Literatura brytyjska Aga Sz

Literatura brytyjska

The Dream of the rood”-title is divided

of Christian and pagan it is anonymous.

Dream -vision convention means that the

speaker of the poem for asleep and he has

a dream and he tells the dream to reader

and he dreams about cross. The Tree is

a symbol of the cross where the Jesus has died.

The man admired the cross he is religious

In his dream he looks at the cross and

Suddenly the cross started to speaks.

The cross is personified here he has

human quality and feelings typical for human.

He is both proud and scared.

The cross has black nails this is a symbol of human

sins .According to the cross Jesus death brought him


Caedeman's hymn-religious work the first

song of praise in England literature. It was

written by Caedemon who according to

historical sources was given a talent of

praising God . God is presented of creator

of all miracles.

Riddles -kind of entertainment typical types of riddles

“Beowulf”-it was written down in the 7th or 8th

century and it tells the story of fourth century and

Beowulf it has included fantastic elements, present

myths and legends from Scandinavia and England.

Presents geography of those countries.

This work belongs of the kind heroic epic and it

Presents the mixture of pagan and Christian elements.

The story begins with pagan elements. It is a pagan

funeral of the king-the body was put on the boat

and it was on fire.

This work described the monster Grendel the king Hrothgar

and knight Beowulf. Grendel is compared to Kain

because he killed people.

Beowulf was a very warrior famous and brave. The strongest

man galland and bold, he had the best weapon. B. is very

self-confident he was fight Grendel alone . Finally B. wins

and is happy.


-the work presents the idea of brave warrior who not only

fights people but also monsters. He is legal and he is

ready to

-the work includes come Christian elements like:

the act of creation, Grendel compared to Kain and B.

sword has a picture presenting Biblia flood .

The language of B. called Kennings which are

Compound words the men -devourer (Grendel)

The ring-giver(King), the swam-road(sea)

Middle ages

Church the most important institution

It was responsible for spiritual life. The majority

of work was anonymous, one the most popular

was the ballads.

Medieval ballads was called folk and traditional

ballads. First was oral and then written down

and we can find several versions of one ballad.

The subject was taken for every day life.

In the majority of ballad we can find as called

incremental repetition it was a refrain each time

with slight changes.


-the form is simple and regular

-typical stance consist of four lines

-usually in the first and third there are

eight syllabus , while and the second and the

fourth are 6 syllabus.

-clear and definite beat,

-the meter is usually iambic

-the lang. is simple and alliteration is replace

The pearl”

The whole poem consist of 101 parts. Each stance

Consist of 14 lines, there is also incremental repetition.

This is example of utopian writing. It is anonymous.

There are three possible interpretations

Literally interpretation

The man had a pearl and he lost its summer in the

garden. The pearl is a very precious object.

Second interp.

The pearl is the name of the man daughter. She is

precious, maybe she has died.

Third interp.

The pearl means religious faith the man lost his

faith in the garden.

This poem is written in two conventions:

-dream vision

-field full of folk

Means that the speaker falls asleep and in his sleep

He sees field full of folk the panorama of society

and he criticized different classes of society and

different professions.

The part of Entertainment- the speaker criticized

entertainers , the speaker called them the children

of Judas. They make people fools and they earn money.

In the II part he criticized the civil servant.

This people who work for the king. They served

King's money. The most important in the III part

The speaker prizes good deeds. The whole poem

Critic of different professions and the prizes of

faith and good deeds.

Medieval drama

Is divided into

1.Miracle Plays

2.Morality Plays

is strongly connected with the church.

ad.1 were based on Biblia or on life on Saints.

The first Plays were performed on Corpus Christi Day

And they were known Quaen quaerits? and there were very often

Virgin Mary who was looking for Jesus after his death.

She met an angel on her way who ask her(who are you looking for?)

She answers she is looking for the Christ stone and an angel

Tells her about resurrection. The typical subjects of Miracle Plays are:

-the crucifixion

-judgment day

the Plays were performed on special platforms. The most popular Miracle

Plays were Noah, Second Sheppard's Play.

Ad.2 . Were very often

allegory which presented the struggle between God and Devil.

They usually protagonist was men king or every men.

The other protagonist are angels, devils, death.

Every men is represented of human kind.


The Messenger introduces the audience to the faith

Where God created Man. The Man was good.

The God said that the all creature are not good.

God is angry and criticized men and their behavior.

Every prepared for the meeting. Nobody can go for

Everyman. Only good deeds can go to the God

with Everyman.

Everyman uses allegory and allegorical are:

-the names of the characters

-sins which are bounds that tie good deeds

to the ground

-life is a struggle between God and Evil

-salvation is the central purpose of life

-thinks of the world are unimportant

-the church is necessary guy of to salvation

Baulk at - wzbraniać się

Drain - odpływ ,studzienka ściekowa


Swine flu- świńska grypa

Threat - zagrożenie

Hyde- szum

Circus strain-mild -

Circus strain deadly-

Immune to - odporny,nieczuły

To contract disease - zarazić się

Be infected- zarazić się

Pick up - złapać wirus

To pass on - przekazać

Stomach bug - rozstrój żołądka

Antiviral drugs- leki antywirusowe

Medicin- lekarstwo

To come down with disease- zachorowac

To fall ill- zachorowac

To fall behind in work- to catch up- nadrabiać zalgłości

I come down with flu, I had typical symptoms, fortunately I fully recover but I fall behind in work . Zachorowałam na grypę ,miałam typowe objawy, na szczęście w pełni wyzdrowiałam ale miałam zaległości w pracy I musiałam je nadrobić.

Vulnerable- bezbronny

Variety- odmiana

Strain- odmiana,szczep

Combination genes- łączenie genów

Phenomenon - zjawisko

Bacterial - bakteryjny

Habitat - środowisko naturalne

Inhabitant- mieszkanka

To carry genes- przenosić geny

To swap genes- wymieniać

To transfer information- przekazywać informacje

To pass on - przekazywać informacje

Genetic engineering - inzynieria genetyczna

Hybrid- skrzyżowanie

Make experipment- przeprowadzać doświadczenie

To study sth- badać

Research into- badania naukowe

Do research - prowadzić badania

To explore- to study In depth - dogłębne badanie

Resistant to disease - odporne na choroby

Susceptible to - podatny na

Immunity resistance- odporność

To be immunity- być odpornym

Chemical compound- zw. Chem.

Oxygen- tlen

Inject- wstrzykiwać

tissue- tkanka

cell- komórka

useful for medical experiences - użyteczny do medycznych eksperymentów

saving dying spices- zachoeanie gatunku????

Rotten - zgniły ,zepsuty

Foresee- foresaw- foreseen- foreseeing - przewidywać


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Licenjat 2011 Literatura brytyjska literaturoznastwo spis książek z sygnaturą (Uni Wrc)
sz literatura folia
PRACA NA 4 RECE (aga)(1)[1]
Metaphor Examples in Literature
Literature and Religion
rycerz w literaturze europejskiej
2011 09 22 Rozkaz nr 904 MON instrikcja doświadczenie w SZ RP

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