tests 3 audio

New Exam Connections 3 Tests audio script

Track 3.01

Exam Connections Pre-Intermediate. Unit 1. Test 1.

Reader In a shopping centre

Nelly Hi there, Tom.

Tom Hi Nelly. How's it going?

Nelly Great, thanks. How about you?

Tom All right.

Nelly Tom, this is my friend Laura. Laura, this is Tom. We play basketball together.

Tom Hi Laura. Nice to meet you.

Laura Good to meet you, too.

Nelly Would you like to come to the café with us?

Tom Well, why not? Are you going now?

Laura We want to buy some new CDs and then we'll go.

Tom OK. I'll meet you in the café. I'll buy a present for my friend. It's his birthday tomorrow.


Reader In a café

Tom Hi girls. Sorry I'm late.

Nelly Don't worry. What did you buy for your friend?

Tom I bought him a Terry Pratchett book. He loves fantasy. And what CDs did you buy?

Nelly I didn't buy any, but Laura found a new James Blunt album.

Tom Great! I'd like to listen to it one day.


Tom This place is really nice.

Laura And the coffee is great.

Nelly I like the cake, too.

Tom Well, cola is just cola but it's quite cheap.

Laura We must come back here again.

Tom Good idea.

Track 3.02

Exam Connections Pre-Intermediate. Unit 2. Test 2.

Police officer I understand that you saw the robbery.

Jessica We didn't see the robbery. We saw the robber when he was running away from the shop.

Emily He was running very quickly and that's why we looked at him.

Police officer OK. So, what did he look like?

Emily It was hard to see him clearly but he was tall.

Jessica Yes, and he was quite well-built.

Police officer Was he young?

Jessica I think he was about twenty. What do you think, Emily?

Emily Yes, I think he was quite young.

Police officer Did you see his face?

Emily He had big dark glasses and a hat.

Jessica I didn't see his face. But I remember what he was wearing because it was all black.

Emily Yes, he had black trousers and a black jacket.

Jessica But his trainers were blue.

Emily I remember that, too.

Police officer Can you tell me anything else about him?

Emily I don't know. It all happened so quickly.

Jessica I remember one more thing. He had long hair.

Emily You're right! And it was dark, like his clothes.

Police officer Thank you, girls. You helped a lot.

Track 3.03

Exam Connections Pre-Intermediate. Unit 3. Test 3.

Sarah Excuse me. Can you help us?

Woman Yes, of course.

Sarah We've just arrived in York and we'd like some information about the city. We love sightseeing.

Woman You've come to the right place. There's a lot to do and see here. To begin with I'd suggest a walk around the city walls.

Daniel Is it long?

Woman About three miles. And remember to visit Clifford's Tower, a part of the old castle. It stands on a hill. After the walk, you can relax in a little tea shop in The Shambles.

Sarah What are The Shambles?

Woman It's a very old and very narrow street. Tourists always go there.

Daniel And what is the Yorvik Centre?

Woman It's a Viking museum and a great attraction. Inside, they have recreated the sounds and smells of old times.

Sarah Smells? Hmm…. Well, I'll try it.

Woman You can't miss York Minster, a large Gothic cathedral where the bells can play both Beethoven and the Beatles.

Daniel That's very interesting. I think it's enough for one day.

Woman I'm sure you'll enjoy yourselves. You can take some brochures with you.

Sarah Oh, and what's this?

Woman It's the National Railway Museum. You can see historical trains there. It's near the station so you can visit it on the way back if you have time.

Daniel Thanks a lot! Let's go!

Sarah Yes, thanks. It's going to be a long day!

Track 3.04

Exam Connections Pre-Intermediate. Unit 4. Test 4.

Olivia You know, Tony, I've joined the Greens.

Tony Greens? What do you mean?

Olivia I mean Greenpeace. You know, people who care about the Earth.

Tony Well, I think that everybody does.

Olivia That's not true. We keep destroying our planet. We have to stop it.

Tony Words, words, words. Can we save the forests? Can we stop all natural disasters?

Olivia Leaving rubbish in a forest is not a natural disaster.

Tony I never leave anything.

Olivia Maybe you don't but some people do. They ruin the countryside.

Tony It's part of modern life. Where can you find unspoiled places?

Olivia That's the problem! We're turning the world into a rubbish dump!

Tony But we can't stop it all.

Olivia We can't stop it all but we can help.

Tony But how?

Olivia We can recycle our rubbish.

Tony OK. I always put paper, plastic and glass in special banks.

Olivia That's great! You can save electricity.

Tony That's not much.

Olivia But if everybody does it, we can save the world. I believe it.

