THE 17TH CENTURY (1603-1625)

-Jacobean Age

-Baroque- word from Portuguese= a rough, unpolished pearl

*it suggest Massiveness, Picturesqueness, complexity, obscurity, extravagancy


*some elements of baroque can be found in Shakespeare's plays:

*double acting characters in his dramas

*Disquises- misunderstandings in comedies

*Elaborate Lg

*unexpected conclusions

^John Webster

*his tragedies took place in Italy because that time this place was associated with corruption

-“The White Devil”

*story about love between Brachiano and Vittoria

*B murders his wife Isabella to be with V

*V husband is killed by B brother

*V is killed by I. brother

-“The Duchess of Malfi”

*an artistic woman who commits a MISALLIANCE

*she married a steward- Antonio against her brothers wish

*2 brothers punish her

*they hired criminal to kill A and his family

*in the end Bossola kills Cardinal, other brother goes mad and kills B and goes mad


*dealt with Metaphysical questions about: mystery of death, the afterlife

*the most striking characteristic of their poetry was the CONCEIT- from the word “concept” which means extravagant, grotesque, surprising idea in the form of metaphor, comparison, hyperbole or oxymoron)

*style was obscure, mystery, intellectual with deep meaning

*many ideas from Scholaticism

^JOHN DONNE (G.Herbert, R.Crashaw)

~Talented preacher in church

-“The Flea”

*this poem is a grotesque, quite shocking, metaphorical

*poet addresses it to his beloved

*he want to make love with her, but they are not married yet so she refuses

*poet suggest that they are already united, because their blood have been mixed in a flea

*lady wants to kill the flea, but poet says if she do it she will kill 3 lives,

*poet says his beloved is cruel- she killed flea

*flea was innocence shouldn't die

-“A Valediction Forbidding Mourning”

*kind of farewell that forbids mourning, poem was written because of real occasion

*Donne had to leave his wife at home and travel to the continent,

*he wants to leave her without tears, emotions because strong emotions are harmful to their love

*in this poem occurs the most famous metaphysical metaphor: the lovers who are separate are compared to the pair of compasses- they never lose contact with each other, they may wander but they will be spiritually connected - his wife is the fixed foot and the poet is the roaming foot- it suggest they are inseparable, the circle is the symbol of perfection, perfect union.

-“Holly Sonnets” -> sonnet 14

*poet will be free of sin if God takes control of him

-“Hymn to God, My God, In my Sickness”

*Donne composed it when he was mortally ill

*he speaks of his death in terms of joining God's choir

*simile-comparisons are used

*the poet is turning his instrument- means he is purifying and getting his soul prepare for death

*more complex conceit->comparison= the poet compared to the map, doctors to geographers, illness to the journey.

*poet knows after death he will discover Other World

*he knows he must die in pain

*death connected with the resurrection- but there is no return from death but it doesn't scare the poet, he is not sad- he hopes he will be rebirth.

*this is a Sermon to his own, sinful soul


*group of poets supported King Charles

*secular poets

*main subject of their poems was LOVE

*style was clear

*mostly SONGS-short, rhythmical, musical poems, attractive in sound, elegant in phrasing,

*but intellectually thin, shallow

*ideas from: Classical mythology

^BEN JONSON (R.Herrick, T.Carwer)

-“Queen and Huntress”

*rhythmical poem

*titled Queen= Elizabeth I

*poetic Tribute of the Queen

*references to mythology: Diana/Cynthia-> goodness of moon, woods, animals and chase

*Suggestion: Queen Elizabeth I as Artemis

-“Song to Celia”

*Celia beloved of poet

*cealum= in Latin means heaven Celia connected with cealum

*poet want her love, she is precious to him

*only pure love no physical contact, love of souls

*Jupiter- love is mentioned

*print of her lips in the cup

*he is ready to die just to kiss her

*in the last stanza it is mentioned that Celia is a real women not a spirit.

-“To Penshurst”

* titled P. is a proper name= of a manor that belong to sir Phillip Sidney(Renaissance poet composed sonnets)

*poem shows the closeness with the classical source

*classicism- the place is described in a detailed and orderly way

*a sense of Hierarchy is there- starts with nature/grass from small items to bigger

*nature->animals->humans (servants-> ends with lords)

-“To the Memory of my Beloved Master William Shakespeare”

*elegy- dedicated to S.

*elegant, homage, tribute paid to W.S as the greatest dramatist ever

*Jonson claimed that S. doesn't belong to one age only but his genius is timeless and he belong to all Mankind

~Ben Jonson was also a PLAY WRIGHT

*he composed MASQUES- of Italian origin, but became very popular in the 17th century- in England

#MASQUES-dramatic entertainments, in which the spectacular and musical elements were more important than plot or characterization, masques involved dances and disguises.

-“Blackness” and -“Chlorydia”


*satirized human eccentricities

-“Everyman in this Humor” - (Shakespeare took part in this play)


~Tragedies written by Jonson dealt with classical history- but unsuccessful -coz of classical limitations


*the greatest English poet ever, supported Puritans

*he was apart from this 2 groups of poets, he was independent

*inspired by the Classic Masters and Traditions of the Reformation

*after becoming blind he continued to compose, dictate things to his secretary

-“L'Allegro”(-cheerful) and “Il Penseroso”(pensive) -Idylls

#IDYLL- is of ancient origin, firstly composed by Theocritus a Greek poet who lived in 3rd century b.c.; a short poem describing a picturesque, rustic scene and idealizing life in the country


*there are some characteristic features of Milton as a poet

*references to Greek and Roman Mythology he associated melancholy with Stygian Cave “styx”- mythological river in Hades

*musicality- sensivity to sounds; Morning described by onomathopeias

*Milton had the eye of the painter- his landscapes are very picturesque, he used the effects of light and shadows

*plot: we see country people at play not at work->they are as in holiday


*an epic poem, long divided into 12 books

*1st 3 books devoted to Satan

*book4 Satan enters Paradice

*book5 and 6 the war in Haven

*book 7and 8 describe Creation

*book9 deeals with the Loss of Paradise-> Adam and Eve expelled from Paradise

*books 10,11,12 presents the history of mankind

*P.Lost belongs to the same group as “Beowulf” -Epic Poems

*it's large in characters/events/ settings/effect

*it has supernatural apparatus

*all components of epic poetry are there: great warriors, war, love, journey, adventures

*the warriors: Satan, God, but also Adam-> he's heroic character, because he picks the burden of his sin and tries to overcome his weaknesses and to find his way back to God

*Milton refers in that book to political situation also


*prose work in which Milton defended the freedom of the printed word

*it's written in blanc verse, short

*it's addressed to the highest legislative authority in England- Parliament

*it's important work because of it's message

*Puritans practiced of LICENCING BOOK- censorship

*Milton appealed to the Parliament dominated by Puritans to abolish the Censorship

*he gave 3 reasons:

I.censorship was originally introduced by the Catholics will only provoke anti puritan publications will stop the progress of the truth

*this was very courageous voice of the Puritans and the censorship

THE 17TH CENTURY (1603-1625)




-“The Flea”

-“A Valediction Forbidding Mourning”

-“Hymn to God, My God, In my Sickness”







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