Novell NetWare Troubleshooting TCP IP

Troubleshoot Novell TCP/IP network errors with TechRepublic's checklist

Just as with Windows or Linux systems, TCP/IP network configuration issues can prove quite frustrating to solve on Novell networks. TechRepublic's Steven Pittsley (a CNE himself) knows Novell administrators can save time if they follow a troubleshooting checklist. He's created the following step-by-step guide, which you can use the next time your Novell network experiences TCP/IP problems.

Please note: If you're experiencing TCP/IP troubles on a Windows or Linux system, check out TechRepublic's TCP/IP Checklist.

What changed last?

We do not live in a perfect world. Equipment breaks or software changes are made, and it's up to us to resolve the ensuing problems. When we're faced with network troubles, our first step should be to answer one simple question: What changed?

Many times, the answer to this question will provide the resolution to our problem. This guide offers some straightforward troubleshooting steps to help diagnose and resolve problems on misbehaving Novell TCP/IP networks.

Determine the scope of the problem

When troubleshooting any problem, take a moment to absorb the big picture. Is one user or a single system affected, or does the problem have an impact on the entire department? First, call the Help Desk to see if it is receiving similar complaints. Determining the scope and nature of a problem will allow you to diagnose and resolve any issue correctly and efficiently.

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Single-client problem

If a single client is having connectivity problems, you can follow these steps to restore network service to your users and systems.

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Department or area connectivity problem

When one or more segments of a TCP/IP network lose connectivity, the problem usually lies with the network equipment. Here are some troubleshooting tips that can help you isolate the problem and restore connectivity to your users and systems.

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File server TCP/IP problem

Once TCP/IP is configured and working on a file server, you normally won't have many problems with it. However, occasionally something is changed and problems arise. Here are some tips to help you troubleshoot these problems and restore network service to your users or systems.

These troubleshooting steps may not solve all of your connectivity problems, but they should provide you with a good starting point. Hopefully, you will never need to use them. But as we noted earlier, we do not live in a perfect world.

Steve Pittsley is a CNE and desktop analyst for a Milwaukee hospital. When he's not troubleshooting TCP/IP challenges, he enjoys playing drums, bowling, and most sports.

Novell TCP/IP checklist


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