is there a god

Is there a God?

The following work will prove that the existence of all-PKG God is impossible. For this purpose, I will present evidence supporting my thesis and I will try to refute arguments which are against it. I will focus primarily on the issues of evil, the infinite and complex structure of the world and illogical "omnipotence" of God.

The first point is to clarify the term of an all-PKG God. It is an abbreviation of all-powerful, all-knowing and all-good. By definition, such God should be omnipotent, omniscient and perfectly good at the same time. But is it possible from a logical, rational point of view?

First of all, the existance of omnipotent, omniscient and all-good God would contradict the existence of evil, because the assumption about these features leads to the deduction that such God would not permit it. Following this line, the existence of evil makes the existence of a God impossible. After all, we come to the conclusion that God is either unable (which means he is not omnipotent) or does not want (so he is not all-good) to remedy the problem of evil.

It is said that evil is the consequence of man's free will or a lack of good enabling people to see the contrast between good and evil and a free choice between them.

But can we speak about any man's free will, not rejecting the thesis of God's omnipotence, omniscience and mercy? The assumed omniscience leads to a conclusion that God- creating a human- knows in advance how they are going to behave and according to which values they will live their life. One would not have any influence on what they are. Their personality (and therefore all choices they make) would be the result of divine actions and decisions. Would perfectly good God permit the existence of an imperfect human who renounces moral principles and does evil? Thus, being all-powerful (ie, being able to create an ideal man- good and kind), he becomes responsible for the existence of evil deeds. Merciful God, who deliberately calls evil into existence, is contradictory and even paradoxical.
Also, the understanding of evil as a contrast enabling us to see a splendor of the good is illogical. Since our life is pre-defined by the omniscient God, evil instead of leading us toward good only condemns us to meaningless suffering- after all, assuming the existence of all-PKG God, we are all powerless.

The second argument supporting my thesis is the fact that most of phenomena, previously interpreted as an evidence for the existence of God, can be explained in a scientific manner.

Believers claim that the complexity of the world proves the existence of God. According to them, the incredible precision in with which the Earth meets the requirements necessary for the survival of living organisms can not be accidental, and therefore the universe had to be designed by a conscious being who, morover, still affects on the processes occurring in it. The human brain is to be a perfect example, it is examined in a very small degree and, at the same time, which has the main function in the body. This highly developed and sophisticated organ is to be the evidence for the existence of some higher intelligence.

I do not understand, however, the willingness to equate the complexity of the world with the existence of God. Why to exclude a coincidence, since the transition from the assumption that the world is rational to belief that it is a creation of God is much less logical? While believers answer the unexplained processes with divine action, atheists see that simply as gaps of science. Once godly powers were attributed to almost all natural phenomena: rain, sun, storms, etc., but with time these processes have been examined and rationally explained. Currently, there is no difference- the fact that we do not know the causes of certain phenomena does not mean immediately that God is the aswer for them. Our ignorance is only the evidence that science still has not reached an adequate level to understand the problem. Lack of information on the topic does not constitute any proof of the existence of God.

Finally, if we take only logic for consideration we have to admit that the whole notion of “omnipotence” is irrational and impossible. For example, would God be able to create a thing that he cannot destroy? On the one hand, he should be, because he is all-powerful. On the other, inability to do with this object whatever he wants makes him helpless. We come to the conclusion that God cannot be omnipotent.

I presented only a few main evidences proving impossibility of existence all-PKG God. However, in my opinion, they are sufficient to illustrate the contradictions and lack of logic in believing that there might be God who is omniscient, omnipotent and merciful at the same time.

Katarzyna Dobrowolska DSL2


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