Tony I'll think about it.

Track 3.05

Exam Connections Pre-Intermediate. Units 1-4. Cumulative test 1.

Presenter Hello listeners! Many of us like crime fiction. Some of us even like to meet and discuss the books we have read. Today our visitor is Tom Rider, the chairman of the PD James Book Club.

Tom Hello.

Presenter Tom, can you say a few words about PD James and his books?

Tom Her books, in fact. PD James is short for Phyllis Dorothy James, an English crime writer born in Oxford. She also had a political career in the House of Lords.

Presenter Oh, I didn't know that. Does she also have favourite detectives like Agatha Christie's Hercules Poirot?

Tom She does! Her favourite detective is a policeman and a poet, Adam Dalgliesh, who appears in most of her books. But, like Agatha Christie who created a woman detective Miss Marple, PD James wrote two books with a woman solving the crime.

Presenter How interesting! Is the woman also a police officer?

Tom She is more of a businesswoman. Her name is Cordelia Gray and she has her own detective agency.

Presenter Does she ever meet Adam Dalgliesh?

Tom She does. In the book An Unsuitable Job for a Woman.

Presenter Do you think that Agatha Christie's and PD James's books are similar?

Tom Not really. The similarity is that both writers like to have a closed group of suspects and the reader can try to solve the mystery with the detective. But I like PD James more because her stories are more modern.

Presenter Can you tell us one story?

Tom That would be too complicated but everybody is welcome to join our club.

Presenter Thank you very much for your invitation and for coming to our studio.

Track 3.06

Exam Connections Pre-Intermediate. Unit 5. Test 5.

Journalist Good morning, students. I'm writing an article about the jobs that young people want to do in the future, and about their work experience. Can you please say your names and a few words about your work experience?

Jack My name is Jack. I help my grandparents on their farm. It's not a real job but it's hard work.

Journalist Would you like to be a farmer?

Jack No, I wouldn't. I like it in summer but I'd really like to be a computer programmer.

Alice I'm Alice and I made a home page for my uncle's company website. They liked it and they paid me some money. But this is not my ideal job. I'd like to have my own business like a bar or a restaurant.

Jennifer My name is Jennifer. I helped the doctor on a trip to Slovakia. I was a volunteer. When tourists hurt themselves or were ill the doctor told me what to do, how to help. He was always with me but I did most of the simple things like cleaning or bringing medicine.

Journalist Would you like to be a nurse?

Jennifer Yes, I'm thinking about it. It may be a good idea.

Tom I'm Tom. I play in a band. It's a hobby, really, but it's also my dream to earn money as a musician - have a job and a hobby in one.

Kath My name's Kath. I worked as a secretary in an office. It was OK, but I don't know what I'd like to do in the future.

Journalist Are you going to go to university?

Kath Yes, I'd like to study languages but I wouldn't like to be a teacher. It's hard work, I think.

Journalist Thank you very much. I hope you will all find perfect jobs in the future.

Track 3.07

Exam Connections Pre-Intermediate. Unit 6. Test 6.

Jake You know, Sue, next weekend a group of students from Bristol are going to visit our school.

Sue That's nice.

Jake Yes, but I have to plan the weekend for them.

Sue Well, there are lots of things you can do in Gdańsk. I can go with you. When are they coming?

Jake Friday afternoon. I'm meeting them at the airport in the afternoon and then we're going to their hotel.

Sue They'll be tired I think, but we could take them out for a meal.

Jake Yes, definitely. I know a nice place where you can get very good fish.

Sue But what if they don't like fish?

Jake Then we'll find something else. It's not a problem here. On Saturday, if the weather is good, we can go to the seaside.

Sue Sounds good. We'll take a walk and, maybe, rest on the beach.

Jake But it will be boring to spend the whole day on the beach. In the afternoon, we'll go to the Old Town. There are lots of shops where they can buy souvenirs.

Sue And why don't we go to Gdynia on Sunday?

Jake Yes, that's a good idea. We can see the port and the ships. One of them, the Błyskawica, is a museum. I think they'll like it.

Sue And if we have time we can see the Gdynia Aquarium where they have the largest collection of fish in Poland. Do you think we can go to the Musical Theatre in the evening?

Jake I don't think so. They're leaving for Warsaw on Monday morning so they'll probably go to bed early.

Track 3.08

Exam Connections Pre-Intermediate. Unit 7. Test 7.

Grace Have you heard? They're building a new shopping centre!

Pete That's good, isn't it?

Grace Good? They are building it in the park by the river.

Pete But the park is big enough. There will be enough space for a shopping centre.

