Test Unit 2

Language Test 2

Student A

Vocabulary (20 marks)

1 Read the sentences and complete the words.

0 This person types letters and answers the phone. s e c r e t a r y

1 This person takes money in a shop. c __ s h __ __ r

2 This person cuts your hair. h __ __ __ r __s s __ r

3 This person drives a train. t __ __ __ __ d r __ __ __ r

4 This person answers the phone and makes appointments. r __ c __ p t __ __ n __ s t

5 This person fixes your teeth. d __ __ t __ __ t

6 This person fixes your car. m __ c h __ __ __ c

7 This person is in the government. p __ l __ t __ c __ __ n

Marks / 7

2 Complete the labels with the names and the prices.


watch- £35.00___

1 2

_______________ _______________

3 4

_______________ _______________

5 5

_______________ _______________

0 thirty-five pounds

1 six pounds fifty

2 forty-nine pounds

3 nine pounds ninety-nine pence

4 thirteen pounds seventy-five pence

5 twenty-five pounds fifty

6 ninety-eight pence

Marks / 6

3 Write the shopping list.

0 peaches_________________________________

1 ________________________________________

2 ________________________________________

3 ________________________________________

4 ________________________________________

5 ________________________________________

6 ________________________________________

7 ________________________________________

Marks / 7

Grammar (20 marks)

4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs.

0 I usually do my homework on Saturday afternoons but today I am playing football with my brother. (do / play)

1 My mum usually __________ me to school every day but today she _______________ my brother to the dentist. (drive / take)

2 Tom is _______________ a letter to his grandad today but he usually __________ emails to his friends. (write / send)

3 We usually __________ home from school at four o’clock but today we _______________ late to finish our English project. (get / stay)

4 Sally __________ in an office every day but today she _______________ her mum in the restaurant. (work / help)

5 Lee and John _______________ toast and orange juice for breakfast today but they usually __________ cereals and coffee. (have / have)

Marks / 5

5 Use the prompts to complete the sentences.

0 necklace – Rita? / my

Is this Rita’s necklace?

No, it isn’t hers. It’s mine.

1 radio – your brother? / my dad

Is that __________ radio?

No, it isn’t __________. It’s __________.

2 house – your cousins? / my grandparents

Is that __________ house?

No, it isn’t __________. It’s __________.

3 bracelet – my? / Maria

Is this __________ bracelet?

No, it isn’t __________. It’s __________.

4 DVDs – our? / Jack

Are these __________ DVDs?

No, they’re not __________. They’re __________.

Marks / 8

6 Circle the correct word.

0 There isn’t any / some ketchup in that bottle.

1 Is / Are there any salt in the cupboard?

2 There are no / any peaches or melons.

3 There isn’t / aren’t any beef.

4 There are any / some yoghurts in the fridge.

5 There aren’t any / some tomatoes in this sandwich.

6 Is / Are there any apples or pears?

7 There isn’t / aren’t any cream for my strawberries!

Marks / 7

Communication (20 marks)

7 Circle the correct response.

0 Can I help you?

a) It’s £4.99. b) Yes, please. c) Sorry, I can’t.

1 Is there any cream in the fridge?

a) No, there aren’t. b) Yes, there are.

c) No, there isn’t.

2 Are these your sister’s sunglasses?

a) No, it’s mine. b) No, they’re mine.

c) Yes, it’s hers.

3 Who do you go to when you’ve got a problem with your car?

a) a mechanic b) a carpenter c) a cashier

4 Whose is this mobile phone?

a) It’s David’s. b) It’s David. c) It’s Davids’.

5 How much are these swimming goggles?

a) It’s £7.99. b) I’ll leave it, thanks.

c) They’re £7.99.

Marks / 10

8 Complete the dialogues with the words below.

help / expensive / no / altogether / take / much / certainly / please / have / discount / any

Shop assistant: Hello, can I 0 help you?

Josh: Yes, please. Can I 1 __________ a strawberry cake with cream, please?

Shop assistant: Yes, 2 __________. Anything else?

Josh: Yes. Have you got 3 __________ peaches?

Shop assistant: No, I’m sorry. There are 4 __________ peaches or pears today.

Josh: OK. How much is that 5 __________?

Shop assistant: That’s £3.90, 6 __________.

Lin: Excuse me, how 7 __________ are these sunglasses?

Shop assistant: They’re £35.

Lin: That’s a bit 8 __________.

Shop assistant: Wait. There’s a special 9 __________ today. So they’re only £25.

Lin: OK. I’ll 10 __________ them!


