Angol Test 3 Unit Inspiration 3 Unit 3


1 Complete 1-10 with must, could, might, ought to or had to.

1 Last year I had a really important exam, so I ________ work hard for it.

2 The house is really quiet. I think my parents ________ be out.

3 I think you ________ get a job as a waiter. The pay is good and it's fun.

4 They ________ be at work, but it`s Sunday, so I don't think so.

5 My hair looks awful. I really ________ go to the hairdresser.

6 I ________ be away visiting my friends that weekend.

7 When I was a child I ________ brush my teeth four times a day.

8 You ________ email your friends. I'm sure they could help.

9 He ________ be 20, but he looks more like 35 to me.

10 You ________ stop smoking. It's bad for you.

____ / 10 points

2 Complete 1-10 with can't, mustn't, shouldn't or don't have to.

1 You ________ get in after 11.00pm. They lock the doors.

2 You ________ spend all that money. Why not keep some for your holiday?

3 Who's cooking tonight? It ________ be Sue as she's away.

4 You ________ take dogs or bicycles on trains in some countries.

5 Maybe we ________ make too much noise because of the people next door.

6 She ________ be American. She doesn't speak English.

7 I ________ eat potatoes, pasta, bread or ice-cream. I'm trying to lose weight.

8 You ________ go to the bank. I got some money for us this morning.

9 You ________ get married until you're 16 in the UK.

10 Great news! I ________ clean my room. My brother did it yesterday.

____ / 10 points

3 Each of these sentences has an extra word or a wrong word. Correct the mistake by crossing out the extra word or writing the right word above the wrong word.

1 I usually get myself up at about 8 o'clock after my father calls me.

2 They often go out and enjoy himself at the weekend.

3 I hurt ourselves when I fell downstairs.

4 She feels himself very happy at the moment.

5 They didn't behave them very well last night.

6 Make it you! I can't because I'm much too busy.

7 She lives alone so she has to take care of her.

8 My grandmother worries herself about our family.

9 I remember myself when you came last year.

10 There's lots more food, John, so please help you.

____ / 10 points


4 Unjumble the words and write them next to their definitions.




1 writing messages on your mobile phone ___________________________

2 hurt or frighten other people ___________________________

3 opposite of danger ___________________________

4 probably ___________________________

5 holiday ___________________________

6 suddenly feel very worried or nervous ___________________________

7 power that makes lights and machines work ___________________________

8 not clean ___________________________

9 part of a room that we walk on ___________________________

10 long thin pasta ___________________________

____ / 10 points

5 Put ten of these words into the correct column below.

sugar farmer incredible weapon promise

arrest polite lie down melon government

prawn switch off nasty trade aid





____ / 10 points


6 Read this letter from a person working in an aid organisation. Match the paragraphs 1-5 with their main points, A-E.

Travelling and working away from home


Hi there, I'm Jennie

I'm from Australia but at the moment I'm working as a volunteer for an aid organisation in Algeria.


I decided to work for an aid organisation because I love travelling and finding out about other cultures and people. That is why I came to teach in Algeria. Algeria is a fascinating country. I'd like to share some of my experiences with you.


Before I came to Algeria, I tried to prepare myself for teaching here. But I was so surprised on my first morning in the classroom to see so many children who were all keen to learn English. I had to try very hard to keep them calm and quiet.


A few months later I went to visit other schools in Algeria, and everywhere I went I found the same thing - children so keen to learn, and learning fast. I watched them and their teachers and came away with lots of ideas. When I got back to my regular class, I tried using some of these ideas. My teaching became easier. I learnt a lot from watching others.


I'm going back to Australia soon. I'm going to work at my old school there again. I'm hoping to put my students in touch with the ones I met in Algeria. I hope they will teach and learn from one another, and become friends. I can't wait to see what happens.

Yours, Jennie

A Returning home

B Why Jennie went to Algeria

C Introducing herself

D Learning from others

E Jennie's first day as a teacher in Algeria

____ / 10 points


7 Listen to Dan telling us about himself and his job. Complete 1-10 in the profile chart.

A profile of Dan





1 ________ ranger

Where he works

2 Governor Nelson _______________

Favourite subject at school

3 ________________

Favourite subject at university

4 study of _________

One of his summer jobs at university

5 ________________

Three interests

6 ________ , 7 ________ ,

8 ________

Where he loves to be

9 ________________

How to find out more about him

10 _____________________

____ / 10 points


8 Write a short reply to each of these statements, using at least one of these expressions in each reply. Use all the expressions.

I think that We should I agree

I disagree In my opinion

1 We ought to give much more aid to poor countries.



2 The changing environment is our biggest problem.



3 We must stop using cars if we want to save energy.



4 Fair trade is better than aid.



5 It isn't my business how other people live. I just need to take care of myself and my family.



____ / 10 points

Total : ____ / 80 points

Unit test Inspiration 3 unit 3

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