2005 Test




Full name in CAPITAL BLOCK LETTERS .....................................................................

Task 1 Write the exponential form of

0x01 graphic

Task 2 Find all the complex roots of the polynomial

0x01 graphic

and determine their real and imaginary parts.

Task 3 Sketch, by shading the appropriate area of the complex plane, the set

0x01 graphic

Task 4 Find the rank of

0x01 graphic

Task 5 Solve the following system of equations using the Gaussian elimination method,

0x01 graphic

Task 6 Find all the solutions of the following system of equations

0x01 graphic

Justify your answer using the Kronecker-Capelli Theorem.

Task 7 Determine, if it is possible, the elements of the matrix M, if

0x01 graphic

where I is the identity matrix, 0x01 graphic
, 0x01 graphic
, 0x01 graphic


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