Grace You don't understand! A shopping centre means more cars and more pollution and more noise. This will affect the park. Did you know it's a habitat for nightingales?

Pete No, I didn't. But it's the price you pay for progress.

Grace We pay all right. But why do animals and birds have to pay the price, too? A shopping centre will damage the environment. Trees will be cut down and the birds will leave the place.

Pete Well, I don't know. People like to go shopping. You love it!

Grace Yes I do, but I want to protect the environment, too. It's bad enough already. We must try to reduce pollution and noise to save the animals that are still alive.

Pete But what can we do?

Grace We can protest, write articles saying what we feel. We have to live in this world. We can't just watch it being ruined. I can't.

Pete I think you're right. Do you think I can join your environmental club?

Grace You're very welcome!

Track 3.09

Exam Connections Pre-Intermediate. Unit 8. Test 8.

Alice The teacher told us to write about our best friend.

Jack That's OK, isn't it?

Alice Not really, because I don't know whom I should write about.

Jack What do you mean?

Alice You know my best friend at school is Anna. We work together, go out, talk about school.

Jack So write about her.

Alice But there's Emily. She's been my friend since we were small. She knows all my secrets and I know hers. We can always trust each other.

Jack That makes two best friends.

Alice And Lily. She's my cousin but she's also my friend. We always spend the holidays together at our grandma's. We chat on the internet almost every day. And there's another problem. Tom will be upset if I don't write about him.

Jack Tom is your boyfriend. That's different.

Alice A boyfriend is also a friend. Tom is. We talk about everything, even clothes and football.

Jack So write about all four of them.

Alice But when I have a really big problem, I go to my mum. She helps me to think clearly. She never tells me what to do but lets me decide. Of course, I can talk to Tom and the girls, but mum always supports me even when I do something wrong. She says I have a right to be wrong. Do you think I should write about all of them?

Jack Well, that will be a long story!

Track 3.10

Exam Connections Pre-Intermediate. Unit 9. Test 9.

Paul Hi Anna! That was really good. I didn't know you played the guitar so well.

Anna Oh, I don't know. I've been practising for a year but I'm still not quite happy.

Paul I think you were great. It was Layla, wasn't it? Do you like Eric Clapton?

Anna Well I think that every guitarist is keen on playing Clapton's music. But I prefer Carlos Santana.

Paul Carlos Santana? He was popular in the 1960s, wasn't he?

Anna I don't mind listening to old music. In fact, I listen to it a lot. My parents are really into soul music and they love Aretha Franklin.

Paul And do you like listening to her music?

Anna She is a great singer and I enjoy her music. The problem is that my parents can't stand rock and I love it. I'd like to buy an electric guitar and play it.

Paul And who's your favourite guitarist?

Anna There are many. But one of my best records is a live album from 2001 by a woman, Kelly Johnson.

Paul I've heard about her. She was American, wasn't she?

Anna No, she was born in England and started with the band Painted Lady. Then she moved to Los Angeles where she stayed and played the guitar for about ten years. Then she returned to England.

Paul That's interesting. Not many women play rock.

Anna I know but I love it. It's loud and full of energy. One day I'll play rock, too.

Track 3.11

Exam Connections Pre-Intermediate. Units 5-9. Cumulative test 2.

Tom Hi girls! What are you doing on Saturday?

Emily I don't know. I haven't got any plans.

Lena I was going to go to the cinema.

Tom Cinema can wait. There's a great concert in the park.

Emily Oh, I've heard about it. It's a Spanish band, isn't it?

Tom Yes, it's Chambao. They come from Malaga.

Emily Do they play flamenco? I'm not very keen on it.

Tom They play electronic flamenco. It's great! You'll love it!

Emily Oh, OK, I'll go and see. What about you, Lena? Why don't you come with us and go to the cinema next week?

Lena I'd prefer to see Avatar. I like science fiction. And I've never heard of that group.

Tom I've got an idea. Chambao is here only on Saturday, so let's all go. And then we could go to the cinema on Sunday.

Emily Excellent! What do you think, Lena?

Lena OK. How about asking Jake to come with us?

Tom Jake is coming to the concert. He likes electronic music. He's going to get the tickets tonight. I'll phone him and tell him to buy four instead of two.

Emily Are the tickets expensive?

Tom Not very, but we'll have to stand or sit on the grass. You can dance, too.

Lena Dance? Great!

Tom I think we should take jackets. It may be cold in the evening.

Lena I'm not taking a jacket. I won't need one if I can dance.

Emily Me neither. I'm sure we'll have a good time. I can't wait.


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