Testy Unit test 8

Straightforward Intermediate Unit Test 8

Name _______________________ Score _____________


A Complete the text with words from the box. There are four extra words.

witnesses prison thieves stolen quality one-way

newspapers motorway limit judge headlines evidence

Breaking news

The police are looking for a group of car (1) _______________ who have (2) _______________ more than thirty cars in the last two days. They have already made the (3) _______________ in the national (4) _______________, but we can now bring you the news that there is (5) _______________ that the oldest is probably only 14 years old! Several (6) _______________ have told police that they have seen a group of kids near to each of the cars only minutes before they were stolen. Yesterday there was a high-speed chase down the (7) _______________ with both the police car and the stolen car breaking the 70 mph speed (8) _______________. More on this story in a minute.

B For questions 9-13, which word is the odd-one-out?

(9) a) circulation b) daily c) judge

(10) a) credit b) driving c) ID

(11) a) news coverage b) guilty c) trial

(12) a) journalist b) evidence c) headline

(13) a) motorway b) one-way street c) right-wing

C Complete the text with the correct compound nouns.

In Britain there are many laws connected to driving. It is now illegal to use a (14) _______________ phone while you are driving and you have to wear a (15) _______________. There are lots of

(16) _______________ zones in the centre of towns and cities. You should also be careful because there are often (17) _______________ streets. It's a good idea to take your driving

(18) _______________ with you, just in case you are stopped by the police.


D Choose the correct word or phrase to complete each sentence.

What (19) had / would you do if you saw a bank robbery?

If she (20) hadn't / wouldn't bought the newspaper, she wouldn't (21) read / have read the story.

If I (22) haven't / hadn't listened to you, I (23) hadn't / wouldn't have become a journalist.

If I were famous, I would (24) give / have given lots of money to charities.

I (25) had / would never want to be famous.

If I (26) haven't / hadn't witnessed the crime, the robbers (27) would / had have escaped.

If you were stopped for speeding, what (28) had / would you say?

If you (29) asked / had asked him nicely, I'm sure he would take your photo.

E Read the text and then complete 30-37.

A man who was sentenced to five years in prison by a judge heard yesterday that his sentence would be changed. The unfortunate man, Duncan Smith, had been on trial for stealing a bicycle and then hitting a woman on the head. Mr Smith had never denied taking the bike, but claimed that he had thought it was his as he had an identical one. He admitted hitting the woman but said he had only done it because she had hit him first. The problem with Mr Smith's sentencing came when the jury were reading out their verdict. At the exact moment the foreman of the jury read out `Not guilty' a woman sitting at the front shouted something. The judge didn't hear the word `Not' and thought the jury had found Mr Smith guilty.

If Duncan Smith hadn't hit the woman, he (30) ____________________ have been on trial.

Duncan Smith (31) wouldn't ____________________ the bike, if he (32) ____________________ one that was exactly the same.

If the woman (33) ____________________ him first, he (34) ____________________ have hit her.

If the woman (35) ____________________ something, then the judge (36) ____________________ the correct verdict.

If the judge (37) ____________________ the word `Not', then he wouldn't have sentenced Mr Smith to five years in prison.

Functional language

F Put the words from the box in the correct place in the sentences. Each sentence has one word missing.

want me let kind I 'll

(38) Can get anything for you?


(39) I do that if you like.


(40) me pay for that.


(41) Do you me to take you?


(42) That's really of you.


(43) Would you like to help you?


G Complete the three conversations with words and phrases from the box.

all right Can I Do you want me it's OK

Shall I would be great Would you like

Conversation 1

Dad: Oh dear!

Brenda: What is it, Dad?

Dad: I'm just so tired.

Brenda: (44) _______________ get anything for you?

Dad: No, (45) _______________, thanks.

Brenda: Are you sure? (46) _______________ make some coffee?

Dad: Yes, OK. That would be lovely.

Conversation 2

Brenda: Oh no! I should be at the swimming pool soon.

Dad: Is it your competition?

Brenda: Yes, it is.

Dad: (47) _______________ me to drive you there?

Brenda: Would you? That (48) _______________.

Conversation 3

Police officer: Excuse me, sir!

Man: Yes?

Police officer: I'm afraid you were driving too fast.

Man: (49) _______________ to show you my driving licence?

Police officer: No, that's (50) _______________. Just don't drive so fast again.

Man: I won't. Thank you.

Straightforward Intermediate Unit Test 8 p4


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