Colorado School of Mines

Colorado School of Mines

Mining Engineering Department


MNGN 308 Mine Safety


  1. Department Number and Title of Course

MNGN 308 Mine Safety


  1. Course (Catalog) Description

Causes and prevention of accidents. Mine safety regulations. Mine rescue training. Safety management and organization.


  1. Prerequisite(s)

MNGN 210 and concurrent enrollment in MNGN 309


  1. Textbook(s) and/or Other Required Materials

Mine Safety and Mine Operation Lab Course Notes, John Jordan, 1999.


5. Course Objectives

The objective of this course is to introduce the students to mine safety principles, procedures and regulations.


6. Topics Covered

1) MSHS Regulations 1/2 Hour

2) Personal Protective Equipment 1/2 Hour

3) Site Specific Safety topics 1 Hour

- Mine Escape ways

- Communication Systems

- Fire Extinguishers

- Mobile Equipment Safety

- Hand Tool Usage

4) Ground Control Considerations 1 Hour

- Barring down

- Rock Bolts

- Shot Crete

- Timber & Steel Support Structures

5) Mine Utility installation & Safety 1 Hour

- Compressed Air

- Electrical cables

- Water

- Ventilation Pipe

6) Ventilation & Mine Gasses 2 Hours

- Hazards of Mine Gasses

- Basic Ventilation Circuit Components

- Dust

7) Drills and Drilling Operations 1 Hour

- Hand Operated Drills

- Air & Hydraulically powered Jumbo Drills


8) Blasting Operation Safety 1 Hour

- Explosives, Types and Uses

- Explosive Storage

- Explosive Transport

- Explosive Usage

9) Excavation Equipment Safety 1 Hour

- Rail Loaders

- Slushers

- LHD Excavators

10) Rock Haulage Equipment 1 Hour

- Rail Haulage

- Truck Haulage

- Conveyor Transport

11) Shafts, Raises & Shoots 1 Hour

12) Mine Rescue Equipment & Procedures 1 Hour

13) First Aid 8 Hours


  1. 7.      Laboratory projects

The class MNGN309 is the lab for this class. The two classes must be taken concurrently.

Estimated ABET Category Content Other - 1


  1. Contribution of Course to Meeting the Professional Component

This course contributes to the professional component of the Mining Engineering program. The mine safety principles and laws presented in this class are classified as being completely general education in nature. [Other: 1 credit hour]


  1. Relationship of Course to Program Objectives: f, g, j, 3d.


  1. Person(s) who prepared this Description and Date of Preparation


Prepared by: David Mosch Date: May 4, 2000


MNGN 424 Mine Ventilation


  1. Department, Number, and Title of the Course

MNGN 424 Mine Ventilation


  1. Course (Catalog) Description

Fundamentals of Mine ventilation, including control of gas, dust, temperature and humidity, stressing analysis and design of systems. 3 semester hours: 2 hours lecture, 3 hours lab.


  1. Prerequisite(s)

EGGN 351, EGGN 371 and MNGN 314


  1. Textbook(s) and or other material

Hartman, Mutmansky-Wang, Mine Ventilation and Air Conditioning, Robert E. Krieger Publishing, 3rd Edition.

McPherson, Malcolm J., Subsurface Ventilation and Environmental Engineering, Chapman & Hall, 1993.

Boussard, Floyd D., “Manual of Mine Ventilation Practices”, Floyd D. Boussard & Associates, Inc. 1983.

“Environmental Engineering in South African Mines”, The Mine Ventilation Society of South Africa, 1982.


  1. Course Objectives

The objectives of the course is to introduce the students to the fundamentals of mine ventilation and environmental control, including the measurement of air properties, flow characteristics, air flow in mines, and selection with emphasis on ventilation elements and system design.


