angol Science gr1


You will watch a DVD presenting first living organisms on Earth. Before you watch do the following vocabulary tasks.

Task 1A Match the synonyms of the following nouns and adjectives.

harsh catastrophe favourable single-celled multi-celled globe hindrance surge

increase -... obstacle - ....

disaster - .... unicellular - ...

multicellular -... earth - ...

severe - ... advantageous - ...

Task 1B Match the synonyms of the following verbs.

endure dwell start advance flourish clump crush anihilate manufacture retreat

wipe clean - ... stick - ...

produce - ... take off - ...

live - ... bloom - ...

move forward - ... move back - ...

survive - ... destroy - ...

Task 1C Translate the following phrases.

favourable conditions

global surge in volcanic acticity

ice-dwelling organisms

microbes began to bloom across the globe

advancing glaciers

Task 1D Match the English translation of the Polish phrases.

bogaty w minerały deep-freeze

przebarwienia greenhouse effect

zamrażać nutrient-rich

zdolność adaptacji discoloration

wody roztopowe adaptability

taśma klejąca potent fertilizer

dno morskie meltwater

efekt cieplarniany sticky tape

silnie działający nawóz sea floor

Task 2 DVD watching.

1 . drop stones glacier glaciation melt sediments ice age ice cap Snowball Earth pole

2. stomatolites Columbia Icefield in the Rocky Mountains microbiologist

3. This part of the film describes the end of the Ice Age. Put the events in the correct order.

4. Australia's Barrier Reef fossil sponge enable tangle colagen

David Attenborough describes one simple multicellular organism which has remained unchanged for 600 million years - a sponge. Listen and complete the information about sponges.

or a .....................................................................................................



Taxonomy is defined as the systematic classification of organisms based on their similarities.Biological systems of classification are hierarchical,with the basic units,called taxa .

In such a system,grouping genera (sing. genus) into the larger,more inclusive taxa known as families is an effective way to remember and study their characteristics. Families of organisms,such as `legumes' and `squirrels', include many genera and have characteristics of their own. Thus,the oaks (Quercus),beeches (Fagus), and chestnuts (Castanea) are grouped, along with other genera,into the beech family Fagaceae because of the many features they have in common. Similarly,the tree squirrels (Sciurus), Siberian and western North American chipmunks (Eutamias) and marmots (Marmota) are grouped with other related mammals in the family Sciuridae.Knowing which family a genus belongs to immediately comunicates many of the genus's characteristics.

The taxonomic system also includes several more inclusive taxa than families, making possible more efficient communication about organisms.Families are grouped into orders,orders into classes, and classes into phyla (sing. phylum). The phyla, in turn, are grouped into kingdoms, the most inclusive units of classification.

Task 1 Put the taxa(for classifying animals) from the text into the right order, starting with the most inclusive one.

KINGDOM ...……………………….

…………………. ………………………….

…………………. ………………………….

…………………. ………………………….

…………………. ………………………….

…………………. ………………………….

SPECIES ………………………….

Now classify the following representative organisms:

homo / primates / chordates (chordata) / homo sapiens / mammals (mammalia) / hominids (hominidae) / animals (animalia)

Look at the more detailed classification of `pinus silvestris' . Complete the chart with the following words:

pinophyta / sosna zwyczajna / pinaceae / order / subkingdom / iglaste / pinus / genus / spermatophyta / gromada / sosnowce






vascular plants






nagonasienne drobnolistne













pinus silvestris


During the past fifty years,biologists have recognized that the most fundamental distinction among groups of organisms is not that between animals and plants, but rather that which separates prokaryotes and eukaryotes.

Biologists have recently divided bacteria (previously called Monera) into two separate kingdoms: Kingdom Archaebacteria - it possesses unique genetic machinery and metabolism, archaebacteria are found in extreme environments and under conditions with no oxygen or in highly acid environments; and

Kingdom Eubacteria - they do not have these unique characteristics of archaebacteria, thay can be found everywhere, some are helpful (e.g. produce vitamins), and some might be harmful (e.g. cause disease).

