Fashion Show
Presenter 1: Daisy White
Presenter 2 : Rose Pink
fashion critic: Mickey Smile
models: Jessie Paper, Mark Skate, Kate Beads, Becky Scarf
fashion designer : George Style
Presenters: Ladies and Gentlemen…
Presenter 2: Welcome to our Fashion Show. My name's Rose Pink and this is Daisy White.
Today we are presenting the collection of a very famous designer : George
Presenter 1: And this is our fashion critic: Mickey Smile.
Mickey Smile: Hello everybody! I love you!
Presenter 1: Here are the models. Look at them!
Jessie Paper: Hello. My name is Jessie Paper. I am twenty years old.
I come from Alaska. I am very happy to be here with you. I like…
Presenter 2 : O.K, O.K. Thank you very much. Just go and present your clothes.
Presenter 1: Jessie is wearing a very practical dress for sunny days ( it's made from a few newspapers)
Mickey Smile: (sprinkling the model) Look! It's raining.
Jessie Paper: Oh, I love my job.
Presenter 2 : And here's our second model - Mark Skate ( he's got some balloons attatched to his elbows and knees)
Mark Skate: Hi, I'm from Germany. I like skateboarding but sometimes it is very dangerous
so I must protect myself.
Presenter 1: As you can see Mark is wearing a very fancy dress.
Reporter: Just a minute. I want to ask you some questions. My name's Christine. I'm from
Viva Press.
Mark Skate: Why me?
Reporter: Because you are very popular in Poland.
Mark Skate: Oh, I didn't know about it.
Reporter: My first question: Is it difficult to be a model?
Mark Skate: No, no.It's very easy. I like my job.
Micky Smile: We'll see.
Mark Skate: And I have many fans and lots of cash…
Mickey Smile: Lucky man!
Reporter: Have you got a girlfriend?
Mark Skate: Yes, I have. she is very beautiful and she loves me very much.
Mickey Smile: She must be very, very blind.
Reporter: Are you on a special diet?
Mark Skate: No, I eat everything.
Mickey Smile: Fatty!
Reporter: Thank you very much.
Mark Skate: Thank you.
Mickey Smile: Hey, I like your balloons.( she is gong to prick some of Mark's balloons.)
Presenter 2: Watch out!
Mark Skate: It wasn't funny.
Presenter 2: Our next model is Kate Beads.
Kate Beads: Hello, I'm from India. My hobby is collecting beads.I'm very happy to show
you some of my collection.
Presenter 1: Kate is wearing a universal dress for a party girl.
Mickey Smile: Party girl? She looks like a Christmas tree!
Presenter 1: Well, now we are having a short break. Listen to our super star: Enrique Iglesias.
Presenter 2: Welcome back. Now it's time for our next model.
Becky Scarf: Hello. My name's becky Scarf. I'm from Italy. I have sixty-seven scarves and
today I decided to show you some of my collection.
Presenter 1: Becky is very inventive. I am sure this dress will be fashionable in 2020.
Mickey Smile: Oh, yes it is true.
Presenter 2: Thank you for watching our show. Here's the person who designed all the
Mickey Smile: Thank you, thank you.
Presenter 2: No, it's not you , get out!
Presenter 1: The famous fashion designer: George Style.
Reporter: I'd like to ask you a few questions. Please sit here in the Big Star Corner.
George Style: All right.
Reporter: Do you like your job?
George Style: Yes, I do. I love my job.
Reporter: When did you start your career?
George Style: Five years ago.
Reporter: Where do you live?
George Style: In Los Angeles.
Reporter: Is your life easy?
George Style: Yes, it's nice and easy.
Reporter: What can you tell us about our village?
George Style: It's small and quiet. People are very nice here.
Reporter: Thank you very much.
George Style: Thanks.
Presenter 2: This is all for today. Thank you very much.
Presenter 1: See you next year. Goodbye.
Opracowanie: Monika Ratajczyk