Krótkie Testy Sol Upper Int tests short tests unit 5

Test 1


1 Report the sentences beginning with Mike said … .

1 `I'll see you after class this afternoon.'


2 `I told Shona about the party when I saw her yesterday.'


3 I can't help at the moment because I'm too busy.'


4 `My parents won't be arriving until later today.'


2 Report the questions beginning with Mike asked me … .

1 `Where are you going to meet Rita?'


2 `Do you prefer English or Italian food?'


3 `Why did you spend so much money in London last week?'



4 `Could you possibly lend me some money until tomorrow?'



5 `What time shall we meet before catching the train?'



6 `How old were you when you started learning English?'




3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box.

boost pledge ban riddle clash

1 Rival gangs _________ with police outside the club last night.

2 Using hands-free mobile phones while driving will soon be _________ .

3 The Prime Minister has _________ to help those on low incomes.

4 The new advertising campaign has definitely _________ sales.

5 The police are trying to solve the _________ of the stolen lorries.

Total: ___/15

Test 2


1 Report the statements.

1 `Yes, I threw away your old coat.'

Mum admitted ______________________________________________________

2 `Why don't we stay in and watch TV tonight?'

My friend suggested _________________________________________________

3 `Don't hand in your work late or I'll give you extra to do!'

The teacher warned _________________________________________________


4 `I'm sorry I forgot your birthday.'

Tony apologised ____________________________________________________

5 `You must be home by 11.30.'

My dad insisted _____________________________________________________

6 `You've got engaged! That's great news!'

Jane congratulated __________________________________________________

7 `Don't forget to phone Sylvie tomorrow.'

Fran reminded ______________________________________________________

8 `Shall I help you fix your car?'

Geoff offered _______________________________________________________

9 `I haven't received my order yet.'

The customer complained _____________________________________________


10 `Open your books and do exercise 6.'

The teacher instructed ________________________________________________


2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets.

1 There was good ___________ (entertain) at the hotel in the evenings.

2 Brenda isn't a very good ___________ (organise).

3 The local ___________ (reside) complained about the noise.

4 His remarks were extremely ___________ (offend).

5 Do you think it's good for children to be ___________ (competition)?

Total: ___/15

Short test Unit 5

Photocopiable © Oxford University Press Matura Solutions Upper-Intermediate Tests 3


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