In the six-kingdom system of classification,the array of diverse eukariotic phyla consisting predominantly of single-celled organisms is assigned to kingdom Protista. Three major multicellular lines,each with a great many species,are assigned to separate kingdoms: Animalia, Plantae, and Fungi.

Kingdom Protista contains a wide variety of microscopic organisms that display different physical characteristics,modes of nutrition,and lifestyles. In older systems of classification,all photosynthetic protists were called algae (sing. alga), and the traditional name for heterotrophic protists is protozoa or protozoans.

Kingdom Plantae contains multicellular plants with several common characteristics.They can photosynthetically manufacture their own food; their cells possess cell walls made of cellulose and other polysaccharides; they are generally immobile, and they have a characteristic life cycle.

Kingdom Fungi contains multicellular fungi and a unicellular group, the yeast.Fungi are generally filamentous in form, and they exhibit a particular mode of nutrition; fungi secrete digestive enzymes that break down food particles into smaller pieces,which the fungi then absorb.Fungi are important ecologically because they are decomposers;that is,they break down dead organisms and return organism nutrients to the ecosystem for reuse.

Kingdom Animalia contains multicellular organisms whose cells lack cell walls.Of all the kingdoms,animals are set apart by the possession of a nervous system,which can often be complex.Their mode of nutrition is ingestion: animals take food into their bodies,and digestive enzymes break the food into smaller particles internally.Most animals are highly mobile and can move around easily.

Task2. Find nouns for the following adjectives and put some of the words into the sentences.

taxonomic - .... various - ...

hierarchical - .... cellular - ...

nutritious -....

  1. Hummingbirds have discovered that nectar and pollen are very nutr……………………….. .

  2. Because of his poor nutr…………….....………….. , he has grown weaker and weaker.

  3. Reptiles survived and increased in number and var………………...………… .

  4. The body colour of some animals is vivid and var……………...…………… .

  5. Vitamin deficiency results in a defect in ce………...……………… function.

  6. They are studying the chemical processes inside the ce…………………………. .

  7. Many species have close sim…………………………...... with one another.

  8. Burmese and Siamese cats are very sim…………………....….. in appearance and size.

Task 3. Find the missing word (verb, noun or adjective) and then put the right word into the sentences.


classify ………………………… classifying / classified

include inclusion ……………………….

…………………… evolution evolutionary

photosynthesise photosynthesis ……………………….

..................... possession possessive

characterise ………………………… characteristic

……………………. manufacture manufacturing/ manufactured

digest digestion …………………………..

decompose …………………………….. decomposing/decomposed

distinguish …………………………….. distinguishing/ distinctive

……………………… division dividing / divided

1. How would you char……………………......………….. the town from that picture?

2. We are going to study all the char………………..........………… that distinguish birds from other animals.

3. The proposals inc……………………...….. the nationalization of major industries.

4. For hundreds of years London poss…………….....………….. only one bridge.

5. I had in my poss……………......…………….. a portion of the money.

6. The book is about the div………………...……..……. of physical science into chemistry and physics.

7. At this stage of development the cells begin to div………………......……… rapidly.

8. The process of de…………………………. takes place when living matter dies and changes chemically.

9. The body was so badly de…………....……………….. that it couldn't be identified.

10. I failed the exam when I was asked about the body's di………………………. juices.

11. A good walk and some exercise help di…………......……………….. .

12. Striped skin is a dis…………………...…………… feature of tigers.

13. During his illness he found it difficult to dis…………......……………. reality from dreams.

Task 4. Match the words and translate the phrases into Polish.

wall / system / food / dead organisms / celled/ nutrition / enzymes / characteristic

single - ………………………………….. - …………………………………..

mode of …………………………………. - …………………………………..

cell ……………………………………… - …………………………………..

secrete…………………………………… - …………………………………..

nervous………………………………….. - …………………………………..

physical…………………………………. - …………………………………..

manufacture…………………………….. - ……………………………………

break down……………………………… - ……………………………………

VI. Give opposites.

narrow - ………………………….. mobile - ………………………..

simple - …………………………... harmless - ………………………

minor - ……………………………. with difficulty - ………………………



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