2005 Test 2 B



Full Name and Group:

1. (12p) Find the values of the parameters a and b for which the set of solutions of the following system a) has one element , b) has an infinite number of elements, c) is empty.

3x - 2y + z = b

5x - 8y + 9z = 3

2x + y + az = -1

2. (7p) Solve the following matrix equation

0x01 graphic

3. (6p) Find the determinant

0x01 graphic

4. (7p) Is set W a linear subspace of R3,

0x01 graphic

5. (6p) Find the value a for which the vectors:

v1 = (1,1,a), v2 = (2,1,4), v3 = (4,2,8)

are linearly independent.

6. (6p) Determine the dimension of the linear subspace

0x01 graphic

7. (6p) The coordinates of the vector a relative to the unit basis are (2,3). Find the coordinates of a relative to the basis: u=(1,1), v=(-1,3).


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