SO I U5 6 TestB


1 Track 5 Read the question below. Then listen and match speakers 1-6 with answers a)-h). You do not need all the answers.

Which domestic appliance could they live without?

1 Linda    c 

2 James      

3 Katie      

4 Charles      

5 Victoria      

6 Margaret      

a) microwave

b) washing machine

c) vacuum cleaner

d) dishwasher

e) toaster

f) iron

g) fridge

h) oven


2 Listen again. Are the sentences true or false?

1 Linda's vacuum cleaner is in very bad
condition.   F  

2 James hardly ever goes out to eat in

3 Katie often has to invite her business
clients to her home.      

4 Charles doesn't often use his oven
because it isn't big enough.      

5 Victoria couldn't live without her
washing machine because she has three
young sons.      

6 If Margaret had a microwave, she'd be
able to teach people how to cook.      



3 Track 6 Listen to these extracts from the conversations and write the number of words you hear. Contracted forms count as one word.

1 There isn't one single piece of carpet to clean.

1     9     words

2            words

3            words

4            words

5            words

6            words


Vocabulary and Grammar

4 Match 1-11 with a)-k).

1 nuclear   d   a) aeroplanes

2 out of       b) a queue

3 communications       c) order

4 get on       d) power

5 settle       e) inquiries

6 commercial       f) down

7 try       g) well

8 jump       h) satellite

9 computer       i) on

10 have       j) a discussion

11 make       k) networks


5 Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the word in capitals.

1 Avatar was the most successful film of the year in 2009. SUCCESS

2 I think she's doing                      research at Oxford University. BIOLOGY

3 I suddenly realised they were laughing at my socks. I was wearing a black one and a brown one. I was so                    . EMBARRASS

4 My little girl's just had a measles                      and doesn't feel very well. VACCINE

5                      engineering will completely change the way diseases are treated. GENE

6 He doesn't like his new job at all. He says it isn't very                     . SATISFY


6 Correct two mistakes in each sentence.

1 His house is the most biggest in street.

His house is the biggest in the street.

2 Aconcagua is the more high mountain in South America, is it?


3 If you will arrive before 6.30, I could met you at the station.


4 I think her children are slightly more younger as yours.


5 If you don't say them, they'll never find out, do they?


6 It's most terrible thing I'd ever heard.



7 Underline the correct alternatives.

1 If you 'll pay / paid in cash, we'll / 'd be able to give you a 10% discount.

2 They don't / isn't speak English very well, do / is they?

3 If you take / 'll take antibiotics, your cough will get much / bit better.

4 If we don't / won't win this game, we 'd / 'll be bottom of the league table.

5 She comes / 's coming to the theatre with us tonight, isn't / doesn't she?

6 My new car was less / a little more expensive than I wanted to pay, but it's a lot of / much more economical than the old one.


8 Choose the correct answers to complete the text: a), b), c) or d).

Do you really want to win the lottery?

People often say that all their problems

1        be solved if they 2           the lottery. However, great wealth can bring far 3           responsibilities, particularly if you have a large number of relatives or friends. If you were one of the lucky winners, you 4           to decide how to distribute your new-found millions, and who was 5           deserving of your family and friends. In all probability, you 6           the first few weeks or months having the time of your life: buying 7           hi-tech gadgets, eating in the best restaurants and taking the most luxurious holidays.

8           you're very careful, it might turn out to be a lot less fun than you'd imagined. You'd probably want to do something 9           serious with your money, perhaps donating it to charity. Some lottery millionaires have even returned to their old life, and pretended the dream 10           . You 11           do that, would you?

1 a) will b) are c) would d) have

2 a) win b) won c) 'd win d) 'll win

3 a) great b) greatest c) more great d) greater

4 a) 'd have b) have c) 'll have d) able

5 a) more b) the most c) less d) least

6 a) 'll spend b) spent c) spend d) 'd spend

7 a) the latest b) more modern c) best d) latest

8 a) But if b) If c) But unless d) So unless

9 a) far much b) far more c) little more d) bit less

10 a) will happen b) has happened c) had never happened d) never happens

11 a) won't b) will c) 'd d) wouldn't



9 Match gaps 1-6 in the text with a)-f) below.

Computer technology and happy cows

Cows that milk themselves? 1    b    . Farmers and scientists have created a farm where the cows choose when they want to be milked, using a computerised automatic milking system.

As long as they turn up for milking at least once a day, the cows are free to do whatever they like.

2          ? The animals are first attracted into the building by automated devices like skin-brushing and scratching machines, which they enjoy using. Nearby, there's a robot which scans a microchip in the cow's collar. 3           . If it needs to be milked, the robot machine starts the milking process, while feeding it with a protein and energy supplement at the same time.

4           to use this computerised milking system, and he's very enthusiastic about it. `It's amazing how the cows take to it. They're very organised. Three or four cows will wait patiently to be milked while the others are eating. If they had the choice, I think nine out of ten cows would want to be here! 5          .

It's certainly the biggest step forward in the last thirty years.'

6          . People who support it say the system not only saves time and money, but shows respect for the cows by allowing them to manage their own lives. However, others claim it's just another form of `factory farming', and has a very negative effect on animals.

a) Neil Rowe was the first dairy farmer in the UK

b) This is not science fiction, but a product of 21st century technology.

c) There are now more than 1,200 farms in Europe using the automated system.

d) But how does it work?

e) Our cows are a lot less stressed, and much healthier and more content now.

f) The chip holds information about the cow's milking history and health.



10 Match questions and statements 1-6 with responses a)-f).

1 Do you know when they'll arrive?   b  

2 Would you mind helping me with my

3 I'm pleased to tell you that you've got
the job.      

4 You'll never guess what! I came first in
the exam!      

5 Could you tell me the way to the British
Museum, please?      

6 I'm afraid your car won't be ready until
next Friday.      

a) I'm afraid I don't know.

b) I'm not sure.

c) Well done!

d) That's fantastic news.

e) Of course not.

f) That's really annoying.


11 Match gaps 1-11 in the conversation with
a)-k) below.

A: There's something I've 1    d     tell you.

B: Oh, no! You 2           crashed the car again, have you?

A: No, 3           not! It's the washing machine. It 4          . Perhaps I filled it too much.

B: 5          ! It'll cost at least £80 just to get somebody to come and look at it.

A: I know. Could 6           at it now?

B: OK. But would you 7           the washing machine instructions for me first?

A: OK.


B: I've got 8           news. The washing machine's working!

A: You're joking! Did you 9          ?

B: I didn't have to. I just 10           it on and it worked normally.

A: That's fantastic! 11          !

a) That's awful

b) mind finding

c) fix it

d) got to

e) haven't

f) you look

g) Well done

h) some good

i) tried switching

j) of course

k) 's stopped working



12 Complete Rachel's letter with the words in the box.

Maybe possible likelihood perhaps

in all probably

Hi, I have a problem. My cousin Sharon lost her job about six months' ago and had nowhere to live. 1 Maybe it was the wrong thing to do, but I felt sorry for her and invited her to stay with me. I thought that 2                probability, she'd find another job quite quickly - but she's still here! She's applied for nearly fifty jobs, but hasn't found one yet. Now she just watches TV all day and sleeps.

In all 3                she's depressed, or it's 4                that she's just using me. I don't know. I should 5                talk to her and tell her she needs to find somewhere else to stay, but I don't want to hurt her feelings. I keep hoping that 6                she'll find a job soon.

I don't know what to do. Can you give me some advice?



13 Write a letter of advice to Rachel about her problem in Exercise 12. Write 100-120 words.

Hi Rachel,





























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