Legal Aspects of Finance 7

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 Match The Following


Correct Answer

Your Answer

Interim Dividend

Board of Directors

Board of Directors

Reduction of capital

Special Resolution

Special Resolution

Appointment of Managing Director

Ordinary Resolution

Ordinary Resolution

Accounting Standards

National Advisory Committee

National Advisory Committee

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Payment to a scheme of insurance of a post office is not a deduction.

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer  


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 Select The Blank


The uses and applications of the funds raised shall be disclosed to the audit committee on a ________basis.

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer  


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 Match The Following


Correct Answer

Your Answer

Interim Dividend

Board of Directors

Board of Directors

Shorter notice for AGM

Private Limited Company

Private Limited Company

Books of Account

Form 23AA

Form 23AA

Accounting Standards

National Advisory Committee

National Advisory Committee

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 Multiple Choice Single Answer


Where does the company publish the compensation philosophy and the statement entitled compensation in respect of the non executive directors?

  Correct Answer  

Annual report

  Your Answer  

Audit report

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 Multiple Choice Single Answer


Which companies have to comply with the provisions of Clause 49 of listing agreement ?

  Correct Answer  

Listed Companies

  Your Answer  

Listed Companies

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Former director can take inspection of books of account for the years when he was director.

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer  


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 Select The Blank


As per section 5 in case of railways if the persons employed is less than ________ the wages shall be paid before the expiry of 7th day.

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer  


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Statutory Meeting must be held on a working day.

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer  


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 Select The Blank


The recommendations of audit committee relating to financial management shall be ________.

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer  


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 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer


What do you mean by wages?

  Correct Answer  

Remuneration by way of salaries , Allowances , Expressed in terms of money

  Your Answer  

Remuneration by way of salaries , Allowances , Expressed in terms of money

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 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer


Current Account transactions include :-

  Correct Answer  

Payments for foreign Trade , Payments for Interest , Foreign Travel Expenses

  Your Answer  

Payments for foreign Trade , Payments for Interest , Payments as Loans

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 Select The Blank


________ includes legal representative of deceased employer.

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer  


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 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer


Statutory Report pertains to :-

  Correct Answer  

Funds raised by the company , Utilisation of funds , Investments made by the company

  Your Answer  

Expenses incurred for Statutory Meeting , Funds raised by the company , Utilisation of funds

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 Multiple Choice Single Answer


For which activity FDI is not prohibited?

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer  


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 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer


How can you compute available surplus under section 5?

  Correct Answer  

Gross profit less deductions , Direct tax calculated in accordance to provisions of section 7 in respect to amount equal to gross profits of the employer for immediately preceding accounting year

  Your Answer  

Gross profit less deductions , Direct tax calculated in accordance to provisions of section 7 in respect to amount equal to gross profits of the employer for immediately preceding accounting year

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Any gratuity payable on termination of employment is included in wages.

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer  


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Deductions for income tax, payable by the employed person is permissible.

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer  


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 Select The Blank


The Forms 8 &13 should be filed in ________ to ragistrar of companies.

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer  


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A company can be incorporated with the name using words Hindustan, India.

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer  


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It is not obligatory for the board of directors to lay down the code of conduct for all the board members.

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer  


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Wages includes any remuneration payable under any award or settlement between the parties or order of court.

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer  


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 Multiple Choice Single Answer


The Document spelling out internal management of the Company is :-

  Correct Answer  

Articles of Association

  Your Answer  

Articles of Association

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 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer


Who are governed by the payment of wages act?

  Correct Answer  

Employed persons , Salary less than 1600 per month

  Your Answer  

Employed persons , Salary less than 1600 per month

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FEMA is also applicable to agencies outside India that are controlled by residents in India.

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer  


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 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer


For registering certain resolutions, following documents are submitted :-

  Correct Answer  

Form 23 , Certified copy of resolution , Copy of explanatory statement

  Your Answer  

Form 23 , Certified copy of resolution , Copy of explanatory statement

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 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer


Section 24 provides bar to entertain suits by the court for recovery of wages in so far as the sum claimed falls within which of the following categories :-

  Correct Answer  

For which any application claim has already been presented , Direction of claim already given' , Amount adjudged is not due to penalty

  Your Answer  

For which any application claim has already been presented , Direction of claim already given' , Amount adjudged is not due to penalty

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 Multiple Choice Single Answer


Maturity period for USD 5 million scheme is :-

  Correct Answer  

Three years

  Your Answer  

Ten years

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 Multiple Choice Single Answer


A person can not be appointed as managing or whole time director in more than :-

  Correct Answer  

Two companies

  Your Answer  

Two companies

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 Multiple Choice Single Answer


Every auditor who has in receipt from the company of the intimation of his appointment, has to inform Registrar in writing that he has accepted or refused to accept the appointment within :-

  Correct Answer  

30 Days

  Your Answer  

30 Days

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 Multiple Choice Single Answer


Who fixes the compensation to be paid to the non executive directors?

  Correct Answer  

Board of Directors

  Your Answer  

Executive Directors

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 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer


Remittance completely prohibited on :-

  Correct Answer  

Dividend balancing , Telephone expanses , Interest on funds

  Your Answer  

Dividend balancing , Telephone expanses , Interest on funds

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 Select The Blank


No loan or investment shall be made or guarantee given by company unless ________ is passed at the meeting by the board.

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer  


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Wages includes the value of any house accommodation or supply of light and water.

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer  


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 Select The Blank


Any payment in respect on ________ can be deducted from the wages of an employed person.

  Correct Answer  

Fidelity guarantee bond

  Your Answer  

Fidelity guarantee bond

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 Multiple Choice Single Answer


A director can hold place of profit by :-

  Correct Answer  

Special resolution

  Your Answer  

Special resolution

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 Select The Blank


Board has power to receive of notice of ________.

  Correct Answer  

Disclosure of interest

  Your Answer  

Disclosure of interest

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 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer


The penalties are levied for which offences done?

  Correct Answer  

Pay less than minimum wages , Pay less than fixed wages , Contravenes any rule or order

  Your Answer  

Pay less than minimum wages , Pay less than fixed wages , Contravenes any rule or order

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Authorized dealer is required to avail license under the exim policy in force.

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer  


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 Select The Blank


A statement of all transactions with the related parties including the basis shall be placed before the ________.

  Correct Answer  

Audit committee

  Your Answer  

Audit committee

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 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer


Who is not entitled to bonus?

  Correct Answer  

An apprentice , Employee employed through contractors

  Your Answer  

An apprentice , Employee employed through contractors

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 Multiple Choice Single Answer


What is the optimum combination of Board of Directors?

  Correct Answer  

Managing Directors and Secretary

  Your Answer  

Managing Directors and Secretary

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 Select The Blank


As per section ________ it is obligatory on every person responsible for payment.

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer  


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 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer


FDI prohibited activities are :-

  Correct Answer  

Retail trading , Gambling & betting , Housing & real estate

  Your Answer  

Retail trading , Gambling & betting , Housing & real estate

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Every company shall keep a register showing the particulars in respect of every loan or investment made, guarantee given or security provided.

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer  


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Wages includes any travelling allowance for travel concession.

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer  


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 Select The Blank


If an employer derives profit in any of the first ________ years he has to pay bonus for that year.

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer  







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