for c) since d) during

(9) a) ridiculous b) silly c) senseless d) childish

(10) a) about b) over c) with d) around

(11) a) doing b) making c) having d) taking

(12) a) earning b) making c) wasting d) saving

(13) a) in b) up c) out d) to

(14) a) oppose b) protest c) object d) disagree

(15) a) let b) stand c) allow d) like

(16) a) crowded b) blocked c) filled d) solid

(17) a) help b) support c) hold d) hand

Section 3: Structure

Choose the best word or phrase (a, b or c) to complete sentences 18 to 26.

(18) We'll cancel the game if the weather _____.

a) will be bad

b) is bad

c) was bad

(19) Is it OK _____ early today?

a) I leave

b) my leaving

c) if I leave

(20) _____ you before I go on holiday?

a) Will I see

b) I see

c) Do I see

(21) Can you tell me what time _____?

a) does the train leave

b) the train leaves

c) will the train leave

(22) I _____ eat a lot of fruit when I was young.

a) use not to

b) didn't used to

c) didn't use to

(23) How much money _____ in the lottery?

a) you won

b) you did win

c) did you win

(24) I try to include _____ fruit in my diet.

a) lots of

b) many

c) much

(25) _____ go out on weekends.

a) He doesn't always

b) Doesn't he always

c) He always doesn't

(26) We're looking forward _____ Italy next month.

a) to visit

b) visiting

c) to visiting

In sentences 27 to 36, there are three underlined words or phrases, marked a, b and c. Circle the word or phrase that is grammatically incorrect.

(27) I (a) promise that I (b) will pay you back as soon as I (c) am getting the money.

(28) (a) Lots of people I know think Paris is (b) much interesting (c) than London.

(29) How (a) well do you (b) know the people in the same class (c) than you?

(30) She (a) often looks (b) quite a little sad when (c) she's alone.

(31) I (a) couldn't find (b) enough useful (c) informations at the library.

(32) Which people (a) have you (b) keep in contact with when you (c) left your last job?

(33) Rugby is (a) much (b) more popular (c) then athletics in the UK.

(34) We (a) hadn't decided where we're (b) going to have the party (c) yet.

(35) (a) I've decided I want (b) to live in the countryside when (c) I'll get older.

(36) His teacher (a) says that if he (b) work hard he (c) will pass the exam.

Rewrite the following sentences so that the meaning remains the same.

(37) He doesn't go out because he doesn't have a lot of money.

If ________________________________________.

(38) I will get home soon and I will call you immediately.

As soon as ________________________________________.

(39) The car was too expensive for me to buy.

The car wasn't ________________________________________ to buy.

(40) Athens is more humid than London.

London ________________________________________ as Athens.

(41) It was forbidden for my mother to wear make-up when she was in school.

My mother ________________________________________ when she was in school.

(42) I've never been to a better restaurant.

It's the ________________________________________ ever been to.

James Cameron was the director of Titanic.

Titanic ________________________________________.

Section 4: Reading

Read the following article on getting fit and mark sentences 44 to 50 T (True) or F (False).

My first piece of advice to people who want to start getting fit is: don't buy an exercise bike. Typically, people who buy them use them for a week or so and then forget about them. They are effective if they are used regularly but you need to be determined. Most people will find it much easier to go for a gentle jog around the park.

As well as being easy to do, jogging is also relatively cheap compared to most other sports. You don't need to buy expensive clothes if you're just going running around the park or on the beach. The main thing is that they're comfortable, and that they keep you warm in the winter and cool in the summer.

There is one piece of equipment, however, that you will have to spend time and money on, and that's your running shoes. Remember that you are not looking for a fashion item, but for something that will support your feet and protect you from injury. They can be expensive, but if they are good quality they will last you a long time. It's always best to get expert advice, and the best place for that is a sports shop.

As for the actual jogging, the secret is to start gently, and not to do too much at the beginning - especially if you haven't had any exercise for a long time. Try a mixture of walking and running for ten minutes about three times a week at first. Once you are happy doing that you can then start to increase the amount you do gradually. After a few months you should hope to be able to run at a reasonable speed for twenty minutes three or four times a week.

It's important that you feel comfortable with whatever you do. If you do, you'll start to enjoy it and will probably keep doing it. If it makes you feel uncomfortable, you'll probably stop after a short time and return to your bad habits. In any case, training too hard is not very effective. Research has shown that somebody who exercises for twice as long or twice as hard as another person doesn't automatically become twice as fit.

(44) Most people don't use exercise bikes for very long. T/F

(45) Exercise bikes don't get you fit. T/F

(46) You should keep warm at all times when you are jogging. T/F

(47) Running shoes don't have to be fashionable. T/F

(48) You should start jogging by walking for ten minutes. T/F

(49) You should expect to feel uncomfortable when jogging. T/F

(50) You won't necessarily be a lot fitter by running twice as fast. T/F

Read the following passage about a favourite relative and choose the best answer (a, b or c) for questions 51 to 55.

The person I used to look forward to seeing most when I was a young boy was my Aunt Julie. She was a funny-looking lady, and reminded me of a character in my favourite comic. She was quite short and a little overweight, but she had this round, happy face with dimpled cheeks and a little button nose. Her hair was very black and looked like a hat that old ladies sometimes wear.

She always wore old-fashioned clothes, typically a skirt (usually dark blue), a blouse, a woollen cardigan (even when it was quite warm), and flat shoes.

I remember her as being extremely generous, good-natured and hard-working. She was happiest when she was taking care of someone - cleaning their house, cooking or going shopping for them. She never ever complained. And she was always cheerful.

She had a wonderful sense of fun, particularly with children. She used to visit my mother a lot when I was a little boy, and as soon as she came through the front door she used to hold out her arms and pretend she was going to kiss me. Of course, I used to run away. Then she would chase me around the room, catch me and give me a big hug.

Once she came to visit on my sixth birthday. Just before my party started, she called me over to where she was sitting and opened her purse. She paused, watching my eyes growing bigger with excitement, then took out a five-pence piece, put it in my hand and said, `Buy yourself something nice for your birthday,' pretending not to notice the disappointed look on my face. I walked away, but almost immediately she called me back, reached into her bag and brought out a fantastic toy car.

She could sometimes be a little annoying. When she was in our house, she was always moving around the kitchen singing in a high-pitched voice. But it was impossible to get angry with her. She was loved by everybody that knew her.

(51) Aunt Julie…

a) wore a black hat.

b) had black hair.

c) looked like an old lady.

(52) Aunt Julie wore woollen clothes…

a) if it was cold.

b) instead of a blouse.

c) in all types of weather.

(53) Aunt Julie liked to…

a) keep her house clean.

b) help people.

c) buy things for herself.

(54) When Aunt Julie visited her nephew's house…

a) she used to kiss him.

b) she used to run after him.

c) she used to hide from him.

(55) At the birthday party, Aunt Julie showed that…

a) she enjoyed having fun.

b) she didn't like spending money.

c) she didn't really like her nephew.


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