Unit Test (2)

Name ________ Date


Section 1: Listening (Tapescript 78)

Listen and complete the sentences.

(1) Louise says she can't go to the gym because she's too ________.

(2) She says she has got too much _________.

(3) And she's got a bad _______.

(4) She can't go swimming because she's got a _________.

(5) She can't go dancing because she's got a bad ___________.

Section 2: Grammar and Vocabulary

Complete the text using a word from the box.

foot hands toes arms leg knees


Follow these simple instructions to improve your energy levels. First, stand in front of a chair with your (6) _________ on your hips. Now fold both (7) _________ across your chest. Bend your (8) _________ and sit down. Keeping your left (9) _________ on the ground, put your right (10) _________ straight out in front of you. Bend your body and try to touch your (11) _________ with your left hand. Now do the opposite with the other leg. Then relax.

Complete each sentence using should or shouldn't and one of these verbs:

go do start eat buy

Problem Advice

(12) `I need to lose weight.' `You ________________ less.'

(13) `I've got exams next week.' `You ________________ studying.'

(14) `He wants to look more informal.' `He ________________ some trainers.'

(15) `The sea is very cold.' `We ________________ swimming'.

(16) `I'm always very tired.' `You ________________ some sport.'

(17) `Some people are still eating.' `You ________________ smoking'.

Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first sentence. Use two words only.


I'm not as old as my sister.

My sister is ……………………………………. me.

My sister is ……. older than ……………...me.

(18) Jane isn't old enough to see this film.

Jane is _______ _______ to see this film.

(19) I'm too fat to wear these trousers.

I'm not _______ _______ to wear them.

(20) Angus is too short to join the army.

He isn't _______ _______ to join the army.

(21) Carol is too poor to buy these shoes.

She hasn't got _______ _______ to buy them.

(22) Fred hasn't got enough free time.

He's got _______ _______ work.

(23) My car is too small to take everyone.

It's not _______ _______ to take everyone.

Section 3: Reading

Read the text and match the words in the box to the descriptions of the people.

loyal unsociable impulsive dominant selfish shy confident


(24) _____________

Mark's a friend who is full of ideas and energy. The other day, he just woke up and decided it would be fun to go to France for the day. So he phoned me and asked me to go with him. He didn't want to go on his own, of course. He does things like that all the time.

(25) _____________

I know this guy called Jeremy. He's not really a friend, more of a friend of a friend. He's funny and quite good-looking and he's quite popular but I don't like him because of the way he behaves. The thing is he never thinks about anyone else. Only himself.

(26) _____________

Teresa really likes going to parties, dancing and having fun. With her friends, she's always laughing and joking. The only problem is that she feels very uncomfortable with people she doesn't really know. She just stops talking and doesn't even know where to look. It's a bit embarrassing, really.

(27) _____________

Every time I'm in trouble, and that's quite often, I know who to call: Diana. She's always there when I need her, day or night. In fact, I don't know what I would do without her. I know I'm lucky to have someone like her as a friend.

(28) _____________

Gavin always seems to know what to say and, more importantly, how to say it. Put him in a party and he'll soon have a group of people standing around him, laughing and enjoying themselves. He's charming and he knows it.

(29) _____________

Bruce likes things to be a certain way - his way. He always wants to tell people what to do. He listens carefully to other people's opinions but he then likes to take the decisions himself. He's kind and helpful, but he always has to be the leader.

(30) _____________

Oswald is a very old friend. I don't know why I go to see him, actually. He sometimes just sits there and doesn't say a word. He stares at the television. It's no good suggesting we go and meet other people. He's not interested.


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