  1. Topics Covered


Week 1: Introduction, terminologies, statutory requirements


Week 2: Air properties

Lab: Measurement and calculation of air properties


Week 3: Mine gasses and dust

Lab: Measurement of mien gasses and dust


Week 4: Flow of air through mine openings, ducts

Lab: Pressure gradient

Week 5: Ventilation network, network design

Lab: Vnet PC


Week 7: To date material review, exam, design considerations


Week 8: Natural ventilation

Lab: NVP calculations


Week 9: Mechanical ventilation

Lab: Fan calculations and design


Week 10: Auxiliary ventilation

Lab: Auxiliary ventilation, ducts, stoping ventilation calculation and design

Weeks 11 & 12: Economics and design of airflow

Lab: Edgar Mine field ventilation survey


Weeks 13 & 14: Coal Mine (room & pillar, longwall ventilation systems and design


Week 15: Mine calculation & design (air conditioning, metal mine ventilation)

Lab: Edgar Mine ventilation report, review for final exam


Estimated ABET Category Content

Engineering Science: 2 credit hours

Engineering Design: 1 credit hour


  1. Class/Laboratory schedule

2 hours lecture per week, 2 hours laboratory per week.


  1. Contribution of course to meeting the professional component

The course will develop knowledge and understanding of the importance of underground mine environmental control systems and design. It will provide experience in measurement techniques and system design.

This course is approximately 2/3 engineering science and 1/3 engineering design.


  1. Relationship of course to program objectives: 3a, b1, b2, c, e, f, g, h.

The course provides experience for students to apply engineering science and knowledge to mine environmental control, system analysis and design. Students will learn and experience team work, communication, mine development, an appreciation of health and safety, as well as global mining engineering issues (methane in the atmosphere).


  1. Person(s) who prepared this description and date of preparation

Prepared by: Tibor G. Rozgonyi Date: May 15, 2000


EGGN351 - Fluid Mechanics I


1. Department, number and title of course:


Engineering Division, Eggn351 Fluid Mechanics I


2. Course (catalog) description:


Properties of Liquids, Manometers, one-dimensional continuity. Bernoulli's equation, the impulse momentum principle, laminar and turbulent flow in pipes, meters, pumps, and turbines.


3. Prerequisite(s): DCGN 241 or MNGN 317


4. Textbook: Frank M. White

Fluid Mechanics

4th edition


5. Course objectives:


During this course students will acquire the ability to


In addition, computer exercises are used throughout the semester to:

  1. (a)    to develop a deeper understanding of fluid flow systems than possible with traditional homework problems

(b) to analyze a fluid flow system and not just solve for an answer.

6. Topics covered:

Fundamental concepts regarding fluids


Conservation of mass (integral and differential form)

Conservation of momentum (integral and differential form)

Bernoulli equation (as a form of the energy equation)

Dimensional analysis and modeling (the theorem)

Pipe flow (viscous flow, minor and major head losses, multiple pipe systems)

Drag and Lift

Open channel flow



7. Class schedule: 3 one hour sessions per week


8. Contribution of course to meeting the professional component:


This course provides several things for the students in a global sense. These are:


9. Relationship of course to program objectives:


3-a Students apply knowledge of fundamental fluid mechanics to solve a range of basic problems.

3-bii Computer problem require the students to interpret and assess the validity of the results of their models

3-c The computer-based assignments force students to think about systems in a design sense.

3-d Computer assignments are solved in pairs (note that the students may come from different majors)

3-e In the process of solving homework problems, students are required to develop appropriate problem solving strategies that integrate basic engineering knowledge with problem solving skills.

3-i The computer assignments use a contemporary tool to solve problems. As a part of the assignment, it is emphasized that the nature of problem solving tools is ever-changing which requires life-long learning by the students. Also, the introduction of differential analysis as applied to fluids demonstrate that some advanced problems require more advanced tools.

3-k Computer assignments force the use of modern tools as a part of the course.

CSM1 Students must master a range of knowledge regarding fluid mechanics as a part of this course.

CSM2 Students are required to submit written reports for computer assignments and are encourage to adopt the perspective of a consultant.

CSM3 Students must use computers to solve problems for this course. The computational problems do not use commercial “point and click” software; students are required to construct a solution using a basic tool such as MathCAD or excel.

