Unit Test 9

Straightforward Advanced Unit Test 9

Name _______________________ Score ______/50_


A Complete the text with the words or phrases from the box. Each word can only be used once. There are four extra words and phrases.

built-up conveniently cramped enthusiast gloomy up-to-date property run-down squatters threadbare overgrown tastefully thatched house-hunting out-of-the-way

In the last few months I've been (1) _______ as I now think it's time to buy a place of my own. Like most people in their 20s it's quite difficult to get on the (2) _______ ladder as prices are really high. At the moment I'm living in a dark and (3) _______ one-bedroom flat with my girlfriend. There's not much space and we're both fed up of the (4) _______ conditions. I've just looked at two properties that are on the market and I'm not sure which to choose. The first is in rather an (5) _______ place, but it's absolutely beautiful. It's a typical (6) _______ cottage in a small village. The garden is fairly (7) _______, but apart from that everything else is fine. The other one is a house that is (8) _______ located in the town centre, but it's quite (9) _______ and needs lots of work done to it. I know you think I'm a bit of a DIY (10) _______, but even I don't know if I can manage. Apparently it used to have (11) _______ living in it and they obviously didn't care about it, but then that's probably why it's not so expensive.

B Replace the underlined words in each sentence with a similar word or phrase from the box. Each word or phrase can only be used once. There are three extra words and phrases.

brightly-lit cheesed off comfortably off indoor out-of-the-way

newly outspoken rickety tastefully up-to-date worn out

(12) What's wrong with you? You look really annoyed.

(13) I wouldn't sit on that chair if I were you. It looks pretty unstable.

(14) John isn't popular with everyone. I think he's too honest for some people.

(15) She's just moved into one of those recently built flats in the city centre.

(16) I've been working so hard recently and I'm absolutely exhausted.

(17) Now that she's got that new job she's got enough money.

(18) Even though he's rich, his flat is nicely furnished.

(19) I'm going on holiday to a really remote place.


C Choose the correct modal verb to complete the sentences.

(20) Eco-friendly vacations will / would become the norm in the next ten years.

(21) If you wouldn't mind waiting, I'll / I'd really appreciate it.

(22) Shall / will we go to Greece this year?

(23) They shall / would often stay at the same hotel as they found it convenient.

(24) I'll / I'd talk to Mum later tonight, so I can give her the news then. Is that okay?

(25) Shall / Will I help you?

(26) Shall / Would you pick up the tickets at the travel agents, please?

(27) She will / would keep on ignoring everything I say!

D Match the functions in the box to the sentences in exercise C.

a) typical annoying behaviour b) suggestion c) intention d) request

e) offer f) habitual behaviour g) prediction h) willingness

E Rewrite the sentences starting with the words in bold so that the meaning is the same as the original.

(36) I won't go there again.

On no account _______________________________________

(37) Paris had never been so popular.

Never before _______________________________________

(38) We had only just arrived when it started to rain.

No sooner _______________________________________

(39) I'll move in with you when you finish decorating the place.

Only when _______________________________________

(40) I never thought about the consequences of my behaviour.

At no time _______________________________________

(41) You rarely get a second chance, so I'd make the most of this opportunity.

Rarely ____________________________________________________

Speech features

F Complete the conversation with words and phrases from the box. Each word or phrase can only be used once.

that so on and stuff I mean kind of

or anything whatever sort of thing know

Alan: So Gary, you're into all this experimental travel (42) _______ like that.

Gary: Yeah! I think it's great (43) you _______.

Alan: But how did it all start?

Gary: Well, for me I just got fed up of going to the same kind of places. (44) _______, who wants to

carry on going to the same places or (45) _______ year after year?

Alan: Ok, but surely it's good to plan some things.

Gary: Oh, I don't know. Things can get rather boring, so sometimes it's just great to forget planning

and all (46) _______, and just go for it.

Alan: I really don't know if I could do that (47) _______.

Gary: Sure you could. You'd really enjoy it.

Alan: Well, tell me about your last holiday. Try and convince me.

Gary: Ok, to start with I wasn't sure where I wanted to go. I knew I wanted something different - not

the (48) _______ place you'd normally choose. So I got out an atlas, opened it at a page and just

pointed. I ended up going to Greenland.

Alan: Wow! Had you ever done that before, (49) _______ similar?

Gary: No, but that's part of the fun. Roll some dice, open an atlas, point (50) and_______.

Alan: Amazing. And where are you going this year?

Gary: I'm staying at home.

Alan: What?

Straightforward Advanced Unit Test 9 p3


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