2 Language Test

Student B

Vocabulary (20 marks)

1 Read the sentences and complete the words.

0 This person types letters and answers the phone. s e c r e t a r y

1 This person writes for a newspaper. j __ __ r n __ l __ __ t

2 This person stops fires. f __ __ __ f __ g h __ __ __

3 This person makes things with wood. c __ __ p __ __ t __ __

4 This person makes you look better. b __ __ __ t __ c __ __ n

5 This person teaches you to ski. s __ __ i __ __ t r __ __ t __ __

6 This person solves mysteries. d __ t __ __ t __ __ __

7 This person makes machines work. e __ g __ __ __ __r

Marks / 7

2 Complete the labels with the names and the prices.


watch- £35.00___

2 3

_______________ _______________

4 5

_______________ _______________

6 7

_______________ _______________

0 thirty-five pounds

1 seven pounds ninety-nine pence

2 six hundred and ninety-nine pounds

3 five pounds fifty

4 twelve pounds seventy-five pence

5 twenty-five pounds ninety-nine pence

6 fifteen pounds fifty

Marks / 6

3 Write the shopping list.

0 peaches_________________________________

1 ________________________________________

2 ________________________________________

3 ________________________________________

4 ________________________________________

5 ________________________________________

6 ________________________________________

7 ________________________________________

Marks / 7

Grammar (20 marks)

4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs.

0 I usually do my homework on Saturday afternoons but today I am playing football with my brother. (do / play)

1 My dad _______________ a taxi to work today but he usually __________. (take / walk)

2 Kathy always __________ her mum tidy up after dinner but today she _______________ her Maths homework. (help / do)

3 They usually __________ computer games after school but today they _______________ a DVD with some friends. (play / watch)

4 I _______________ a dress and a hat today! I usually __________ jeans at the weekend but today is special! (wear / wear)

5 We usually __________ sandwiches for lunch but today we _______________ pizza and chips! (have / have)

Marks / 5

5 Use the prompts to complete the sentences.

0 necklace – Rita? / my

Is this Rita’s necklace?

No, it isn’t hers. It’s mine.

1 laptop – your dad? / my mum

Is that __________ laptop?

No, it isn’t __________. It’s __________.

2 CDs – our? / my sister

Are these __________ CDs?

No, they aren’t __________. They’re __________.

3 car – your parents? / my brother

Is that __________ car?

No, it isn’t __________. It’s __________.

4 wallet – Harry? / my

Is this __________ wallet?

No, it isn’t __________. It’s __________.

Marks / 8

6 Circle the correct word.

0 There isn’t any / some ketchup in that bottle.

1 There’s no / any cream or yoghurt in the fridge.

2 There aren’t any / some strawberries in this cake.

3 Is / Are there any olive oil?

4 There isn’t / aren’t any vinegar in the cupboard.

5 Can I have any / some lettuce in my sandwich?

6 There are no / any peaches but there are lots of pears.

7 Is / Are there any peas or beans with the fish?

Marks / 7

7 Circle the correct response.

0 Can I help you?

a) It’s £4.99. b) Yes, please. c) Sorry, I can’t.

1 Is this your laptop?

a) No, they aren’t. b) No, they’re my brother’s.

c) No, it’s my brother’s.

2 Who do you go to when you want to look good?

a) a receptionist b) a beautician c) a politician

3 How much is that bracelet?

a) They’re £15.50. b) It’s £15.50.

c) Yes, certainly.

4 Are these Bella’s DVDs?

a) No, it’s ours. b) Yes, it’s hers.

c) No, they’re mine.

5 Is there any vinegar in the cupboard?

a) Yes, there is. b) Yes, there are.

c) No, there aren’t.

Marks / 10

8 Complete the dialogues with the words below.

help / take / lettuce / certainly / that / any / That’s / got / much / each / sorry

Shop assistant: Hello, can I 0 help you?

Polly: Yes, please. How 1 __________ are these bracelets?

Shop assistant: They’re £4.99 2 __________ .

Polly: OK. I’ll 3 __________ two, please.

Shop assistant: Anything else?

Polly: Have you got 4 __________ earrings in this colour?

Shop assistant: No, I’m sorry, we haven’t.

Polly: Oh, dear. Well, how much is 5 __________ altogether?

Shop assistant: 6 __________ £9.98, altogether.

Waiter: Hello, can I help you?

Greg: Yes, please. Have you 7 __________ any chicken sandwiches, please?

Waiter: No, I’m 8 __________, we haven’t. We’ve got beef or cheese.

Greg: Can I have two cheese sandwiches, please, with 9 __________?

Shop assistant: Yes, 10 __________. That’s 4.90.

Greg: Thank you.

Marks / 10


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