EG1 Students apply knowledge of fundamental fluid mechanics to solve a range of basic problems.

EG2 Modern engineering practice is inextricably linked to computer tools. The computer assignments force students to use develop their own computer tools, not use a commercial piece of software that does all of the analysis for them.

EG3 Students must master both the basics of fluid mechanics and know how to use these basics with modern computational tools to solve complex problems.

EG4 In computer problem assignments, the students may be asked to discuss how non-technical factors, such as economics, affect their solution.

EG5 The topics covered have direct application to basic engineering tasks for fluid systems engineering (e.g. pump system matching)


Persons who prepared this description: Terry Parker, Associate Professor, May 23, 2000, Jean-Pierre DelPlanque, Assistant Professor



EGGN371 - Engineering Thermodynamics


  1. 1.                                                      Department, number, and title of course

Engineering EGGN 371 Engineering Thermodynamics I


  1. 2.                                                      Course (catalog) description

Definitions, properties, temperature, phase diagrams, equations of state, steam tables, work, heat, first and second laws of thermodynamics, entropy, ideal gas, phase changes, availability, recriprocating engines, air standard cycles, vapor cycles.


  1. 3.      Prerequisite(s)

MACS 213/223 Calculus for Scientists and Engineers II/ Honors


  1. 4.      Textbook(s) and/or other required material

(1) Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach, 3rd Ed., Cengel & Boles;

(2) Thermodynamics Property Tables, same authors


  1. 5.      Course objectives

Specific course objectives include:

(1) Identify appropriate constant properties and tabular values of state properties.

(2) Solve problems involving the 1st and 2nd law of thermodynamics.

(3) Explain efficiency implications of the second law.

(4) Model various cycles, such as the Otto, Diesel, Jet Propulsion, Rankine and Refrigeration cycles.


  1. 6.      Topics covered

Basic Concepts: closed and open systems; forms of energy; properties of a system; state and equilibrium; processes and cycles; the state postulate; pressure; temperature.

Properties of pure substances: phases of pure substances; property diagrams for phase-change processes; vapor pressure; property tables; ideal gas equation; compressibility factor; other equations of state.

First law of thermodynamics: heat, work; internal energy, enthalpy, and specific heats of ideal gases; internal energy, enthalpy, and specific heats of solids and liquids.

Control Volumes: steady-flow processes and devices.

Second law of thermodynamics: thermal energy reservoirs; heat engines; refrigerators and heat pumps; reversible and irreversible processes; Carnot cycle.

Entropy: increase in entropy principle; isentropic processes; T-s diagrams; entropy changes of ideals gases, liquids, and solids.

Gas Power Cycles: Otto cycle; Diesel cycle; Brayton cycle; Ideal jet-propulsion cycle.

Vapor Cycles: Carnot vapor cycle; Rankine cycle.

Refrigeration Cycles: Reversed Carnot cycle; Ideal vapor-compression refrigeration cycle.


  1. 7.      Class/laboratory schedule, i.e., number of sessions each week and duration of each session

3 sessions per week, 50 minutes each session


  1. 8.      Contribution of course to meeting the professional component



  1. 9.                                                      Relationship of course to program objectives

  2. 3-a

    In order to solve thermodynamics problems in this class, students must use the fundamental knowledge of math, science, and engineering that they have previously acquired.


    In each of the modules that make up this course, the students have to formulate and solve thermodynamic problems in homework assignments as well as on quizzes and exams.


    Students use tables, spreadsheets, and thermodynamic databases for homework assignments and exams.


    This class allows the students to develop expertise in fundamental thermodynamic concepts and methods.


    Students must demonstrate their ability to communicate the results from homework assignments and exams in the form of well-organized and clearly labeled reports.


    The course provides ample instruction in efficiency, second-law and conservation principles to provide students with an appreciation for energy demand and usage.


    The problem solving skills that the students acquire in this course prepare them adequately to assume an entry-level position in a company where they would have to deal with a variety of thermodynamic problems or to enter graduate programs where they would focus on thermo-fluids.




    Prepared by Joan Gosink June 1, 2000



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