Krótkie Testy Sol Upper Int tests short tests unit 7

Unit 7 Test 1


1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the box.

must need should have to

1 You __________________ to take these tablets with water.

2 I don't think you __________________ go outside with such a bad cold.

3 We __________________ give in this work until Friday.

4 You __________________ get in touch if you're ever in the UK.

5 You look really tired. You __________________ go to bed so late.

6 You __________________ take a mobile phone into the exam room.

7 __________________ (you) to see the doctor again next week?

8 I __________________ any more advice about my career, thank you!

9 In my job we __________________ start work at 8.00 every morning.

10 You __________________ worry. We'll be fine!


2 Complete the sentences with the correct words.

1 Sea _________ are already rising around the world.

2 Don's dad has installed solar _________ in the roof of his house.

3 Countries such as China and India are called _________ countries.

4 There's a good documentary on endangered _________ on Channel 4 tonight.

5 Greenhouse _________ contribute greatly to global warming.

Total: ___/15

Unit 7 Test 2


1 Complete the sentences with might, must or can and the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1 You __________________ (know) Brad! He's been at this school for over a year now.

2 He __________________ (not go) home already. It's only 4.00.

3 John __________________ (be) round at Kate's. I think I saw his bike outside her house.

4 Penny ______________________ (practise) a lot. She's really improved.

5 He __________________ (not be) ill. I saw him in the café half an hour ago.

6 They __________________ (change) the website address. This one doesn't work.

7 Bill __________________ (like) Gina a lot. He keeps sending her flowers.

8 Helen __________________ (come) out with us. It depends on her work.

9 You __________________ (have) some money. I lent you £20 this morning!

10 They ______________________ (already leave). I know they're flying off one day this week.


2 Choose the correct answers.

1 You mustn't eat biscuits on a low-calorie / balanced diet.

2 You mustn't eat meat or dairy on a halal / vegan diet.

3 You must eat some of all food types on a vegetarian / balanced diet.

4 I was impressed for / with his computer skills.

5 Everyone should be committed to / by helping the environment.

Total: ___/15

Short test Unit 7

Photocopiable © Oxford University Press Matura Solutions Upper-Intermediate Tests 1


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